Colters' Gift (10 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

BOOK: Colters' Gift
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dressed for bed in the tiny bathroom and took longer than normal to brush out her hair and clean her teeth. Noah was in her bedroom, also undressing for bed, while Liam was settling into the living room.

There was no way this arrangement could last long term. Not that she’d minded sleeping in Liam’s arms last night, but he couldn’t have been comfortable on the bed. They’d been forced to remain on their sides, locked together the entire night. Even she’d woken up stiff and with a crick in her neck. She couldn’t imagine how Liam must have felt.

Should she extend the same invitation to Noah to sleep with her? She’d needed comfort the evening before. The day had exhausted her and left her feeling uncertain. Or at least that was the excuse she’d used to whisper the shy request to Liam.

But if she didn’t, would Noah think she preferred Liam over him?

Pain throbbed at her temples and she reached up to massage them, closing her eyes as she took deep, steadying breaths.

To her surprise the bathroom door opened. Her eyes flew open to see Noah standing in the doorway, worry reflected in his gaze.

Before she could speak, he moved in, carefully lowering her wrists so that her fingers no longer dug into her temples.

“Head hurt?” he asked.

She was still trying to find words. His sudden appearance had taken her completely off guard.

“Sorry to barge in on you like that, but you had me worried. I called your name three times and I couldn’t hear a damn thing going on behind the door. I was worried you’d fallen or passed out.”

She grimaced. “Sorry. I was just lost in thoughts. So much going on and it’s still kind of hard to take in.”

He gently pulled her into his arms, pressing his lips to her forehead.

“Come to bed. Want me to get you something for the headache?”

“No. I’ll be fine. Really.”

He laced his fingers with hers and pulled her into the bedroom. His bedroll was carefully made on the floor, but he directed her to the bed.

To her surprise, he crawled onto the mattress, positioned himself so his back rested against the rail at the head of the bed, and then he spread his legs and patted the space between them.

“Come here and I’ll rub your head and neck.”

Relieved that she didn’t have to tackle the issue of whether she should invite him to the bed or not, she put her knee up on the bed and scooted toward him.

When she turned, he immediately wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back against him so she was flush against his chest.

For a moment she let her head fall back against his shoulder and turned her face into his neck, savoring the intimacy of the position.

His hands glided up her bare arms and then over the thin spaghetti straps of her cami pajama top. Then he slid his fingers into her hair from her nape, traveling upward to the top of her head. He was careful not to pull her hair, and he worked his fingers gently over her scalp, exerting subtle pressure at various intervals.

“That’s nice,” she breathed.

He let one hand fall briefly and leaned down to press his lips against the side of her neck just below her ear. It sent a cascade of chills over her bare arms until she shivered in reaction.

Her breasts tingled and swelled, her nipples tightening against the thin material. It was instinctive to raise her arms to shield the obvious reaction her body had to the simple kiss.

“Don’t hide from me, sweetheart,” Noah whispered.

He reached around and took her arms, lowering them back to her lap.

“I like seeing how you react to me, that you want me. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

He kissed her again, grazing his teeth lightly over her skin, and then he let his mouth wander lower to the curve of her neck.

Then he went back to rubbing her head, massaging her temples and then down to her shoulders, those big hands working their magic. Tension leaked from her, leaving her limp in his arms.

“Can I ask you something?” she said in a low voice.

“Of course.”

She shifted and attempted to turn around so she could face him. After awkwardly maneuvering her legs and body, she knelt between his legs, sitting back on her heels so she was at eye level with him.

Maybe it would have been better to ask him when she was facing away, because now as he stared intently back at her, courage fled and her tongue felt tied in a dozen knots.

He reached up, tracing her mouth with his thumb. “What’s on your mind, sweetheart?”

“This is kind of awkward,” she mumbled.

He didn’t say anything. He simply waited, patient, as she gathered her thoughts.

“Will you and Liam want . . .”

Heat suffused her cheeks and she couldn’t get the words past her lips. She felt like a complete moron. How on earth were they going to be able to have an honest and open relationship between the three of them if she couldn’t even broach the subject of sex without breaking out into hives?

