Come Away With Me (9 page)

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Authors: Kristen Proby

BOOK: Come Away With Me
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“Okay, going to bed. See you tomorrow.” I hear her shoes click up the stairs.

Luke raises a brow and looks at me. I shrug.

“Maybe she had a bad day.”

“Maybe,” I respond and frown, but shrug it off. I’ll ask her about it tomorrow. I figured she would have been curious to get a peek at Luke, but seeing as we’re both half naked, I’m relieved. I don’t really want anyone to see Luke without his shirt on.

I clear the few dishes we have and stack them in the dishwasher, then turn back around and lean my elbows on the counter.

“Will you stay with me tonight,” I ask.

Luke’s eyes widen and he smiles. He doesn’t say anything, he just stands and comes around the breakfast bar to me.

Without touching me he leans in and gently lays his lips on mine.

Geez, where did I find this guy?

“I’d love to stay tonight,” he whispers against my lips. Oh, there’s that sexy whispering thing he does so well.

“Okay, good,” I whisper back.

Suddenly, he turns his back to me and says, “Jump on.”


“Jump on my back, we’re going upstairs.” He reaches his arms back like he’s going to catch me, and I laugh as I jump up onto his back, wrap my arms around his neck and my legs hitch up around his hips.

I lean down and pull his earlobe between my teeth and he takes off for the stairs, effortlessly climbing them and we are both laughing like crazy when he stops next to the bed and pulls the covers back.

I squeal as he unceremoniously drops me on the bed.

“You know,” he says, his face suddenly very serious, as he sprawls out beside me on his side.

“What?” I ask, sarcastically.

He runs his fingertip along the neckline of his t-shirt. “You never did ask me if you could borrow my shirt.”

“I didn’t?” I widen my eyes and bite my lip.

He shakes his head. “No, you didn’t.

Very rude of you.”

“I’m so sorry. How can I ever make it up to you?” I try to look contrite.

“I don’t know. I’m very offended.”

He still looks so serious and I want to break out into laughter, but I’m enjoying our game too much.

“Can I buy you a new one?” I ask.

“Well, I’m really very fond of that one.”

“Oh,” I bite my lip again and push him onto his back. “Can I take a picture of it and give it to you?”

I unfasten his shorts and he raises his hips so I can pull them down his legs, his erection springing free. I pull a condom out of the pocket and discard them onto the floor.

“No,” he whispers, “It’s just not the same.”

“Hmm…” I roll the condom onto his cock and straddle his hips. I look down at him, narrowing my eyes like I’m thinking very hard trying to solve this problem.

“Well,” I cross my arms and grip the hem of his soft gray shirt, pulling it over my head. “I guess I’d better return it then.”

I hand him the shirt but he throws it on the floor and sits up so we’re nose-to-nose. He grasps my ass in his hands and lifts me over his cock and I slide down onto him.

“Fuck, baby, you’re so wet.”

“That little game turned me on.”

He growls and kisses me, guiding me up and down with his hands on my rear.

I plant my hands on his shoulders and push, and he lies back on the bed. I lean down and kiss him tenderly, my hips still moving, his hands still on my butt.

Then I sit up, and start to really move, reveling in how deep he feels, clenching around him. He runs his hands up my stomach to cup my breasts and tease my nipples with his thumbs.

“Ah!” I throw my head back and grind down on him harder, faster, and feel myself tightening, and I’m going to come already.

“Come for me, baby,” his hands are gripping my hips, pushing me down onto him harder and harder and I explode around him.

Before I’ve had a chance to come down to Earth, Luke has moved out from under me, pushing me onto my stomach.

He’s lying on my back, his chest hair tickling my shoulder blades. He kisses the back of my neck, and then over my tattoo. He parts my legs with one of his and then he’s inside me again.

“Oh, God!”

“Oh, baby, you feel so good.” He’s braced himself on his fists on either side of me and is pushing into me over and over, hitting that sweet spot on the front side of my vagina, sending little glittery sparks of yumminess all through me. I feel myself being pushed to the edge again and I cry out Luke’s name as I come, my orgasm gripping my body and wringing me dry.

He cries out my name as he finds his own release and collapses on top of me.

“Wow.” I mumble into the pillows and I feel his smile against my back.

