Committed (Book 2) (30 Days) (10 page)

BOOK: Committed (Book 2) (30 Days)
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It’s six am but I’m too excited to sleep. Long after she fell asleep I snuck out of bed and put out a stocking for her. The presents were all under the tree but I wanted to surprise her with a stocking so I waited until I could get it in the living room without her knowing. It took a lot of thought to figure out what I should get her on the heels of our trip. I tried to keep things small since she said I’d already done too much but I couldn’t help myself. I made her a new list of crazy things for us to do together, although it’s only twelve things long instead of thirty. I have no idea how she came up with thirty things the last time, it’s really hard to think of things like that. I burned her a CD of all her favorite songs to listen to at the shop and I got her a pair of half carat diamond earrings. I hope she likes them. She doesn't really wear much jewelry but what she does is understated and simple and I’m hoping these will fit her style.
Her lashes fan out across the tops of her cheeks and she makes a perfect pout when she sleeps deeply like she is right now. Her breaths are soft and silent, cheeks flushed and she looks perfect. Brushing a lock of hair from her shoulder I let my lips graze the hollow where her neck meets her shoulder. She stirs but doesn’t wake up. I trail feather light kisses from her shoulder down her arm across her hip and to the small of her back where the blanket rests.
“Merry Christmas.” She murmurs breathily. I scoot up the bed and kiss gently kiss her.
“Merry Christmas babe.” I caress her side and thigh drawing random patterns on her skin as she reluctantly wakes up. Kissing her softly she quietly moans urging me on. We make love quietly on-and-off all morning until she informs me that we really need to get up. Instead of wearing my tee shirt like most mornings she tugs on leggings and an oversized sweater before brushing her hair and teeth.
“Why so formal?”
“I...uh....want to take pictures.” She stutters strangely.
“You don’t have to dress up, just you know, be picture appropriate.” She says and exits the bathroom to start a pot of coffee.
“Is this for me?!” She squeals from the living room. I poke my head out of the bathroom to see her holding up her stocking, green eyes sparkling.
“Yup.” I run my hands through my hair, tug on a pair of jeans and pull a sweater over my head before joining Elle in the kitchen. There are four mugs on the counter and glancing into the living room I can make out four stockings now as well.
“Ah, you having math issues dear?” I joke.
“Why is there four stockings...and mugs?”
“Oh. Just cause.” She pats my butt as she moves around me to make herself a coffee. I shrug it off and slide another mug to her so she can pour mine as well. Reaching for the creamer there’s a knock at the door. I stop, peer around the fridge door and look at Elle.
“Ah...Elle?” Abandoning the coffees she scrambles to the door.
“Surprise!” In walks my Mom and Dad, both beaming with shit eating grins. Dad scoops Elle up into his infamous bear hug while Mom scolds him to put her down and let her get a look. Elle just giggles and gives me a big smile.
“Hi guys.” I stride over to greet them and get my own hugs.
“Can you even believe how perfectly adorable she is?!” My mom gushes as if Elle isn’t standing right next to her.
“Can I get you both some coffee while you settle into the living room?” Elle asks.
“Yes we both take it black.” Dad answers. As Elle retreats to the kitchen Dad winks at me and pats me on the back. “She is a keeper.” I shake my head at him and lead them to the living room. Propped on the couch are two stockings with their names on them and in the arm chair one for me. She out did me again.
“Here you are Mrs. Wilder, Mr. Wilder.” Elle hands them each a mug with a warm smile.
“Please! Pam and Kevin.” Mom corrects her. She nods her affirmation and takes a seat on the floor between my legs.
“We are just so pleased to finally meet you dear.” My mom is a gusher and she is currently outdoing herself. “Thank you so much for thinking of us and arranging everything!”
“You’re very welcome Pam. Family is really important to me and I couldn't imagine Colin missing a Christmas with his parents but since he’d already made up his mind I thought maybe I could surprise him with you.” I lean down to her ear. “You paid for their trip?” I whisper. She nods her head. I can’t believe she went through all the effort of getting my crazy parents here just to surprise me. Her thoughtfulness never runs out. I kiss the top of her head and sit back letting everyone fall into easy conversation with each other.
Elle pops in cinnamon rolls after everyone’s settled and acquainted. The smell makes my stomach growl in protest. In the time it takes for the rolls to bake we all dig into our stockings. I pause every few seconds to take in Elle’s face as it lights up with every little thing she pulls out of her stocking. To my surprise she somehow made my parents stockings perfect for them. Having never met them before I would have expected more generic type stuff in theirs but she clearly snooped around and learned some of their quirks. Mom of course gushes over every little item making Elle blush ten shades of red at being the center of so much attention. When the timer on the oven sounds I jump up to take them out and spread the gooey icing all over them.
“Hungry?” My dad teases.
“Worked up an appetite this morning.” I wink. Elle just showcased another four shades of red causing my dad to chuckle and pat her back. We eat a quick breakfast together. The banter light and happy as my parents deliver blow after blow of embarrassing childhood stories before we collectively agree to start in on the presents. I notice Elle snapping shots with her camera on her phone every so often and each time a warm soft smile spreads over her face. My parents brought us each a gift. Elle’s a hand knit afghan in emerald green because of the eyes my mother had heard so much about. Elle immediately wrapped it around her reveling in the softness of it. Dad gave me a five hundred dollar check to accompany Mom’s gift of a proper winter coat. Finally I’m able to give Elle her presents. As she tears the paper on the mix CD I can’t help but be nervous. I really want her to like these things. A smile takes over her features and she looks up to me.
“This is awesome! Are these really the songs?” She asks pointing the paper insert I created.
“Yup. I noticed you needed some music at the shop.”
“It’s perfect Colin. I love it.” She moves on to the small box and carefully removes the wrapping. When she sees the velvet box her eyes go wide and I instantly hope she doesn’t assume it’s an engagement ring. I don't want her to be disappointed. My mother and Elle’s gasps fill the silence as her eyes well up.
“These are stunning Colin. You shouldn't have.” She leans forward rocking up on her knees and kisses me wholeheartedly. Completely forgetting about my parents I kiss her back with everything I have not wanting the moment to end. My mom clears her throat and my dad fake coughs interrupting our moment. Elle immediately pulls away flushed and looking guilty. I can't help but chuckle in response. With my parents here I decided to wait and give her the list after they leave. It’s something that is just for us.
“Well go on... open yours!” She pleads, excitement lacing her words. I tear open the wrapping on a tiny box clueless to what I could possibly want that would fit inside. Carefully removing the white lid I pull out a key with a keychain in the shape of a house attached to it. I look up to her and hear the camera shutter of her phone snap my picture as I make a confused face. Laughing she hands me an envelope. Still unsure as to what this key could possibly go to I open the envelope and read the enclosed paper.
“202 Sheerwater Way.” I say still baffled.
“Are you all up for taking a quick drive?” She asks looking to each one of us.
“Yes!” My parents answer together.
“Ah... sure.” I say.
Pulling on my new coat we all file down the stairs and to my car. Once we’re all buckled I quickly make the short drive to the address.
“Pull in the driveway.” Elle says softly. I do as I’m told and follow her lead as she gets out of the car. She walks to the front of the car and wraps her arms around my waist. “Welcome home.”
“WHAT?!” My mother squeals.
“The closing at the end of January but it’s ours. That key doesn't actually go to the door but I have the lockbox code so that we can take a tour.” She says hesitantly.
“You bought me a house?” I deadpan.
“I bought
a house.” Looking down at her in complete shock it hits me that she's fidgeting and nervous. She’s waiting on me to know if this was too much or just right. I scoop her up bridal style kiss her and move us up the walk to the door. “This is incredible. You are incredible.” I whisper before setting her down to fiddle with the lock. My mom’s sniffling behind us makes me chuckle. She’s a total sap and this is maxing out her romance quota I suspect. The door swings open to an open airy entry way. The first floor is an open floor plan which I love and has vaulted ceilings, fans and custom lighting throughout . There are three large bedrooms, two bathrooms and a real cook’s kitchen. The patio out back has just enough yard surrounding it before a wide path that leads to the ocean. I could have never dreamed up a more perfect combination of all Elle’s wants and mine into a house. My parents stumble around mumbling about this and that and how wonderful the whole thing is while I stand at the end of our tour watching Elle stare out the French doors at the water.


