Combust: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance (14 page)

BOOK: Combust: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance
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“I’m really not hungry,” Ana chimes in.

“Ana,” I warn. “You’ve gotta eat. I don’t want that headache coming back,” I tell her as I brush a loose strand of hair behind her ear. I lean down with my mouth close to her and whisper, “I’ve got plans for you tonight, Angel. It’s my turn to have a little fun.” I say it as I lick the outline of her ear. Her eyes brighten with mischief, and I can't hold back my smile. My angel likes to play. I like that. No… I fucking love that.


Chapter 18





“Bobby is amazing,” I tell Courtney. “How did he learn to do all that stuff?”

“I really don’t know. He says it just comes naturally to him. He tries to make it out like it’s no big deal, but I know he’s special… in more ways than he knows,” she says as she looks over to him at the other end of the table. He’s engrossed in a conversation with Bishop and Dillon, obviously sharing everything we found out earlier. Since Dillon decided it was time for us all to have something to eat, we’re sitting waiting on Levi and Connor to bring in our dinner. They’re still prospecting for the club, so they have to do all the stuff no one else wants to do. I don’t really understand it, but Dillon says it’s a rite of passage. He says they served in the military with him, and they’re used to all the grunt work. They’ve been outside with Gavin cooking burgers for the past half hour. I guess Dillon was right about me needing to eat something, because the smell from the grill is making me a little hungry. 

“So… when are y’all going to get married?” I ask Courtney.

“Soon, I guess. He wants to elope like Goliath and Lily, but I want a wedding… a real wedding, with the fancy dress and all my friends and family.”

“I love weddings. There’s just something about watching two people in love taking that next step. It’s all just so romantic,” I tell her.

The back door flies open, and Connor walks in carrying a huge tray of burgers and hot dogs, the smell of burning charcoal still lingering on his clothes. My stomach is in full overdrive by the time he sets the tray on the table.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” Bull shouts as he begins to fill his plate with food. Within seconds, his plate is stacked high, and he is taking his first bite.

“Hungry?” Doc asks sarcastically.

It doesn’t take long for all the food to disappear from the table. We were all hungry, and it was nice to have something to take our minds off of everything, even if it was only for a little while.

“We need to see if we know anyone on the State Medical Board. It’s time to let them know what’s going on,” Bishop tells Dillon.

“I’ll look into it,” Doc says. “I may know someone that can help us out.”

“I want them to pay for what they’ve done to Ana… and all the people they’ve hurt,” Dillon snaps.

“They’ll pay,” Bishop assures him. “You can count on it.”

“I’ll work on Jason and his dad tonight. See what I can find on them. We need to find out who they’re working with,” Bobby tells them.

“The referring doctor’s name should be on their records. It shouldn’t be hard to find,” I tell them.

“I’ll get it all. Just going to take some time,” Bobby says.

“Well, maybe Ana would like to hang with me while you guys do your recon.” Courtney turns to me and asks, “Wanna watch a movie or something and get your mind off things for a bit?”

I look over to Dillon, wondering if he’s okay with me leaving. He smiles and says, “You should go, Angel.”

“Okay… if you’re sure you don’t need me to stay and help,” I say, not feeling exactly comfortable leaving them all to take care of this on their own. It doesn’t feel right asking them to work on this without me.

“Go, babe. You need a break,” he tells me. “But I’m sending Levi and Connor with you.”

“Oh! We can go see the Lazarus Effect or Insurgent… maybe both!” Courtney says excitedly.

“Okay,” I tell her. I get up and put my now empty paper plate in the garbage.

“Give me a second to grab my purse, and I’ll meet you out front,” Courtney calls back to me as she walks out of the kitchen. “And tell Connor he’s buying the popcorn!”

Dillon walks over to me and says, “Go have a good time.”

“Are you sure about this?” I ask.

“I’m sure, Ana. We’re going to take care of this. We’ll burn them to the ground… leave nothing but ashes when we’re done,” he says, reassuring me.

“Thank you,” I tell him. “Thank you for everything.”