“Will Liam and I want what?” he prompted.

“To have sex with me . . . at the same time,” she finally blurted out. “You know, like a threesome.”

Noah blinked in surprise, but then his eyes went dark, smoldering with enough heat to cause an odd flutter deep in her chest.

He leaned forward, wrapping his arms around her, crushing her to his chest until their noses touched and she could feel the warmth of his breath on her chin.

“To be perfectly honest, it’s not something we’ve discussed. You’re what’s important to us. Not sex. Don’t get me wrong, honey. I want you in my bed, you wrapped around me so tight and me deep inside you. But I want to give you the time you need to adjust to the idea. As for a threesome, I’ve never had one, but the idea is hot as hell and I’d love to try it. But first? I want you. Just you. Not an audience. Not someone else in the picture. Just your mouth wrapped around my dick. My tongue between your legs. I want to taste you so badly that I ache. I want to touch you, learn you. I want to discover what excites you and how to please you. But yeah, a threesome would be pretty damn cool.”

“Oh,” she breathed out, her entire body tingling and hyperaware as he whispered the blunt words.

“Does that excite you?” he murmured. “The idea of me and Liam taking you at the same time? Do you like the idea of us both touching you and filling you, kissing you, making you mindless with pleasure?”

She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.

Then she swallowed and asked the other question burning a hole in her brain.

“Will you make love to me? Tonight?”

His entire body tightened against her. His breathing changed and his eyes darkened, making him so damn dangerous looking. And sexy as hell.

“Are you ready for that?” he asked, his tone wary. “I don’t want to rush this, Lauren. The very last thing I want to do is to hurry into something that we’ll regret. I’m willing to wait for as long as it takes for you to trust that I’m never going to hurt you.”

She slid her fingers over his jaw until her palms cradled his face so very close to hers.

“I want to try,” she said honestly. And she did. She wanted it more than she could explain. “I do trust you. My heart trusts you. My mind is a little more cautious, but my heart tells me that I want this.”

He let out a groan and briefly closed his eyes.


The hesitancy in Lauren’s voice made Noah open his eyes. It was obvious she was nervous about something. Her teeth were dug into her full bottom lip, and her eyes were shadowed where just moments ago, they’d been alight with desire.

“What is it, honey?”

She glanced over her shoulder to where the bedroom door was closed, a barrier between them and Liam. He knew what her worry was before she even voiced it.

“If I make love with you tonight . . . What about Liam? Will it hurt him that we had sex first? He slept here with me last night. He held me. But we didn’t make love. And it’s not that I trust you more than him. It’s just that I was still too nervous.”

He kissed her to stop the flow of anxious chatter. So sweet and soft. He hated the worry and anxiety in her voice. He wanted to sweep her away, take her in his arms and make her forget everything but this moment.

This was a huge step in their newly forming relationship, one he hadn’t anticipated taking so soon. He’d been fully prepared to wait weeks, if not months, if that was what it took for her to give him such a precious gift.

“Baby, listen to me,” he said when he pulled away so he could look her in the eye. “Don’t make yourself crazy keeping score. I swear to you that Liam and I aren’t keeping up and don’t expect you to divide your time fifty-fifty with us. If Liam had made love to you last night, it would have been okay with me because I know that eventually it will be me. Just like if you and I take that step tonight, when you’re ready you’ll take that step with Liam.

“Am I glad it’s me? Hell yes. I’m not going to lie. I’m sure if Liam were the one sitting here with you between his legs looking at him with those beautiful brown eyes, he wouldn’t give one damn about what I thought. He’d be on his knees grateful that you trusted him enough to give him that same gift.”

“I just don’t want to ever hurt either of you,” she said in a somber voice.

He touched her face, stroking his fingers down her cheek. He couldn’t get enough of simply touching her. The idea that she was here, so close, asking him to make love to her. It was more than he could stand.

He’d been so very right. He could fall in love with her so easily. Maybe he’d already fallen. Maybe this is what it felt like, sort of like plunging over the side of a cliff in a free fall. Exhilarating. Magnificent. Scary as hell.

“Can I ask
something now?” he said.

She nodded.

