Colin's Quest (12 page)

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Authors: Shirleen Davies

BOOK: Colin's Quest
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“What a wonderful idea.”

They both turned toward the sound of knocking on the front door.

“I’ll get it.” Sarah crossed the living room to the entry, smiling when she saw who stood outside. “Caleb. It’s so good to see you. Come in.” Caleb followed as she walked back to the kitchen. “Mrs. Olford, we have a guest.”

“I heard. How are you, Caleb?” She set a cup of tea and a few extra cookies in front of him.

“Quite well, Mrs. Olford. I wanted to thank you again for recommending me to Fergus Bell.”

“No problem at all, young man. And how is it going at the Bell Ranch?”

Caleb took a sip of tea before replying. He wouldn’t say a word about his thoughts on Wes. However, he’d learned Wes had made several attempts to invite Sarah to supper over the previous year. She’d spurned him each time. The concern he felt about Bell trying to court her came from his extreme unease about the man. Although Caleb said nothing, he’d heard Walt’s comments about Wes and his stepmother. He grimaced, learning of Wes’s betrayal of his own father. Sarah deserved much better than a man such as him. “Lots of hard work, which is good. It keeps me busy and my mind occupied.”

“Do you have plans for supper, Caleb?” Sarah asked, wanting to learn more about him.

“You know you’re welcome to join us,” Bessie added.

He glanced between the two women, hoping this came out right. “Actually, I came by to ask if Sarah would be available to join me for supper.”

Her face flushed at his offer. “Mrs. Olford, if you don’t mind…”

“Of course not, dear. You’ve both worked hard and deserve some time to celebrate your new jobs. Go before the reverend returns and tries to talk you into staying.”

Ten minutes later, they crossed the street, Sarah’s arm through Caleb’s. He led her to a small restaurant at the other end of town, finding a table near the window.

“I hope this is all right.” Caleb pulled out a chair for her.

“Wonderful. I’ve never been here.”

“One of the ranch hands said they eat here most Saturday nights before going to the, well…before moving on.”

Sarah laughed at his attempt to shield her from the nighttime activities of many of the cowboys. “Do you mean go to the saloon?”

Caleb’s brows lifted. He should have known better than to try and bamboozle her. Chuckling, he watched her eyes glitter in amusement. Other than the woman who’d deceived him, leaving him with a shattered future, Sarah was the only woman who caught his interest. What a pity he no longer had a heart to give, and hers had been promised years before. He hoped Colin MacLaren knew what a jewel he had waiting for him.

After they finished their simple meal and were waiting for coffee and dessert to arrive, Caleb crossed his arms, relaxing back in the chair. “I’ve told you some of my reasons for being in River City. Why are
living in town when your family’s home is so close?”

Sarah stroked the brooch pinned to her dress, thinking of the last time she saw her father. A chill passed over her at both his and Wes’s face when she made it clear she had no intention of marrying anyone except Colin.

“I don’t know how much you remember about Da, but he can be quite a stubborn man.”

“Oh, I recall. His temper is something not easily forgotten.”

“Yes, he does have a temper. He’s also steeped in the old ways, prejudices, and hatreds. Years ago, at least two hundred, a feud began between the MacGregors and MacLarens. They held adjoining lands in the southernmost part of the Highlands. I don’t know what caused it, but I know some MacGregors have never forgotten. During the trip west, when he’d learned I’d become friends with Colin, he forbid me from speaking to or seeing him again.” Sarah stopped when the server arrived with their coffee and pie. She picked up the cup, watching as Caleb took a healthy bite of pie before he nodded for her to continue.

“Going against his wishes was hard, but I refused to not see Colin again. One night, Colin approached Da about marrying me. Da refused, threatening Colin if he tried to see me again.”

“I remember. My father and I weren’t far away and saw most of it. If it helps, I would have had the same reaction as Colin. I would’ve fought for you…or any woman I loved.”

