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Authors: Avril Ashton

Coming Undone (13 page)

BOOK: Coming Undone
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Ren shifted their bodies, positioning them until they were arranged with him spooning her, his thigh stuck between her legs, and his hand settled on her belly. She pressed back on him, rubbing gently against his erection since he’d neglected to put back on his boxers. She’d pulled on her panties after their interlude in the kitchen, but that didn’t hinder him. He smoothed a palm over her ass, stroked his way to her pussy, and pushed two fingers inside.

“Hmm.” She rocked back on him. She was still tender from earlier, but that only worked to enhance the pleasure. The thrill. She squeezed her inner muscles on his fingers, panting as he fucked her good. She liked that about him. He didn’t question her, didn’t ask what she wanted, he just gave. Maybe with someone else she’d be pissed, but not with Ren. He seemed to have a mainline to her body, to her desires. He knew them all and gave her exactly what she wanted.

He pulled her panties aside. She lifted her leg, gave him some room to move. Ren’s hot, smooth cock bumped her sex then slid in, drawing a throaty moan from her
and loud grunts from him.

She loved the way he sounded when he entered her. Loved how his nails dug deeper into her skin and his cock twitched in her cunt. He was thick and slightly curved, perfect to stroke her where she wanted him most. He took his time, moving in and out of her slowly, his breath moist on her neck. McKenna closed her eyes and undulated with him. Her body hadn’t seen that much action in one night in a long, long while, but she was greedy. She wanted all of him, wanted to drain him dry. That way there’d be nothing left for anyone else.

She wanted his marks on her skin to help her remember. She wanted to make the night memorable for him as well. No way would he be able to forget her.

“I love the way you fit me,” he murmured into her skin. “Love the way you move on me. The second I slide into your cunt, I want to come, it’s that damn good, baby.”

Her body quivered at his words. Clasping his hand where it lay on her exposed belly, she arched back into him. “Love it, too. You make me so wet. So needy.” Her voice trembled as he thrust into her with each word she spoke. “One look into your eyes and I want to spread myself wide, show you how I cream for you.”

He groaned, low and guttural. Fingers sank in her hair, pulling, yanking on her head. He drew her back and attacked her neck, biting, sucking.

“Oh!” McKenna’s head swam.

He pistoned into her, pounding at her, hitting her spot with each stroke until her
eyes burned and watered from the intensity.

Oh God!”

“Don’t know how I can walk away from this.” He bit her earlobe, dipped his tongue into her ear.

McKenna shivered for him. The words clung to the tip of her tongue, the words to beg him not to walk then, but she swallowed them.

“Come inside me,” she begged instead. “Make me come for you.”

The arm around her midsection tightened. “I’ll come, but you’ll wait for me,” he whispered. “You don’t come until I say you can.”


“Yes.” He reared back and slammed into her. Once. Twice. Then he stiffened. His hot seed splashed against her walls.

McKenna clamped down around him, the need to follow him into climax too much. Her limbs
trembled. She whimpered. “Ren.”

He licked her neck then moved back, sliding out of her. Her pussy clenched, fighting to keep him inside.


“Wait for me.” He rolled over and off the couch, dropping to his knees. Grabbing her ankles he pulled her close, to a sitting position, her legs on either side of him. He gazed at her sex, nostrils flaring.

“Look at you.” He touched her there, fingers dipping into a mix of her juices and his cum. “Fuck, Kenna. I’m losing my mind here.”

She shook. “Make me come,” she begged. “Please.”

A wicked smile curved his lips. “Oh, I will. Open wide for me.”

“Shit.” She lifted her legs, digging her ankles into the couch, spreading wider.

“Damn.” Ren spread her slippery folds with two fingers. “So fucking pretty. You got me hard again, watching my cum slide out of your cunt.” He traced her lips with digits coated with their juices and she opened up, licking and sucking him clean, groaning at the bitter-tart blend.

