Collide Into You: A Romantic Gender Swap Love Story (39 page)

BOOK: Collide Into You: A Romantic Gender Swap Love Story
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“My knuckles feel like crap, but that dude deserved it,” Nebraska said. He had parked himself in the chair beside Justin’s bed two nights ago, after the incident, and refused to leave.

Justin chuckled. “Did Mr. B punch you back?” His friend was sporting a fresh black eye.

“Nope,” he smiled, his crooked teeth showing. “It was Mr. A once he realized Mr. B wasn’t going to be able to get up on his own.”

“Did you find out who they were?”

“I haven’t left your side, man, except to take a piss. But I asked around…”


“Word is that they are CIA, investigating Captain Phillips on corruption charges or something or another.”

“Doesn’t sound like a CIA type of operation. We both know what’s on that camera. Did it seem like something to shoot one of us over?”

Nebraska laughed and then cupped his face, muttering an ouch. “I dunno, man. Perhaps the man is deranged, or maybe he just hates your guts and needed a small reason to shoot you. Not everyone loves you, man.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Secretly, Justin hoped that wasn’t true.

“Speaking of,” Nebraska said and reached into his pocket. “This was dropped off for you.” He handed over an envelope, sealed, with his name scrawled on the outside.

Justin recognized the handwriting immediately.

“Whoa,” Nebraska whistled. “What’s that look for?”

“What look?”

“That look, when you saw the envelope. It was a combination of dread and eagerness. Odd.”

Justin shook his head. “It’s been an odd few days.”

“True that, my friend. So, are you going to read it?”

“Right now?”

“Yes, right now.”




“Holy shit on toast! You know who it's from. You’re holding out on me. For months, all I hear about is Julia from back home and now you get this letter and you aren’t going to read it in front of me.”

Nebraska snatched the letter away from Justin and ripped it open.

“Hey! You gave me a paper cut, you dork.” He tried to reach up, but his bandaged shoulder and sore body prevented him from doing so.

“Let me read it for you, my goodly injured friend.” Nebraska cleared his throat and began to read. “It’s dated yesterday, by the way,” he casually mentioned.

“Shhhhh. Keep it down,” Justin begged.

“Ohhh. Maybe it is a love letter. One of the nurses, perhaps. There are a few pretty ones around here.” He paused and then focused on the letter. “
‘Justin, my love, my wounded soul mate.’
Okay, it has to be said,” Nebraska said roughly. “This chick has horrible handwriting, and that opening is just corny. But, anyway, back to the letter.
‘I desperately long to see you, to ensure that you are safe and in the care of skilled doctors. If I could be at your side, at this moment, as your friend Nebraska is.’
Wait a minute,” Nebraska looked closely at Justin. “This is just creepy. It’s like you have a stalker.”

“I suppose you do, too. You are mentioned, after all,” Justin pointed out as he tried to steal the paper back. Anything to keep him from reading the rest of the letter. Nebraska dodged it smoothly. “Just give me the letter. It’s, ah, private.”

“You, private? My ass is more private than you are.”

“I’d prefer it if you didn’t read the letter,” Justin said through clenched teeth.

“This is too funny. Your face is turning a deep shade of red. It isn’t becoming. Calm down or the nurse is going to inject you with insulin or something.”

“Fuck!” he muttered under his breath. What he needed was morphine. “Fine. Go ahead.”

Nebraska cleared his throat again. “
‘Soon I will tell you who I am. I will look into your green eyes and hope to see acceptance, perhaps—if I am lucky—the same feelings in return. Until then, Justin, be well. Yours, T.’

Nebraska refolded the letter, his eyes narrowing, and stuffed it back into the envelope. Justin could tell he was thinking, trying to figure out who the letter was from.

“The letter makes it sound like you’ve received others.”

“Yeah. I think this one is number four or five. I’ve been getting them for about two months now.”

“So… not a nurse?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Someone in the unit?”

Justin nodded.

Nebraska jumped up, clearly excited. “This is completely awesome!”

Justin was stunned that Nebraska wasn’t ribbing him about the whole thing.


“Crazy Julia has competition.”

“What does that have to do with anything? And don’t call her crazy.”

“I can’t wait to see how this whole thing unfolds. And I plan to be there when it does.”

“Interested in taking my spot for me?”

Nebraska just laughed and turned to leave.

“Wait, where you going?”

‘My dearest Justin,’
” Nebraska mimicked, laughing, but then turned somewhat serious. “I’m hungry as shit, man. See you later.”

Everyone deserved a great friend like Nebraska. Before his friend closed the door, he could hear him talking to himself about guys whose name began with T.

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