Come with Me (Let It Be Me #2) (12 page)

BOOK: Come with Me (Let It Be Me #2)
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“We help each other out in RHS. I told you we’re all friends,” he said, smiling.

The reminder of work was another smack at her idiocy.

“Right,” Liz said. “See you in the office.”

“See you,” he said, going back to the driver’s side. Liz waited until he was in the car before she turned to head to her building’s door. She forced herself not to look back. 

She ran up to her unit at the third floor, bringing out her phone from her purse as soon as she was inside her apartment.

“Liz! How was your date with Gary?” Brian asked as soon as he picked up.

“If he asks, Emily was pregnant and just gave birth, okay?” Liz said quickly.

“What?!?” Brian asked, startled.

“And one other thing,” Liz said.

“Aliens have landed in New York City?” Brian guessed sarcastically.

Liz tried to keep her feelings in check, but she couldn’t stop herself from saying what she was about to.

“I ended up having coffee with someone else. Oh Bri, I’m totally crushing on my boss.”

There, she said it.


Chapter 17



 “Looks like we got all the shots we need,” the photographer announced.

Everyone in the studio applauded as Alex walked away from the spotlight. He exchanged a few words with the photographer, shook hands, then approached Ben.

 “Glad it didn’t take long,” Alex said, dressed in a suit and tie ensemble. His face was thick with makeup. “I told Kayla I would pick her up so we can have dinner together.” It was Monday night and they just finished a photo shoot for a men’s magazine, and Alex was chosen for the next month’s cover.

“Why don’t you come with us?” Alex asked, as they walked to the room that served as Alex’s dressing room. An assistant helped him gather his stuff. 

“And be your third wheel again? No thanks, man,” Ben kidded. “I’ll just hit the gym.”

“Okay, but I already told Kayla you were coming with us Sunday to visit Jenny at her house. You are coming, right?” 

Ben nodded. “Yup, I’ll be there.” They just found out that Jenny was having some complications in her pregnancy, and she had to stay in bed. 

“Great. I better go,” Alex said, picking up his duffel bag. “I have to shower at home before picking Kayla up.”

“You better,” Ben said. “You wouldn’t want to go to dinner with more makeup than her!”


* * *


After an hour in the gym with the trainer, Ben was famished. He was disappointed as he got home and found his refrigerator practically empty. He had to pass by the grocery.

Luckily there was a Whole Foods branch close to his apartment. 

All showered and changed thirty minutes later, he walked to the supermarket. It was only a couple blocks away so he got there in no time. 

He walked through the food aisles, placing a pack of quinoa and a couple of juice cartons into his shopping basket. When he got to the fruits section, he took a pack of apples. Not resisting, he opened the container, getting one. After rubbing it against his jacket sleeve, he bit into it. It tasted glorious in his starving state. 

He walked around lazily, picking up some spinach and kale for his salads and shakes. He was walking through the cereal aisle when his gaze stopped at the sight of a girl who was studying a box. He saw her profile – it was too familiar. It’s been eight years, but her face was ingrained into his mind.

“Eunice?” he called. The disbelief must have been evident in his voice.

She looked, and Keith felt like he got the wind knocked out of him when she faced him. Since when has she been back in New York?

Her eyes grew wide and her lips formed a rueful smile. Eunice Daly was still as beautiful.  She now sported shorter hair, but it was still the same Eunice with her vivid eyes and slight dimple. She was also dressed simply in their university sweater over leggings.

“Since when have you been back?” he asked. He had this impulse to envelop her into a hug, but it’s been eight years since he last saw her, and they haven’t communicated since then. 

“Last month,” she said. 

Keith couldn’t help but feel hurt that she didn’t even think of calling him. But then again, it was also Eunice who stopped their correspondence those years ago.

He just nodded. 

“Where are you staying?” 

“Corner of Twenty-first and Sixth,” she said.

“Have you had dinner?” he tried.

She nodded.

“Let’s go for drinks then so we can catch up,” he said, almost like a plead.

It took a while before Eunice nodded slowly. It was evident to Ben she was probably having second thoughts but she already agreed – that was good enough for him.