“I don't have words.” He wraps an arm around me and pulls me close.
“You don't need words.”
“You’re sure you want this? Us? A house together?” He questions.
“I’m more than sure. There are no limits to how much I love and want you Colin.” I stare up into those amazing hazel eyes and hope he knows how much that statement is true. Leaning down to capture my lips he kisses me breathless.
“This might be the Christmas of all Christmas’s babe.”
“We still have a lot of awesome firsts to experience.” I tease.
“Like what?”
“I can’t give away all my secrets.” I tell him smiling coyly. Really I just don’t want to send him running in the other direction. We still have marriage, hopefully, babies, and a full life together. I can’t imagine one without him in it so I’m really hoping I don’t lose him.
Twenty four hours later we say goodbye to Colin’s parents, promising to visit soon and are able to sit back and relax together. Colin’s been waiting for them to be gone so he can give me my last present. I’m not sure what could be so personal that he doesn't want his parents seeing but regardless I’m excited to see what it is. The diamond studs catch the light, sending sparkles flashing in the bathroom. They are gorgeous and I haven't taken them off since he gave them to me.
“You ready?” He calls from the living room.
“Coming!” I scurry out to him and sit Indian style on the couch next to him. He hands me an envelope.
“Open it.” I tear the corner of the flap and run my fingers along the inside to tear it open cleanly. I remove a folded piece of paper, unfold it and can’t contain the gasp that escapes me.
The list brought us together in ways I didn’t think were possible. It seems like a shame to not continue on. I propose we make a list on New Year’s every year of 12 things to do. One thing each month. Will you do them all with me?
1. skydive
2. streak
3. find dream beach house
4. run a 5k
5. visit a nude beach
6. adopt a puppy
7. learn to waterski
8. hot air balloon ride
9. take a race car driving class
10. parasail
11. take a language class
12. get motorcycle licenses
“I’m speechless.” My mouth still hangs open. The absolute shock at his thoughtfulness and kindness leaves me stunned as I read and reread the list.
“Is that a yes?”
“Yes!” Colin pulls a pen from his back pocket and crosses out the beach house.
“You sorta already did that one, let’s just count it as January’s.” He chuckles as tears stream down my face.
“And here I thought you just didn't want me opening some racy lingerie in front of your parents.” I snort while wiping away the tears cascading down my face. Colin’s thumbs come to my cheeks swiping away the remaining tears as he gently pulls me to him.


