Cole (11 page)

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Authors: Autumn Gunn

BOOK: Cole
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Chapter 19


I rolled over and looked at the clock.  10:10.  We had been up all night.  Exploring each others bodies.  Joking, and just generally enjoying each other’s company.  It was so perfect.  So complete.  We connected on so many levels.  Nothing was forced and it never felt like either of us was trying.  We fit together naturally.  Effortlessly.


“How did you sleep?”


“Like a log, which is rare for me.”


“Glad to hear my bed too you prisoner.”


“In more ways than one.”


We smiled.  Carissa leaned over and tapped my nose with her index finger.


“Well, now that we’re awake I can think of some things that we can try.”


“Hmmm.  And what might those things be?”


“Well…for starters…the farmer’s market.”

I gave a confused look and she just laughed.  She jumped on top of me and we picked up where we had left off.


Just before noon I walked into the kitchen to get us two glasses of water.  I returned and found her pretending to sleep.  Fake snoring.


“Very funny.”


“You’re taking all my energy!”


“I know the feeling.  Wanted to ask you.  Do you actually have a farmer’s market here?”


“We do.  They stay open until about three.  Feel like giving it a look?”


“I do, but if they’re open until three that means we still have a little more time.”


“Oh my gosh.  Time for more?”




“You’re like the Energizer rabbit.  Do you ever get tired?”


“Not when I’m with you.”  I set our waters on the nightstand and literally jumped back into bed.  I tickled her sides and we resumed our adventures.


Eventually we took showers and made our way to the farmer’s market.  It was amazing.  It was a real farmer’s market.  People had packed up their cars and brought in items from the countryside.  I had already burnt off all the Italian food so was more than happy to indulge at the market.  Carissa even knew a number of the vendors and introduced me.


After the farmer’s market we spent the rest of the day walking around the various parts of the outskirts of the city.  Just walking aimlessly.  No particular place to be at no particular time.  I could feel the stress melt away.  Carissa was really perfect for me in so many ways.  One of which was her ability to relax me.  It felt so comfortable and good to be around her.  I hadn’t even woken up with any nightmares this morning.  She really had a calming effect on me.


Before we knew it the sun had set.


“I wish we could spend more time together, but I have to grade papers tonight and prepare my lesson plan for tomorrow.”


“I know what you mean.  I am going to introduce some new techniques at tomorrow evening’s class and I need to go over them first.  A quick refresher for myself before I go and teach them.”


“We can walk back to the car and then I can drop you off at home.”


“The car.  I almost forgot.”


“Funny, huh?  We’ve just been walking everywhere.  We’ve actually walked a lot, but the conversation was so good we’re not even noticing the distance.”


“You’re right.  I didn’t even think about it.  We’ve probably walked 10 miles.”


“Actually more, I think.  Can you believe it?”


“I can’t.  But I can.  It seems unreal, but we’re having so much fun so it makes sense when you stop and think about it.”


“Who said we’re having fun?”


“You’re not?”  I looked at her confused.


She tried to be serious then let out a laugh and poked me in the side.


“Nope, I’m not having fun.  I’m having the time of my life!  Beyond fun.  These last 24 hours have been incredible.  Thank you for such a great time.”


“No need to thank me, but you’re welcome.  We’re both having a great time.  Just being goofballs.  It’s perfect.”


“Yes it is perfect.”


Carissa took my hand and leaned against my arm as we walked.  I could definitely get used to this.


Chapter 20


I arrived at the gym early as I always do.  Normally on Monday mornings the turn out is either really big, if everyone is feeling guilty about overeating and such on the weekend, or really small, if they really overdid it and can’t get out of bed.  This morning it was packed.  As much as I wanted to spend more time with Carissa the night before it was good that we didn’t.  She got her work done and I got rested up for what was about to be a big class.


The class went great.  After the last trainees left I headed to the back to wash my face.  I heard a knock on the front door.  Three strong knocks.


“Come on in,” I yelled from the back and made my way back to the door.


