Come and Talk to Me (11 page)

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Authors: June Kramin

BOOK: Come and Talk to Me
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“He went home. Told us to keep going. He here?”

“He’s here. Don’t take him, Joe. Just let him sleep it off. I’ll bring him in the morning.”

Reggie’s heart raced. The MP was standing there, but her mind saw Garner.

The MP walked into the living room and addressed Reggie. “Are you okay, Mrs. Kimball?”

She looked at him and took a few small steps back. Her mind was shutting down. She didn’t want another man touching her; she was getting agitated. After looking over to Derrick, her eyes went back to the MP Derrick called Joe. She made short shakes with her head and kept repeating softly, “No.”

Derrick’s head titled at the expression on Reggie’s face. “What the hell is going on? Why do you want to know if she’s okay, Joe?”

Reggie continued to shake her head ‘no’ and reflexively clutched at the opening of her jacket. She had backed into the TV before she realized she had been backing up at all, and lost her balance.

The MP reached for her trying to steady her and she let out a scream at his touch.


The scream registered over everything else that had been going on. Van sat upright and flew off the couch. In the half of a second of thought that he gave the situation, he wanted to remove the cause of the problem. Act first; sort out the details later.

He tackled the MP and sent him to the floor. He was too drunk to put up much of a fight so the MP had him on his back in one quick twist. He sat on Van’s chest and held his arms above his head.

“No!” Reggie screamed. She was going to jump on the MP, but Derrick caught her by the waist. “Watch out for his back!”

“Quit it, Van! Sit still!” Joe yelled. When Van stopped struggling, Joe released his hands and got off of his chest. The other MP came over and the two men helped Van to his feet then walked him backward to the couch. Derrick let Reggie go and she flew into Van’s lap, straddling him. Her arms went tight around his neck and she buried her face in them.

He held her tight. “What the hell is going on?”

Chapter 12

?” V
, but she wouldn’t budge or speak. She tightened her grip.

“What did you guys do to my wife?”

“We didn’t do anything to her, Van. It was Garner,” Joe said.

“What?” Derrick stomped toward Joe. Van squeezed her tight and whispered, “Baby?” She only tried to climb higher in his lap. Van rocked with her, suddenly scared.

“What happened, Joe?” Derrick asked.

“I didn’t see much. I don’t know what he did. All I know is his hands were somewhere they shouldn’t have been and he was a little too close for comfort for my taste. I’m sorry, man,” he said to Van. “I would have taken him out, but I thought maybe I was wrong. Your wife just closed the door.”

“When?” the second MP asked. “I didn’t see any of this.”

“You were already back at the truck. I went to tell Garner the house was empty.”

“Fuck!” Van held Reggie’s face in his hands and leaned her back. “Did he hurt you?” She shook her head ‘no.’ Her eyes were glazed with fear and her lip trembled. He pulled her close again. “Damn, baby.” He stroked her hair. “What was all the bullshit of her screaming in here?” he addressed back to Joe.

“I dunno. I think I scared her getting close. I was only trying to catch her from falling and knocking the TV over. I wouldn’t touch your wife, Van.”

“I know. I’m drunk; I’m not an idiot.”

“I’m sorry,” Reggie whispered.

“No, baby. No!” Van held her close. “You don’t get to be sorry here. You didn’t do anything wrong. Derrick?”

“I don’t know anything, man. I just picked up your drunk ass.”

Van was at a loss. Things still weren’t registering properly. It was too much, too fast.

Joe had been staring out the window at the canal, deep in thought. “Van?” Van looked up at him. “I know what happened is stressful for her and all but…something doesn’t seem right.”

“What do you mean?”

“I wanted to let you stay here. You know, sleep it off. But she’s acting a little beyond that.”

“What are you saying?” Van’s mind was racing. He hadn’t really understood what they had been saying at all about what happened. He was worried the guys showed up too late to his house and…he didn’t even want to think about what else could have happened.

“She acts like she’s been hit.”

“What? That’s insane,” Derrick yelled.

“Don’t give me that,” Joe said back. “We’ve all been through the same courses. Something isn’t right. She’s scared ten ways from Sunday and it doesn’t fit.”

“You think Garner hit her?” Van asked.

“No. You. Unless you put me at ease about this, I’ll take you in, buddy.”

“No!” Reggie cried, still holding tightly onto his neck. “He’s never laid a hand on me. I swear.”

“She was just felt up by a jerk, Joe. Sorry to be so crude, Reg,” Derrick said in apology. “You guys know better than that. Van wouldn’t hit anybody. He’s the one doin’ repairs on kids’ feet while we’re watching the bikini show.”

The other MP finally spoke up. “I know him. That’s my vote, too. You’re off base, Joe.”

“I had to ask. She has me worried. What the hell do we do about Garner now?”


