Read Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition Online

Authors: Alessia Brio

Tags: #Anthology, #Erotic Fiction, #Poetry

Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition (21 page)

BOOK: Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition
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girl covered Heather's hand with hers, and held it, a soft smile
creasing her cheek.

seen you. Watching me."

paled, tried to speak, stammering with embarrassment. "I…I…I…"

girl smiled again, touched a finger to her lips. "It's okay.
It's not an accusation. I was flattered."

paused, smiling before continuing. "I was watching you as well.
Didn't you sense it?"

touch of that finger froze Heather in time, the feel of the soft skin
against her lips. She was fighting the almost irresistible urge to
open her lips and suck the finger into her mouth. Her heart was
pounding, head buzzing. What was going on? What was happening? This
girl was a stranger, but here she was, here they were, being more
intimate than Heather had been with anyone in her whole life.

was watching you all the time from the first moment I turned around
and saw you there. You looked lost, frightened, but at the same
time…" She frowned over the next word. "Determined.
That's it. There was a fire in your eyes—as if you were
determined to do something." Her finger moved to Heather's
cheek, matching Heather's touch on hers, the movement sending shivers
of pleasure rippling through Heather.

interested me, and for some reason, every time I looked around, there
you were."

finger continued to stroke gently over Heather's cheek. Heather in
turn, held her breath, eyes locked on the girl's face, her mouth,
watching her lips move as she spoke.

you didn't see me, but I watched you. Watched how you began to relax
as you moved around, became more comfortable. Once I looked up and
you were watching me." She chuckled softly. "You looked
away quickly, so embarrassed. The next time you stayed watching as I
smiled at you."

paused, her finger stilled, and her face softened even more, eyes
flickering over Heather's face. Her voice dropped to a whisper. "The
third time, neither of us smiled, but both of us continued to watch
the other. You knew then, didn't you, as much as I did?"

breathed, swallowed and licked her lips, speaking haltingly. "Knew?
Knew what?"

girl smiled again, slowly moving her hand from Heather's face, to
cover Heather's hand, and moved them both slowly until they were lain
gently over a small, firm breast.

a sudden panic, Heather tried to move her hand away. The golden girl
held it there, and answered quietly.

that I wanted you as much as you wanted me."

she pressed her hand against Heather's, shaping them both over her
breast. "Now, tell me truthfully that this isn't what you wanted
to do?" she whispered to the speechless and trembling Heather.

this time, the skies had begun darkening, clouds rolling in, a strong
breeze had built up, which usually signalled impending rain.

noticed none of this, she was mesmerised by the girl, the feel of
her, the sound of her, the sight of her. Then the girl leaned to
Heather and brushed her lips in soft feather-like touches over
Heather's lips making the breath stop in her body. Time stopped! Her
heart stopped!

girl withdrew her lips a tiny distance from Heather's, and in the
softest of voices, her hand over Heather's still holding it to her
breast, squeezing softly, she whispered, "Breathe darling, you
have to breathe, or I can't kiss you again."

released Heather's hand, leaving it cupping her breast, and moved her
own hand up to gently touch Heather's cheek; a touch that acted like
an electric shock, making her gasp.

mind was reeling, her body throbbing and pulsing. She could not
comprehend what was happening, what had happened in such a short
time. Desperately she tried to make sense of it, but it didn't make
sense. She was sitting on the ground, against a tree, with a
beautiful woman very close to her. She had her hand on the woman's
breast, and the taste and feel of their brief kiss still on her lips.
The woman had called her
—had said she wanted to
kiss Heather again.

felt as if the world had turned on its head. She had become the shy
inexperienced teenager, and the golden girl had become the more
experienced, more mature, much more confident older woman. Their
roles had completely reversed. She realised that the woman, this
beautiful, golden girl, was indeed experienced, knew what she was
doing, had loved women before. But Heather didn't care. She just
didn't care.

this had flown through Heather's head in the instant of her gasp. And
at the gasp, the parting of her lips, the golden girl leaned to her
again, once more capturing Heather's lips with her own, this time
lingering, pressing firmly.

moaned softly, her hand unconsciously squeezing the soft flesh held
within it; a movement which brought an echoing moan from the girl.
The young woman's hand moved to the back of the older woman's head,
snaked into Heather's hair. She held Heather to her, lips parting,
tongue flicking out to lick across Heather's trembling lips.

that moment, it began to rain. Large, soft drops that fell heavily
against flesh and clothes, noisily against leaves, branches, tents
and marquees. So suddenly had it started, that everyone stood in
surprise looking up at the sky; everyone except Heather and her
golden girl. Their kiss continued, oblivious to the rain soaking into
their clothes. Oblivious until the rain became a deluge, and the
noise of it against every surface, the sound of people running for
cover, and finally the feel of it against their skin made them draw

were moist from the kiss and the rain. Eyes were dark with growing
desire. Chests were rising and falling rapidly in breathless

girl once again quickly kissed Heather's lips, smiling. She stood,
taking the stunned woman's hand dragging her up with her.

was all she said.


she repeated, moving around the tree, into the wooded area to the
side of the festival site.

a daze, clinging to the girl's hand, Heather followed her, could not
have done otherwise.

a few minutes, they stumbled through the shrubs and branches, the
noise lessened by the overhanging canopy of branches, but the rain
was so heavy it fell through the trees, soaking them, turning their
clothes to transparent rags. Heather clung to the girl's hand, using
her other hand to shield her face against the rain. She had no idea
where they were going; she simply followed.

