Read Coffee and Cockpits Online

Authors: Jade Hart

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Coffee and Cockpits (29 page)

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Joslyn sank back into her lounger. “That’s huge, Nina. I can’t believe he told you about her. When she committed suicide, it really fucked him up.”

I choked on my swallow. Nikolai was right. She didn’t know the full story. And I couldn’t tell her. Awkwardness settled, I pretended to be absorbed with making myself comfortable and fiddling with my towel.

Joslyn patted my knee, carrying on without noticing the tension. “I’m happy you’re the one for him. I worried he might crash and burn when he started crushing on you a year ago. Each time he asked about you. How long you’d flown? What you wanted for your career and future? I grew scared for him. Scared he’d build you up in his mind, and you’d never be able to live up to his expectations.” She sighed. “I was also afraid Liam wouldn’t be enough for
You seemed so put together, so accomplished. And don’t think I don’t know about your pilot’s license, because I do.”

My eyes shot wide. “How the hell do you know that?” Seriously, did everyone know?

She pointed to her neck and the fading hickey. “Try and guess who gave me this.”

I had no idea. I didn’t particularly want to know. Shrugging, I said, “A baggage handler.”

Joslyn laughed, pretty happy with herself. “Nope. Theo.”

“Theo?” My voice rose. “My
instructor? You got heavy with the guy who’s been spilling my secrets to Liam?” Crap, I needed to have a serious conversation with Mr. Loose Lips.

She nodded, smiling. “He told me the day we finished our flight attendant training. He’s so proud of you, Nina. As you should be. Don’t hide your ambitions. I totally get that this job isn’t for you. Hell, I don’t want to do it for a long time either.”

I never thought she’d understand. I thought the job was her career choice, not a passing phase. How had I got everything so wrong? First, being blindsided by rumours of Liam and, second, by not paying attention to my best friend.

A cloud wisped over the sun, drenching the resort in silvery shadow. Joslyn spoke, but her voice didn’t match her lips. Her words dimmed and warbled in my head.
“He loves you. You need to fight dammit. Don’t you get it? He loves you!”

Trepidation sprouted icicles down my spine. What the hell? The cloud sailed past and the sun’s golden heat seeped into us once again. Joslyn chattered away as if nothing had happened. “… plan, right? Lay by the pool. Have a few cocktails?”

I was too shaken to disagree. The coldness in my blood didn’t thaw even as the sun beaded my skin with sweat. I lay back on the lounger, trying to recapture the carefree mood I’d been in just seconds before.


* * * * *


Five hours later, after barbequing myself rotisserie-style, the sun sank to twilight; reluctantly giving the sky to shadows. Mosquitoes ventured to eat us, and I hauled myself upright. The lounger foam was indented with my body.

Joslyn and I had sampled most of the drinks on the happy hour list, and I was severely dehydrated. I looked at the pool with my mouth watering. I could drink the entire thing and still be thirsty.

Joslyn snored lightly beside me, her eyes hidden by big 1920’s shades even though the sun had gone. I was deliberating if I should wake her when Liam approached from the beach. My heart raced as my body reacted, preparing for his touch. Instantly awake, aware, and needy.

“Hi,” he murmured, shooting a look at comatose Jos.

“Hi.” I smiled, appreciating how gorgeous he looked in khaki shorts and black t-shirt. His skin was deeper with tan; his icy blue eyes chilled me with their perfection. “Where have you been all day?”

He offered his hand, and hoisted me from my chair. “I went diving. I figured you and Joslyn needed some island girl time. I hitched a ride on a boat with some tourists I overheard in the lobby.” His face brightened. “You should’ve have seen it, Nina. The coral reef here far surpasses the Great Barrier. We did a wreck dive. Fascinating stuff.”

I laughed gently. “So you went swimming with Nemo instead of hijacking me from Jos and having your wicked way with me?”

His eyes darkened. He leaned in to brush his lips with mine. “There were also sharks. Not just cuddly clown fish.”