“What was that?”

“Wow.” I say again, not moving my head.

He bites my shoulder and I yelp, pushing him off me. He chuckles as he discards the condom and wraps us in the blanket, pulling me into his arms, his front to my back.

“I’m sorry, miss, I didn’t hear you.”

“I said, ‘that was just so-so.’”.

He lets out a full belly laugh and hugs me close.

“Is this the wrong time to tell you that I’m on birth control?” I turn in his arms as I say this to see his reaction.

“What?” His eyes narrow and now he looks pissed.

“Well, yeah, I am. Why are you mad?” I back up a few inches to look in his face.

“I thought you said it’s been almost a year since you were with anyone.”

“It has been.”

He raises an eyebrow.

“Women don’t go on and off birth control just because they’re in a physical relationship.” I roll my eyes. “It would mess with our hormones too much.”

“Oh.” He frowns again, and then looks at my tattoos.

“I’ve been tested each year at my physical. I’m perfectly healthy.” I smile.

“So, I could have had you in the shower?”

I laugh and nod but then stop and eye him speculatively. “Well…”

“I also get physicals regularly, haven’t had a partner in about the same amount of time as you, and am healthy as can be.”

“Then, yes.” Oh, I so do not want to think about him being with other women.
No, no, no.

“Well, shit, I think we need another shower.”

I laugh and snuggle back into his arms, resting my head on his chest.

“Tomorrow, I’m sleepy.”

“Maybe we’ll solve each other’s insomnia.”

“It’s worth a try.” I yawn and kiss his chest.

“Go to sleep, baby.”


I wake in the morning to bright sunlight and a heavy arm draped over me. I’ve never slept with anyone before, so this is new. And amazingly comfortable.

Luke is asleep on my pillow. He looks so young and relaxed. He needs to shave, and his hair is messy, as usual. I want to run my fingers through it, but nature calls, so I carefully slide out from under his arm and head into the bathroom.

When I tip-toe back into the bedroom, Luke is still fast asleep, but he’s turned to his other side, wrapping his naked body around the covers so a naked arm, leg, buttock and back are all exposed.

Holy sweet baby Jesus, he is a sight to behold!

I just can’t help myself. What self-respecting woman could have this in her bed and not touch?

Not I.

I climb back onto the bed and run the palm of my hand from the heel of his foot, up over his toned calf and hamstrings, over his tight derriere and up his back, then run my fingers through his hair. I nibble his neck and across his shoulders. I kiss his spine and make my way down to the base of his back where two very sexy little dimples live, right above his ass.

I hear him groan and grin.

I run my fingernails down his ass to his thighs, and kiss my way up his side over his ribs.

He slowly shifts and turns onto his back and I kiss up his body, nipping a nipple and resting my hand on the sexy V

at his hip. I look up into sleepy, amused blue eyes.

“Good morning, handsome.”

“Well, good morning, beautiful.”

Suddenly I’m flat on my back and Luke has laced his fingers in mine and pulls both my hands above my head. He kisses my neck and my chin, and moves his hands down my arms to cup my head in his hands.

“How are you this morning?” He whispers against my mouth and rubs his nose back and forth on mine.

“I’m good.”

“Just good?” He kisses my jaw and I sigh.

“What were you going for?” I ask and tilt my head, giving him better access.

“Amazing.” He whispers.

I smile and run my hands down his back. “That works too.”

He leans up to look down at me again and I cup his cheek in my hand.

“How are you?” I ask.

“I’ve never been better.”

My eyes widen at his serious reply.

“Wow, I was just looking for good.”






yesterday morning.”

“You are quite charming.”

He smiles down at me.

“You are quite beautiful in the morning.”

I snort at him and start to brush him off, but he holds my chin firm.





“Beautiful.” Kiss.

Holy shit.

“You aren’t so bad yourself.” I smile against his mouth.

“I want you, baby.” He murmurs.

“I can tell.” I grind my hips up against his erection and he gasps.

“Jesus, you’ve got me horny like a teenager, Nat. What the fuck are you doing to me?” His blue eyes gaze into mine and he moves his hips, the tip of his cock resting against me, and I tilt my pelvis, welcoming him inside me.