His hands reach up, his palms resting on the sides of my face, and he says, “I told you, Angel… I take care of what’s mine. Trust me to take care of this.” He pulls me closer, pressing his lips against mine. The kiss isn’t long, but it’s enough… just enough to comfort me, making me believe that everything really is going to be okay.


Chapter 19




“They were all referred by a general practitioner named Dr. Samuel Harris,” Bobby tells me as he scrolls through the pages on his computer screen. “He has a small practice in Calvert City.”

Bobby’s been working on this shit for hours, and the stacks of papers just keep growing. I just hope there’s enough evidence to end this thing.

“Did you find anything on Jason or his dad?” I ask.

“His dad’s computer is clear. Looks like Jason does all the grunt work. He searches the donor list, looking for patients that have waited the longest for their transplant, and he looks into their financial records. He contacts those that would be desperate enough to pay for a transplant… without asking questions.”

“What’s next?” I ask.

“Doc’s friend is making an inquiry to the Kentucky State Medical Board letting them know we need to speak to them,” Bobby starts. “Now we have to wait to see what they say.”

“How long do you think that will take?” I ask.

“Maybe an hour… maybe a week. No way to be sure,” he replies.

“Are you done for the night?”

“Yeah… until we hear back from them, there’s not much else we can do,” Bobby says.

“Thanks, Crack Nut. I really appreciate all this.”

“No need to thank me. It’s the least I can do for Ana for saving your life,” he says, smiling. I start for the door before he calls, “Shep?”


“There’s a good chance that someone at the Medical Board will contact Jason or his dad. You might want to keep your eyes on Ana at all times, until this thing blows over… just to be on the safe side.”

“Will do, brother. Let me know if you hear anything,” I tell him as I walk out of his room and head back to mine. I need to find Ana and see for myself that she is okay. After hearing Bobby’s warning, a sudden claw of fear is choking at me... I have to keep her close, protect her at all costs.

When I walk into my room, she’s standing with her back to me. She’s just gotten out of the shower. Her hair is wet, falling loose around her shoulders, and she’s wearing her bathrobe. Her scent fills the room, fresh and clean like soap. I inhale deeply, releasing the tension I felt earlier. Just being in the same room with her eases the heavy thoughts that constantly race through my mind. I'm in love with her. I never thought I would feel this way about a woman, but now I’ve never wanted anything more. She’s mine, and I want a future with her. When this thing with the hospital is done, I want to be able to take her home… to our home. I told her I would give her everything she has ever wanted, and I’m going to do everything in my power to make that happen. 

She turns around with her bathrobe slightly draped open, revealing a glimpse of her beautiful, naked body. Instantly, my cock is hard as granite. I need to be inside her. She stands still as I make my way over to her, my eyes never leaving hers. My hands slip inside her robe, caressing her soft skin. I begin kissing her neck as I slide the bathrobe off her body, letting it drop to the floor. Without removing my mouth from her neck, I slowly guide her to the wall behind her.

“Turn around, Angel. Palms against the wall,” I tell her firmly. Her eyes sparkle with excitement as she follows my command. “Don’t move. Keep your hands flat against the wall.”

My eyes roam over her body, devouring the perfect curve of her ass. When I step closer, she begins to wiggle that sweet little naked ass against my cock. Slowly, I slide my hand down to her pussy and press my fingers against her clit, rubbing it in slow and steady circles. Within seconds, she's soaking wet grinding her bare ass against my dick.

“More, Dillon…” she whispers softly. “Play with me like you promised earlier.” 

“Is that what you want, baby?” I ask as I continue stroking her clit. With my free hand, I quickly unfasten my jeans and let them fall to the floor.

“Spread your legs,” I tell her as I guide her hips out to meet mine. I slide my cock between her legs and graze her clit with the head of my dick. Her hips thrust back against me as she moans out in frustration. Reaching up, I grab her hands and move them over her head. Without saying a word, she peeks over her shoulder, giving me that mischievous smile I love. I slide my cock along her opening and squeeze her ass as she begins to beg. When I continue taunting her, she drops her head and lets out a deep breath.

“Please… I need you,” she pleads as she begins to move her body, her hands shifting slightly from the wall.

“Hands, Ana.”