Sharks? Crap, I didn’t like the thought of him swimming with Jaws. He kissed me hungrily, hushing my complaints.

“I’ve come to take you to dinner. Do you want to have a shower first?”

After sweating all day in the sun, a shower was definitely a requirement. Nodding, I said, “Yes. Where should I meet you?”

He looked fondly at slightly snoring Jos. “I’ll take Joslyn back to her room, make sure she’s settled. I’ll meet you outside your fale in half an hour.”

Half an hour seemed too long to go without him after a full day of separation. Not wanting to come across as a needy, silly woman, I smiled brightly. “Deal. See you soon.”

I left him to wake Sleeping Beauty, and breathed a sigh of relief when the air conditioning slapped me in the face. My bed had been turned down and the staff notched the air-con way too high—it was a blast of New Zealand weather.

I stripped and jumped into the shower. Last night had been the best sexual experience of my life, and I meant to experience another world-eclipsing moment tonight. After drenching myself in moisturiser, I dressed in a floaty top and shorts with high heels.

A small, sad thought ruined my happy glow. Where was Nikolai? How was he coping? I hoped the engineer, who could dance with angels on his heels, would find happiness like I had with Liam.

Unhappiness tried to claim me at the thought, but I resolutely pushed it away.

Samoa was the best thing to ever happen to me, and I meant to relish every moment.



deposited Joslyn in her room and left her to fumble in her slightly hung-over state. Heading to Nina’s fale, I smiled. I’d been to the concierge and asked about a nice restaurant to take her to. I sincerely hoped we had an amazing night. Followed by making love in the ocean, or some other idyllic island escape.

As much as I had fun today, diving the wreck, I missed her with every part of me. Watching her retreat with Joslyn at breakfast, I knew I had to stay occupied, otherwise I’d swoop in and steal her.

Jogging to Nina’s fale only took a second, and I bolted up her staircase just as she opened the door.

She smiled. “I saw you coming.”

She stole the breath from my lungs dressed in an outfit of jean shorts and green top with pink butterflies. Beneath, I could make out white bikini triangles covering her breasts. No corset tonight, which gave me a brief moment of disappointment.

She stepped into my arms. I captured her hand to kiss the back of her sun-bronzed skin. She sucked in a breath, smiling.

Love warmed every facet of me. “You look good enough to be the main course,” I murmured.

She laughed, a blush gracing her cheeks. Wasn’t that cute? Even though she’d successfully shocked me in bed by taking control, I was still blown away by the little things. The way she looked at me with shyness now and again. The bright solar flashes of love radiating from her eyes when she didn’t think I was looking.

I was so incredibly lucky.

The crash turned out to be the best thing for both of us. I doubted she would’ve warmed to me so quickly without the island atmosphere. I probably wouldn’t have had the guts to be so straight forward with her either. The only damper was Nikolai, and really that had sort of been dealt with, too. We talked about Charlotte for the first time in ten years, and although my heart would always have a hole in it, I could finally erase some of my guilt and unhappiness.

“Where are you taking me?” Nina asked as we descended the steps and followed the snaking garden path. Occasionally, I swatted an overgrown flower or low hanging frangipani to make way. Being tall didn’t help when walking down a romantic foliage-filled path.

“I’m taking you to somewhere that comes highly recommended.” I had hopes for the restaurant. They better have lobster and crab. I was in the mood to splash out and celebrate. After all, I had something worth celebrating. I had a woman like Nina. I was happy for the first time in so long, and I was going to share with her my ultimate dream. Tonight was the night where I told someone what I truly wanted for the first time.

Nervousness hit me like a squall of wind. What if she thought I was moronic? I shook my head to dispel the worry, she would like it. She’d proven to me she was resilient to things I kept throwing at her. This was the last one.

We walked hand in hand as we strolled through the hotel lobby and out onto the main road. The restaurant was in the same small outcrop of shops where I’d found Nina trying on her bikini.

Nina remembered, her fingers clenching around mine. “You made me feel so exposed in the shop. Looking at me in that bikini like you hadn’t drunk in months, and I was a glass of water.”