Two men in suits entered.  I could see something was up.  They looked serious and official.


“Good morning, we’re looking for a Mr. Cole Callahan.”


“That’s me.  What can I do for you?”


“Mr. Callahan, we’ve heard a lot of great things about what you’re doing here and we have to admit, we’re fans.  As much as we support what you’re trying to do here, there are regulations.  Regulations which are designed to protect the citizens.  We checked with the public records department and unfortunately it doesn’t appear you’re currently operating within those guidelines.”


I was shocked.  Who in the heck were these guys?  Who tipped them off?  Why were they bothering me?


“Um, ok.  Well, please tell me what I can do to be properly regulated.  I’m happy to comply.”


“Mr. Callahan, are you licensed to teach martial arts?”


“Not officially or anything like that.”


“Are you currently carrying insurance for the people who train here?”


“No, but I’m not putting them in advanced positions where they could become injured.  I’m definitely putting safety first.”


“We understand, but the laws aren’t so easy going.  They’re more black and white.”


The other gentleman then spoke.  “Mr. Callahan, as we said we really appreciate what you’re doing here.  We really do, but in order to continue you must be licensed, carry insurance, submit to a fire inspection, and a whole host of other regulations in order to run your business.”

“Gentleman, I’m not one who understands a lot of red tape.  I look to get things done.  I’m happy to bring the fire chief out and am sure I could figure out the insurance, but this licensed instructor thing.  I know nothing about that.”



“There are courses you can take.  A combination of practical and written.”


“Is there somewhere I can go to do that this afternoon?”


“It’s not quite that easy.  You have to demonstrate proficiency over a period of time.  The shortest one we know of takes 12 weeks.”


“12 weeks?  That would destroy my business.”


They looked at me blankly.


“Guys, I just finished multiple tours as a Navy SEAL.  I don’t mean to sound tacky and bring that up in this moment, but come on.  Not only was I trained in some of the best hand-to-hand combat maneuvers, but I actually had to execute them in real life.  I probably shouldn’t be talking about this, but let’s just say I’ve trained with the best and I know what I’m doing here.”


“We understand Mr. Callahan, but unfortunately our hands our tied.”


“So what do you suggest?”


“We’re not really authorized to make suggestions.  We’re just here to tell you that we have to close you down until you’re in regulation.”


“Close me down!  We’re getting traction.  We’ve got a lot of kids here that have seen improvement.  Not just here, but it’s carried over to other parts of their life.  School, personal relationships, even anger management.  We can’t stop now.”


Again, they stared blankly.


“Come on, guys.”


“We’re sorry, Mr. Callahan.  Laws are laws.  I’m sorry, but we must also tell you that if you do decide to continue operating your gym you can be subject to fines and also criminal punishment.”


“There’s really no end to this nonsense, is there?”


“It’s for the people’s protection.”


“And teaching them to protect themselves both physically and mentally isn’t for their own protection, huh?”


More blank stares.


“We’re sorry, Mr. Callahan.  Once you are licensed we welcome you to apply for the proper business permits and continue your training.”


I looked sideways and to the right.  I bit my tongue.


“We’re sorry, but we must be going.  First we must ask you to sign this stating we spoke with you today about these matters.”


“Just go.  I’m not signing anything.”


“As you wish.  We’ll note you were notified, but declined to acknowledge via signature.”


“Seriously.  Get off my property.  I don’t need two government robots in my business.  Beat it, now.”


They turned and walked to their car.  It reminded me of a motor pool rental.  The shut their doors and drove off.  My stomach dropped.  Yesterday had been so perfect and now everything felt like it was crashing down.  I had no idea what to do, but knew I couldn’t lose momentum with the kids.  Closing down would also hurt the trust I had built.  I was in a world of pain and needed a solution.  Fast.


Chapter 21


“Good to hear from you.  How’s your day?”


I usually didn’t call Carissa when I knew she was at school.  She insisted it was always nice to hear my voice, no matter the time, but I didn’t want to interrupt her at work.