He took a breath, not believing he was about to do this when all his instincts screamed to take the gift she offered and make love to her as tenderly and gently as she deserved.

He’d just told her moments earlier that he wanted the first time with her to be just the two of them, just like he was sure that Liam would feel the same and want his first time with her to be without company.

But it was evident that she was worried—a lot—about the ramifications of making love to one before the other and how the other would feel.

He shoved aside his preference, because more than anything he wanted for the first time to be all about her. All for her. And he’d do anything at all she wanted.

“Would you prefer that Liam and I make love to you together the first time? Would it make you more comfortable and remove any fear of showing favoritism?”

Her cheeks went pink and he could see the wheels turning in her head. Her blush grew darker and her breathing shallowed and became more rapid.

Then slowly, almost in slow motion, she nodded.

“I’d like Liam here, yes,” she said softly. “I’m not sure it’ll ever feel right no matter which of you I made love with first. And maybe it’ll never be an issue for you or for Liam. But
don’t want these doubts.”

He cupped her cheek, wanting to ease any concern she had about the way they embarked on the physical side of their relationship.

“Then maybe we should call Liam in here and see what he has to say on the matter.”


tried to calm her racing pulse as Noah got up and went to the door. She rocked back on her heels in the middle of the daybed and then glanced around in mortification.

How on earth were they going to pull this off in her bedroom?

She had little time to contemplate the matter before Noah returned with Liam behind him.

Liam’s hair was unkempt, in a sexy, bed-rumpled kind of way. His eyes were alert, though, as if he hadn’t yet been to sleep. His gaze immediately homed in on Lauren, warming her as it glided up her body to her face.

Noah climbed onto the bed, pulled one knee up and let his other leg hang off so his foot was planted on the floor. Liam took a seat at the opposite end and turned in a nearly identical position as Noah so he could look at Lauren.

“Noah said you wanted to talk to us about something,” Liam said, his deep voice rumbling out of his chest.

Her gaze swung to Noah in panic. She hadn’t expected that she’d have to repeat it all.

Noah reached for her hand and squeezed. Then he turned to Liam.

“Lauren is afraid that if she makes love to me tonight that it will hurt you. Or if she were to make love to you first, that I’d be hurt.”

Liam frowned as he glanced between her and Noah. Maybe she’d been right to worry.

“Let me back up to an earlier point in our conversation,” Noah said. “Before this was brought up, Lauren asked if you and I would want to have sex with her at the same time.”

At that Liam’s eyebrows went up and his eyes widened. Before Noah could continue, Liam’s expression became serious and he turned to take Lauren’s other hand.

“I only want what you’re comfortable with, baby.”

Noah cleared his throat. “When she brought up her fear of making love with me before you, I asked her if she would be more comfortable if we made love to her . . . together . . . the first time.”

Understanding registered in Liam’s eyes. His eyes went smoky blue and he reached his hand up to cup her cheek, stroking his thumb lightly over her skin.

“Is that what you want?” he asked softly.

She nodded, nuzzling her cheek further into his palm.

“It’s not that I don’t trust you and Noah not to get angry or jealous. But I don’t like the way it makes
feel to leave one of you out. I think it bothers me more than it does either of you. I want to start things . . . right. I don’t want to worry that I’ve hurt you or worry about what you’re thinking. I just want to be with you both.”

Liam leaned forward to kiss her forehead. “You have to know I’d do anything in the damn world for you, baby.”

“I don’t know how to do this,” she admitted. “I’m a little scared.”

Liam smiled. “I have zero experience in threesomes. I guess we’ll learn together won’t we? I’ll tell you right now, I’m not down with another guy seeing me naked, but if it’s going to be, at least it’s a guy I’ve known almost my entire life.”

Noah snorted. “I’ll be looking at Lauren, thank you very much.”

The lighthearted banter did a lot to ease Lauren’s nerves. Her shoulders relaxed. But she still peeked at both of them because now that they’d had the discussion, how on earth did they proceed? Surely sex wasn’t usually this orchestrated.

“Come here, Lauren,” Liam said, extending his hand.

Apparently he had no such issues about where to begin.

As soon as she slid her fingers through his, he pulled her toward him and into his lap until she straddled it.