I laughed. “I couldn’t stop gawking at you.” I stopped her mid-step, jerking her against my chest. “I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of looking at you. Touching you. Talking to you. Listening to you.”

Her smile was soft and fleeting, before her eyes darkened from sapphire to almost black with desire. “You can’t say things like that if you expect me to behave throughout dinner.”

I nuzzled into her, breathing her delicious scent of vanilla and spices. “And what do you count as not behaving?”

She kissed along my jaw, sending shivers over my skin, erupting goose bumps. “Things like playing footsies with you…” Her lips reached for mine.

I groaned as her tongue entered my mouth sensually, tentatively, almost as if she wasn’t sure I’d approve.

Hell, I approved. She could kiss me anytime, anywhere, anyhow.

She broke the kiss the moment my blood boiled and thoughts of dinner were replaced with a bed and Nina on a platter.

“And I’d give you a hand job under the table cloth.”

I barked out a laugh. “You’d give me a hand job?” It sounded so crude coming out of her mouth, but my stomach clenched in suspense. Imagining how great her fingers would feel. How great they
feel last night. How amazing her mouth…
oh God. Stop that train of thought.

Nina nodded, biting her lip. “Yep. While you try to focus on your food, I’ll focus on you.”

“You’re making dinner sound very appealing.” I grabbed her round the nape of her neck, pressing my lips hard against hers. Her breath caught as I plundered her mouth. Pulling away, I murmured, “But I think I’m over the thought of eating.”

She laughed. “Glad to know you want me.” She pulled me forward. “Come along. You promised me dinner. Feed me.”

I grinned all the way to the restaurant. I opened the front door and let Nina in first. Her high heels sunk into soft sand. What? Sand in a building?

She balanced precariously, wrapping fingers around my forearm. “Was there a storm I didn’t know of that blew sand everywhere?”

 I didn’t have time to answer, as the maître-d appeared in an island floral shirt and cargo shorts. His voice was as deep as the rolling seas. “Welcome to Samoa Scrumptious. We serve the best seafood in all of the Pacific. And what better place to eat, than on the beach?”

He motioned us to go further inside. “Please. Take off your shoes. Enjoy the sand below your toes. I will bring you menus. Sit anywhere you like.”

Nina gave me a sideways look. “How did you know of this place?”

“The hotel told me. The concierge called it the most romantic seafood restaurant on this side of the island.” I leaned in and kissed her cheek. “I wanted to bring you somewhere away from prying eyes.”

She froze, her eyes dropped to my mouth. Oh, hell. Getting this close again after teasing each other wasn’t a good idea.

Screw dinner. All I wanted was to be alone with her.

My breath caught as Nina swayed in to kiss me. I dropped to my knees. I seemed to like this position around her.

“What on earth are you doing down there?” Nina asked, her eyes hot with temptation. 

“Helping you out of your high heels.”

I lifted her foot to rest on my bent knee. She moaned as my fingers caressed her ankle, reaching for the tiny strap.

Her hands latched onto my shoulders, keeping steady as I unravelled the securing from her foot and slipped off the shoe. I coaxed her to lift the next foot, and her head fell forward as I ran a hand up the length of her calf and pressed in the hollow of her knee, rubbing circles, hoping it resonated elsewhere. Fuck, I was turned on.

“Liam, you’re killing me.” Her voice was a haunted whisper.

I stood, looping her shoes through my fingers. “Good.” I leaned in as if to kiss her, but stopped, smiling. “You ready?”

“You know I’m ready.” Her eyes caused my cock to surge in my shorts. This restaurant was a bad idea.

She pulled my t-shirt so I stumbled into her. “I’m ready for you to take me across a table. Or the bar. Crap, even in the middle of this sandpit. I don’t care… as long as you take me.”

A groan wrenched from my lungs as she bit my earlobe.

I couldn’t keep up the façade any longer. I needed to get out of there. “I’m not hungry anymore.”

BOOK: Coffee and Cockpits
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