Colters' Woman (16 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Colters' Woman
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“Come here,” Ryan directed, holding out his hands for her.

She needed no further urging. She knew what was coming. She quivered from head to toe as she straddled Ryan. She looked down into his eyes, eyes that blazed into hers. She splayed her hands across his hard chest and lifted her bottom just enough that she could cradle his straining cock between her legs.

A sheen of sweat beaded on Ryan’s forehead. “Tease.”

She smiled, delighting in her power. Slowly, she sank down onto him, taking him deeply inside her. She closed her eyes and let herself feel every delicious inch of him.

He gripped her hips in his large hands and held her tightly. She began a slow, sensuous ride. The bed dipped again as Ethan came to her on his knees. She rolled her tongue over the head of his erection then sucked it into her mouth. Ethan’s breath came out in a hiss as he slid further beyond her lips.

Behind her, she felt Adam step between Ryan’s legs, and her heart sped up. Ryan moved his hands from her hips and cupped her buttocks in his palms. He massaged them then spread them as the broad head of Adam’s cock nudged her opening.

He eased lubricant around the puckered opening then pressed forward as gently as he had the night before. She felt the muscle tighten in resistance then give way under his persistent push. She cried out around Ethan’s penis as Adam surged forward with one determined thrust.

They were all a part of her, all buried deeply within her. She couldn’t move, couldn’t process the bombardment of ecstasy. Ryan helped her, moving her hips as he and Adam set the pace, thrusting in unison. Ethan stroked into the wet depths of her mouth, and she wrapped her hand around his cock, wanting him deeper, wanting all of him.

She was fast losing control. She moved in mindless rapture, allowing Ryan to control the pace.

Adam stiffened behind her. He pressed against her as tightly as he could and then she felt him explode inside her. But still Ryan thrust into her pussy. When Adam gently slid from her, she moaned in protest. She was close to the most explosive orgasm of her life, and she didn’t want to lose the sense of fullness that was fast driving her over the edge.

Ethan pulled from her mouth and quickly moved behind her. Almost before she could adjust to the loss of Adam, Ethan slid into her in one long stroke. She screamed at the sensation. No preamble, no gentle coaxing. One minute he was nudging at her back entrance and the next he was fully seated within her.

“That’s it baby, feel,” Adam murmured next to her. His hands stroked over her breasts, loving her, urging her on.

Ryan and Ethan surged into her, and she threw back her head, her mouth open in one long cry of triumph. This was it. This was what she’d waited for her entire life. A sense of belonging. True belonging. She was theirs, but by God they were hers as well.

“Come with us,” Ryan whispered, as his mouth closed around her nipple.

“Oh God, yes!”

She bucked wildly between them. Ethan drove powerfully into her behind, his hands gripping her hips, holding her against him.

Her pussy tightened around Ryan’s cock, her stomach clenched in red-hot need. Waves of explosive pleasure rained down over her. She gripped Ryan’s shoulders and screamed as her orgasm claimed her.

Ryan’s big body shuddered beneath her, and Ethan bucked against her ass as they poured themselves into her.

She fell forward, and Ryan caught her against him, wrapping his arms tightly around her. She rested against his chest, trying to catch her breath. She curled her arms around Ryan and buried her head in his neck.

Behind her, Ethan withdrew. He bent and kissed the small of her back. “I’ll be right back, doll, don’t move.”

As if she could.

Soon a warm cloth soothed over her skin.

Ryan rolled her beneath him and gently withdrew from her quivering pussy. He propped himself on his forearms so as not to crush her with his weight then bent and kissed her.

“You’re ours,” he said simply.

The words slid over her like warm honey. Comforted her in a way nothing else could. She was theirs.

She yawned sleepily. “Stay with me.”

Ryan gathered her in his arms then pulled the covers over them both. “Go to sleep. I’ll be right here.”


Chapter Fifteen


Adam peeked into the bedroom to see Holly still sleeping soundly in the bed. He smiled. She looked like a sated kitten, curled up with her arms around his pillow. It was amazing that in such a short time he couldn’t imagine life without her.

He knew via his own upbringing that such a situation could work and work well for all parties involved, but seeing it, experiencing it firsthand was more validating.

And speaking of, he needed to phone his parents. They’d be interested to know about Holly, and neither he nor Ethan and Ryan had talked to them in over a month.

He quietly withdrew from the bedroom and walked down the hall to the living room.

Ethan looked up from the computer. “She still sleeping?”

Adam nodded. “I think we wore her slap out.”

Ethan smiled and Adam marveled at how settled and content his brother looked. “You seen Ryan? I thought we’d call Mom and let her know about Holly.”

Concern flared in Ethan’s eyes. “He went out to the barn. I think he’s in a lot of pain today, though he wouldn’t say so. Got pissed off at me when I asked.”

Adam swore. Ryan had been doing so much better lately. Much of the darkness in his eyes had faded, and he knew Holly had everything to do with it, but Ryan had improved physically as well since his return from Iraq. He was a far cry from the battered shell of a man Adam and Ethan had collected from the Army Hospital a year ago, but his leg still bothered him on occasion.

He turned and strode from the living room toward the back door. Not bothering with his coat, he crossed the short distance from the cabin to the barn. He slipped inside and saw Ryan sitting on a hay bale in the back. As he drew closer, he could see Ryan’s face drawn in pain. Sweat beaded Ryan’s brow, and he was pale.

Ryan was bent over massaging the area above his knee. When Adam was a few feet away, Ryan looked up and saw him. He dropped his hands and stood up, crying out as his leg buckled. Adam reached over and yanked his brother up against him to prevent him from falling.

“I’m fine,” Ryan gritted out.

“No, you’re not fine, damn it. Stop trying to hide from the rest of us, for God’s sake.”

