they had fallen in love and were meant to be and by that September they were engaged to be married. They knew in their hearts that God had brought them together that summer and their personalized wedding vows reflected this assurance:
| | Minister: "Will you, Warren Riopel, have Verna Plett to be your wedded wife, and do you solemnly promise that you will loyally fulfill your obligations as her husband, to protect her, to honor her, and to cherish her in adversity as well as in prosperity, and to keep yourself unto her alone so long as you both shall live?"
| | Warren: "I will."
| | Minister: "Will you, Verna Plett, have Warren Riopel to be your wedded husband, and do you solemnly promise that you will be unto him a tender, loving and true wife, in sunshine and shadow alike, and to be faithful to him so long as you both shall live?"
| | Verna: "I will."
| | Warren (to Verna) and Verna (to Warren):
| | "_____________________, I acknowledge God's presence in our lives and I believe that He has led us together to share our lives with each other, so I pledge to you my undying love, my respect, my devotion, and my life, without reservation from this moment on. I promise that, with God's help, I will be a faithful, loving wife / husband, and that whether times are easy or hard, I will always remember that each of us is meant for the other, with Christ as the head of our home."
By the way, Verna still teaches school and they live in her home on the 19 acres where Warren is now a full-time dairy farmer. She's still feeding him pretty good, and if you should happen to drive out their country road some warm