“Ah!” I grasp his shoulders as he pushes deeply inside me. He buries his face in my neck, gently sucking and kissing me. His thrusts become faster and harder, and our breathing is harsh.

“Oh, baby… I’ve never… fuck you feel good.”

I cup his bottom in my hands and squeeze, pulling him in deeper.

“Come with me, baby,” he’s breathing raggedly, and I can feel him falling over the edge and he takes me with him.

“Oh yes!” I cry and convulse around him.

Minutes later, after our breathing and bodies have calmed, he raises his head and kisses me gently. He eases out of me, and I find I’m a bit sore, but I don’t mind.

“I’ll be back.” He gets up and goes into the restroom.

I sit up and stretch lazily. Oh, yes, I’m sore. Clearly these muscles haven’t been used in a while. I hug myself, then get up and throw on a t-shirt and yoga pants.

“You got dressed.” I laugh at Luke’s pouty face as he comes out of the bathroom. He wraps me in his arms and hugs me tight and I sigh.
Wow, is this just too good to be true?

“I’m going to go make some coffee.

Meet me downstairs?” I stroke his cheek with my hand.

“Sure, I’ll be right behind you.”


Chapter Nine

“Well, good morning, sunshine!” I greet Jules as I saunter in the kitchen.

She’s just back from a run, her blond hair pulled back in a ponytail, dressed like me in a white t-shirt and black yoga pants. She puts the coffee grounds back in the freezer and smiles over at me.

“Good morning yourself. Did he leave?”

“No, he’ll be down in a minute.

We’re having coffee.”

“You invited him over.” It’s not a question.


“And let him stay.”


Her blue eyes are sharp.

“A little against your usual M.O.”

“I know.” I sigh and take three mugs out of the cabinet. “He’s different, Jules. I don’t know where this is going, but I want to find out.”

She pats me on the shoulder and smiles. “I’m happy for you, sweetie.”

I hear Luke walk in behind me and Jules’ eyes bulge.
I know, he’s hot!

I turn and smile at him.

“Luke, this is my best friend Jules.

Jules, this is…”

“Luke Williams!” Her voice is shrill and she’s now smiling, her hands in fists, she’s practically jumping up and down.




Luke Williams is in our kitchen!” She shoves my shoulder and does a little circle happy dance.

What the fuck?

I look back at Luke and he’s gone perfectly still. He’s completely pale.

He swallows hard and looks at me, but doesn’t touch me.

Jules has stopped her happy dance.

“You didn’t tell me you were all gooey over Luke Freaking Williams!”

“I take it you know him?” I ask, my voice a whisper.

What am I missing?

Jules stops, her jaw drops and her eyes widen.

“Of course I know
him. Nat, that’s Luke Williams.”

“I’m aware.” I reply, but my face is flushed, and I’m starting to feel like everyone is in on some big joke and I’m the butt of it.

“No, Nat…”

Luke finds his voice. “Natalie, I can explain.”

He reaches for me, but I move out of his grasp and round the breakfast bar to put space between us.

“Explain what?”

“Natalie,” Jules swallows and looks at him, gets an irritatingly swoony smile on her face then looks back at me. “This Luke Williams is famous.”

“What?” I narrow my eyes and look at him again, and it suddenly all makes sense.

Don’t fucking take my picture.

Why won’t you all just leave me alone?

I don’t like crowds.

“From the
movies, Nat.”

Jules whispers.

Luke hasn’t said anything, and he’s no longer looking at me. His hands are on his hips and he’s hanging his head.

“You lied to me.” I hate how broken my voice sounds.

His head whips up and he pins me with those beautiful blue eyes. “No, I didn’t.”

“I asked you, more than once, what you do for a living, and you kept brushing me off.”
Oh, this hurts.

“I just…” he runs his hands through his hair. “Natalie, what I feel for you…”

“Stop.” I hold my hand up. “You said yesterday in the car, no surprises.”

He swallows.

“God I feel so stupid,” I close my eyes and want to lay my head on the bar and cry.

“No, baby…” he starts to move toward me but I back away again, making him stop.

“No, you listen,
.” The rage is kicking in, and I’m starting to shake with it. “I trusted you with things that I’ve never trusted with anyone else. And the whole time you were lying to me.”

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