Come Home Again (The Donovans) (8 page)

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Authors: Nana Malone

Tags: #interracial romance, #family saga, #romantic comedy, #new adult, #contemporary romance, #women's fiction

BOOK: Come Home Again (The Donovans)
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Nate studied her closely. Well, at least he wasn’t the only one feeling the close proximity. But she’d made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with him. He could respect that. After all, it was just chemistry.
Yeah... chemistry.
.. When was the last time he felt chemistry like this?

“Like I said, whatever your reasons, I'm grateful.” He slid his hands into his pockets as he leaned against the window frame, resisting the urge to tug on his tie. He’d only been wearing it a few hours, and already he felt like the damn thing was choking him. He needed to find some common ground with her and quick. “I guess John is pretty proud of you. Hotshot fixer and all. You always wanted to solve the world’s problems.”

She made a non-committal sound as she set up her laptop on his desk. “I guess so. He doesn’t care one way or the other, just wants me doing something I love.” She crossed her arms, effectively closing off further discussion about her family.

He sighed. “So where do we start?”

Delilah sighed. “Well, first things first. We need to deal with the people in the building. You need some supporters. We need to be able to trust someone in here. Lachlan is good, but you’ll need at least one more. I don't care who it is.”

He frowned. “You’ve read the files. Do you have a suggestion on who I can trust?”

Delilah only grinned in return. “Who said anything about trust? But chances are there’s someone on that board who wants Chase to stay the CEO. We’re going to ferret out those people and make your case. And if they won’t cooperate, I can find some leverage to help make them amenable to your cause.”

He smiled ruefully. “I guess that sweet girl I knew is gone.”

“She's been gone a long time. But lucky for you, she's been replaced by somebody who knows what the hell she's talking about and how to get you what you need.”

It didn’t help his cause that he found this reincarnation incredibly sexy. “Fair enough. What else?”

“The other thing we need to be aware of is your past. There are people in here who will want to undercut you as well as exploit the opportunity and place themselves at the helm. They will try to dig up anything they can find on you. Anything you want hidden, they'll find.”

His jaw worked. “They won’t find anything.”

Delilah raised a brow. “Now is not the time for denial, Nate. You told me Chase is your friend, that next to us, he is the only family you claim. Like it or not, anything you want hidden will come out and put his company in danger. I need to know what we're dealing with so I can get in front of it.”

“No, Delilah, you misunderstand.”

“You have to learn to trust me, Nate. I’m on your side. I need to know everything. And I mean
. You can’t hide things from me. For starters, why did you change your name?”

How did he explain this correctly? “I didn't want anyone finding me.” Namely his brother. “I wanted a fresh start. And you don’t have to worry. Nobody will find anything. I've already taken care of any records and any photos. My digital footprint is nearly nil. As far as anyone is concerned, Nathanial Williams doesn’t exist before college.”

“You're telling me you erased your past?” Dee shook her head. “That's impossible.”

He smirked. “Nothing is impossible. Look for yourself. You won’t find anything on me besides the fact that I grew up in the foster system and then eventually left for college where I met Chase. That's it.”

Delilah swallowed hard. “No mention of us?”

Nate winced. How was he supposed to tell anyone that he’d removed all traces to the person he’d been before college, including the only real family he’d ever had? “No. I figured after the thing at the clinic, you all wouldn’t want anything to do with me.”

She shook her head and licked her bottom lip in a nervous habit he recognized. “What happened that night? You were with me, then next thing I know, your brother is in custody and you’re gone. Why didn’t you ever mention you had a brother?”

He scrubbed a hand over his face as he tried to figure out what to say. He wasn't about to tell her that Trent blackmailed him into robbing the clinic. And he sure as hell wasn’t going to tell her that he’d threatened to hurt her if Nate hadn’t gone along. It wouldn’t matter that he’d been protecting himself. After all this time, she wouldn’t believe him, anyway. Hell, if the situation were reversed, he couldn’t say he’d believe her. “Trent was bad news. Everywhere he went, trouble followed. When he found out where I was, he couldn’t wait to exploit that. When I left, I knew if he found me again, I’d never escape my past. So I changed my name and never looked back.”

