Come Rain or Shine (5 page)

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Authors: Allison Jewell

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Women Sleuths, #Sagas, #Romance, #Historical

BOOK: Come Rain or Shine
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unt. Of course, her brother was having a child. She was going to be an aunt. That was going to take a moment to process. All of these years she had been so alone and now every facet of the word family she could have only imagined before was being thrust on her: brother, father, niece or nephew. It was what she had always wanted. This was a good thing, right? If she was being honest with herself, she had to admit that it felt overwhelming when it all happened at once.

“Please be happy,” Ava mumbled looking down at her hands. “Please.”

Emmie composed herself and plastered on a smile. “Of course,” she started.

“I need you to be happy. No one else is. No one.” Ava shrugged one shoulder and rubbed a tear away with the back of her hand. When she spoke her voice was cracked and was barely audible. “Everyone is just angry. I thought Pop was going to kill Gabe. Ma talked him down. And Ma . . . she is so disappointed. She’s not yelling at me anymore but she avoids me. So we spend all of our time in this house acting like I’m not walking around with Gabe’s baby in my belly, but look.” Ava pulled the fabric of her robe until it fit tightly to her belly. Emmie saw nothing at first but when she looked closely, she did notice a little bulge. She must not be very far long. It was on the tip of Emmie’s tongue to ask when the baby would arrive but she thought better of it. She could tell by the look on Ava’s face she needed to talk right now, not answer a thousand questions. Emmie understood that feeling.

Ava took a deep breath and let the fabric fall loose at her hips again, hiding the small bump on her lower abdomen. “Whether they want to see it or not, our baby’s there. I need you Emmie. I need you to help me show this baby love because there is no one else. Anger. Disappointment. Judgment. That’s all I find in this house.” Ava’s voice quivered and another tear escaped her eyes as she said the sentence.

“Of course, I’ll love your baby.” Emmie made herself sound stronger than she felt. Ava needed strength. She’d abandoned her the last few weeks. Emmie wouldn’t leave her alone now. “And you know they will love the baby too.” She reached a hand out and cupped Ava’s face, wiping a tear away with her thumb. “They will. It’s just going to take time for everyone to get used to the idea.”

Ava nodded and looked a little more resolved. She pulled Emmie into a hug, squeezing her tightly. Emmie bit her lip against the pain in her ribs. “Did you know I didn’t even get to tell Gabe? My father told him. Actually yelling at him through the receiver of a phone is probably a more accurate description. He said things to Gabe that would make a sailor blush. Hurtful, ugly sort of words that I’m worried Gabe won’t be able to forgive.”

“You have talked to Gabe though. I mean,” Emmie shrugged, thinking about the last time Ava had called her, “you’ve had a chance to talk about things. He knows about the wedding change.”

“Oh yeah,” Ava laughed without humor and turned to pace the length of the floor. “He knows about the wedding plans. Pop was going to make him come home that night we found out and marry me right here in the living room. Can you believe it, Emmie? Marry him without our families, without you, without even being in a church? He saw red, Emmie. I’ve never seen him like that.” Ava turned to face her friend again. “If it wasn’t for something big that was happening back in Kentucky, we would have already been married. But Pop went to a meeting one day with Uncle Michael and Gabe’s father, Marco. The three of them came out all stone-faced and sober. Pop never even told me. Ma said we would get married as soon as Gabe had things settled and could get back up here. Is he here now? Did you travel with him?” Ava asked eagerly.

Emmie nodded. She wasn’t sure whether she should say he had come as close as the door this morning, until it was slammed in his face.

Ava spoke quickly before Emmie had the opportunity to say anything, “Is he okay? Is he handling it okay?”

Emmie licked her lips pausing for a moment before she spoke. “Ava, I didn’t know until this moment that there was anything to handle. So, I never spoke to him about it,” she said gently.

Ava rubbed her face. “That’s right. Sorry, I’m not thinking clearly. I’m just going out of my mind. We’ve had a few secret conversations, like the one that day I called your house. I just miss him. I thought he might come here when you arrived. I should have known better. It wouldn’t be smart for him to face Pop right now.”

