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Authors: C. L. Parker

Coming Clean (15 page)

BOOK: Coming Clean
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Marcel raised a questioning brow at his wife.

“I don't know, Papi,” she said, her gaze wandering toward Vale. “I've got work and Vale's got to get ready for school….”

“What are you talking about? School doesn't start for months. We have the whole summer to get her ready.”

“Well, I've still got work.”

Marcel's head drew back. “Babe, if all goes well, you'll never have to work again. Come on. A little longer?”

Camille gave a resigned sigh. “Okay, fine. We'll stay a
longer,” she said.

I wanted to be happy for them, and I wanted to be happy for Shaw, but I couldn't help but wonder what that meant for the momentum he and I had started to gain toward rebuilding our relationship. I supposed as Camille had said, I had to let Shaw do his thing and hope it all worked out in the end.

Marcel cupped her neck and pulled her in for a loud smack on the lips, much the same way Shaw had done with me earlier. Maybe these two men had more in common than either of them realized.

“Hey, can we do a group selfie?” Marcel asked, that excitement lighting his eyes again. “Your family and mine. I won't post it on social media or anything. I'd just like to have it for myself.”

Shaw grinned victoriously, and I already knew what he was thinking. “You should definitely post it. It'll give the media something to speculate and gossip about, and that's always a good thing for your career.”


Letting my baby, my three-year-old baby, leave my side to go a million miles away for an undetermined amount of time was not an easy thing to do, but I'd done it. With the help of Abby, anyway. Shaw and I had paid for her to fly in so she could fly right back out with Abe in tow because no way was I going to trust a total stranger with my unaccompanied minor. I'd felt bad about the long trip for Abby, knowing she had to have been exhausted, but she'd looked fresh as a dew-drenched daisy on a spring morning once we'd finally met up with her. We'd only been able to spend half a day and one night with her before she and Abe left for the return trip this morning.

Abe hadn't even shed a tear over leaving his mommy. Mommy had cried buckets.

So there Shaw and I were, sitting at a private booth in a quaint little bistro. We had two nights before our next session with Katya, and I was very anxious to see if Shaw would be able to find out the trick to her assignment. I already had, of course, and not because I'd cheated. I'd known because, quite frankly, it had been a fantasy of mine, something I'd gotten myself off to on more than a few occasions.

“Are you thinking about Abe?” Shaw asked.

I shook my head, pushing the salad around on my plate. “I've come to terms with that, somewhat.”

“Then where were you just now? You seemed a million miles away.”

“Actually, I was just thinking about Katya's assignment. Have you figured it out yet?”

The corner of Shaw's mouth lifted into that signature smirk that always made me want to rip my panties off. Directing his attention to the steak before him, he plunged a fork into it and began to carve away a bite-sized piece. “Maybe. Anxious to find out?” The morsel disappeared into his mouth with a purposeful chew.

I met his smirk with one of my own. Hopefully, it was at least half as sexy. “Maybe.”

Shaw's eyes did a slow perusal of my face, drifting down the line of my neck to hover over my exposed cleavage. He licked the juice from his lips, nearly accomplishing the feat Katya had given him on the spot.

“Katya. What did she whisper to you before we left?” Ah, so he'd been thinking about the same thing. I'd bet it was torture for the man who'd always found a way to get what he wanted to not be able to throw money at this one.

“I already told you the only part I could disclose.”

“Tell me again.”

Nice try. “The only thing I can tell you is that she told me I can't tell you anything at all…until after you've succeeded.”

Shaw arched a brow. “Have you forgotten how persuasive I can be?”

“Not as persuasive as you used to be. Hence the reason we're seeing Katya to begin with.” The words were out before I'd thought out the repercussions. Reminding Shaw of his shortcomings in our sexual relationship as of late wasn't exactly conducive to getting him to play along.

Removing the napkin from his lap, he placed it on the table and then took the wallet from his back pocket to pull out some cash and tossed it on top of the napkin. “Let's go,” he said, standing and holding out his hand for me.

“Shaw, I didn't mean to—”

“I have a point to prove, and I don't think either you or Katya mean for me to do it right here, so let's go.”

I took his hand, also standing before tucking my clutch under my arm. “You're not mad?”

