Colette Gale - [The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle Part II] (3 page)

BOOK: Colette Gale - [The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle Part II]
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“What is it?” Her heart skipped a beat. A tiger? A snake?

The wild man?

“It’s nothing to be worried about, darling,” he replied, urging her forward. “Come, tell me what you think of the water.”

She saw nothing in the jungle behind her, and she trusted Jonathan, so Jane poked a toe into the pool. “It’s
,” she said, then stuck her foot all the way in. “Ahhhh,” she sighed. “It feels…wonderful.” She couldn’t remember ever being in such warm water—the baths at home were hardly more than tepid, even in the winter.

Despite the heavy humidity of the jungle air, she found the steaming pool’s heat welcome. By the time she settled, naked, in the water, Jane’s cheeks and throat glistened with perspiration and her face was hot. Her muscles relaxed and she became languorous, half-reclining against a slick rock.

The underwater spray of the hot springs caused the water to rumble and bubble, surging over Jane’s skin in little licks of heat. Jonathan hardly stepped into the pool across from her before he reached for her, settling deep in the water.

Jane went into his arms willingly, the hot water rushing over her shoulders and nearly to her chin as she sank lower, fitting into his embrace. Her breasts bobbed in the rumbling water, tossed and caressed by the hot waves. Jonathan kissed her, deep and long, with warm, damp lips and a strong sleek tongue.

She couldn’t breathe—it was hot and steamy, their mouths crashing together, his teeth sharp and firm against her lips. He found her hand and closed it around his cock, holding it beneath the water as he sighed against her throat.

Jane curled her fingers tightly, sliding along the length of him, her legs straddling the outside of his thighs. A rough stone scraped her as she knelt, and her quim spreading wide, open to the hot water and its bubbling, surging motion. Jonathan found one of her breasts, his fingers gently pinching the bud of her nipple. Jane sighed with pleasure, feeling the little tugging throb of her tiny clit. She shifted to press into the top of his thigh, rolling her hips as she surged closer.

“Tighter,” Jonathan groaned, and she fisted her hand more tightly around his cock, sliding up to the velvety knob at the top. “Faster.” She complied, and the water splashed beneath her ministrations.

He found her other breast, flattening a hand over each one then pulling back to play with her nipples.

Her world was steamy and wet, and when she closed her eyes, everything tilted and swirled, everything felt close and hot and full. She smelled Jonathan, his male scent, the sweat clinging to his warm skin, sweet flowers and damp soil. She felt the coarseness of the hair on his legs, scraping against hers. The hard, smooth stones beneath her knees. The heat of his cock, hotter even than the steaming water.

Jane couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t speak. She felt as if she floated on some hot cloud, and at the same time, she felt heavy and expectant. She rocked and shifted, moving her hips to find a way to join with him. She wanted his cock inside her. She wanted to fill the heat, the length, slamming up into her—

Then all at once, he lifted her at the hips, positioning her over him. With a sharp jerk, he jolted up into her and she cried out at the sudden shock of pleasure.

He was deep inside her, and she wanted to move, fast and hard…but he grasped her tightly by the hips and held her in place. He filled her, throbbed deeply inside her. She was tight around him, quivering with desire, her tiny pearl full and aching….

“Please,” she whispered, jolting against him in desperation. The pressure of his body against her sent a short, sharp stab of pleasure deep inside, but it wasn’t enough. Her world was a maelstrom… steamy heat, the waves surging over her skin, his thick rod penetrating her, pleasure and need rolling through her lust-fogged brain….

Jonathan held her hips, allowing her to rock gently over him. His breathing was short and harsh against her cheek as she sagged against him, her hair plastering to their bodies. She moaned again, her hands on his shoulders, the entirety of her consciousness focused on the throbbing, insistent pearl between her legs.

Jane hardly realized when two hands reached from behind and covered her breasts. Someone hard and warm pressed against her back, the unmistakable length of a full cock slid along the crevice of her arse.

She tried to peel her eyes open, but her lids were heavy and the pleasure…it was intense and it dragged her deeper into the slow, hot vortex of desire.