“He tried.” Emmie found herself saying that before she even thought about it. She looked at Ava. Her face was almost impassive. She had her guard up. It was an art form Ava had perfected.

“Pop wouldn’t let him in would he?” she asked.

“No,” Emmie sighed.

“How did he take it?” Ava asked.

Emmie shrugged. “He was upset. He really wanted to see you.”

Ava’s stony demeanor softened as another tear fell down her cheek. When she brushed it away she was smiling and her shoulders relaxed. “I’ve missed him so much. I’ve missed all of you. It’s been so awful being stuck up here all alone,” she said as she moved back over to the vanity. She finished the powdering process she had started earlier. A moment of silence passed before either of them spoke.

“I am sorry that I couldn’t come up here when you called and asked me to,” Emmie finally said.

Ava nodded and painted her lips.

“What was so important down there anyway?” Ava asked with an arched eyebrow.

“Oh, Ava, you know they don’t tell me anything when I ask.” Emmie laughed nervously.

Ava grinned but it didn’t reach her eyes. “That’s true. But you usually aren’t one to stop asking,” she answered, looking down at her powders.

Emmie sighed and closed her eyes. She did not want to get into this right now. So, she went with another strategy that always worked well for Ava . . . change the conversation back to Ava. “So now that Gabe’s back will you be getting married at Christmas like you said or will it be sooner?”

Ava stood and turned to face her friend. “I honestly don’t know. I’m assuming the conversation will come back up now that he’s back. For all I know the wedding is tonight. I haven’t even gotten flowers, a proper dress, or anything.” She looked lost in thought for a moment. “I’d like to talk to Gabe about things before we walk down the aisle . . . if we even get an aisle.” She laughed at her own joke. “Do you think you could help me?”

“How?” Emmie asked.

“Call him. Or get Silas or Trick to help. Those three can work around just about anything, surely you’ve figured that out by now.” Ava smiled.

Emmie stomach sank at Ava’s words. She had recently seen how resourceful the three of them were at working around things. Ava also had no idea that Silas and Gabe were not on friendly terms. Just hours ago the two had been in a physical fight. Ava had enough on her plate. She didn’t need to be burdened with that knowledge.

“I’ll work something out. I promise,” Emmie said. It was the least she could do for her friend. “I’ll be sure you’ve got a proper dress too. If I’ve got enough time I’ll make you one. Maybe we can talk to your ma about plans or something. She can’t avoid it now that Gabe is back.”

Ava smiled and looked a little more like herself. She wrapped Emmie in a tight hug again. Emmie ground her teeth against the pain in her ribs. “Emmie you are the best friend a girl could have. I am so happy I will be able to call you a sister soon,” Ava said, full of emotion.

“Me too, Ava,” she said honestly. “I’m going to let you finish getting dressed. I may go rest a little. It’s been a long journey.” That was true in so many ways. She was exhausted from everything that had transpired in the last month. This little vacation up north was not turning out to be as carefree and relaxing as she’d planned.

“Of course, you are tired. I’m sorry,” Ava said, following her friend to the door.

“I’ll see you in a bit. And I am happy for you about all of it. I love you and Gabe, how could I not love something that is from both of you?” As soon as Emmie had spoken the words, she knew she’d said the right thing. Ava’s eyes glassed over and she nodded unable to speak.

She walked into the hall. Ava spoke quietly to her from the doorway, “I know that you avoided my question earlier about whatever was happening back home.”

Emmie stood startled for a moment unsure what to say.

“You don’t have to tell me. I’m used to not knowing things. It’s usually better that way. I just want you to know that I’m here, if you ever decide you need to not be alone with it. I’m stronger than you think.”