“I’ll wait till you’re done with your shopping,” he said.

She nodded, looking back at the cereal box she was checking earlier.

Not wanting to bother her, Ben forced himself to check out other items at the area. But he couldn’t concentrate, finding himself look back at her. It hasn’t totally sunk in yet that’s he’s seen her again after all these years. Waiting for her to finish her grocery shopping to talk to her again was nothing.

It was around five minutes until Eunice announced she was done.

They walked to the cashiers. There were people lined up, so Ben just followed Eunice to the same cashier.

While waiting for their turns, Ben had a million questions to ask, but he didn’t want to start with these strangers around them. He waited ten minutes more until they were walking out of Whole Foods. He carried both his and her shopping bags, after a short awkward battle with her.

“There’s a pub just down the road,” he said.  

Eunice nodded then they made their way quietly. They’ve only taken a few steps when Eunice stopped and said, “I’m so sorry, Ben.” Her voice was trembling, and Ben immediately stopped on his tracks.

“I hurt you, Ben, yet you’re being so kind to me,” she said frankly, shakily.

Ben felt the hurt again, but he just sighed and looked down. “I’m sure you have a good reason for what you did.”

“Oh Ben…” 

“Let’s talk about it, okay?” Ben said. He just wanted to hear her explanation. 

Eunice nodded.

They started walking again, and they both remained quiet. Ben kept glancing at Eunice – with a mixture of nostalgia and hurt.

They reached the pub, and Ben led her to a booth that was a bit isolated. Ben waited for Eunice slide into one of the benches before he placed the paper bags on the other one and sat down. 

Ben gazed at the bar list then looked up. “What are you having?”  

“I’ll just have a gin and tonic.”

Ben nodded, and called the waiter. “A gin and tonic and scotch on the rocks please.”

When the waiter left, Ben turned to Eunice. 

The questions came back all over again but he didn’t want to press her. Somehow asking her how she was didn’t seem right though. 

All he could do was wait for her.

He watched as she played with a piece of bar napkin, tearing them little by little.

It was around five minutes later – felt like a lifetime – until she cleared her throat.

“My parents never knew we were together during college,” she started.

Ben felt like he’d been punched in the gut. They were together for three years. Eunice’s family was from Washington, and she never asked him to come home with her during spring and summer breaks. He suddenly felt stupid.

The waiter came right then to bring them their drinks.

Ben took a swig of his as soon as his glass was in front of him.

Eunice drank too before she continued speaking.

“I tried to tell you so many times. I also tried to tell them so many times. I was too scared. I made a mess of it all,” she rambled. 

Ben tried to remember if his memory of Eunice was someone who was weak. Then suddenly he remembered bits and pieces of memories with her that showed how dependent she was to him then. 

“What would they have had against me? That I was poor?” Ben had to ask. Eunice came from a wealthy family of politicians and oil magnates. 

Eunice kept quiet, giving Ben his answer.

“I’m getting married in two weeks,” she said suddenly. 

Ben instinctively looked down at her hand where a large diamond ring could be found. He guessed it was more than three carats, making him wonder how he could have missed seeing it earlier.

He couldn’t even offer his congratulations. He felt like he’s been robbed of his speech. He was in shock because all these things she was telling him.

“He’s the son of the state senator,” she continued after a while. “My parents practically had me engaged to him since I turned eighteen.”

Hearing those words suddenly angered Ben. They’ve been together all those years for nothing. She didn’t try to fight for him. He was just a college fling for her. And all those years after she left, he wondered about her and wondered what he did. He went after her, he tried calling her and emailing her. She didn’t face him or respond. She just prolonged his agony. He could have found out the truth earlier on and have just given up.

He took his glass and took a large gulp.

“I’m so sorry, Ben, for everything,” she said, slightly shaking and tearing up. “For what it’s worth, I loved you.”

But not enough, he thought, taking another swig.

Eunice scrambled for her purse, trying to look for her wallet.

“Forget it,” Ben bit out. He turned to retrieve Eunice’s grocery bag. He stood up, and passed it to her as she stood up as well.

