Command and Control (108 page)

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Authors: Eric Schlosser

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Castro, Fidel, 288

Cervantes, Manuel, Jr., 311

Cesium-137, 139

Challe, Maurice, General, 260

Chambers, William, 425–26


as SAC safety measure, 93, 97, 113, 191, 209, 297, 375, 473

and Titan II accident, 58, 68, 209, 227, 428

Chelyabinsk-65 accident, 467

Cheney, Dick, 454–55, 476

Chernenko, Konstantin, 451

Chernobyl accident, 452

Childers, Allan D., Lieutenant

biographical information, 9–11

control center, return after explosion, 428–29

decontamination of, 427–28

evacuates Titan II site, 67–70

at ghost site, 22

on nature of accident, 64–65, 102

Titan II accident response by, 34, 57–59, 64–68, 110, 115–16

Titan II assignment, xv, 8, 11–12, 18–20

Titan II explosion, 395–96, 400–401


no-first-use pledge, 477

nuclear weapons of (2013), 477

as U.S. missile target, 11

Christal, Ronald W., Sergeant

expertise of, 390

Titan II explosion, 398, 400

Chrome Dome, 307, 315

Chrysler Corporation, 182

Churchill, Winston

first strike support by, 82

on hydrogen bomb dangers, 141–42

on Iron Curtain, 80

Circular Error Probable, 225

Cities, bomb destruction, social impact of, 119–22

Civil defense drills, Operation Alert (1955), 143–44

Clark, Charles E., Captain, 215

Clark, Judy, 61

Clark, Steve, 113

Clay, Lucius D., General, 84

Clay, Raymond, Major, 307–8

Clesner, George, Lieutenant, 315

Clinton, Bill

as Arkansas governor, 113–15, 433

and Titan II accident, 237, 386, 429–30

Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 115

CNN, Titan II accident coverage, 431–32

Cold War.
See also
Soviet Union;
specific events

Berlin blockade, 84, 92, 278–87

Carter era climate, 13–17, 364

Cuban missile crisis, 12, 288–97, 462–63

deterrence during.
Deterrence strategy

end of, 455, 459

Iron Curtain, 80

Korean War, 99, 125

in Latin America, 288–89

popular culture during, 14–17, 298–99, 304

Soviets and roots of, 80–81

U.S. decline in influence, 13

Vietnam War, 304

Collins, Larry, 14

Combat crew

tasks of, xv, 8–9

training of, 11–12, 18

Command and control

communication problems of, 154, 448

drill, mistaken as weapons launch, 448–49

and Eisenhower, 158–59, 165, 206–7

elements of, 93–94

Global Command and Control System, 474–75

Global Strike Command, 474

Kennedy/McNamara assessment of, 271–75, 279–82, 302–3

launch-on-warning policy, 357, 359–62

military versus civilian control issue, 77–78, 87–88, 94, 125–26, 157–59, 165, 206–7, 355

National Strategic Response Plans, 457

NATO problems, 255–56

Nixon/Kissinger assessment of, 353–55, 361

normal accident theory applied to, 461–63

Operations Plan (OPLAN), 476–77, 483

and overseas bases, 184

Pentagon system for (2013), xx

postattack plans, lack of, 144, 251–52, 254, 274–75, 304, 355–56, 368, 443, 476

president attack order.
President of U.S.

Reagan modernization of, 442–43

and SAC.
Strategic Air Command (SAC)

Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP), 202–7, 280–82

Soviet methods, 467–69

and Truman, 77–78, 87–88, 94, 125–26, 157

World Wide Military Command and Control System, 272–75, 303

WSEG Report No. 50 on inadequacy of (1961), 251–55

Committee on Present Danger, 363, 434

Common-mode failures, 464

Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 469–70


computer-controlled weapons launch, 450–51, 467–68

ENIAC, 152

glitch and accidents, 475

Global Command and Control System, 474–75

hacking issue, 475

MANIAC and MANIAC II, 129, 152

Strategic Operational Control System (SOCS), 154

in warning system, 152–53

Whirlwind, 152–53

Concurrency practice, 219–20

Control boxes, 173, 246, 310–11, 440–41

Control center, Titan II, 26–27, 33, 428–29

Cooke, Christopher M., 444

Cookies, 27, 29

Coral Sea
, 126

Cotter, Donald R., 263–64, 369–70

Cotton, Joseph W., Sergeant, 236

Counterforce strategy

and Bush (G. W.), 470, 483–84

damage limitation as, 434

missiles needed for, 302

renamed damage limitation, 434

of SAC leaders, 131, 133, 201, 267

Countervailing strategy, 364

Credit card, launch complex break-in with, 230–31

Creech, Wilbur L., General, 471–72

Crisis Investing: Opportunities and Profits in the Coming Great Depression
(Casey), 14