“The first thing I’m going to do is undress you,” Liam said, his voice deep and husky, whispering over her skin like the most glorious of caresses. “But I wouldn’t deprive Noah of the pleasure, so we’ll split the duty.”

She shivered with anticipation.

He ran his fingers underneath the thin straps of her top and slid them upward until they perched atop her shoulders. Slowly, he pulled them downward and then leaned his dark head over to kiss the curve of her neck.

“So beautiful,” he murmured.

As if changing his mind about the way he wanted to undress her, he reached for the hem of her cami and carefully began to lift it, uncovering her bare skin as the material slid upward.

“Raise your arms,” he said huskily.

She lifted her arms, and he pulled the top upward until it skimmed over her face and finally came free of her head. She lowered her arms so he could pull the straps away, and then he dropped the shirt to the floor.

She was bare. Starkly vulnerable. His gaze feasted on her, and then he leaned in to kiss the side of her neck. His teeth grazed lightly, and then he nipped with a little more force until she moaned and swayed in his lap.

Then his hands covered her belly and slowly moved upward to cup her breasts. She sucked in her breath, overwhelmed by her body’s response to his hands covering her flesh.

Her nipples hardened painfully and when he brushed his thumbs over them in tandem, she let out a breathy sigh and arched toward him, her head going back.

And then Noah was there, his hands gathered in her hair as he leaned in to kiss her neck on the opposite side of where Liam’s mouth had just been.

He nuzzled up to her ear and then licked the lobe before sucking it into his mouth. A full-body shiver erupted, and then Liam’s mouth found one of her nipples.

Electric. Oh God, her body was supersensitive to their every touch. Anticipation heightened her senses. She could smell them, their rich masculinity. She could hear and feel every breath that passed their lips. Hot on her skin.

Noah slid his hands underneath her armpits and gently lifted upward just as Liam curled his hands around her legs to propel her upward.

She was on her feet, in front of them both. Noah turned her to face him, and he reached for the tie of her pajama bottoms, unlacing it slowly. So slowly it was driving her insane.

When it was undone, he paused, found her gaze and stared intently into her eyes.

“Before we go any further, Lauren, I want you to promise me that if we do anything you’re uncomfortable with, you’ll tell us immediately. It’s not going to piss us off. We want this to be perfect for you. We don’t want to frighten or overwhelm you.”

Her heart ached at the sincerity in his voice. She trembled in front of him, overwhelmed—yes, overwhelmed—by the moment. But she wouldn’t tell them that, because it was the best kind of being overwhelmed.

“I promise,” she said, not recognizing her voice.

It was hoarse and husky, the sound of a satisfied woman confident in her lovers’ ability to pleasure her.

Noah pulled at the bottoms and eased them down her legs, leaving her in just a lacy pair of panties. Then he pulled her to him, his arms encircling her as his mouth found her breast.

He sucked gently at one taut nipple and it hardened even further. Then he moved to the other and drew a lazy circle around it with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth as he’d done the other.

His hands slid down the small of her back, delving underneath the band of her underwear. And then lower, dragging the silky material downward. He let it drop to her feet, and she was completely bare to both men’s gazes.

“Get onto the bed, honey,” Noah said in a low voice.

Even as he spoke, he guided her to where he wanted her. Right between where he and Liam still sat on the edge of the bed.

He got up then as she sat, and Liam loomed over her, easing her down to her back.

“Spread your legs,” Noah whispered. “I want to taste you so bad, I ache.”

She hesitated a moment, suddenly self-conscious at the idea of being laid out and spread wide. Liam’s hand glided down her belly and she tensed when it brushed softly over the apex of her legs and then between them, gently parting her thighs.

“Relax, baby,” Liam encouraged. “Let us make you feel good.”

She let her thighs fall open, aided by Liam. When she looked down, Noah had gone to his knees between her splayed legs.

Liam shifted farther up her body, and his hand left her thigh and smoothed up her belly to cup one breast and then the other. He caressed and toyed with her nipples, teasing them to rigid points.

And then Noah’s fingers gently parted her folds, opening her further to him. He brushed over her clit, down to her entrance and then back up again.

