Read Come Be My Love Online

Authors: Patricia Watters

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General, #Historical, #Victoria (B.C.)

Come Be My Love (14 page)

BOOK: Come Be My Love
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Sarah almost laughed at his attempt at wide-eyed innocence. Of course, she should refuse. It was obvious Jon planned to take at least a few liberties. But she did want to spend some time with him, and she'd be safer on an open beach than in the cottage, which Mandi would no doubt vacate at the first opportunity, in order to leave them alone. "Well, I suppose we could go for a short walk," she said, "but only for a few minutes."

"Naturally," Jon said. The smile that followed could only be described as Machiavellian.

Outside, Jon took Sarah's hand and they crossed the road and followed a path that led to the water. They negotiated a narrow path that cut between beach grass as it descended toward the water, then strolled along a narrow sandy beach, edged in wave-washed rocks, and hidden from view of the road and the cottage by an embankment bordered by low wind-twisted evergreens and thick underbrush. A short distance away, Jon pulled Sarah into his arms and kissed her. It wasn't a long, lingering kiss as she had expected, but a quick, playful one. Then he hiked his leg up on a drift log and tugged off one boot, then the other.

Sarah looked at him with a start. "What are you doing?" she asked.

He glanced at her, and replied, "Removing my boots so I can cool my feet in the water."

Sarah stared in uncertain silence as he stripped off his socks. She could not remember ever seeing a man's naked feet so close, not that she was shocked. She'd just never seen male feet... exposed like that. She'd also never thought of a man's feet as being sensual. But there was something sensual about Jon's. They were broad and sinewy, the skin on them surprisingly pale, almost translucent, the top of each toe bearing a little dusting of dark hair.

Jon wiggled his toes, and when she looked up, she knew he'd seen her staring. He gave her a wicked smile. "Aren't you going to join me?" When she made no motion to remove her own shoes, he said, "You're not getting timid now, are you? You're the one who announced that women should be able to display their limbs just as men. Well, I'm displaying mine. Are you beginning to question your own doctrine?"

"Of course not," Sarah snapped. She sat on the drift log and removed her shoes, then looked up at Jon and waited for him to turn his back.

He raised his hands in acquiescence. "Right. I know the rules." He turned away from her and said, "It's not as if I haven't seen your feet before, or thought about them. Or your beautiful legs... about how slender and white they are, and how splendidly narrow your lovely ankles are. Ah, and those dainty little toes. Very

"If you don't stop talking like that I shall go back to the house," Sarah said.

"I can't control the nature of my thoughts," Jon replied. "And right now they seemed focused on your
toes." He sighed, then added in a pitiful voice that rang of mocking amusement, "It's difficult being a slave. But I suppose it can have its rewards... at times."

When Sarah spoke again, her voice, now muffled by the sound of the surf, came from the direction of the water. "You may turn now," she called out.

Jon glanced around to find her wading ankle deep in the surf, her mass of golden-red hair snapping in the breeze, her skirt raised just enough to clear the water. He crossed the beach in several long strides and marched into the water after her. Seeing him coming, she hiked up her skirt further and scampered away, water splashing around her legs as she ran. Cupping his hand, he shot a spray of water at her. She let out a little yelp, lifted her skirt to her knees, and rushed through the surf where it lapped against the shore. Jon raced after her and scooped her up in his arms. "So you think you can get away from me," he said, bundling her against his broad chest and carrying her out of the water.

Sarah clasped her arms around his neck. "You’re mad, you know. Really quite mad."

"You're right," Jon said, eyeing her smooth calves as the wind billowed her skirt, whipping it above her knees. "Mad about you." He carried her to the base of a steep embankment which rose high, shielding the beach from the road above, and set her down on a drift log. "And being mad," he said, "I have worked up a lather." With one tug he'd pulled his shirt over his head, the gesture leaving him standing bare-chested in front of her, then pulled her into his arms.

