Read Collision Course: Endless Growth on a Finite Planet Online
Authors: Kerryn Higgs
Tags: #Environmental Economics, #Econometrics, #Environmental Science, #Environmental Policy
American Enterprise Institute (AEI), 98, 183, 192–193, 195–196, 197, 198, 207, 208–209, 215–216, 230, 315n95
American Petroleum Institute, 206, 208, 215
Americans for Prosperity, 192, 207
American Way campaign, 174–176, 179, 180, 187
American way of life, 129–130, 178
APCO Associates, 219, 229, 230
Aral Sea, 12, 84
Arndt, H. W., 107, 166–167, 274
Arnold, Ron, 207, 209, 234
Arrighi, Giovanni, 113, 247
Asbestos, 202, 216, 230, 238
Asia–Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).
Global middle class
Astroturf, 206–207
Atlas Foundation, 89, 192, 196, 199, 201
Australian Industry Greenhouse Network (AIGN), 211, 223–224, 317n53
Babson, Roger, 171
Baer, George, 169
Bagnall, Diana, 199–200
Bailey, Ronald, 217, 258–262, 264–265
Bailouts, 99, 117, 251
Balance, xx, 191, 194, 201, 216, 222, 235–237
Balling, Robert, 208, 223
Barker, Debi, 246
Barton, Bruce, 173–174
Beckerman, Wilfred, 18, 53, 58–59, 61
Beder, Sharon, 65, 183, 193–194, 202, 238, 241, 248
Begley, Sharon, 215
Bernays, Edward, 71, 74–77, 88, 165, 171–173, 175, 180–181, 202, 228, 234, 245, 279
Bilderberg Group, 245–246, 247, 321n26
Birdsall, Nancy, 113
Birol, Fatih, 263
Birrell, Bob, 290
Birth control.
Family planning
Bolivia, 105, 153–155
Bologna, Gianfranco, 102
Boulding, Kenneth, 16, 33
Boykoff, Jules, 237
Boykoff, Maxwell, 237
Brandt, Karl, 45, 189
Brazil, 46–47, 111, 124, 140, 151–152, 244, 305n62
Bretton Woods, 91, 112, 239, 245, 246, 301n33
Brundtland Commission, 38, 125–128, 130, 132, 151, 276
Buchsbaum, Anthony, 187, 202
Buckley, Ross, 117, 124
Buckley, William, 258
Burrow, Sharan, 243, 320n14
Bush, George H. W., 36, 129–130, 237
Bush, George W., 34, 37, 99–100, 130, 215–216, 223, 227
Business Council of Australia (BCA), 199, 204, 213
Business Roundtable (US), 203–204, 247, 254
Cahill, Damien, 197
Campbell, Colin, 263
Canan, Penelope, 210
See also
Profit motive
accumulation, 5–7, 10, 12, 65, 68, 93, 108–109, 174, 181, 272
class offensive, 275
competition, 49, 99, 106, 107, 167, 179, 182
creative destruction, 72, 99, 212, 221
emergence of, 3, 5–7, 18–20
industrial capitalism, 6–9, 23, 54, 68
primitive accumulation, 3, 5–6, 87, 111
world market, 9, 12, 29, 46, 68, 98, 277
Capital mobility.
Finance capital
Carbon dioxide emissions.
Greenhouse gas emissions
Carey, Alex, 165, 200
Carpenter, Gary, 197
Carson, Rachel, 33, 188
Carson, Richard, 156
Carter, Bob, 209, 237
Carter, Jimmy, 40, 62, 97, 204, 218, 257–258
Cash crops, 44, 46, 119
Catch-up, 28, 111–112, 119, 122–124, 148, 153.
See also
Truman, Harry
Cato Institute, 192–193, 207, 209, 216, 217, 230, 258, 315n95
Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE), 285–286
Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise (CDFE), 209, 234
Centre for Independent Studies (CIS), 197, 199, 237
Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), 96
Chains of production.