Criss, Curtis R., Captain, 321–22

Crowder, Larry, 230–31

Cruise missiles, 376, 441

Cuban missile crisis, 12, 288–97, 462–63

Daghlian, Harry, 95

Daily shift verification (DSV), 29, 30–31

Damage limitation, 434

D'Amario, Alfred, Jr., Major, 320–21

Damascus, Arkansas, Titan II accident.
Titan II Launch Complex 374-7 accident

11, 57

Davy Crockett, 256, 265, 268

Day After, The
(film), 449, 451


after Titan II explosion, 390, 427–28

difficulty and plutonium, 317–18, 323–24

Defense Atomic Support Agency, 327, 464

Defense contractors, 100, 182, 199.
See also
Martin Marietta

Defense Improved Emergency Message Automatic Transmission System Replacement Command and Control Terminal (DIRECT), xx, 475

Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA), 318, 370

Defense Readiness Condition (DEFCON), scale of, xx, 292–93, 358–59, 463

Defenses, U.S. military.
Strategic Air Command (SAC); U.S. military defenses

Delayed fallout, 139

Deliberate, Unauthorized Launch (DUL), xx, 450

Department of Energy, 370

Détente, 358, 364

Deterrence strategy

gradual, 200

minimum, 362–63, 483–84

psychological factors in, 124–25

rationale for, 11, 75

Deutch, John M., 483

Deuterium, 127, 128

Devil's Alternative, The
(Forsyth), 14

Devlin, Greg, Senior Airman

biographical information, 232–33

enters Titan II accident site, 240–42, 388–89

injury, treatment of, 402–3, 438–39

lawsuit by, 440

medical disability claim denied, 438–39

position of, xvi

Titan II explosion, 398–99, 401

DIRECT terminal, 475

Disarmament movement

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), 188, 445

by Cold War era officials (2007– ), 481–83

minimum deterrence as alternative, 483–84

postatomic bomb, 74–75

U.S. support, lack of, 482–83

worldwide nature of, 445–46

Disaster Response Force

equipment, lack of, 420

members of, xvi, 399–400

tasks of, 107

Titan II accident response by, 107–8, 228, 395

Discoverer, 269

Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line, xx, 151–53, 252

“Do Artifacts Have Politics?” (Winner), 464

Dobrynin, Anatoly, 289, 295

Dodson, Glenn A., Jr., 311–12

Dole, Robert, as Titan II opponent, 338, 385, 432

Dornberger, Walter, 182

Douglas, Paul H., 298

Douglas Aircraft, 182

Dower, John W., 44

Drell, Sidney, 455–56, 468, 482

Drell Panel on Nuclear Weapons Safety, 456, 470

Dr. Strangelove (film), 297–98, 304, 467

Drug use, by military personnel, 349–51

Dulles, John Foster, 132, 199–200

Dummy weapons, EOD unit practice, 417, 422–23

Ehlinger, Marvin J., 309–10

Einstein, Albert

nuclear weapons opposition by, 74, 124

on possibility of nuclear weapon, 37–38

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

bunker/shelter construction, 154–56

command-and-control dilemma, 158–59, 165, 206–7

defense policy, critics of, 176, 177, 199, 249–50

military experience of, 131

on military-industrial complex, 199

missile programs of, 182–83

national security policy of, 131–33, 140, 190, 200–207

NATO, nuclear weapons to, 183–84, 258, 260

nuclear test ban by, 198–99

Operation Alert (1955), 143–44

Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP), 202–7, 250, 252

Ellis, Larry, 393

Ellis, Richard H., General, 213, 384, 442

Elugelab island, 129, 136–37

Emergency Rocket Communications System, 273–74

Emery, David, 439

Empty Quiver, 327

Energy Research and Development Administration, 370

English, Richard L.

