Cold Hard Truths 1: Vices (16 page)

Read Cold Hard Truths 1: Vices Online

Authors: Nash Summers

Tags: #LGBT; Cyberpunk; Futuristic

BOOK: Cold Hard Truths 1: Vices
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I moaned deep, reaching both of my hands up and covering my face in raw pleasure. The moment he withdrew his fingers, I felt the sudden, emotional pain of loss.

“Jones, look at me.” I felt his fingers run through the hair on top of my head. I moved my hands and opened my eyes. I watched him take his cock and nudge the tip against my entrance. Carver’s cock wasn’t as big as mine, but it suited his size perfectly. His dick had a large vein that ran up from the bottom, all the way to the beautiful slick tip. It felt like silk in my hand; I remembered the feel of it even through the years.

When Carver pushed inside me, my breath caught in my throat. As much as he’d prepared me, he was still bigger than his three fingers had been. He kept pushing deeper and deeper, looking at me in the eyes the entire time. His breathing was labored, and his face was flushed. His lips parted in a quiet moan when he was completely inside me, and more than anything in that moment, I wanted him to kiss me.

Carver slowly began thrusting inside of me, every few pushes hitting my prostate, sending me soaring through the roof and far beyond the skyline. I reached down again and started pumping my dick with my hand lazily, wanting to make this last longer than I knew it could.

Every time I opened my eyes, Carver was already watching my face. My heart felt like it dropped to the floor when I finally noticed how Carver was looking at me. His hollow eyes were no longer hollow; they were full of some raw emotion that even I couldn’t put a name to. He was looking at me in a way I never thought I’d see Carver look at anyone or anything. The realization of this, whatever
was, changed my world in that very second.

With one of his hands planted firmly on the side of my thigh, his other hand trailed up my chest and began playing with and tweaking my nipple even as he continued to fuck me slowly.

“Don’t let him touch you around me,” Carver said so quietly between thrusts, I could barely hear him speak.

“What?” I asked in the same breath as a moan.

“Not around me, Jones.” He squeezed my nipple hard, then soothed it with the pad of his thumb. “If you let him touch you, fine, just not around me. It’ll wreck the team.”

I was lying in a blanket of pure ecstasy, barely able to comprehend what Carver was talking to me about. I gripped the base of my dick, trying to stop myself from coming.

“You’re inside me, and now is the time you’d like to lecture me about not hooking up with my teammates?” I asked. I’d have been pissed off if he weren’t doing such a damn good job of hitting my prostate.

“I meant if I see Ko touching you again in front of me, I’ll break his fucking neck,” he snapped.

When I looked up at him, he stopped to close his eyes for a moment before opening them again.

“I’m not telling you not to see him, Jones. I can’t offer you the same,” Carver said as a whisper. “Just not in front of me.”

The look on his face still wasn’t one of an emotional man. His expression was much the same as always, if only less composed because of the unfamiliar look in his eyes and the sweat dropping down his chin and chest.

“Is that why you’re here?” I asked, turning my head and staring at the wall.

“No,” he replied instantly, reaching up to touch the side of my face.

I moved my legs off his shoulders and he swiftly grabbed them, holding them next to his hips. I reached up and placed my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him down so he was lying on top of me, his tight body flush against mine. I kept my thick thighs pressed against him, unable to let him go even if I wanted to.

He placed his forehead against my chest, right between my pecs, and spoke into my skin.

“I am sorry, Jones,” Carver whispered.

If I’d had a moment to ponder his apology, I would’ve labeled that a monumental moment for Carver and me, but he didn’t give me the chance. Within an instant he pressed his palms flat against the bed and began fucking me like it was our last moment together. The suddenness of it made me gasp and throw my head back.

Carver was still raging inside of me, his forehead pressed into the space between my shoulder and neck. He must’ve changed the angle just right, because every time his hips slapped against me, the tip of his dick rubbed the bundle of nerves buried inside me.

“Oh God, Carver,” I moaned loudly next to his ear. I was seeing stars behind my eyes, moving closer and closer to orgasm. I knew if I reached down to stroke my dick a couple of times, I’d be thrown over the edge.