Shaw pulled my body flush to his and I gasped when I felt the hard line of his thick cock pressed against my hip. “Does it feel like I'm mad?”

Actually, it did. Anger and frustration toward me had always acted as a sort of aphrodisiac for Shaw. If he was hard now—and he most certainly was—that only meant one thing: I was about to be punished in the most sinfully delightful way.

Seeing a devastating orgasm in my future, I took the lead, yanking on his arm to drag him along behind me as I made a beeline for the door. And yes, I ignored his knowing chuckle.

Dear God, please don't let there be any traffic


For the whole drive home, I'd become increasingly frustrated about the insinuation that I didn't know how to bring my woman pleasure. Even more so about the fact that it seemed to be true because I hadn't in a very long time. I still didn't know the key to unlocking Katya's riddle, and my balls were aching in need of release even as the strained cock in my pants taunted me like it knew the answer my stupid brain couldn't come up with. Which only proved the saying about a man thinking with the head inside his pants instead of the one on his shoulders wasn't true. I'd have given anything to let my little buddy take over since he had been faster on the draw than me on this one.

Once inside our bedroom, I closed the door and turned to find Cassidy confronting me with all that goddamn challenge and expectation in every nuance of her posture and countenance.

“What now?” she asked me with a smug air about her.

She already knew the answer. That much was clear. And she was still clothed, which would never do if I was going to get her off. But I couldn't touch her either, so…

It came to me then, the resolution to the brainteaser having apparently traveled from my crotch to my brain via the supercharged blood pumping through my veins.

Oh, Dr. Minkov, you are a wonderfully genius bit of minxy trickery, but I've figured out your game

“Get undressed,” was my direct order.

Cassidy's movements stuttered with confusion. “You want me to—”

“I want you to take off your fucking clothes. Do it. Now.” There was nothing nice about my demeanor. By design.

Trembling fingers worked the top buttons of her blouse, slowly revealing the tempting bit of cleavage created by those mounds of flesh that pushed up from the white lace bra she wore beneath. My palm shoved down the length of the anxious appendage throbbing beneath the jeans I wore.

Cassidy noticed and stilled all movement. “Did you forget Katya's rule, Shaw? You're not allowed to make yourself come.”

Wrenching my hand away at the reminder, I growled low. This was about her, not me. Damn, but I was going to be in some serious blue ball discomfort by morning, and that wasn't going to bode well for the agreement we'd made with Katya.

“Hurry up.” It occurred to me that this little exercise might not have been so much about my being able to pleasure Cassidy as it was about torturing me because I'd been so selfish as of late.

Cassidy looked around the room, stalling and testing my very fragile patience. “Um, will you turn off the light?”

“No. I want to see you.” I couldn't remember the last time she'd been fully naked in front of me. Christ, no wonder she thought I wasn't attracted to her anymore.

“Fine.” She kicked off her sensible shoes and then her pants were the next to go.

When her fingers got back to work on her shirt, I stopped her. “Slow down.”

Cassidy's shoulders slumped in frustration. “Which is it, Shaw? Do you want me to hurry up or slow down?”

“I want you to shut up and do what I tell you to do.”

She leveled me with a narrow glare as she continued, but I could see the smooth alabaster of her skin warm to a luscious pink. She was turned on. So was I. This was how it had been for us in the beginning, back when pissing each other off had been every bit a form of foreplay as oral sex or hand jobs.

The memory of the way we once were, coupled with the sight of all those curves being revealed before me, heated my own blood. As if my body had become a stand-in for that which I was forbidden to touch, I pulled my own shirt over my head and threw it to the floor, kicking my shoes off afterward. Fearing I wouldn't be able to resist taking her, I left my pants on.

Cassidy had finished undressing, standing among a pile of her own clothes with her panties still covering her bare feet. Her body had filled out more since birthing Abe, but those curves were in all the right places, a voluptuous smorgasbord of “touch me here, taste me there.”

“Turn around. Slowly.”

She did as I said, and I was nearly brought to my knees at the sight of her backside. It had always been one of her sexiest assets, but now…my God, now more than ever I wanted to grab two handfuls of those juicy cheeks and spread her wide while fucking her ass.