“I wanna go home, Van,” Reggie whispered into his ear. She held him tight as if wishing it would magically make it so. She was tired of the yelling, tired of fighting tears. She hated the accusations that flew at Van even if only for a second. She hated the past she dragged into the relationship. Her heart was still racing furiously. Above all, she didn’t like the lightheaded feeling she was getting. She was embarrassed about the screaming and about what happened at the house. She wanted to go home.

“Take her home, Van,” the second MP said. “We’ve already been to your house. We don’t need to go there again. We’ll show up in the morning and bring you in. Joe, I didn’t see nothin’. We can get the XO and Garner there together and hash this out tomorrow.”

“I wanna go home,” Reggie said again a little softer.

He stroked her back, trying to offer her comfort. “One thing doesn’t have a damn thing to do with the other. I decked Garner. He’ll have it in for me, but he’s going to pay for what he did to my wife.”

“I know what I saw.” Joe said. “That was bullshit. I don’t care if he was the President of the United States. That ain’t right.”

“I wanna go home, Van,” Reggie whispered again even softer then her head gently fell limp on his shoulder.


“Aw, baby,” Van whispered and kissed her cheek.

“She passed out?” Derrick asked as he walked over.

“She’s tired and gets stressed easily. You’re lucky she didn’t see my knuckles earlier. I’m surprised she hasn’t puked yet.” Derrick placed his hands on her neck as if checking for a pulse. “She’s okay,” Van assured him. “She can’t take this shit.”

“She shouldn’t have to, Van.”

“So now what? I’m drunk, AWOL, and my wife is passed out.”

“We’ll take you home,” Joe said. “We’ll deal with it in the morning.”

“Not before I drive over and kill that sonofabitch.”

“You’re not doing anything tonight, Van. If I have to sit on you all night myself, I will. You’re drunk and beyond irrational. Before you do something you can’t take back, get a good night’s rest. Take care of your wife, man.”

“I’ll carry her down.” Derrick reached for her.

“I’ll carry my own wife.” Van pushed his hand away.

“I don’t give a goddamn about your back, shithead. You’re loaded and you’re not taking that pretty package down those stairs. She’s been through enough tonight. She doesn’t need your sorry ass falling on her, too.”

Van looked over at the second MP, not knowing what to make of his silence. He was the newest of the team. Their paths hadn’t crossed often, but they had always been friendly. He finally spoke up.

“My wife is due with our second kid in a month. If that sonofabitch touched her, I’d want to kill him, too. I know I didn’t see anything, but I’ll say what it takes tomorrow to set things right. I’m staying at your place tonight if I have to take a floor and I’m not taking no for an answer, brother.”


The second MP, Petty Officer Owen, drove Van and Reggie back to their house. He went through the house first, making sure it was truly empty, then came back and carried in Reggie. Once she was settled in bed, the men walked out to the living room.

“You don’t need to stay. I’m not leaving her alone.”

“I’m staying. If he shows up, I want a witness to whatever goes on.”

“Then thanks,” Van said as they shared a quick man-hug. “I’m about to fall over. The guest room is made up. You don’t need take the floor.”

Van was only in bed for a few minutes when Reggie’s head began to go side-to-side and she softly repeated, “No.”

“Baby?” Van tried to gently shake her awake.

“No!” she said a little louder. She was still asleep, apparently having a nightmare. He’d already had to prove himself once tonight. He didn’t want her giving their houseguest any more reason for doubt that he wasn’t abusing her, but he didn’t want to scare her any worse either. Van didn’t see that he had much choice. Placing his hand over her mouth, he gently shook her awake. He held her close, hoping it would be a comfort and not put another fear in her. “Baby?”

She flailed once as she woke with a start and let out a cry that was muffled by his hand. Realizing where she was, she relaxed instantly. “Oh, Van. I’m sorry.”

“You know…why do you only say sorry when you shouldn’t?” He laughed softly, trying to make light of things for her. “What is it, Reg? What’s happening? Is there more that I need to know?”

“No. That’s all that’s happened tonight.”

“What about before tonight?”

“There’s nothing to tell.”

“Someone has done something to you, dammit. Tell me the truth already.” Van was still trying to keep things to a whisper. He was wishing they had the house to themselves.

She swallowed hard. “You know what I did before. Every now and then some guys were rough. Nothing really bad happened. Bouncers were usually never far away. You get so you can send those things deep in your mind. You know? Usually I can. Tonight…it…it came back.”

He pulled her close to him. “He’s going to pay, baby. If I have to kill him myself…he’s going to pay.”

“No you’re not. It wasn’t that bad.”

“The hell it wasn’t. You don’t have nightmares for nothing. What if you keep having them now? I don’t want you reliving this shit.”

“I won’t. Really, I won’t. Killing him won’t help matters for me and it will only make things worse for you. I’ve been through…worse. Just a little. He didn’t get much, I swear, Van.”