Chakrabarty, Dipesh, 271
Chamber of Commerce, International (ICC), 247, 252
Chamber of Commerce (US), 171, 175, 177, 179, 184, 189–190, 192, 197, 201, 203, 209, 216, 247, 254
Chandler, Alfred, 167–168
Chang, Ha-Joon, 114–115
Chemicals industry, 137, 156, 192, 195, 203, 206, 216–217, 219, 228–229, 238
Chenery, Hollis, 131
Cheney, Dick, 218
Cheney, Lynne, 215
Chevron, 206, 208
Chew, Sing, 25
Chicago school, 79, 89–90, 97, 239, 302n49
Chidambaram, P., 139, 144
Chile, 89–90, 240, 242, 302n49
China, 12, 13, 19, 22–23, 46, 60, 67, 84, 101, 103, 113, 115, 120, 122–124, 133, 135–137, 140, 149–151, 153–154, 156–160, 168, 226, 228, 244, 248, 277, 281
Chomsky, Noam, 171, 179
Chowdry, Sanjay, 138, 144
Clark, Greg, 21
Class offensive.
Clausen, Rebecca, 13
Cleveland, Cutler, 262, 267
Climate change.
Global warming
Clinton, Bill, 130, 208, 294n1
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), 291–221, 238
Club of Rome, 35, 39, 50–52, 56, 62, 91, 245–246, 254, 257–258, 261–262, 274, 280, 321n26
Coal, 3, 6–8, 20, 22, 23–24, 48, 66, 79, 84, 108, 139, 156–157, 169, 220, 223–226, 233–234, 260, 264, 266
clean coal, 225, 266, 317n68
coal industry, 206, 208, 211, 223
Cockett, Richard, 201
Collapse, 25, 41, 56–57, 94–95, 160, 261, 266
Colonialism, 3–6, 10, 36, 44, 45, 47, 49, 54, 62, 68, 72, 81, 98, 105–107, 110, 136, 244
Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, 208–209
Committee for Economic Development (CED), 181–182
Committee on Public Information (CPI).
Creel, George
Commodification, 9, 29, 69, 77, 86, 114–115, 126, 128, 145–147
Common good, common interest, 30, 67, 87, 88, 275, 299n3
Commons, 5, 47–49, 87, 138, 282
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO, Australia), 224, 265, 290
Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), 192, 198, 215, 258
Comprehensive technology run.
Concentration of wealth, 41, 61, 78, 93–96, 111, 119–123, 145, 169–170, 174, 270, 274, 276, 305n62
Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED).
Rio Earth Summit
Conservationism, 45, 74, 95, 214
Consumerism, 8, 36–37, 55, 62, 63, 65–66, 67–78, 85, 100, 132, 161–162, 165, 172–173, 177–178, 191, 226, 273, 276, 277, 281–283, 286, 289, 291.
See also
harnessing envy and desire, 66, 69, 71–72, 76, 78, 80, 172, 180, 273
as mature stage of economic growth, 108, 148, 165, 172
as unsustainable, 267
Consumer rights and protection, 190, 202–204, 216, 248, 252, 254, 314n71
Consumption, 6, 10–11, 15, 17, 26–27, 29, 35, 49, 122–123, 126–127, 129, 151, 153, 155–157, 259–260, 267
consumption economists, 71, 74
luxury consumption, 8, 66, 74, 95, 132, 276–277
as route to prosperity, 66, 71–72, 100–103, 106, 148–150
Convention on Biodiversity.
Rio Earth Summit
Conway, Erik, 219–220
Cooney, Philip, 215
Coors, Joseph, 191–192
Copenhagen climate conference, 153–154
Corporations, 48, 50, 60, 61, 65, 67–69, 73, 76–78, 83, 87–88, 91, 93, 102, 105, 131, 132, 136, 144–145, 155–156, 273, 280, 282.