His comment warmed her, even though she knew Caleb also referred to the woman who’d turned her back on him.

“We did ignore Da, seeing each other for the last time the night before we turned north for Oregon. He gave me this brooch, asked me to marry him, and said he’d come for me. I said yes.”

Caleb had wondered about the beautiful jewelry she was never without. Now he knew its meaning.

“Is that why you left home?”

“In a way, yes.” Taking another bite of pie, she allowed herself to show the slightest amount of pleasure at the way she’d stood up to her da. “We were celebrating my birthday at the hotel restaurant. Da invited Wes Bell to join us. With no warning, Da announced he’d made an agreement with Wes for the two of us to marry.”

Caleb’s brows knit together. He’d heard as much from the men who worked for the Bells, wondering if it were true. “You refused?”

“Most certainly. And I wasn’t quiet about it. I announced my promise to Colin and refused to honor the agreement Da made. Then I left.”

“And moved in with the Olfords.”

“Even if they hadn’t offered a room, I still would not have returned to the ranch. It no longer felt like my home. Does any of this make sense?” she asked, pushing away the rest of her pie.

“Believe me, it makes complete sense. You’re a grown woman, Sarah. A fact your father refuses to accept. He thinks he can tie you to the hatreds and traditions of the old country. Don’t misunderstand. Many of the traditions are good and should be continued. However, feuds shouldn’t be a part of them. They have no place in our new lives.”

“You speak as if you know a bit about it.”

A grin touched the corners of his mouth. “As a Stewart, we know both hatred and strong alliances. You may not know this, but the Stewarts and MacLarens were once allies. We fought next to each other at Culloden.” Finishing his coffee, he leaned forward, reaching across the table to cover her hand with his. “The same as the MacLarens, we put aside our hatred of those who fought against us and moved on. Your father should do the same.”

The rain had stopped as Colin, Quinn, and Brodie turned in for the night. By morning, the sun shone bright, allowing them to make good time, stopping once before continuing to River City. If the information provided in Mindell could be trusted, they should reach their destination in time for supper.

They heard the pounding of hooves before seeing the group of men appear in the trail ahead of them. Not liking the look of them, Colin rested his hand on the butt of his gun and waited. Brodie and Quinn reined their horses to a stop on either side of him, no one speaking, even as each felt the tension in the others.

“Gentlemen,” the one in front called out. Sitting tall in the saddle, he moved his horse forward.

“That’s close enough.” Colin signaled his cousins to spread out.

“Where you boys headed?” the leader asked, not missing the way Brodie and Quinn put distance between themselves and Colin.

“I don’t believe it’s any of your business.” Colin kept his gaze on the leader while trying to keep track of the others.

“I’m Sheriff Joe Walker and these are my deputies.” He pulled his coat aside so they could see his badge. “We’re following four brothers who robbed a bank and rode south. You want to tell me what you’re doing out this way?”

Colin relaxed, but didn’t move his hand away from his gun as he spoke. Introducing himself, Quinn, and Brodie, he explained where they were from and a little about their trip. “We hope to be in River City tonight.”

“Well, then, you won’t mind if my deputies search your saddlebags.” Walker nodded toward his men.

Glancing at Quinn and Brodie, he nodded. Walker seemed to be satisfied with their story when the deputies failed to find the money from the robbery.

“You looking for someone in particular when you reach town, or are you planning to pass through?” Walker asked, riding closer to get a better look at the three, deciding if he and his men were in danger.

“I’m looking for my fiancée, Sarah MacGregor. Do you know her?”

Walker glanced at the men with him, then back at Colin. “Can’t say as I do. Is she related to Dougal MacGregor?” He had heard talk of Dougal and a man named Bell.

“Aye, sir. She’s his daughter.”

“Well, you’re headed in the right direction. Before we rode out of River City, I heard talk of a prominent rancher setting his sights on Dougal’s daughter.”

Colin’s gut clenched at the news, the first he’d heard about Sarah in five long years.