“You're so goddamn tempting,” I told her.

She faced me once more. “Am I? Is that why you're touching yourself again?”

I looked down, the bulge protruding from my groin almost capping the waistband of my pants to give the object of its lust a not so proper greeting. And, yeah, I'd been palming it again.

“Get on the bed.”

Cassidy went over to her side and lifted the corner of the duvet to climb under.

“Stop.” She froze in place at my command. “On top of the covers, not under them. I want you laid out before me.”

She did as I said, stretching her length down the center of the bed, though she crossed her arms over her gently marred stomach. Those faded stretch marks had been the result of carrying my son in her womb. She had nothing to be ashamed of.

“Don't hide yourself from me, Cassidy. Your body is mine, and I crave all of it. Now put your arms at your sides and don't move until I tell you to.”

With a protesting huff, her arms found their place as directed. I stood at the foot of the bed, taking my time looking her over and letting the anticipation build. The thin patch of strawberry blond curls at her mound would be soft to the touch—if I'd been allowed to feel them—but the plump folds glistening with her wetness would be like silk on my fingers, like honeysuckle on my tongue. Lifting one knee, I placed my hands flat on either side of Cassidy to crawl over her.

Cassidy's eyes shot wide as the mattress sank with my weight. “What are you doing? You're not allowed to touch me.”

“I'm not touching you.” I stopped with my face inches from her pussy, letting her feel the warmth of my breath on all that sensitive flesh. Tempted. I was so tempted to taste her, but I refrained, leisurely edging farther up her body. “What did she say to you, Cassidy? What did Katya whisper into your ear? Did she say anything at all, or was it merely an excuse to put her breasts on you?”

Her breaths were coming quicker now. Ah, yes, she'd been affected. “I…I can't tell you.”

“Can't?” I stopped to hover over one very pert nipple, the same peachy pink as her mouth, and let my warm breath tease it. “Or won't?”

“Both.” Cassidy arched her back, nearly causing my lips to brush the bud surrounded by the puckered flesh that screamed for my attention.

I drew back to a safe distance and then gave her a chastising
“Careful. If we break the rules, we'll have to stop. You don't want to stop, do you, Cassidy?”

She rubbed her thighs together, her fists clenching the duvet as she shook her head back and forth.

“Good girl.” I ducked my head, careful not to graze her with so much as a hair when I peered down to see what the fuss was about. Cassidy was positively drenched, slick, and, if I had to guess, silky soft to the touch with all the self-lubing going on.

Inhaling the scent of her arousal, I let a long, audible exhale release through my nose. I knew she felt it on her stomach, and, with any luck, it had traveled down to provide a cooling sensation to the wetness at the center of her mound. “Jesus, I bet that little clit of yours is every bit as swollen and hard as my cock is right now. Isn't it?”

She moaned and rubbed her thighs together again. I looked up, finding her eyes hooded and her teeth scraping the meaty morsel of her lip.

“Do you need to be touched?”

“Y-you can't touch me,” she reminded me once more.

“That's not what I asked you. Do you need to be touched?”

“Yes.” Her answer was a breathy whisper.

I could hear my own voice, low and husky. “Then do it. Let me watch as you touch yourself.”

“I don't know how.”

“You're lying. You've been taking care of your own needs all this time that I've failed to do so for you. So show me.”


“If you don't sully our sheets with your come, I'm going to break the goddamn rules and fuck you with a vengeance. Either way, you
come. Now, show me.”

She lifted her hand, timidly moving it across her abdomen before making the detour to the intended destination. My own anticipation began to build as her fingers pushed through the soft and curlies and the pad of her middle digit made first contact with that tiny bundle of nerves.

I moaned. Me. I was the one that fucking moaned. “More,” I rasped.

That middle digit's two neighbors joined in the fun as she pushed farther south, finally coating her fingers in the wet and wild before starting a circular motion.

“That should be my tongue on you, Cassidy,” I told her, drawing a moan that had not belonged to me this time. “Have you ever wondered why I chose sweetness as my pet name for you?”

She said nothing, just kept moving those fingers round and round. I was so captivated I couldn't peer up to see if she'd heard me.