A million things flooded through Emmie’s mind. She wanted to tell her friend she hadn’t avoided the conversation. Tell her there was nothing to keep secret. Tell her she wasn’t being evasive. But each of those things would have been a lie. So she just bit her lip and nodded. Without another word she turned on her heel and found her way back to her bedroom. She slipped off her shoes and got into the bed fully clothed. She knew it was the middle of the afternoon but she needed sleep. Her mind and body needed rest before she could think through everything. Luckily, sleep claimed her quickly.

Chapter Eight

he next few days passed in a lazy routine. Emmie had spoken to Silas once or twice on the phone but she hadn’t seen him since the day he had dropped her off. He was busy and back at work. She assumed that meant he was back in his apartment in Chicago.

Ava and Emmie began to move into their old ways. They talked about everything and nothing at the same time: magazines, the weather, folks from home, but little else of importance. Emmie filled Ava in on Max’s condition and the fact his family was in Louisville for the rest of the month. She did manage to leave out everything to do with apple pie moonshine, revenuers, and Mr. Thomas. She didn’t know when the right time would be to tell Ava but she knew it hadn’t come yet.

The two rarely talked about Ava’s impending wedding. Nothing was being planned or discussed. Emmie had half expected the wedding to be at Ava’s house right after they arrived, but it hadn’t happened. Ava never asked her mother either. What surprised Emmie most was although Ava would occasionally bring up the fact that she couldn’t wait to be married and have this whole mess behind her, she rarely ever brought up wedding dresses, flowers, invitations, or anything to do with the party. Had her parent’s hurtful words seeped into her skin making her feel she no long deserved it? Ava did deserve a wedding.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, right?
Emmie wanted to bring it up but could never find the right words.


“Emmie, Emmie,” someone whispered above her.

“Happy Thanksgiving,” the voice repeated.

Thanksgiving? That’s right, today was Thanksgiving. She needed to be cooking. Walter’s family would arrive soon. Emmie rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand and propped up in the bed. It took her a moment to figure out where she was. That’s when the voice registered in her mind. Ava. Chicago. She wouldn’t be spending Thanksgiving with Walter’s family this year.

Squinting her eyes, Emmie turned to face the window and realized the morning sun was shining bright. She doubted anyone in this house planned to have her cook the meal. Usually she awoke before daylight to get a start on the Thanksgiving meal.

“I’m sorry, Ava. I didn’t mean to sleep this late. Are you feeling okay?” she asked, remembering Ava’s usual morning routine.

“Yeah. It wasn’t so bad this morning. Enough about me; it’s time for you to wake up, sleepyhead. Silas is here early,” Ava said, her voice a little louder.

Emmie snapped her head and scanned the room looking for him. Ava laughed.

“You think they are going to let him in your bedroom? Especially in light of recent circumstances,” she said.

“Oh right.” Emmie nodded, tossing back the blankets and making her way to the door.

Ava blocked her exit, “Silas looks quite handsome down there. I’m assuming that’s for you.”

“What’s your point Ava? Why are you blocking me?” she asked.

“Have you reached the level of comfort in your relationship where you no longer care that you have yesterday’s lip color smeared onto your cheek and it looks like rats have nested in your hair while you slept?” Ava smiled and pointed at her friend’s nightgown. “You are also indecent. If you have reached that level then you and I have a lot to talk about.”

Oh, they had a lot to talk about all right. But it was not going to happen now. Emmie smiled at Ava’s words. It was good to hear her tease. She sounded more like herself each day. Maybe part of Ava’s problem was that she was sad and here all alone. Ava never liked to be alone.

Nodding, Emmie rubbed her cheek, hoping to lessen the lip stain that had smeared across her face. “Tell him I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

Ava paused at the door. “I’m thinking it might be a good time to make a . . . plan.” She wiggled her eyebrows in reference to the earlier conversation about making an attempt to plan a secret get-together with Gabe.

“Sure. I’ll find a way to bring it up, if the opportunity arises.” Emmie laughed. “Now let me get dressed.”

“Make sure the opportunity arises, Emmie. I need this from you. And wear something blue. It makes your eyes look pretty and he likes you in blue. Remember the feathers?” Ava grinned, popping her face back in the door.

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