She quickly places them back above her head and waits eagerly for my cock. I run my tongue along the curve of her neck as my fingers dig into her hips.

“Are you ready for me, Angel? Do you want my cock?” I whisper in her ear.

“Yes, Dillon… please!”

“That’s my girl,” I tell her just before I slam into her. As soon as I feel her clamping onto my cock with a vise hold, I know this is gonna be fast. Her back arches as I begin pounding into her flesh, each thrust harder and deeper than before. I reach my hand around to her pussy, rotating between circling, pinching and rubbing it, just how she likes. The need to get her there with me possesses me. I'm close to my release when her body begins to tense and her breathing becomes ragged and forced. I increase my rhythm, forcing her over the edge. She cries out my name as her pussy clamps down on my cock, urging me to find my release. I finally let myself go.

“Fuck,” I growl loudly. My body jerks and jolts as I cum inside her.

She looks back over her shoulder and smiles before she gasps, “That was….”

“Incredible,” I finish as I lift her up and carry her over to the bed. As soon as our bodies fall to the bed, she curls into my side, resting her head on my shoulder.

“I love you, Dillon,” she whispers.

“I love you, too, Angel,” I tell her as I kiss her temple. After a few moments, her breathing becomes slow and steady, letting me know she’s fallen asleep. I listen to her for a few minutes longer before I finally crash from exhaustion. We’ve been asleep for several hours when Ana’s phone begins to ring. I try to just ignore it, but the annoying beeps of a text message keep me from falling back to sleep.

“Can you hand me my phone?” Ana asks. Apparently it woke her up, too. “It might be my dad.”

I reach over to get it off the nightstand and hand it to her. She stretches and lets out the cutest damn yawn before she brings the phone closer to her face. Her eyes widen as she looks at the screen. She quickly sits up on the bed and shouts, “Oh my God! They got Steven!”

I grab the phone from her hands and focus on the picture of Steven on the screen. His body lays lifeless on a gurney with his eyes closed and his clothes removed. I scroll through several pictures before I finally come across a message:


You should have left it alone. Disappear and keep your mouth closed or YOU’RE NEXT!


“They’re going to kill him,” Ana says frantically, tears flowing down her face. There’s no doubt they’re up to something, and I have to try to stop them.

“Call your dad,” I tell her. “Tell him to get over to the hospital now.”

“My dad? I’m scared… what if they try to hurt him, too, Dillon?” she cries.

“Tell him not to go alone. Ask him to take one of his farmhands with him in case there’s any trouble,” I tell her as I hand her the phone.

She immediately calls her father. Her voice quivers as she tries to tell him what is going on. When she starts to cry again, I take the phone and say, “Go to the hospital first, but don’t go alone. Call me as soon as you find out anything. I’m on my way.”

As soon as he hangs up the phone, I get up and start getting dressed. “I need to see Bishop before I go.”

“I want to go with you,” she pleads.

“Not happening, Ana. I need you to stay here where I know you’ll be safe,” I tell her.

“What are you going to do?” she asks.

“I’m going to take care of this,” I tell her. I have no idea how it will play out, but I do know one thing… this ends tonight.


Chapter 20




I hate this. Watching Dillon leave with Renegade and Goliath was almost unbearable. I wanted to go with them, try to do something to help, but Dillon wouldn’t hear of it. He wanted me to stay here where he knows no one can get to me. I know he’s right, but I’m miserable. How am I supposed to just sit here and wait, not knowing what is really happening?

I get back in the bed, and I can’t fight back my tears. I’m scared out of my mind. I know I need to try and go back to sleep, but my mind is reeling. I can’t get the pictures of Steven out of my head. He looked so vulnerable lying there, totally unaware of what they were doing to him. My imagination is running wild, wondering what exactly they could be doing to him. In my gut, I know what that text means, I’ll never see Steven again. I just can’t bear it, and I know it’s all my fault. I should’ve tried harder. I knew things were off. If I had figured this all out on my own, none of this would have happened. I toss and turn, trying to block it from my thoughts, but it’s useless. Not knowing what’s going on is the hardest part. I just need to know if Dillon’s okay.

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