“That a fact? Well, the man will have a fight on his hands if what you heard is true. I appreciate the warning, Sheriff. If there’s nothing else, we’ll keep going.”

“Watch your back. We don’t know where the robbers went, but we do know they have no problem killing.” He sent Colin a twisted smile that could best be described as disturbing, then signaled his men to follow him.

Colin watched, disquieted in a way he couldn’t define. Shaking his head, he figured it was the news of Sarah and nothing more.

“All right, lads. Let’s get moving.”

Chapter Eight

“There’s one that’s open.” Quinn turned Warrior toward a restaurant down the street.

Colin didn’t want to waste any time eating now that he knew Sarah lived here. He wanted to speak with the locals, find out where she lived. His stomach’s loud growl, however, told him finding her could wait a little longer, at least until he filled the hole in his gut.

Sliding down from Chieftain, he stretched his arms above his head in an attempt to work out the kinks after the long ride. They’d been in the saddle all day, only stopping once.

“Come on, Colin. I can’t wait any longer for some real food.” Brodie strode up the steps, holding the door open for the others.

Colin led the way, glancing around before spotting an empty table close to the front. One other couple sat near it and as he moved closer, he noticed the man’s hand covering hers.
A couple
, Colin assumed as he continued forward. Then she looked up.


His breath caught and he couldn’t help the tremor rolling through him at his first glimpse of her in five years. She hadn’t changed—the same golden brown hair and blue eyes so radiant they sparkled. A few more freckles covered her nose and cheeks, and without question, she was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Then his gaze moved back down to the table where she gripped another man’s hand, and his movements froze at the same instant he saw recognition dawn on her face.

When something hard knocked into him, he didn’t budge.

“Ach, Colin, what’s holding you up?” Brodie’s voice came from behind him a moment before his cousin looked over his shoulder. “Ah, hell,” Brodie muttered, not hesitating in his recognition of Sarah.

The knot in Colin’s stomach grew to a cold, hard lump as he stared into her eyes. He’d come too late. The realization swept through him as his hands closed into fists.

“Colin?” Her voice trembled as her eyes widened in stunned disbelief.

His mind cleared at Sarah’s use of his name. Although little comfort, at least she hadn’t completely forgotten him. The muscles of his jaw tightened. He opened his mouth to speak, then clamped it shut, unable to say what he wanted. Instead, he turned and stomped toward the door, slamming it behind him.

“Colin, wait!” Sarah jumped from her chair, pushing past Brodie and Quinn, uncaring of the stares which followed her. “Colin MacLaren, you stop right now,” she called, following him toward his horse.

Taking a deep breath, he turned and stared into a face which had consumed his thoughts for a long time. He cleared his throat, searching for calm.

“Sarah…Sarah MacGregor, right?” He shot her a look of what he hoped was total disinterest. “What a surprise after all these years.”

Swallowing the sour taste in her mouth, she searched his eyes, trying to find any trace of the man she loved in them. “You…you didn’t come here for me?” Her eyes teared at the same moment she sensed movement next to her.

Reaching a hand toward Colin, Caleb smiled. “Good to see you again, Colin. I’m Caleb Stewart. I doubt you’ll remember me, but we traveled west in the same wagon train.”

Colin’s gaze moved from Sarah’s face to the outstretched hand.

“I remember you, Stewart.” Ignoring Caleb’s attempt at friendship, he turned toward Chieftain and grabbed the reins.

“Colin, wait. Where are you going?” The desperation in Sarah’s voice cut through him and he wondered what game she played.

“Good to see you again, Sarah. Perhaps we’ll see each other again before I leave.” Swinging into the saddle, he started to rein his horse away.

“Don’t be daft, MacLaren,” Caleb shouted in a cold, stern voice. “No woman could have been more devoted to a man she hasn’t seen in over five years than Sarah MacGregor. At least show her some respect after all this time. Then open your eyes before you throw away a prize any man would covet.”

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