Come Fill Me (The Prophecy) (12 page)

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His hunger proved it. He deepened the kiss, his tongue sweeping Liz’s mouth, his hand covering her breast, his skilled fondling pulling another whimper from her.

He flicked her nipple in response, sending a thrum of delight down her belly to her cunt. Powerless to fight, Liz rode wave after wave of pleasure, her body growing heavy, her thoughts muddled. On instinct, she responded to Jacob, desiring him at this moment even as she continued to crave Zeke.

His unruly breathing registered beneath her and Jacob’s noisy kiss, telling Liz of his eagerness to take her again. She was more than ready, her pussy damp with carnal need, every part of her screaming for his touch.

Unaware, Jacob continued to kiss her, pinching her nipple between his fingers, squeezing her breast until she was breathless with satisfaction and he was sated. Easing back, he pulled in a deep breath and opened his eyes.

His features went from relaxed to confused that she wasn’t Kele. He took a moment to regard her nudity. Heat poured through Liz, flushing her skin. Jacob’s brows lifted, then pulled together in a frown. He glanced past her to his brother.

Liz expected Zeke to embrace Jacob much as he had his men in the tunnel.

He came to the bed and spoke in a low growl. “Idiot. What in the fuck did you think you were doing, leaving the stronghold without my permission? How in the hell could you have been so damned stupid?”

“Stupid?” Jacob pushed to his elbows, huffing with the effort, speaking as quietly as Zeke had. “I did what I had to do to keep your sorry ass safe.”

“Screw that,” Zeke said.

“Guys.” Liz put out her hands to stop them from coming to blows. “No more bloodshed, all right? Hasn’t there been enough already?”

Jacob curled his upper lip. “And you are?”

Zeke spoke before she could. “The woman who just saved your life and mine, you damn dummy.”

So much for him not doing anything to escalate matters. “I’m Liz Munez,” she said to Jacob.

His expression registered momentary surprise replaced by a quick scowl. “Why are you doing this if you’re Carreon’s lover?” He spoke to Zeke. “If you’re so damn smart and right about everything, why didn’t you think to ask her that before bringing her to our fucking stronghold?”

“Stop it,” she ordered them both. “I’m not Carreon’s lover…not any longer. I don’t belong to any man.”

Zeke made a noise as though to contradict her notion, then spoke in a lowered tone to Jacob. “Kele’s worried about you. She’s in the hall.” He gestured to the door. “Get your ass out there and tell her you’re all right.”

Jacob didn’t budge. With arrogance, he regarded Liz’s nudity, lingering on her erect nipples, her curly brown bush, the dried ejaculate his brother had left between her legs.

She didn’t bother covering herself, nor could she deny her arousal. A pleasant ache settled in Liz’s cunt, lubrication dampening it in expectation of a man’s cock. Jacob’s was wonderful, the skin darkened with desire, the crown plump, the shaft lengthening, growing even harder.

She imagined the taste of him on her tongue, clean and slightly salty, his skin’s texture as welcome as the short dark hairs on his balls that grew plumper by the second.

“Now,” Zeke ordered, breaking the heavy silence. “And give Nicholas a horsey ride too, while you’re at it. He’s expecting one.”

Jacob acknowledged his brother with another frown. A charge of emotion passed between them that Liz sensed had to do with her, not Zeke’s blunt orders. She should have gotten up and left. At the very least covered herself.

She couldn’t manage either action.

Jacob studied her as though trying to read her thoughts, then asked Zeke, “What are you going to be doing while I’m gone?”

Zeke didn’t bother to hide his intentions. He regarded her nudity as Jacob had, the bulge behind his fly growing more pronounced, revealing his erection.

A part of Liz wanted to be alarmed or insulted at Zeke’s dominance, his determination to own her.

The yearning he’d tried to hide, the way he’d looked when speaking about Gabrielle dispelled any fear, making Liz accepting of whatever he offered.