“Shh, Jones, shhh,” Carver cooed, taking one of his hands and gently placing it against my mouth to muffle the sound. Keeping quiet was impossible with him surrounding me like that. I felt full. I felt lascivious and complete. Carver was all-consuming, using me like no one else could and allowing me to bask in the pleasure of everything he gave to me.

I would never forget how he looked just then, so full of life and swirling with desire.

“Kiss me, Carver,” I told him.

“I shouldn’t,” Carver breathed.

“Please,” I begged.

“Jones—” he started, almost apologetically.

I reached an arm around his shoulders and pulled him toward me, practically shoving my lips into his. He hesitated, and I thought he might stop and move away from me. But I kept at him, closing my eyes and putting one of my large hands under his chin to keep his face turned toward mine. I kissed him like I had nothing to lose, because I didn’t, and the moment Carver opened up to me, everything changed.

He shifted so he was directly above me, and he kissed back like he was starving. I didn’t think that any other kiss I’d ever had counted, because none of them had felt like that kiss; none of them tore me open inside.

His tongue slid up next to mine almost tentatively, slyly, but he kept tasting me, silently begging me for more. His lips were soft and warm and felt like pure bliss pressed against mine. My lip was still cracked from when Seno had punched me, but I didn’t care if we broke open the cut again. It would be worth it. It left enough of a sting to mix a hint of pain with the pleasure.

Carver moaned into my mouth when I bit his lower lip, and it was enough to convince me that I couldn’t wait another second. I reached down between us and took my throbbing dick into my hand.

“Carver,” I whispered against his mouth. He responded by moving to the side and kissing his way down my neck.

I pulled at myself a few times, driving myself straight off the edge. I cried out, a sound between a moan and a plea, shooting hot strings of cum all over myself and Carver. Everything went black for a moment, and my consciousness dissolved, sending me somewhere much farther than the stars or heaven above. He continued to thrust into me, smearing my cum between our bodies.

Carver came with a quiet moan, buried deep inside of me, still trying to push deeper. I felt his cock pulsate, his warm, sticky cum coating the inside of my body. I reached up to run my fingers through the strands of his hair, watching him as he came.

He was so gorgeous hovering above me with his head thrown back and his eyes closed tight. His dark eyebrows were pursed together in raw ecstasy, and his rosy lips were parted enough to let me listen to the noises coming from his mouth.

We were both dripping sweat, basking in the afterglow of the amazing sex we’d had that had transformed into something more, something neither of us would say. He opened his eyes and looked down at me like he was really seeing me for the first time.

“You can’t have me,” Carver told me.

“Why?” I asked him, a small frown tugging at the corners of my lips. I’d never wanted anything more. I finally understood that expression people used about wanting something more than their next breath.

“Because I don’t even have myself.”

I had no idea what he meant, and I wasn’t sure I cared. Carver’s softening dick was still inside me, and he was above me, sweating and breathing hard, watching me like he wanted to pluck a star from the sky and give it to me if he could. I didn’t think I could ask for any more in life.

He rolled off me and lay on his side. I thought he was about to get up and leave, but instead he stayed, using one of his hands to scrub over his face. I knew he was regretting what we’d just done, but I couldn’t force myself to care. This was everything I’d wanted for years, a taste of everything I would want for the rest of my life, and not even Carver could take that from me in that moment.

“Carver,” I said softly.

He must’ve read something in my face, because his eyes instantly became cold again. The sight of it almost broke me.

“Don’t,” he told me, like he already knew what I wanted to say. “Men like us aren’t gifted those kinds of luxuries in their lives, Jones.”

I knew exactly what he meant, and he knew exactly what I was about to tell him. I put my hands behind my head and stared up at the ceiling, trying not to feel pained by the truth in what he said.

I felt the bed shift when he moved. I listened to the sounds his clothes made when he slipped back into them. While Carver readied himself to leave my room, likely for the last time, I continued to stare at the ceiling, willing myself to accept the situation for what it was.

Carver didn’t say anything to me, and I didn’t say anything to him. He just slipped quietly out the door the same way he’d come in, through the dark. I knew this had been the last time. I knew he wouldn’t come back to me again.