Through lowered eyelids, she watched as he bent his head and lapped at her. She shuddered at the glide of his rough tongue against her sensitive skin. The hand holding her hips tightened. She bucked into him and Ren growled, diving back in, sucking his seed out of her cunt with load grunts. A thumb pushed into her ass, yanking a cry from her.

“Ah, fuck!” Her body bowed under the force of pleasure coursing through her veins. Splaying her legs wider, she cupped the back of his head, pushing his face deeper into her cunt, rocking on the thumb digging into her ass. The slick sounds her body made turned her on like nothing else. She loved it, loved that she could lose herself like this with Ren. Loved that he gave her what she needed without reservations.

His teeth nipped her clit. She gasped and her body went taut, ready to blow. He moved away.


“Fuck.” He sniffed and blinked slowly, the thumb in her ass still trusting. “I could stay here forever, Kenna.” His patch was askew, the scars stretched tight, but his eye was bright and hot.

She grabbed him and bent, taking his mouth, slamming her tongue inside. He gave up control quickly enough, letting her in to take their combined essence into her senses and onto her tongue. She moaned and finally released him.

“Make me come,” she begged. “Please.” She squeezed the thumb in her ass and Ren’s eyes flared. “Please.”

A smirk touched his mouth and he pressed down on her clit with the pad of one finger. Holding her gaze, he reached behind him on the coffee table and grabbed one of the unused candles out of the small silver holder. Her pulse leapt. All kinds of wicked things shone in Ren’s expression; hunger, need, and something more, something darker. She closed her eyes and bit her lip, head thrown back.

The thick end of the candle entered her.

McKenna groaned. “Oh God.” She couldn’t stop from clenching around the intrusion, couldn’t stop rocking on it.

Ren didn’t wait for her to get acclimated before he began thrusting deep, fucking her with deep, unwavering strokes. She cupped her tits as he pressed on her clit, lifting her hips, riding the candle. She was losing her mind with the pleasure, with the sounds Ren made, the words he whispered as he fucked her.

He thrust then twisted. She cried out, back arching. She ached, her entire body hurt with the need to come, but Ren knew what he was doing. She couldn’t get him to touch her where she needed him. Something else entered her alongside the candle. Her eyes flew open.

Ren had worked an index finger into her as well. Well and truly taking her over.

“Jesus fuck, Ren.” She couldn’t look, couldn’t think. “I need…I need…please.”

He winked at her then pulled out the candle as if in slow motion. Her mouth opened, no sound came out. He used it to tap gently at her swollen, protruding clit.

She cried out, moving into the soft strike. He then rammed it back inside.

McKenna screamed and came, body convulsing, lifting off the couch. The climax blinded her, and she collapsed into his waiting arms.


After a shower and a late, late night
snack, they finally collapsed in her bed. McKenna dozed, drifting in and out of sleep. A million and one thoughts flittered through her mind, but she tried to shut them all out. Ren snored softly in her ear, his arm around her, holding her.

Always holding her.

She wished he’d always be around to hold her. To keep her warm. She didn’t kid herself. She cared for him. Maybe even loved him. Did he know? Could he see it when he stared into her eyes while he made love to her, while he picked her body apart and put it back together? She saw tenderness in his eyes, caring and heat.

So much fire when he looked at her. She didn’t see that when he talked about the other woman. The one who needed saving.

Maybe that was his thing, saving women. But was he saving her? No. She couldn’t depend on him to deal with her problems. She’d take care of them herself. What she actually needed was a reprieve from the mess her life was, a vacation from the norm she now lived. That, she got from Ren. That was what she had, nothing more.

How she wanted more.

She rolled over and pressed her nose to his throat, inhaling his skin. The heat of him. Eyes sliding shut, she laid a hand on his chest and drifted off to the feel of him breathing.

Movement rustled her awake. Ren rolled away from under her, and McKenna peeked through her lashes. Gray light teased the edges of the room. Morning was here. Her night was over. She didn’t move, didn’t say a word. He stood and got dressed, moving quietly. When he was fully dressed he turned to her.