“I’m ok, but I can’t say the same about the gym at the moment.”


“Oh my gosh.  What happened?  Don’t tell me a fire.”


“No.  Nothing like that.  Some inspector regulator types came by today.  Said I need a permit to operate.  They’re shutting me down until I’m licensed.”


“That’s terrible.”


“I know.  And we were really getting traction.  But don’t worry.  I’m going to figure this out.  Fast.”


“I know a guy about an hour away who can probably certify you.  He teaches this kind of thing.  At least he’ll know what to do.”


“Thanks, but I don’t have time for that.  Momentum is key and I don’t want to lose it.  I’m going to try some other channels to address this thing head on.  In the mean time can you put up a note at school that the gym’s taking a short break?  I’m going to go through the list and email everybody, but if we can put something up at the school, if that’s ok, then that would also be helpful.”


“I’ll check with the principal, but I think it’s ok.  You’re not actually affiliated with the school, but unofficially everybody knows you and respects you and we know a lot of our students are training with you.  A few of them have already seen improved grades.”


“I can’t say it surprises me.  Once you get your ducks all in a line it’s easy to start knocking them down.  They basically fall right into place for you.”


“Well, whatever you’re doing it’s working.  I think Jerry’s really spreading the gospel as well.  He’s a quiet kid, but I’ve noticed kids approaching him and asking him things.  He’s put on about two or three pounds too and young boys this age are always interested when they see a way to gain muscle.  I think they know the muscle brings in the looks from the girls.”


“I remember doing 1,000 push-ups and sit-ups a night when I was that age.  Samantha DeLaney.  She was the reason.”


“And did Samantha notice?”


“Her family moved away, but her friends definitely noticed.”


“And did you pursue any of them?”


“No, I was a little heartbroken about Samantha.  Once I get my mind set on someone, or something, I’m fixated on that one thing.  The good thing was it really got me going with fitness.  I started really fixating on eating right and getting as healthy and strong as I could.  So that was my new fixation to try and replace Samantha.”


“Did it work?”


“Well, can you ever really replace a person?”


“I wouldn’t say so.”


“Me either.  And definitely not with an activity.  People are people.  Activities and things are just that.  It worked well as a healthy distraction, and still does to this day, but it didn’t replace the pain of her moving away.”


There was no response.  I waited, and then finally…“And now.  Do you have anyone you’re fixated on now?”


“Fixated on, or interested in?”


“Either or.”


“I wouldn’t say I have anyone I’m interested in, but I definitely have someone I’m totally fixated on.”


I could almost hear Carissa smile through the phone.


“Me too.”


Neither of us spoke for what seemed like an eternity.  I decided to break the silence.


“The best thing in life is to know when you finally have that someone special and that they feel the same way.  That you both have that one special person and it’s each other.  It sounds so simple to say, but in reality it doesn’t often happen.  For some people never.”


“I know what you mean.”


“And I’m glad I’m a little older now.  Hopefully a little wiser.  I know how special that is and I’m not going to ever let it go.  I’m going to hold on tight and ride off into the sunset.  Happy forever.”


“And I’m going to be on that white horse with you.”


“You’re darn right you are.  No you.  No sunset.  This dream is a package deal and it all starts with you.  The best part is it’s not a dream.”


“You’re going to make me cry at work.”


“Neither one of us wants that.”


“Well, tears of joy might get a free pass, but yeah…I need to be professional in front of the kids.  But we can definitely talk about this later.”


“Yes we can.”


“OK.  I’ll put something up about the gym after I speak with the principal.  You go get ‘em tiger.”


“Grrr.  I will.”


Carissa laughed.  “Thanks for making me feel special.”


“You are special.”


“I definitely feel like it whenever I’m with you.”




“Ok, back to work I go.  Talk soon?”






“Buenas tardes.”


I was riding the high of hearing Carissa’s voice.  I needed to channel that into a solution.  A way to get my gym back.  If in doubt I knew one person I could call.  The one person who would have the answer.

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