Everything about this man is custom made for me. His kisses, his warmth, his kindness, his solid body, the way his touch elicits the strongest responses from me, it’s as if he’s the other half of my soul. I let the list drop between us as his tongue searches out mine and my hands tangle in his hair. The light trail of his fingers burns a path across my skin as his fingers travel south slowly undressing me. I’m panting and breathless by the time he finishes devouring me. His body strewn heavily across mine feels divine and I can’t think of a single moment in time where I felt more loved.
The next two days fly by at work. I love the CD Colin made. It’s got all my favorites from
I will possess your heart, I love it, Voice on tape, Smile, Lovesong , I won’t give up
and a handful of other songs I adore. The music definitely improves the mood of the shop and helps pass the time. I’m surprisingly busy filling orders for New Year’s gatherings around town. By the time six rolls around on the twenty eighth my feet hurt and I’m bone tired but Jenna, Sarah and I are due to meet so we can carpool to the mall for gown shopping and drinks. Colin arrives at six fifteen and escorts me to Jenna’s apartment while badgering me about going when I’m so clearly run down. I badger him right back and tell him to go enjoy beers and video games because I’ll be fine. By the time Jenna opens her door to usher me inside Colin’s all but given up on me staying home tonight. I kiss and hug him goodbye with the promise of catching up on sleep tomorrow.


“Are they always like that?” Sarah questions watching Colin and Elle do their little goodbye routine. I groan and laugh.
“Yup. They are disgustingly sweet on each other. Eventually that will wear off... I hope.”
Sarah laughs and razzes Colin about being a girl before he can duck out.
“Sorry ‘bout that... he’s worried I’m wearing myself too thin.” Elle yawns.
“Hey! None of that! We have dresses to try on and drinks to down!” I scold.
“Let’s go then.” She waits as Sarah and I grab our coats and bags. “Anyone mind if I nap on the way there?” She chuckles half seriously.
“Don’t even think about it. We need details on Christmas events!”
The mall is like a sauna. Hot, humid and packed. We elbow and hustle our way through the corridors until we reach Cache. At least it’s not busy in here. Looking around Sarah has clearly encountered sticker shock.
“Hey, don’t look at the tags, try on whatever suits you and then we’ll worry about that later.” Elle coddles her. With wide eyes she nods her head and starts pushing through the racks and pulling out dresses as Elle and I do the same.
“Ohhhh... you have to try this one.” Elle hands me a sapphire blue floor length gown with light beading at the bust line. It’s gorgeous and right up my alley.
“Thanks.” I say adding it the never ending pile in my arms of things to try on. It takes us an hour to get through all the dresses but we were determined. Elle settled on a stunning champagne colored scallop beaded slip dress with spaghetti straps and a blouson top. My gown is a navy blue
draped one shoulder mesh dress with an allover sequin cluster pattern and elastic blouson top and Sarah chose a gold foiled jersey halter dress with pleated skirt. Each dress fits us like a glove and above all else makes us feel hot. The sales clerk rings up the three dresses and before anyone can titter Elle pays for all three.
“I have to pay you back.” Sarah pleads with Elle.
“Nope! Just buy yourself some hot shoes to go with the dress and we’ll call it even.”
The waiter brings our martini’s to the table interrupting Sarah’s whining and with a wink and a round of thank yous leaves us.
“Sarah, you won't win. Just shut up and agree to buying yourself shoes.”
Elle giggles at my blunt statement and narrows her eyes at Sarah. “Yeah Sarah...listen to Jenna.”
“Fine.” Sarah huffs.
By the time we’ve all finished our drinks, each found the perfect pair of heels and driven home it’s well past ten. We drop Sarah at home and continue on to my place. Ben and Colin are outside waiting for us when I pull up to park. Shuffling bags and my purse I teeter carefully onto the sidewalk.
“Successful trip?” Ben asks.
“Totally. I’m going to be smokin’ hot!”
“You’re always smokin’.” Ben takes my bags from my hands and kisses me before nodding night to Colin and heading inside.
“Thanks for driving.” Elle says leaning into Colin looking sleepy.
“Sure thing. See you in a few.” I wave as Elle and Colin head down the street.

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