“I’m so sorry,” she repeated, crying. 

Somehow Ben has forgotten how to be a gentleman since she started talking. He felt like he was being stabbed from all directions. 

Eunice quickly walked out of the bar, catching the attention of some customers. They turned to look at Ben, but he didn’t mind them. He sat back down and drank the rest of the scotch in his glass. Knowing it wasn’t enough, he got the attention of the waiter.

He raised his glass as the waiter approached. “I’ll have a double,” he said.

One just wasn’t enough to erase those three years with Eunice. 


Chapter 18



 Ben had a migraine the next morning, but he had to go to the RHS office. He needed some files from his desk before a meeting he had set in half an hour.

And the migraine seemed minor compared to the other shit he was feeling. 

He still had his sunglasses on as he walked up the stairs. He just nodded at Will at the reception then at Miranda at her desk before entering his office. He still wasn’t in the mood for anything. He would have to put up a front for his meetings that day.

He first checked his tray for mail. With only ten minutes to spare before he had to leave for his meeting, he just scanned through the envelopes and documents, selecting those that seemed important. 

While reading some emails, he got a text message from Alex that he and was at the hotel already where they were going to have the meeting. They were meeting a possible director for the film they were producing.

He had to leave.

He was just standing up when he heard a knock on his door.

“Hey Ben, do you have time?” Liz said, peeking in as she partially opened his door. “Henry told me to run by you the final plans for the fund-raising event next week.”

“You must already be used to planning parties for your parents,” Ben snapped. “I’m sure you already got everything.”

But as soon as the words left his mouth, Ben already regretted them. 

And when he saw her face shift from surprise to hurt, Ben knew he was being a humongous ass. 

"Liz –“ he called, but she had already left and closed the door behind her.

“Fuck!” he exclaimed. He already had to leave for his meeting. 

He gathered the files he needed, then walked out of his office. He tried to ignore Miranda’s curious and worried look on her face.

He peeked to try to see if Liz was at her desk but she wasn’t. He didn’t have time to look for her, so he decided to leave.

He didn’t know how he managed to drive with the distraction of his guilt. The pained look on Liz’s face kept on flashing in his mind. He knew she didn’t deserve the words he said. He knew now she wasn’t like Eunice. 

He thought of calling or texting Liz, but he felt she deserved something more than that.

As soon as he reached the hotel where they were going to have the meeting, Ben got out of his car to have the valet take care of it. 

Getting his stub, he walked to the hotel lounge where he would be meeting Alex and Frank Marshall, the director. He found Alex and Frank chatting already at one of the tables with glasses of what seemed like scotch. 

“Frank,” Ben greeted, extending his hand.

“Benjamin,” Frank greeted back. Frank Marshall was an esteemed director known for some war movies and some action franchises. Alex had already worked with him in a movie before and they had good rapport. 

“Thank you for meeting with us,” Ben said.

“Of course,” Frank said. “The script you sent me was fantastic.”

Frank started talking about his ideas for the movie. Ben tried to concentrate, really, but his mind was all messed up. He was thinking how he was going to apologize to Liz. 

The meeting finally ended with very little input from Ben. Ben knew anyway that it was Alex who would have more of a say on the director they will be getting since Alex was more familiar with the technicalities of filming a movie.

The three of them stood up; Frank shook both their hands. When Frank left, Alex turned to Ben.

“What’s up with you, man?” Alex asked. He wasn’t mad; just curious. “I’m not sure where your head was. And you kinda look like shit.”

“I feel like shit,” Ben admitted.

“What happened?” 

“Eunice is in town,” Ben said, sitting back down on the seat he occupied earlier.

“Oh boy,” Alex said, sitting as well, quickly understanding Ben’s situation.

“I fucking gave her the benefit of the doubt, thinking she had a good reason why she suddenly disappeared and not face me when I went after her,” Ben continued, shaking. He rested his forearms on his knees and rubbed the side of his head with his palm. “But she’s been playing me all along – all those fucking years.”

BOOK: Come with Me (Let It Be Me #2)
13.28Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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