“You never gave us a chance to believe you. You never gave
the chance to believe you,” she said quietly. Then with a quick inhale, she continued, “The past is the past. For the few months while Chase is gone, I'll do my best to highlight you the best I can. I'm not doing an image makeover in this case. I'm going to completely invent you. You’ll need to trust me. Even if something I say makes no sense to you. Can you do that?”

“I trust you, Delilah.”

Delilah gritted her teeth and fiddled with the star on her necklace. “Okay, so I’ve got some ideas. I need to make you popular with the public and popular with the board. So it’s going to be a two-fold approach.”

“Okay, I’m listening.”

“First, the community outreach we talked about the other day. Jake will want to go over more details at lunch tomorrow, but I’ve got a list of schools already interested. I tried to pick the most underfunded schools in each borough then snagged a list of their best and brightest. I was thinking we could offer these kids something to give them access to this life. Maybe a contest for an internship or something. The key is, you have to be very involved. Make it your baby. Can you do that?”

His mind already conjured images of how to work it. “Yeah, I can manage that.”

“Good. And I know how you feel about press, so how about after the winners are announced, we limit the congratulatory dinner to them and one news outlet. Someone big though. I have a few ideas, but I’ll be calling in every favor I can. Can you stomach that?”

He sighed. “I think I can stomach that.”

“We’ll make it a huge deal and promote the hell out of it. Make these kids rock stars for a night.” She checked her notes. “Lucky for you, the board will be easier. I checked the financials that Chase sent over. You’re already on target to hit quarterly numbers and probably exceed them. Then, of course, with the release of the latest game, that should boost those numbers. But let’s make it clear to them that you’re planning for a future and that you and Chase are on the same page.”

“Already done. I’ll be syncing up with him in a couple of days as well.”

“Perfect. I’m going to have Willow start digging into those files of yours. If there is anything she can uncover, I want to know now. It’s better for you if I find anything you want hidden first.”

He only wanted one thing hidden from her, and she was never going to find it. He’d die before he let that happen. “Tell her to have fun digging. She won’t find anything.” He cocked his head. “I see you still have that necklace.”

Her eyes widened then she dropped her hand. “It’s the only thing I have that goes with my earrings.”

He nodded slowly. He’d saved for months to buy her that simple star pendant and necklace for her sixteenth birthday. Back then, that cheap necklace was the only way he’d known to say thank you to the girl who’d saved his life. It touched some place long hidden that she still had it. That she still wore it.

Something icy slithered around his heart and squeezed. He knew what would happen if he got too close to her. Now was not the time to get distracted.

Delilah shifted from foot to foot. “You’ll also need a tux.”

“For what?”

“There’s a charity event tomorrow night. We’ll want to make it your coming out. Make a bold statement. The press releases have already gone out announcing you as interim CEO. We want to control the buzz around you, make sure we’re the ones driving it. We’ll need to give you a platform that shows you’re more than the complete package. You already have the background and the good looks, we’ll add the charm.”

He scoffed. “Gee, thanks. This event tomorrow, you’ll be there?”

“Yes.” She studied him and continued, “The brains are there and can’t be disputed. But we also have to show the heart, drive, and ingenuity. That’s what shareholders have to believe in. Real or imagined. I have a team coming in the morning to take care of the rest of your look.”

The rest of his look?
“What do you mean?”

“Well, you still need a hair cut. And while your attempt with the tie today is a good one, I have people who do this for a living and will bring you choices you can live with.”

Nate ran a hand through his hair. He didn't particularly want a haircut. But this was her show. He wasn’t going to fight her. He leaned back against the window and crossed his arms. “You’re very good at this.”

“I hope so. It’s my job.”

Nate shook his head. This was more than a mere job to her. She believed in crafting the right image. Putting on the right kind of show for everyone to see. “I remember when you used to believe everyone was perfect as they were.”

Delilah wrinkled her nose, and then met his gaze levelly. “That girl was naïve. This woman is practical. The truth doesn’t matter. Only the perception.”