With an annoyed huff, Jacob rolled off the bed, the ends of his hair swinging above his ass. He wrapped Liz’s blanket around his narrow hips and strode to the door, speaking over his shoulder, “Don’t think I won’t return.”

Zeke offered no comment. Jacob slammed the door on his way out. In the hall, a chorus of female voices rose.

“Jacob,” Kele cried, louder than the rest.

The young woman’s joy went unnoticed by Zeke, his full attention remaining on Liz.

She recognized his lust, encouraged his dominance, her body softening in anticipation, her nipples growing taut.

He joined her on the bed, his weight causing the springs to squeal. Taking her wrists in one hand, he pushed her to the mattress, her body laid out beneath his.

Liz’s breasts quivered with her ragged breaths. She lifted her hips, wanting her mound closer to his cock even as she relaxed her wrists, proving she’d offer him no resistance.

If her submission pleased Zeke, he didn’t show it. Nor did he comment as he unfolded his length over hers, glancing down to where their bodies touched. His hair swung forward with the movement, the ends tickling her cheek. Against her thigh, she felt his shaft getting harder. There was brutal male strength in it, and yet tenderness in his touch, his thumbs stroking her wrists.

Liz surrendered to the wondrous sensations, wanting what he did, what she’d already given him the right to take.

He nestled closer, releasing a bit more of his weight onto her. She purred in contentment, finding his heaviness a delight, not a burden. She expected Zeke to release her wrists so he could shove down his jeans and mount her as he had at Carreon’s house.

He kissed her cheek instead. She trembled, grinding her body into his. Ignoring her need, Zeke pressed his lips to her ear and whispered, “Thank you for saving my brother.”

He sounded so grateful Liz wasn’t certain whether to smile or cry like a sentimental fool. Zeke’s capacity for love stirred her in a way she couldn’t resist. Feeling mischievous, she said, “Just see that I don’t have to do it again.”

He laughed.

The full, rich sound healed another part of her battered soul and alarmed Liz greatly. With each passing minute, she found more to like about Zeke when she shouldn’t. He was still Carreon’s enemy, her father a prisoner of the man.

What had Carreon done since she and Zeke had left the stronghold? She considered what Zeke had said, believing he was correct—as long as her father had the ability to heal, Carreon wouldn’t risk hurting him. In her heart, she sensed he was safe. Not only that, Carreon must have heard her fighting Zeke, demanding he leave her in the mansion. Carreon couldn’t believe she’d left willingly, not with her father still at risk.

Zeke’s laughter wound down. The corners of his eyes crinkled with his lingering smile, pulling Liz from her worry back into his seductive embrace.

“You don’t know my brother,” Zeke said.

Emboldened by his desire for her and the honorable man he kept proving himself to be, she asked, “Will I before the night’s over?”


His answer was uncomplicated, devoid of emotion, telling Liz that he intended to share her with Jacob. She sensed part of it involved Zeke wanting his brother’s full recovery with no danger of relapse. The more she touched Jacob, the deeper he was within her, the stronger he’d become, just as Zeke had.

Their culture added another element to the mix. Liz had heard rumors about their men sharing women, no different from what Carreon had done with her and his lieutenants.

This didn’t feel the same. Zeke wasn’t using her to get a carnal high. With him, Liz felt cherished, not exploited.

She twisted her wrists within his hands. He offered no reaction but did release his hold. Liz cradled his face, running her thumb over his bottom lip, guiding him down to her.

Zeke’s composure fell away, evident in his throaty growl, his tongue thrusting into her mouth, his hand dragging down her body. He kissed and touched her like a man who’d never experienced anything more exciting. There was an inner fire in how he molded his mouth to hers, taking away any chance for her to deny him.

He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, mimicking Jacob’s earlier movements, making these his own. When he touched her clit, Liz gasped at its sensitivity, the riot of sensations rippling from her cunt to her anus and down her thighs. With her moan, Zeke’s tongue filled her mouth even more. He ran his fingers over her vaginal lips, so plump with arousal they’d already separated, revealing her entrance.