evacuation order by, 395

position of, xvi, 400, 420

rescue of injured by, 408, 410, 412–13

English, Richard L. (

at Titan II accident site, 399–400

warhead, search for, 420, 423–24

ENIAC, 152

Enola Gay,

Enthoven, Alain, 251

Enyu island, 137

Epperson, Lee, 115


Erb, Georg Otto, 160


Soviet spies, 85, 127, 135, 465–66

Titan II breach, 444

“Evaluation of the Atomic Bomb as a Military Weapon,” 81–82

Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)

equipment used by, 417

function of, xx, 261–62

Titan II accident response by, 422–23

training of, 415–18

F-89 Scorpions, 151

Fail safe, 190

(film), 297

Fail-Safe Fallacy
(Hook), 298

Farrell, Thomas F., Brigadier General, 37, 43–44

Fate of the Earth, The
(Schell), 445

Fat Man (A-bomb), 52–54

Federal Civil Defense Administration (FCDA), xx, 142–43

Fermi, Enrico, 36, 40, 123

Field Instrument for the Detection of Low-Radiation Energy (FIDLER), 323

Fifth Horsemen, The
(Collins and Lapierre), 14

Fissile materials, 39, 123

Fission, nuclear reaction, 38–39, 122

Flexible response, 200, 203, 250–51, 274, 355, 443

Ford, Daniel, 443

Forrestal, James, 76, 85, 86, 88

Forsyth, Frederick, 14

Foster, John S., Jr., 455–56

Fowler, Glenn, and Fowler Letter, 333–34, 369–70

France, nuclear weapons of, 288, 477

Franke, William B., 204

Freedom of Information Act, 465–66

Frisch, Otto, 43

Frost, Charles B., Second Lieutenant, and Titan II (533-7) accident, 339–40, 342–44

Fuchs, Klaus, 125, 135

Fuller, Ronald O., Staff Sergeant

abandoned at Titan II site, 420–21

evacuates Titan II site, 67–70

Titan II accident response by, 58, 60

Titan II assignment, xv, 8, 18–20, 30–31

Titan II explosion, 395–96

Gaither, H. Rowan, 177

Gamma meters, 417, 420

Gamma rays, 139

Gates, Thomas B., 251

Gaulle, Charles de, 279

Gavin, James M., General, 133

Gemini space flights, 227

General Assembly (UN), 74

General Dynamics Corporation, 182

General H. H. Arnold Special,

Genie, 161–66, 172, 292, 334, 376, 465

accident threat from, 162, 168, 376

military control of, 165

safety investigation (1955–56), 163–66

George (hydrogen bomb), 128–29

George, Peter, 189

Gilpatric, Roswell L., 298

Glenn, John H., 454

Glickman, Dan, 338

Global Command and Control System, 474–75

Global Positioning System (GPS), 442

Global Strike Command, 474

Godfrey, Arthur, 148–49, 156

Goldwater, Barry, 432

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 451–53, 455, 457–59

Gore, Albert A., Sr., 259

Graves, Ernest, Jr., Major General, 333–34, 370

Gray, Gary, 429

Gray, Jimmie D., Colonel, rescue of injured by, 410, 414

Gray, Reginald, 408

Great Britain.
See also
Royal Air Force (RAF)

atomic bomb, first, 141

Cold War defense of, 83–84

nuclear disarmament movement, 445

nuclear weapons of (2013), 477

Strath report, 141–42, 156

World War II, 44–45

Green, Donald V., Technical Sergeant

biographical information, 229–30

Medal for Heroism to, 439–40

position of, xvi, 230

rescue of injured by, 408–11

at Titan II accident site, 238, 404–6

Titan II explosion, 404

Titan II security breach demo, 230–31

Greenwell, Michael L., Airman, 345

Gregg, Walter, 185–87

Grenada invasion, 448

Griffis, Tim, 381–84

Gromyko, Andrei, 79

Groves, Leslie R., Brigadier General

on arms control, 75

and Manhattan Project, 38, 43, 50

position of, xvii

Guest, William S., Rear Admiral, 319

Guidance systems, inertial, 224–26

Hackett, John, General Sir, 14–15

Haldeman, H. R., 358


Hall, Roger, 311

Halsey, William F., Admiral, 87

Hamm, Roger A., Titan II accident response by, 29, 57, 59

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