He pierced her with a gaze. “And what is your perception of me now?” Nate knew he was asking for trouble, but he couldn’t seem to help himself. Less that forty-eight hours in her presence, and need clawed at him.

Delilah met his gaze, lips parted. “It’s not my job to have an opinion. It’s my job to ensure the public has a positive one of you.”

“It matters to me what you think. That you know I’m sorry for hurting you. For letting you down.”

She slid her gaze from his but didn’t move back. He inched forward again, just needing to be near her.

“It doesn’t matter anymore, I guess.”

He was so close to her that if she inhaled deeply, her full breasts would brush against his chest. “It matters to me.”

She met his gaze directly then. “Why does it matter?”

That was his Lila. Never had let him off easy. “Because I can’t stop thinking about how you taste.”

Her breath came in shallow pants, and with every lick of her lips, he almost begged her for mercy.

“Nate, I can’t do this. Our history. And not to mention this is against the rules. I never should have let that kiss in the elevator happen. I could lose my job.”

Now that, he didn't want. He knew what it meant to her. But he also couldn’t help wanting her. “I would never let that happen. No one would have to know. All I want is a taste.” He gently slid his hands to her waist, tugging her closer so her body fit against his. “To prove it was an illusion.”

Delilah swallowed hard. “Nate...”

“If you don’t want me to do this, say the word, and I’ll let you go.” And he would. No matter what it cost him.

But she didn't move. Instead, her gaze drifted to his mouth in silent invitation.

Nate dipped his head to kiss her, at first lightly brushing their lips together. Her lips parted for him, and his tongue slid in to taste her. Spicy, with a hint of sweet.

For several torturous seconds, she didn’t respond, just stood tense in his arms. But then he sucked on her bottom lip, and she moaned, meeting his tongue with her own and lazily looping her hands around his neck. She threaded her fingers into his hair, and he groaned against her mouth. She was so soft. His thumbs traced over her hipbones, and she shivered. Angling his head and deepening their kiss, Nate kept up the teasing until she panted and breathed out a soft whimper.

Just as his hands slid up over her belly, there was a knock at the door. He tore his lips from hers and dragged in a ragged breath. “Just a second,” he called out.

Delilah stumbled backward and blinked up at him with a heavy-lidded gaze. “What was that?”

Me being a masochist
. “That was something I intend to do again.”

Her breathing eventually slowed, and she took another deliberate step back. “Don’t you need me as a willing participant?”

He ran a thumb over her bottom lip and watched in fascination as her pupils dilated. “Are you willing?”

And though he held onto a sliver of hope, her answer was a surprise.

“I don’t know.”

Chapter 7

unch with Delilah proved to be an exercise in self-control. Bryant Park Grill was a New York staple with its outdoor patio, ivy vines snaking their way up the exterior walls, and a bird's eye view of the park. Lachlan and Jake had selected a corner table in the shade, but that didn't stop Nate from feeling more than a little exposed.

“So, has Delilah been filling you in on what we've been doing to boost your profile?” Jake asked.

“You mean the work to give kids an opportunity for an internship, yeah?”

Delilah chimed in. “It's so much more than that. It really will give those schools a higher profile and maybe pour some money into them.”

Nate nodded. “I'll admit, it's a good idea. I'm not so keen on press covering the event, but otherwise I think it's fantastic.”

Jake scoffed. “C'mon, the press for that will be minimal compared to what we have lined up. Delilah’s contacts are a bit pedestrian, but I'm also working the angle of publications like

Beside him, Delilah stiffened, and Nate ground his teeth. Jake was an ass. He didn’t like how the guy was speaking to her. “Well, as I said in our first meeting, I don’t want some crazy media blitz. I'm not interested. I'd rather let the work I do speak for itself.”

Jake slid a glance to Delilah then back to him. “But we've discussed this. It's important for your profile. How else will people know about the work you’re doing at Synth?”

Lach, the traitor, sided with Jake. “I'm sorry, Nate, but they're right. You have to do some press.”

Next to Nate, Delilah crossed and uncrossed her legs. Her bare flesh brushed against his leg, and he swallowed heard. She stilled, pausing mid-air with her water glass on the way to her lips.
. She'd barely touched him.

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