she bumped up against a softness, felt arms sliding around her,
holding her, hands pulling at her sopping shirt, lifting it upwards.
She felt soft, warm hands against her flesh, and gasped loudly at the
feel. The unbelievable feel of another's skin against hers. The hands
stilled on her back, holding her, simply holding her. She had her
eyes closed, not daring to look, not daring to break the dream—for
this must be a dream, she must still be asleep under the tree - until
she heard a soft voice close, so very close to her ear. "Open
your eyes, beautiful, let me see you."

own arms were held tightly against herself within the circle of the
girl's arms, and nervously she twitched her hands, holding her breath
once more as she realised she was grasping the girl's top, could feel
her warm flesh through it.

she opened her eyes. What she saw took her breath away. A beautiful
golden face, surrounded by dripping wet tresses that sparkled; wide,
deep brown eyes, red lips, and a smile. Such a smile from beneath
trickles of water, dripping from her long lashes, from her nose, her
chin. Without realising she was doing it, Heather's fingers stretched
out to touch that face, her eyes flickering over it, finally resting
on the lips so close to her own.

suddenly of what she was doing, she glanced back to the brown eyes,
her own betraying nervousness and excitement at the same time.

girl smiled wide and soft, silently mouthing one word, "Yes",
before her lips captured Heather's. For a moment, Heather was frozen,
panic stricken, until she felt the girl's lips part, and that neat
pink tongue that she had glimpsed earlier, lapped gently at her own
lips, urging them to open.

if a flood-gate had been opened, Heather's desires and wants and
yearnings all came rushing out. Her lips parted wide, sucking the
eager tongue into her mouth. Her arms pushed free of the girl's, and
encircled that young golden body, pressing their breasts hard against
each other. Heather was moaning, kissing the girl frantically, with
all the desire of her forty plus years, her arms squeezing the girl
tightly, hands searching for soft skin under the soaked tee-shirt.

this time the rain was cascading over them, soaking them, adding to
the fervour of the moment. A moment Heather had never thought she
would live in her wildest dreams. Her own tongue danced with the
girl's, tasting, touching, seeking. Until that moment, nothing had
tasted so sweet, felt so soft on her tongue and lips.

felt the arms holding her, touching her, suddenly tighten, and her
body being moved backwards. Not knowing, not caring, Heather's feet
moved where they were urged until she felt the hardness of a tree
against her back. Hands moved to her shirt, buttons were released,
while a soft mouth was dragged from hers, and the lips moved over her
jaw, down her neck, leaving fiery trails in their path. Heather's
hands moved to cover the girl's head as it moved lower over her neck
and shoulder. She felt her shirt being opened, gasped at the feel of
the rain on her skin, invigorating her, causing her to cry out at
such unimagined pleasure. Her head was thrown back against the tree,
allowing those hot hungry lips access to her flesh. Her eyes were
closed, mouth wide and gaping in pleasure at the feelings surging
around her body.

girl was moaning, growling low in her throat, as her hands now
reached behind Heather to quickly release her bra. As she felt the
garment being lifted, her breasts now hanging free, she had a moment
of panic that the girl would be repulsed by her, the age and size of

if in answer, the girl lifted her head from Heather's neck and
shoulder. Her eyes, now so dark they were almost black, bored into
Heather's. "So beautiful" she whispered, "so very
beautiful." As she said the words, her hands covered Heather's
breasts, squeezing them, drawing the nipples into the grip of her
finger and thumb.

groaned and gasped at the touch, her eyes closing briefly, at which
the girl smiled, and did it again.

mind was going into overload. She knew where this was heading, the
inevitable outcome; the thought at once terrified and excited her in
a way nothing had in the whole of her life.

tried to speak, voice her fears. "I-I've…" she
stuttered as the girl squeezed and rolled her hard nipples between
her finger and thumb. The touch robbed her of the power to speak,
simply produced more moans.

girl stilled her fingers, moved her hands up to Heather's sodden
shirt and began to ease it from her shoulders, drawing it down her
back, and arms, dropping it to the ground. The feel of the air and
rain on so much of her skin, sent Heather's senses spiralling. And
when she felt the girl's lips once more on hers, as her hands drew
the bra off her shoulders and added that to the shirt, Heather felt
as if she needed to scream. She was overwhelmed. She felt…she
felt… She didn't know how to describe it, but she didn't want
it to end.

girl was nuzzling her mouth against Heather's lips, her hands moving
all over Heather's skin, touching, caressing, igniting flames of
desire everywhere she touched.

the girl's hands once more covered Heather's breasts, once more
teasing her so-hard nipples, she spoke softly against Heather's
cheek. "You've what, love? Never done this before? Never loved a
woman before?"

took the girl's head in her hands and lifted her face so that they
could see into each other's eyes. Swallowing briefly, licking her
lips, her quiet voice answered her. "I've never

she spoke the words, her eyes and face briefly flashed 'fear' and the
girl saw it. Understood it. She reached one hand to gently stroke
Heather's hair, brushing some of the rain from the soaked tresses.
Her eyes softened once more, lips moving softly over Heather's face,
tongue gently licking at the rain trickling over her lashes, down her
cheeks, before she answered.

BOOK: Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition
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