Someone pulled her hair out of the way, someone’s hands fondled her breasts—rough, callused hands. She was aware of a deep, low groan in her ear, aware of Jonathan’s breathing speeding up and his hands pumping her up and over him, lifting and lowering.

Her own passion rose, spiraling faster and harder as Jonathan moved her with greater speed. The heavy hands from behind became harsher, pinching, twisting, kneading…a guttural grunt, hot breath….

Jonathan cried out and jacked his cock up, high and deep, inside her and Jane felt her own body shudder into completion just after. She gasped for air, collapsing against him, hardly aware of the second hard body pressing into her from behind. The hands, probing and grasping and fondling. She didn’t even have the strength to open her eyes, to look behind her.

Perhaps it was a dream. Perhaps she imagined it. Perhaps it was the wild man….

She forced her eyes open at last, and found that she was still in a shadowy, steamy, sweet-smelling world. A glow to her right was the shallow stone bowl of burning leaves, settled now on a rock next to the pool. The sweetly bitter scent curled from the coals more strongly than ever and the world spun. Had someone added more leaves?

“And now,” Jonathan said, easing her away from him. He glanced over her shoulder as she slipped free of his cock, floating in the water…back into the embrace of two strong arms.

“Ah, Jane,” said a familiar voice in her ear. “At last.”

Her insides scattered and her limbs were heavy and yet she was able to look over her shoulder. “Kellan,” she said. She thought she said. Perhaps she just

“Yes,” he said, and his hands slid from her breasts down over her hips. She felt the thrust of his cock brush against her arse once again, the strength of his thighs beneath hers.

“Jonathan,” she managed to say, frantically looking around for him. Where was he? Where had he gone? She could hardly focus. Her mind was overwhelmed by the glow of coals…the waft of smoke…the last bit of throbbing in her tiny nub…the tight pull of her nipples.

“Jane,” he said. Jonathan. She opened her eyes and he was there, right in front of her. His face was so close she could feel his breath against her skin.

He took her face in his hands and brought her to him, covering her mouth with his. She scrabbled in the water, off-balance, and at last her palms settled against the smooth bottom of the pool.

His lips took hers, his tongue thrusting deep and long into her mouth, and she had no choice but to try to balance on her hands as her legs rose in the water behind her. Kellan moved between her legs, his warm thighs against her, his hands on her hips.

Jane began to breathe harder, smothered against Jonathan’s mouth. Her legs were spread, her hips shifting and floating in the churning pool. She couldn’t pull away, she wanted to protest…Kellan rose behind her, his hand sliding down to her swollen quim. He found her full labia, touched the sensitive bud hooded therein. She jolted as pleasure and pain speared her. He pushed and stroked and she felt the throbbing return, a tight, sharp lust. Reluctant, bitter, but needy, nevertheless.

She twisted her lips away and gasped, “Jonathan?” It was a question…her mind was foggy…surely he didn’t mean….

“Jane, Jane,” he said against her lips. “Trust me. You must trust me. Do you love me? Do you trust me?”

But she couldn’t respond, for his mouth covered hers again, crushing away any protests. Any arguments.

Her world spun, weighing her down. Hands shifted, grasping her, pulling her legs wider. Hot strong pressure from behind.

“Jon…you gave your word,” said someone dark and deep behind her ear.

“You have my blessing,” Jonathan muttered against her mouth.

Kellan gripped her arse and all at once she felt his cock, strong and insistent, pressing against….

She tensed, jerking against the hands gripping her, but they held firm.

“Jane, easy,” Jonathan said, releasing her face to grab her arms. “Look at me,” he said, his face damp and glistening in the low dusk. His eyes, the glowing coals reflected in them, burned bright as he stared into hers.

Kellan pulled her arse cheeks apart, his fingers strong but not hurtful. The steamy water burned over the tender ribbons of her exposed flesh, and then she felt something slender slide up inside her. Jane gasped and struggled, but the discomfort eased. She felt full and tight, uncomfortable…and yet strangely aroused.