“Just leave it, Adam. I can deal with this on my own.”

“You could,” Adam agreed. “But don’t be stupid. Ethan and I are here to help. And now Holly.”

“I don’t want her to know,” Ryan said fiercely.

Adam blinked in surprise. “Here, sit down,” he said, shoving Ryan back down onto the hay. “Now what the fuck is your problem?”

Ryan rubbed absently at his leg.

“Is there anything I can do? Do you want a pill?”

Ryan shook his head. “I don’t want any fucking pills. It’s just a bad morning. I don’t know why the fuck it hurts. It just does.”

“Maybe we should take you back to the doctor, let him check you out again.”

“There’s nothing he can do.”

Adam sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Damn it, Ryan, don’t be so fucking difficult. I wish you’d talk to me. I still don’t have a goddamn clue what the hell happened over there.”

Pain lashed across Ryan’s face before his eyes turned cold and stony. “There’s nothing to talk about. I’ll get over it.”

Adam knew the subject was officially closed. Ryan could be a brick wall when he put his mind to it. He’d like nothing better than to kick his little brother’s ass, but it wouldn’t do a damn bit of good. Ryan wouldn’t budge. Not until he was ready.

“I was going to call Mom and the dads. Thought you might want to talk to them.”

Ryan waved his hand. “You go ahead. I’ll be there in a minute.”

Adam started to argue, but Ryan stopped him.

“Just go. Please.”

It was the please that did it. Ryan rarely said please, and pain edged his voice. Adam knew he didn’t want to be weak in front of his brothers. Anger choked him. Anger at whatever the hell had destroyed so much in his brother.

Adam turned and walked out of the barn.




Holly burrowed deeper under the covers, not wanting to leave her warm nest. She was tired, deliciously exhausted, and she had about as much motivation to get up and move as she did a trip to the dentist.

She closed her eyes and relived the ecstasy she’d experienced as the three men had made love to her. Alone they were a force to be reckoned with, but together they were positively mind-blowing.

She missed them already. That feeling drove her out of the bed as she went in search of them. She pulled on one of Adam’s discarded shirts and let it fall to her knees. She walked barefooted down the hall, hoping to find one of them in the living room so she could indulge in a good snuggle session.

She found Ethan on the couch. He smiled at her and patted the spot beside him. She immediately curled herself around him, loving the warmth that emanated from his body.

“Want a blanket?” he asked as he wrapped his arms around her.

She shook her head. “You’re fine.” She burrowed further into his arms until his heat soaked into her body. “Where is everybody?”

“Ryan’s out in the barn and Adam’s on the phone in the kitchen.”

“Who’s he talking to?”

“Our parents.”

She stiffened. Until now she hadn’t given their parents a single thought. She remembered Adam mentioning them once when he explained that his mother, like her, participated in a relationship with three men.

“Something wrong?” Ethan asked.

“Your parents…do they know about me?”

He smiled down at her. “They do now.”

She couldn’t control the look of dismay, and she knew Ethan saw it.

He arched an eyebrow. “You look less than thrilled.”

“Do they know everything?”

Ethan continued to stare at her. “I’m sure Adam has filled them in on the situation.”

Holly groaned. “Not the image I want to present to your parents.”

“Oh hush. They’ll love you. They’ll be thrilled we found you.”

Adam walked in holding the phone to his ear. “All right, Dad. I’ll give you to Ethan, and I’ll talk to you later.”

He handed the phone to Ethan, and Holly moved away. She felt awkward being talked about. She headed to the kitchen to escape the conversation. As she poured a glass of juice from the fridge, Ryan stepped in the back door.

She smiled shyly at him. “Good morning.”

Pain glittered brightly in his eyes, and he limped as he walked.

“Ryan, what’s wrong?” she exclaimed. She set her juice down and rushed over to him.

As soon as she touched him, he stiffened. “I’m fine.”

She backed off, hurt by his demeanor.

He closed his eyes and put out a placating hand. “I’m sorry. I’m fine, really.”

She curled her hand back around her juice and maintained her distance. She didn’t know what to say, so she said nothing.

Ryan stared at her for a long moment then limped into the living room. His rebuff stung, but more than that, she wondered what had happened.

She sipped at her juice and sighed. Living with three unique personalities could get exhausting. If she were more secure in the relationship maybe she wouldn’t be on eggshells all the time, but she was still learning all three of them.

Ethan was so open, and Ryan was his complete opposite. Reserved, shut off from the rest of the world. And Adam, well, she was still trying to figure him out too.

“Don’t take it personally,” Adam said.

She looked up to see him standing in the doorway Ryan had left through.

“What’s wrong with him?”

Adam opened the fridge and took out a beer. He popped the cap and took a long swig. “He got a leg full of shrapnel over in Iraq. Did a lot of damage. He’s getting better, but it still gives him a lot of pain from time to time.”

“And he won’t talk about it to anyone?” she asked.

Adam shook his head. “I wish to hell he would.”

Holly set her glass down and ran her finger around the rim. “Your parents. They’re like us, aren’t they?”

Adam nodded.

“So they won’t think anything bad about me.”

She tried not to make it a question, but somehow it came out inquiring anyway.

Adam smiled. “Relax, baby. They’ll love you.”

Ethan ambled into the kitchen. Adam looked up from his beer. “You done with Mom and Dad?”

“Yeah, Ryan’s talking to Mom now. I expect he’s getting an earful. She’s pretty worried about him.”

Adam looked over at Holly again. “You probably ought to get packed up today. We’ll head out early in the morning.”

She smiled. “Not much to pack.”

“We’ll remedy that in Denver,” Ethan said. “We’ll take you shopping for whatever you need.”

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