See also
Private enterprise, selling of; Think tanks
against environmental protection, 156, 202–210, 211–213, 215–216, 219–226, 233, 235–236, 272
as “individuals,” 30
limited liability, 65, 87
merger and consolidation, 165–169, 172, 273, 291
power of, 39, 77, 85, 99, 111, 126, 139, 154–155, 163, 165, 180, 203, 211–212, 243–244, 246–250, 253–254, 308n60
transnationals (TNCs), 36, 62, 92, 109, 117, 126, 131, 132, 154, 155–157, 201, 239, 243, 253, 282, 306n16 (
see also
Costanza, Robert, 286
Cost-benefit analysis, 67, 83, 158, 221
Cowdrick, Edward, 71
Creel, George, 170–172, 175
Crichton, Michael, 218–219
Cuba, 12, 13, 147
Cullen, Peter, 236
Cummings, Barton, 194
Cushman, John, 208
Cutter, Victor, 71
Cuyahoga River, 34, 188
Dalits, 137, 139
Daly, Herman, 1, 15–16, 22, 25–27, 30, 34, 53, 132, 271, 282, 286, 291–292
Dams, 84, 92, 117, 138–139, 140–141, 150
Darling, Sir Frank Fraser, 35
Das, Samarendra, 137
World Economic Forum
Day, John, 267–268
Debt, 17, 73, 75, 91–92, 107, 111, 116–119, 126, 128, 130, 139, 153, 154, 173, 240, 241–242, 251, 289
Declaration of Human Rights, 81, 85
Decoupling, 268–269, 291
Democracy, 75, 79, 88, 89–90, 108–109, 137, 165, 166, 169, 171, 177, 179, 180, 202, 232, 235, 236, 238, 244, 245, 246, 249–250, 252–254, 257, 280, 283
Denial, xx, xxiv, 24–25, 52, 58, 189, 208–210, 213–214, 218–219, 222–224, 226–230, 233, 237, 238, 271–272, 289, 312n10
Depletion, 22–23, 24, 35, 42, 49, 54, 128, 153, 158–159, 220, 263, 281.
See also
Consumerism, harnessing envy and desire
Development, 27, 28, 30, 34, 36, 51, 62, 107–113, 116, 119, 123–124, 125–130, 135–139, 144, 149, 154, 157, 161, 166, 274–275, 277, 292.
See also
Aid; Sustainability
Diamond, Jared, 44
Dietz, Rob, 285–286
Distribution, 6, 9, 27, 34, 36–37, 39, 54–55, 60, 81, 105, 107, 109, 111, 121, 123, 127, 129, 144, 147, 150, 166, 184, 189, 240, 274, 282, 285, 311n82
Doha round.
Dongria Kondh, 137–138
Doom, 24, 38, 47, 53–54, 61–62, 221, 232, 254, 258, 261, 280
Doubt, creation of, 208, 213, 218–219, 226–227, 229–231, 233, 279
Duncan, Tim, 213–214
Dunlap, Riley, 212, 232
Durning, Alan, 19
Earth Summit.
Rio Earth Summit
Easterly, William, 113
Ebell, Myron, 198, 208–209, 215, 217
Ecological footprint, 45, 55, 258
Economic freedom, 29, 80–81, 88–90, 179, 197
Economic growth, 15–16.