Sarah braced her hand against his bare chest and tipped her head back, allowing him to plant a kiss on the hollow of her throat. Then he made his way up, kissing the curve of her chin, and one eyelid, then the other. "Your skin is as soft as the underside of a dove's wing," he said.

Sarah suddenly start giggling.

He pursed his lips. "I can see that my efforts at romancing you with poetic nothings are falling on deaf ears."

"No," Sarah said, laughter in her voice. "It's just that it occurred to me that the underside of a dove's wing would be its...

"Umm... well, perhaps that's not very romantic. I'll use a more direct approach." Jon trailed kisses down her neck while also unfastening her bodice, and she made no move to stop him. She couldn't. It was all she could do to remain standing. He continued down until the top of her lacy chemise was exposed to his view. Pulling her chemise down, he exposed her breast, then took a firm, puckered nub into his mouth and began to suckle.

Moans reverberated in Sarah's throat as tremors of delight rippled through her, intensifying, making her want something urgently and desperately, yet not knowing what it was. Then Jon kissed her lips, not a light, playful kiss as before, but a hard, demanding kiss while stroking her tongue with his, making her dizzy and confused and aching with need. Their lips still clinging, he edged her down to the mossy embankment alongside the beach, and when they were stretched out together, he kissed the side of her neck and across her breasts, while his hand curved around her ankle and began slowly pushing her skirt up to expose her calf.

The cool air on Sarah's damp leg had a sobering effect.

Her eyelids drifted open, but she made no move to push Jon's hand from her leg, transfixed by the contrast between her white flesh and his sun-bronzed hand as it moved leisurely up and down in long, languid strokes. "You have a beautiful leg," he said, pushing her skirt higher, until her knee was exposed to his view. With the tip of his finger, he drew lazy swirls around her knee cap, while saying, "I want to see all of you, every delectable inch." His hand continued upward, drawing her skirt with it, until the entire length of her leg was exposed to his view...

He bent over and started kissing his way up her leg, starting at her calf and moving up. Sarah's heart began to hammer, perspiration dampened her brow, and a knot twisted in her stomach as the harsh onrush of reality reminded her of exactly what she was allowing Jon to do, and where she was allowing him to do it. As he placed a kiss on her thigh, she braced her hand on his head to stop him, and said, almost breathless. "Please stop."

She looked around, having the horrible feeling that someone was watching, someone with evil eyes that held a hideous delight in what they saw. Pushing his head away, she said, "You should not have done that here. Someone could be watching."

"There was no one around when we came down here," Jon said, "and we're well hidden behind rocks and brush, but perhaps you're right." He pulled the hem of her skirt down to cover her legs, then nudged her hands aside as she attempted to gather the ties of her chemise, and said, "I'm the one who took you apart, so I'll be the one to put you together." As he began fastening the ties, he said, "I propose we send Mandi to town."

Sarah looked at him, puzzled. "For what?" Then her face flushed hot with the sudden realization that she had not chastised Jon for what he'd been doing, but rather for where she was allowing him to do it. The sharp glint in his eyes told her that he’d picked up on her error and would continue where they’d left off the first chance they were alone.

He would do it, that is, unless she put a stop to things.

Shoving his hands away, she said, "I am perfectly capable of dressing myself," then went about the task of fastening her bodice with shaky fingers. "And I don't want you doing what you did again." She closed her blouse, then went to retrieve her shoes.

Jon followed, commenting pragmatically, "What I was doing was awakening the sensual woman inside so you could learn the true pleasures to be found in your own body."

Sarah's face flushed. "I don't want you talking like that either." She quickened her pace, her bare feet kicking up sand as she marched in determination toward her shoes.

"You're the one who said that a woman soon falls into a state of listlessness and insipidity if she's without employment suitable to maintain health and happiness and satisfy her mind and body. Had you ever considered that perhaps it's not the lack of suitable employment that makes a woman feel unsatisfied, but the lack of something much more basic?"