Liam leaned over her, his dark head obscuring her view of Noah as he licked at her nipple. Her body tightened, bowed. She flexed and arched. It seemed she was going in a dozen different directions and had no control over her body.

The moment Noah’s mouth touched her, she cried out. Her hand flew to Liam’s head, twisting in his hair. Soft and silky, the wild mane of hair flowed over her fingers.

Liam sucked and nipped, alternating between her breasts. Noah’s tongue glided over her clit, teasing and bringing her closer to the edge.

He moved lower, bestowing tiny kisses to every part of her pussy, and when he reached her opening, he licked delicately at first and then grew bolder, plunging his tongue inside, sucking and tasting her intimately.

“Noah!” she cried.

Even as she called out his name, she pulled at Liam’s hair in a silent beg for him to stop. She was already on the brink of her orgasm and she didn’t want it to end. Not this soon!

Liam and Noah both halted simultaneously.

“Did I hurt you?” Noah demanded.

She could barely pull together her thoughts. She was so painfully on edge that if he so much as touched her again, she was going to come. She sucked in steadying breaths, her hand still tightly fisted in Liam’s hair.

“No,” she said hoarsely. “God no. I’m about to come. It’s too soon!”

Noah laughed softly. “We’ve got all night, sweetheart. Let yourself come. Then we’ll start all over again.”

Liam lifted his head and she loosened her hold. He moved upward, capturing her mouth in a heated kiss that told her just how aroused he was. For several long moments, he ravaged her mouth, tasting every inch of her lips, delving deep with his tongue until she was breathless.

“I promise there’ll be another,” Liam said as he dragged his mouth away. “Because I want a taste of what Noah’s getting right now.”

She went limp, helpless against the seduction of their words.

“I like your hand in my hair,” Liam said as he lowered his head back to her breast.

She was only too willing to thrust her fingers back into the silken mass as his mouth closed around her nipple. Noah slid one finger inside her and she arched into it, wanting more, wanting deeper.

Then his mouth returned to her clit and he rolled his tongue in a lazy circle around the rigid bud.

Her free hand curled into the sheets, digging into the mattress as she fisted the material. Her breathing sped up, and the hand in Liam’s hair tightened until she knew she had to be causing him pain.

He only sucked harder.

Noah added a second finger, sliding deep. But he was so gentle. There was no roughness to his penetration.

Her breath caught and held. The dual sensation of their mouths on her most sensitive pleasure points was devastating and exquisite. The most wonderful kind of torture.

Tension built. Every muscle tightened. Pleasure radiated through her body. Hot. Swelling. Building. Higher and higher.

Noah increased the pressure of his tongue, withdrew his fingers and plunged again. Liam nipped more sharply at her nipples.

“Don’t stop!” she begged.

“Never,” Liam growled.

Her hips rolled and she bowed painfully upward to meet Noah’s mouth, wanting more. Her body was begging for release, and they were determined to give her all she could take.

Just when she didn’t think she could take any more, her orgasm flashed, swelling and rushing through her like a windstorm.

She knew she cried out. She was thinking their names. It was all that was in her mind except for pleasure so sweet she thought she could die of it.

She arched one last time and then fell back to the bed, her strength gone, her body so limp and sated that it was impossible to move.

She moaned softly when Noah withdrew his fingers and then replaced them with his mouth. He slid his tongue inward, working her slowly down from the explosion of her release. He continued to lick and kiss her softly until she sighed and quivered.

So boneless she thought she might never move again, she stroked her fingers through Liam’s hair before letting her arm fall limply to the bed.

Liam drew away, propped on his elbow and then looked down at her as he rubbed his hand over her belly. Noah crawled onto the bed on the other side of her and positioned himself similarly to Liam, his hand joining Liam’s to caress her.

“How was that?” Noah asked in a husky voice.

“Mmm,” she managed to get out.

Liam chuckled. “That good, huh?”

“Mmm hmm.”

Noah leaned over to kiss her, his lips curved into a smile. She could taste herself on him, an odd experience, but she found she didn’t mind.

“That’s only the beginning,” he whispered against her mouth.

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