“It's because of the way you taste,” I divulged. “So sweet my mouth waters thinking about it. Coat your fingers in all that honey for me, sweetness. It's gathering

Still she said nothing, but she did as I asked, dipping her fingers low. I scooted down her body and off the mattress, deciding to get a better vantage point to watch as my woman masturbated for me. Standing at the foot of the bed, I issued another directive. “Spread your legs for me, Cassidy. Let me see you.”

Fucking A, but she did. Not only did she spread her legs, but she also raised her knees to let them fall open even farther to the glorious view. The lips of her pussy were already tinged a glorious pink, her bud begging me to have a suckle, and her opening now filled to the knuckle by her own finger.

I inched back onto the bed, the lower half of my body remaining on the floor as I propped myself up by my elbows and watched Cassidy work herself.

“Add another,” I told her, only then realizing that I was grinding my jean-clad cock against the mattress. Fuck it. I'd stop myself before coming, but easing a little bit of the pressure couldn't hurt.

Cassidy pushed a second finger inside herself, slowly pumping them back and forth as the heel of her palm rubbed at her clit.

“That's my good girl.” Goddamn, those should have been my fingers fucking her while I sucked on that pearl.

“Do you remember the first time I touched you there, sweetness?” Her breath stuttered and she plunged deeper into that tight recess. “I do. I couldn't believe how warm and wet you were for me, how snug the walls of your pussy felt as they clenched

She moaned and I chanced a glance up to see those crimson locks spread out like a halo on the pillow beneath her thrashing head. Her eyes were closed, denying me the green depths of them. “Yeah…you remember. Pull your fingers free. Let me see.”

Cassidy did as I said, and the light of the room reflected off the slick glistening of those two lucky bits that had felt what I craved.

“I want to taste them,” I told her. “Wrap my tongue around them and suck them into my mouth to lick them clean.”

Her moan was louder this time, her knees drawing up further as she remained spread and lifted her ass, instinctively searching for friction.

“Put them back inside you. Deeper this time. Faster.”

It wasn't often that Cassidy ever followed my orders. In fact, she usually did the opposite, adamant about maintaining control. But she was at my mercy in this weakened state, more susceptible to my manipulations when the promise of release awaited her at the end.

Harder and faster she pumped her fingers, abandoning the in-and-out to seat them deep, all the way to the knuckles. Her hand moved back and forth and I knew she'd found what she'd been looking for. She arched her back, bringing her palm closer to her clit to double the sensation.

“You found your G-spot, didn't you? Stroke it harder, Cassidy. You're on the brink. I can smell it.” I inhaled sharply to punctuate my point and couldn't help but lick my lips, too, as if I could taste her scent in the air. God, why did the mattress feel so good rubbing against my cock?

“Katya is going to be well pleased,” I reminded her, grunting with a little back-and-forth action of my own below the waist. “She thought we couldn't do this, but she was wrong, and she'll be very happy to know you found pleasure while touching yourself, not only at my directive, but at hers.”

It must have been exactly the right thing to say at exactly the right time because all that work she'd been doing on her clit intensified along with the thrusting going on inside her fucking gorgeous pussy. A pussy that would've felt glorious wrapped around my cock at the moment.

“Shaw,” she moaned my name, a desperate sort of plea.

“Do it for me, sweetness. Let me watch your come spill out of that pussy with your orgasm. Do it. Do it now!”

She lifted her head, and her abdomen contracted as she partially rose off the bed to look down at the center attraction. When her mouth dropped open and her wrist adamantly sprung forward for a deeper reach, I knew what was coming next. Her.

Cassidy clenched her teeth on the moan that filled the room as she retracted her fingers and the milky proof of her orgasm spilled forth.

“Holy fuck,” I growled, my hips slamming against the mattress as if that were going to beat away the seed trying to make its way up my shaft to join her.

When she'd finished coming, Cassidy looked down at the mess and began to laugh even through all that heavy breathing. “Oh, my God…I…I can't believe we just…did that.” She fell back onto the mattress with an exhausted huff, throwing her arm over her head.

Yeah, we just fucking did that
. I smiled victoriously to myself, but there was still one bit of business left on the table. A prize I'd say I'd earned. The final piece of the puzzle.

BOOK: Coming Clean
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