The finger withdrew, accompanied by a guttural sound from Kellan as he shifted behind her once again. Then she felt a different sort of pressure, there, at her tight arse. His hands spread her wide and she felt him pushing against her.

“Jonathan,” she breathed as the pressure became stronger…there….Kellan positioned himself at the tiny hole of her arse, his cock easing in…and
…and in.

“Jane, relax yourself,” Jonathan told her. “Relax.”

Now Kellan’s fingers curved into the soft flesh of her hips, and she felt the pulse of his cock as it sank deeper, slowly, excruciatingly slowly. Thick. Hard. Insistent. Pain warred with unfamiliar sensation. Jane closed her eyes, horrified and yet…titillated.

In and in…slowly, deeply…and then suddenly he shoved himself against her, sliding completely inside. Jane cried out in shock as much as pain, and tried once again to twist away, but Jonathan was there. His face close to hers, his eyes burning into hers.

“Jane…trust me…it will be good….” He devoured her mouth again, cutting off her breath as Kellan began to move against her. She felt full and uncomfortable, raw and ravaged…but as he picked up rhythm, the discomfort, the strangeness began to ebb into awkward pleasure.

Jonathan was breathing, short and hard, against her, and before she realized what was happening, he pulled her closer to him. Kellan followed, shoving into her from behind as Jonathan eased halfway beneath her in the water. She struggled to steady herself, her knees scraping the bottom of the pool, slipping into a flattened position against Jonathan.

His hard length pressed against her belly, full and ready once again, and for a moment, she thought he meant to shove it inside her as well. Jane cried out at the thought…and at the insidious pleasure unfurling inside her. But instead, Jonathan’s cock remained trapped between her belly and him as Kellan shoved and stroked in short, hard thrusts.

The dark, unsettling pleasure rose deep inside her and the hot water leached energy from her. Jane struggled to breathe, but Jonathan had her imprisoned against his lips, his tongue sleek and demanding, smothering her cries…of protest, of pleasure. The closeness of her world pressed down on her, her limbs trembled and felt leaden. She closed her eyes, grateful to sink into a foggy pool of lust as the unfamiliar sensations grew stronger, overtaking her consciousness.

Kellan’s rhythm jolted into her from behind, slamming her forward. She felt full and impaled as his cock moved in its tight channel, faster and harder. Jane clung to her fiancé, but could do little to keep herself from being buffeted about like a rag doll. She was hot, she throbbed and shuddered, she was tight and breathless…and that dark pleasure, so different and strong, swelled and swelled, rolling through her until she screamed her release against Jonathan’s lips.

The explosion was fierce, Kellan’s and her own. Sharp and deep and it dragged her into nothingness…her eyes wouldn’t open, her strength gave out, her body collapsed. Jane succumbed to the intensity of the heat…the sweet smoke…the unfamiliar, uncomfortable pleasure that still twitched through her body.

The last thing she remembered was Jonathan, arching sharply against her belly, and his long, deep groan of fulfillment.


— III—

No sooner had Mr. Darkdale left the treehouse parlor than Efremina turned her attention to other matters.

It’s about bloody time
. Hard to find any bit of privacy in a place like this, filled with comings and goings and snakes and birds and lizardy insects. But Miss Jane was walking with her Mr. Jonathan, and Effie didn’t care one whit where that snake named Darkdale was going—as long as it was away. She wouldn’t care if he got lost in the jungle and never came back, matter of fact. Good riddance.

To make certain there were no interruptions, she closed the trapdoor and latched it shut. Professor Everett was engrossed with his examination of a purple-headed riser or thrusting-blackheart or some other unlikely-named specimen of butterfly.

Effie grinned to herself. She had plans for her own purple-headed riser.

She began to gather up the last bit of the dinner dishes and brought them to the large bowl for washing. The bowl was a massive shell with a hole drilled in the bottom, and a cork plugging it up when it needed to be kept full. It wouldn’t do to have a mess distracting her. Aside from that….

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