Sarah's cheeks burned. "That's ridiculous."

"What are you afraid of?" Jon asked, lengthening his strides. "Discovering that you have secret places that might awaken and become dependent on a man for pleasure? That you might even start to lust after that pleasure?"

"That is disgusting," Sarah snapped. I will never lust after a man. Nor will I ever be dependent on one for... what you said."

"I didn't say it. But it's called—"

"Stop!" Sarah covered her ears. When she knew Jon wouldn't say the forbidden word, she sat on the drift log and snatched her silk stocking from her shoe, then waited for Jon to turn.

Jon planted his hands on his hips. "No, Miss Ashley, I will not turn around. Either put on your stockings while I watch, or return to the cottage on naked feet. Your choice."

Hot tears of fury stung Sarah's eyes. But even as Jon angered her, the thrill of him watching was causing strange sensations between her legs. Turning slightly, she lifted her skirt and rolled one silk stocking up her bare leg, her entire body feeling as if on fire as his gaze burned into her. She reached for her other stocking. "Why are you doing this?" she asked, without looking up.

"Because you're lying to yourself. Because you refuse to acknowledge your own needs. Because you're a witless little
," Jon said. "Take your pick."

"I see," Sarah mused. "You didn't get your way with me so you're angry. I suggest you go to one of those dance halls Mr. De Cosmos talked about and find a woman to take care of your problem because this
has no intention of doing so. In fact, I'd like you to leave."

To Sarah's surprise, Jon yanked on his socks, pulled on his boots, shrugged into his shirt, and left her standing on the beach staring after him.

Damned, single-minded man!

With several sharp jerks, she shook the sand from her skirt and headed back to the cottage, furious at Jon for twisting everything she said into something sexual, and enraged with herself for allowing him to arouse in her an ache she couldn't seem to quell. His little male tantrum accomplished one thing, however. From now on, she'd find it infinitely easier to maintain her distance. It was obvious he wanted her for only one reason, and that reason was not to become his wife. Not that she would ever consider such a preposterous idea. Being any man's wife was inconceivable. Unthinkable. At least it seemed unthinkable... at the moment...

After she'd finished putting herself together, and was certain there was nothing about her dress that hinted of having a dalliance with Jon, she made her way back up the beach and negotiated the narrow trail up the embankment, then crossed the road, surprised to find Mandi standing on the porch. On seeing the distraught look on Mandi's face, she assumed it was because Mandi saw Jon marching off in a huff. Then she realized it was something much more serious. "What's wrong?" she asked.

Mandi handed her what appeared to be a hastily-scrawled note. "Ah found this
' on the porch under this rock," she said, a fist-size rock in her hand.

Sarah took the note, which was hastily written in pencil, and read:
Hope you enjoyed your tryst on the beach with the governor. I\know Mr. De Cosmos will find it of interest. H and T.

"It's from Hollis and Tyler. They're still here," Sarah said, almost in a whisper. Her stomach knotted, her face burned as if on fire, and she felt suddenly light-headed with the thought of what Hollis and Tyler had witnessed. If she would allow Jon to do the things he had while on a beach, of course they'd assume the worse. Hot tears of shame welled. She crumbled the note, and said in a wavering voice, "They saw me on the beach with Jon."

Mandi took her arm and guided her into the house. "It'll be all right," she said. "There's nothing you and the
could've done
on the beach that would make no mind no how. So don't fret. Besides, from the way the
' off on his horse, Ah '
he didn't even get a kiss. And even if he did, there
no one who cares about a little kiss."

"No... no one would care about a little kiss," Sarah said, staring out the window as the vacant road and the surf beyond.
If only it had been just that. A little kiss.

Mandi took her by the arm and tugged her from the window. "It don't do no good to cry over spilt milk so stop
' and let's gather what we need for tomorrow."

BOOK: Come Be My Love
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