See also
Consumerism; Growth; Pie
beneficiaries of, 119–123, 126–128, 135, 141, 149, 152
and cheap energy, 3, 6, 7–8, 20, 29, 40, 93, 262–263, 267–268
five stages of, 108–109, 275
and free trade, 115, 248–249
history of, 3, 6, 9, 12, 13, 17–21, 26, 33, 36, 42, 51, 90–91, 111, 119, 121, 143–144, 178, 274
ideology of, xviii–xix, 16, 27, 31, 52–53, 54, 74, 100–101, 261, 272, 280–281
intrinsic to capitalism, 66, 72, 189, 211, 292
physical impacts and parameters of, 24–25, 27, 30–31, 34, 38, 57, 59, 126, 158–159, 160, 205, 212–213, 268–270, 272, 281
as primary policy goal, 100–101, 103, 107, 150, 151, 165–166, 181, 183–184, 189, 241, 254, 261, 273–274
promotion of, xviii, 24, 72, 182, 188–189, 272
and prosperity, 103, 165–166
as solution to poverty, 55, 60–61, 70, 102–103, 106, 124, 125, 135, 136, 138–139, 141, 152–153, 162, 189, 242, 281
and sustainability, 125–128, 133, 214, 270
Economic indoctrination, 88, 180, 182–183, 187, 192, 194–197, 200, 203, 207, 278
classical, 26, 66, 79 (
see also
Political economy)
ecological, 15–31, 33, 58, 285
environmental, 45
neoclassical, xxiii, 15, 26–27, 40, 52–54, 57–58, 59, 66, 79–80, 82–83, 86–89, 94–95, 158, 267, 269 (
see also
Ecosocialism, 54–55
Edward, Peter, 122–123, 149
Efficiency, 66, 83–86, 94, 128–129, 156–157, 160, 182, 267–268, 270, 277, 289
Ehrlich, Anne, 23
Ehrlich, Paul, 23, 33, 37, 47, 49–50, 61–62, 269
Eisenhower, Dwight, 180
Ekins, Paul, 153
Elites, 6, 8, 18, 36, 46–47, 61, 76–77, 88, 99, 109, 136, 141–142, 154–155, 174, 202, 224–225, 233, 242–243, 245–246, 279
Emissions trading scheme (ETS), 219, 224–226
Empty world, 16, 110, 147, 149, 275, 283
Enclosure, 5, 11, 43, 48, 87, 135–138, 144, 148
Energy, 11, 13, 21–24, 35, 38, 46, 59, 61, 108, 115, 126–128, 146, 154, 156, 201, 214, 224, 228, 234, 263–264, 281.
See also
Coal; Economic growth, and cheap energy; Gas; Oil
as master resource, 262, 267
energy return on investment (EROI), 268–269
Energy Information Administration (US), 234
Enterprise Australia (EA), 199–200, 201
Thermodynamics, second law
Environmental Conservation Organisation (ECO), 206, 207, 217
Environmental awareness, 33–35, 38–39, 50–52, 126–128, 154, 156, 185, 188–189, 202, 205, 212–213, 220, 233–235, 246, 248, 272, 275, 278–279, 324n24
Environmental crisis, 33, 35, 62, 128, 153, 154, 160, 218, 246, 257, 271, 275, 281
Equal time.
Escobar, Arturo, 105, 109, 111
Evidence-based thinking, 21, 57, 59, 60, 170, 213, 219, 228, 229, 230, 232, 235–236, 259
Ewen, Stuart, 73, 75, 170, 172
Export economy, 44, 45, 46, 114, 117, 119, 136, 139, 152, 156, 161
Externalities, negative, 45, 57, 83–85, 158
ExxonMobil, 208–209, 215, 216, 217, 316n27
Family foundations (US), 90, 192–193, 216–217, 315n95
Family planning, 34, 36–37, 50, 266.
See also
Population growth
Farmers, 5, 11–12, 18–19, 29, 42–43, 45, 46–47, 48, 50, 61, 82, 87, 99, 108, 110–111, 114, 135–137, 138, 139, 144, 146–147, 150, 157–158, 161, 240–241, 274
Farming, transition to, 18–19
Feedback mechanisms, 35, 56, 58, 265–266
Feulner, Edwin.
Heritage Foundation
Fifth freedom, 179.
See also
Four freedoms
Finance capital, 65, 95–96, 98, 101, 122, 195, 201, 240, 248, 251–252, 254, 289
derivatives, 86, 251, 253–254
Financial crises, 13, 73, 86, 88, 93, 99, 101, 102, 106, 116–117, 151, 181, 200, 241, 243–244, 251, 253–254, 263
Financialization, 73, 86, 96, 97, 140, 155, 173, 198, 200, 232, 239, 241, 250–253, 275, 289, 301n21
Financial Services Agreement (FSA), 253
Fisher, Anthony, 89, 192, 195–197, 199, 201
Fisher, Joseph, 45
Fones-Wolf, Elizabeth, 183