It made him wild and Liz listless in the best possible way, eager to yield, having no will except to submit.

He touched her nub again, working it, driving Liz crazy, pulling moan after moan from her.

Beneath the sounds, she heard another—wood quivering, a door opening, then slamming shut.

Zeke didn’t budge from her, taking his time, acting like the leader he was, intent on what he willed and she had to have. They necked for minutes—deep, nourishing kisses—with him manipulating her clit, bringing her so close to orgasm Liz groaned, the helpless sound muted by his tongue.

There, he stopped, leaving her near the finish line but not quite past the point of no return. Pulling her mouth free, Liz glared at him. Zeke didn’t notice; he was already watching Jacob.

His brother stood at the door, the blanket at his feet, his body bared, prepared to take what he wanted.

Liz saw the truth of it on his face, his savage need of her.

Her thoughts raced with wanton images of him on top of her, behind her, using her openings as he willed. She tried to fill her lungs and couldn’t.

Jacob’s cocky expression said her reaction pleased him. He strode to the bed, his shaft erect, his expression pure male, his intent clear. He was going to take her now, along with his brother.

Chapter Six

Minutes before, the other women had left the hallway, returning to their children, partners or chores. Kele alone remained. Slumped against the wall, she tried to control the turmoil building within her.

Jacob was alive, healed. It was all that mattered, not him insisting on going back into the room with Zeke and that horrible woman…their enemy.

“Wait for me downstairs,” he’d said just a moment ago, his hand cupping her chin so she had to look at him. “I’ll join you there.”

He hadn’t said when, sending an alarm through Kele, one she didn’t much like, making her bold. “Come with me now.”

Despite the other women’s presence, she’d wrapped her fingers around his, placing his palm on her breast, wanting to entice him to her room. They didn’t share it just yet, though Kele knew that someday they would.

From the time she’d been eight and first noticed him at one of the clan’s meetings, Kele had decided Jacob belonged to her. During summer vacations, she’d bugged him to let her play catch with him and the other boys rather than jumping rope as she would have liked. She gave him her chocolate milk and candy whenever she had it, lying about hating its taste. All through grade school, he’d treated her like a kid sister he hadn’t asked for and didn’t want.

High school changed everything. She’d grown tall and filled out, resembling the woman she was now. Finally, he noticed her but still kept his distance, telling her to hang with kids her own age.

“You know…babies,” he said.

She returned his smile, adoring how he teased her. It took all of her will, but she did as he asked, staying away until her eighteenth birthday, which marked her as an adult even by Anglo standards. That evening, Kele brought Jacob a gift—herself.

On tiptoes, with her mouth to his ear and her hand on his flat belly, she whispered, “Take my virginity.”

He’d been twenty-two at the time and had countless girlfriends his age and older. Wearing an expression that was a mixture of amusement and bewilderment, he’d said, “I have a date tonight.”

Expecting as much, Kele nodded and sat on the sofa in the apartment he shared with three of his buddies. To her relief, none of them was around. “Not a problem. I’ll wait until you get back.”

Jacob argued with her, he tried to reason, but Kele wouldn’t be swayed. In the end, he’d cancelled his date, and they talked, or rather Kele talked, and he listened to how much she’d always worshipped him.

“You don’t have to love me right away,” she assured him, touching his cheek, thrilled at the heat of his skin, the bite of his coming beard. It was better than she’d fantasized. “Just say you’ll try. That’s all I ask.”

She’d honored her promise as Jacob had his. He kept trying to love her. Always, he treated her well, never raising his voice or his hand…but he was never fully hers, not even now.

Kele pushed away from the wall and went to the room’s door, resting her hand on it. The heavy wood muted the sounds within rather than blocking them. Listening, she bit her lip at the bedsprings squeaking and Zeke’s rumbling voice, the volume so low she couldn’t catch his words. Jacob spoke next. What he said was also a mystery.

The woman remained silent. Why? Had Zeke already filled her mouth with his cock…or had Jacob?

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