I lay in bed for hours, staring at the same spot on the ceiling, thinking that for the first time in my life, I was absolute about something. I was in love with Carver, and it was the biggest regret of my life.

Chapter Eight

The mission seemed simple enough. Roscora Deleviv lived on the other end of the city in an upper-class area that housed most politicians, government officials, or people with any kind of money. Our team was supposed to slip in during the middle of the night, execute Deleviv and only Deleviv, and make sure we weren’t seen by anyone else.

He was an unmarried man, no children, who apparently lived only with his housekeeper, so we predicted the odds of success to be fairly high.

During the day, he usually traveled with a fair amount of security, which was why we were planning on executing the mission when that would least likely be a problem. The report indicated that there could be anywhere from two to four guards patrolling his grounds. Guards had been seen during different times of the day and night all around the property, but showed no pattern in their presence.

Everything sounded simple enough, but even as the mission and objectives were being explained to me, all I could think of was Bruno. Bruno, who’d sensed something wasn’t right with the missions they were currently sending us on, the things we had to do. Hell, the mission I’d been sent on with Ko turned out to be completely pointless, and it had all been written off as a
. Organizations like ENAD didn’t make mistakes; we couldn’t afford to. It was an expensive program to run, and soldiers were taken better care of than most classic cars. I couldn’t wrap my mind around why they’d send us out on any mission they weren’t completely sure of.

I let that thought sink further and further into my mind until it implanted itself there and never let go. There was something not right, but I couldn’t place my finger on it. Bruno had said he thought we were being used as pawns for Otk’s personal gain, but that notion was highly illegal, extremely immoral, and generally didn’t make much more sense to me either. Otk could’ve hired thugs from any street corner, with fewer trails leading to them, if all he wanted was Deleviv out of the picture.

But I was a good soldier, taught since I had been an infant to listen to my superiors above all else, and that thought process continued to roll over in my brain. Even if I sensed something was wrong, I could never act like it. If I did, I’d probably just end up like my friend: stuck in a giant hole in the ground. But I wasn’t entirely stupid; I knew that if Bruno had been right, and that was a possibility, there was still not a thing I could do about it. No, I’d follow the orders given to me by Corp and Carver, trusting that at least one of them knew what he was doing.

When the night of the mission was upon us, I had to do my best to keep the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach in check.

We were in a nice sector of town, nicer than the rest of the city, at least. The buildings weren’t quite as tall and they were a lot less run-down. Only the richest people could afford houses in this city, even if the houses were incredibly small. There were trees lining the streets, but few and far between. The usual cables and wires that blocked out the sky in the slums were also much sparser. In this part of town, there was more access to public transportation. The train tracks ran right over the top of some of the houses, suspended by a more modern version of the rails in the slums. People paid extra to live near public transportation that actually worked, even if the noise was close to unbearable. The streetlights overhead shone a dingy blue color, reflecting off of the metal panels on the outside of the small houses. Each house had tall windows, likely bulletproof because poor, desperate people loved to try and shoot up someone richer than themselves. Most of the windows had automatic blinds that closed during certain points of the day. There were keypads on all the houses, but you’d have to make it around the separate gates to even get that far. Each house had its own gate; some gates were electric, some were just metal.

The team was divided; I was with Tanis, coming in through the back. Seno, Carver, and Ko were going through the eastern side of the house, and Vcue was playing sniper: just in case Deleviv managed to escape from us through one of the doors or windows, she’d be able to take him out.

There was a small alley behind his house, littered with garbage cans and power boxes. The lack of trees or objects in front of the windows wasn’t ideal for us because the window blinds were still open, leaving us exposed, even in our black attire.

Tanis and I were crouched behind a larger power box on the other side of the alley from the house. Our backs were pressed against it as we each did a final check on our guns. The lights along the side of my gun slowly lit up when I grabbed the handle, signaling that it was fully functional. The sight of the weapon reminded me of Carver, sweating and pressed flat against the wall, the cold metal of my gun touching his skin. I tried to shake the memory out of my mind for fear of distraction. I needed my head in the game; I didn’t think Corp would be giving me another chance since I’d fucked up.

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