“You trying to convince me or you?”

“I’m trying to tell you the truth. Please. I don’t want you in any more trouble over me. This will go nowhere, like everything important always does where the military is concerned. You make a big deal out of it and the only thing it will accomplish is I won’t be able to face anyone.”

“Oh no, you don’t. You don’t get to feel guilty over this. You did nothing but be beautiful and breathe.”

“How’s your back?”

“Don’t try to change the subject.”

“You took a bad spill.”

“Savorski broke my fall.”

She giggled. “I love you. Can you just hold me?”

“Come here.” He lay flat on his back and held his arms up to her. She snuggled into his chest; which was her favorite way to sleep. They were both out in minutes.


Even though it was after three when they went to bed, everyone was up at seven, waiting for the bomb to drop. They were drinking coffee in the screened porch when Joe and Derrick showed up. They were in their dress blues. This couldn’t be good.

Van held his arms in front of him as if waiting for handcuffs. “You hauling me away?”

“How about a cup of coffee?” Joe asked.

“I’ll get it.” Reggie jumped up. Her heart was racing again. She needed to be moving around or she was worried she’d pass out again.

The men waited for her to come back before they spoke. She handed them their coffees and sat on Van’s lap. She knew she couldn’t fight them if they were going to take him away, but she needed to be as near as she could be to him.

“So?” Van finally broke the silence.

“We pulled Bert outta bed at five this morning.” Derrick said. Bert was the Executive Officer of the station.

“I bet that made him happy.”

“We wanted to beat ‘pencil dick’ there. We did, by about half an hour. Bert had heard enough to get a good base of the truth before Garner started flapping his gums. He’s really not sure what to do, Van. He knows there’s tension with you and Garner. You think he doesn’t know why, but he does. He knows about Garner and all his fuck-ups. Sorry, Reggie, screw-ups. That will be dealt with when this is settled. He still doesn’t condone the punching, although I think secretly he wants to pat your back as well.”

Joe continued from there. “He didn’t know about the paperwork. He swears he never would have pushed it through. Garner is in some shit for jumping the chain of command on that, too, but Bert can’t undo it now that it’s been done.”


“He’s not doing anything to you as far as the punch, but if you refuse to go desk jockey—”

“I won’t.”

“They have an honorable discharge waiting for you in his office.”


Van sat in the chair with his lips pinched tight. He couldn’t even say a word. The only thing he loved was ripped from him. It took a few minutes, but it finally occurred to him, it wasn’t the only thing he loved. The other was right there on his lap. He gave his wife a squeeze.

“What about what he did to Reggie?”

“Unless she wants to bring up charges, there’s not a lot that he can do. Even if she does…I hate to say it, but there’s probably nothing they can do.”

“That’s bullshit!”

“It’s his word against hers and they’ll think she’ll say anything for you. I’m not saying I agree with it; it’s just the way it is.”

“But what about what you saw, Joe?”

Joe looked to Reggie and was about to speak when she leaned closer into her husband. “I won’t do it. I’m not saying anything. It’s not going to do any good anyway. I won’t go through the embarrassment, Van. I won’t.”

“So Garner walks and I get booted?”

“That sums it up,” Joe said.

“It’s a shitty deal, but you could have been looking at three years in the pen for decking an officer. I’d say you got the lesser of two evils.”


That night Van and Reggie lay in bed holding each other. They hadn’t said much throughout the day. Van needed things to sink in and Reggie had given him space. She was afraid it hadn’t completely hit him yet and was waiting for him to blow. He finally spoke after they lay there for almost an hour.

“He’s fixed it so I couldn’t even be a cop, you know.”

“Don’t hate me for saying this, but maybe you shouldn’t be, Van. I know you love the whole hero thing, but I don’t want to be married to a cop. I’d do it if that’s what it would take to make you happy, but I wouldn’t like it. I’d worry every second you were away.” She leaned up and kissed him on the chin. “Can’t you find something that would make you happy that didn’t put your life on the line? Can you try to find happiness in something that would bring you home to me every night in one piece? No injuries, no bruises from bullets?”

“It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do, baby.”

“I know,” she said, taking her spot on his chest and stroking his sides. “But maybe this is a fresh start for us. Let’s go somewhere and do something different for both of us. I think I’ve taken the ‘lumber girl salesman’ thing as far as I can take it. I’m burned out. Let’s make a fresh start.”

He let out a heavy sigh. “You want to move back to Maui?”

“You know, honestly? I don’t think so.”


“Really. I miss Bri and Troy and all, but I like the mainland. I like driving from one state to another. I like the change of seasons and the cheaper prices. I don’t want to move back, not now anyway.”

“So then, what?”

“How about your home?”

“You want to move to Minnesota?”

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