Knuckles touched her face. A fingertip traced her lips. Firm lips touched hers.

“Good-bye, McKenna.” The whispered words were rough, husky. Emotional.
“Maybe we’ll see each other again soon.”

She wanted to look at him, but she couldn’t. Tears burned her eyes. Words stuck in her throat. All the words she wanted to speak. Before she knew it, he was striding across the bedroom to the door.

“Ren.” She lifted her head. He didn’t turn around, just paused in his tracks and waited. “Don’t come back,” she said softly. His image blurred. She blinked to clear the tears. “Don’t come back, not unless it’s to stay.”

His head bowed then he moved and disappeared. She buried her face in her pillow and cried herself back to sleep.

The phone woke her. Her head ached, eyes felt swollen. She coughed at the dryness in her throat and yanked the phone from the night stand. She sat right up when she saw it was her mother’s doctor’s number.


“Ms. Lacey.” Doctor Morrow’s voice was heavy, sorrowful. “McKenna, you need to get over here. Now.”

“What’s going on?” She rolled off the bed, staggering when a shot of pain in her skull almost blinded her.

“I’m sorry.” The doctor sighed. “Three minutes ago your mother passed away quietly. I’m so sorry.”



Stella Selznick hadn’t aged much in the years since Ren had last laid eyes on her. She remained a gorgeous woman with deep, flashing gray eyes, and bright red hair. She also remained stubborn and uncaring as she sat opposite Ren and Carter at the kitchen table in a tiny apartment in Amsterdam’s West District.

She hadn’t been surprised to see them. In fact,
minutes after their plane landed at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Carter’s phone had gone off. Stella was on the other end, as calm as ever, as if she hadn’t been MIA for the past three years. She’d given them directions to her place, and there they sat, staring at her while she kept her eyes glued to Ren. He squirmed at the intensity there, the same kind that sent him running all those years ago.

He kept looking at Stella and seeing McKenna. He kept wishing he hadn’t walked away, kept wondering if she was okay. Would she be okay?

“The old man is on his way,” Carter told Stella softly.

She jerked her gaze to him. “Why?”

Pushing his chair back, Ren frowned at her. “What do you mean why, Stella? He’s your father. He misses you. You can’t just disappear for all this time without a word.”

“You mean like you did?”

Well. Took her long enough to bring that up, didn’t it? He sat back and folded his arms. “He’s not my father. He’s yours. You’re his only daughter. He wants to know you’re okay.”

okay.” Her mouth tightened. “Call him back and tell him I’m fine.”

“No can do, Stel.” Carter sounded impatient. “You’re a big girl. It’s time to deal with the mess you made by leaving.”

“What about the mess
made?” She jerked her chin toward Ren. “What about the mess he made and left us to clean up?”


“Whose fault was it?” Carter interrupted Ren’s growled warning. “You couldn’t take no for an answer, right?” he asked Stella. “So you pushed him and he did the right thing. He left. I’d have run from your jailbait ass too.”

Stella’s chin trembled. She bit her bottom lip and glared at Carter. “Fuck you, Carter.”

His brother rolled his eyes but remained quiet.

“Stella, why did you stay here?” Ren asked. “And why don’t you want to go back home?”

“This is my home, Ren.” She gazed around the room. “This place is mine. I’ve got a job. I’ve got friends.” She swallowed. “I like it here.”

“Your father—”

“My father wants me where he can keep his eyes on me,” she grumbled. “Make sure I don’t fuck up and ruin his good name.”

“Is that really such a bad thing?” He didn’t get it. The old man was all about family, and as Stella was his only daughter, it was a guarantee that she’d be under a microscope.

She shook her head. “It’s not a bad thing…until it begins to chafe and stifle.”

“So let me get this straight,” Carter spoke up. “You want to be out from under your father’s spotlight, so you drop off the grid, move to Amsterdam, and hide out?”

BOOK: Coming Undone
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