Coercion (The Cassano Series Book 3) (16 page)

BOOK: Coercion (The Cassano Series Book 3)
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I head up to the penthouse from my office around four-thirty. Victoria is going to arrive any minute, and I get her to myself for an hour. I plan on making the most of it.

I call room service and order our dinner. She’s eating before she goes to the lounge to play. I don’t need her passing out in there like she did in Elite.

Hearing her key rattling in the door, I go right to it. Barely letting her step inside, I kick it closed and push her against it. My tongue thrusts into her mouth, and I drink her in, the wet heat of it rapidly turning me on.

“Damn, I’ve missed you,” I say. We’re both panting as I lean my forehead against hers.

“I’ve missed you, too. It sucks sleeping without you.”

My insides twist when she reminds me of nighttime. The spot beside me in bed has felt cold–empty.

I start to speak, but my words catch in my throat. I clear it. “I ordered dinner. You must eat before heading to the lounge. Then, I’m making love to you.”

“I can’t, Adrian. There isn’t time, and I’ll be a mess after.”

“Are you telling me no?”

“Only temporarily.” Her fingers trail along my cheek. “I’ll make it up to you.”

“I feel as if we’re always making up for things.”

“We won’t be forever. I promise.” Her lips press to mine and linger there. I want back my vulnerable pearl. I only feel in control and content when she’s allowing me to be her protector. When she has surrendered and is lost in our intimate time together, I feel found. 

Chapter Eighteen



It’s Wednesday, and I haven’t spoken to Zev since Saturday morning when he left my condo. He gave me a brief smile when he passed through the lounge Saturday night, and I haven’t seen him since.

Shannon told me I wasn’t needed in his office on Monday. Once I arrived this evening, she told me the same thing, so I’ve changed into my lounge attire and have been working on the floor.

To say I’m disappointed is an understatement. Is this because I didn’t put out Friday night? If so, that’s ridiculous. I would’ve done it, but we talked until I’m guessing we both fell asleep.

I also offered to make it up to him. Maybe I fell asleep while he was talking and it upset him. Who knows? He hasn’t given me a chance to find out, and I’m pissed about it.

It’s been challenging to ignore the advances from the male members of the club. I will typically have a dinner date with one once a week or be arm candy for a special event they must attend.

Since spending time with Zev, I have no desire to do it, but if I’m going to work in the lounge, I can’t avoid it much longer.

Noah Sanders has been especially tricky to avoid. I keep making excuses, and he’s only becoming more irritated. I don’t know what I’m expected to do about it. I feel as if Zev and Adrian have abandoned me in this situation after telling me to stay away from Noah.

Brian Nash, a professional poker player, has been on me hot and heavy to attend a benefit function with him Saturday evening, so I agreed to be his date. He’s closer to my age and quite attractive.

I don’t feel the draw to him the way I do to Zev, but a simple evening out with him shouldn’t hurt. I’ll get to watch a televised poker game he will be a part of where some of the winnings are donated to a local children’s’ literacy program.

I’ll hardly be near him since he’s a player, so why the hell not? He’ll take me to dinner first. Easy peasy. I only wish it felt that easy. I imagine conversation with him won’t be as exciting as it is with Zev.



My work is piling up since I haven’t let Tara help me, and I might have to cave on Shannon finding me a temporary assistant.

I’ve avoided Tara like she has the plague, but it’s the last thing I want to do. I’ve only felt it necessary because she’s too sweet to hurt. She can’t find out about Hotel Submission’s illegal activity.

Also, I vowed that no one outside of my family was going to be burdened with my bouts of depression. I was subjected to dealing with my mother’s illness my whole life, and it’s been troublesome to say the least.

Tara is all I can think about, though, which leaves me conflicted, and the desire to be selfish is alarming. I want to fuck her already and move on, but guilt is overlaying the thought. That’s a first.

Roaming into the lounge, I check on a few of my best clients, including the arrogant Brian Nash, before the evening games begin.

“Good evening, Brian. I heard you’re going to be a celebrity after this weekend.”

He furrows his brow as he stands at the bar.

“Not if I play like I did tonight. You had to put a female in here to beat my ass. Where did that tornado Vicky come from?”

“Oh, yeah, she’s a firecracker.”

“I think this should be a male only club. Well, except for the servers.” He boasts a grin as he slips a hand over his brown hair that’s a bit too long. “The hottest one of them all, Tara, agreed to be my date for the show Saturday night.”

My breathing halts, so after a second, I force the air to move in and out. The thought of Tara spending time alone with Brian creates a raging storm inside of me. I feel something foreign, a word I can’t even bring myself to say in my head.

Don’t care, Zev. Don’t fucking care if she goes out with someone else.

“Oh, really. Well, good for you. That’s what they’re for, right, to take to social functions?”

He glances around as if he’s ensuring no one is listening. “That and a good fuck if I get my way.”

My hands clench into fists, and I feel a warmth spreading throughout my body.

“Uh, I better check on some of our other members. You have a good night.”

Fuck. Me. Sideways. How do I get her out of this one?



I arrive at Submission on Friday evening in denim shorts and a red tank top. I saw no reason to dress up since Zev will only dismiss me once again.

Stepping up to my locker, I pull off the note stuck to it. It’s from Shannon, asking me to see her before I change. My heart quickens as I wonder if Zev is asking for me, but then the realization that he’s been an asshole registers in my brain.

I head to her office and knock on the door.

“Come in.”

“Hi, did you need to see me?”

“Yes, Xavier said to hire him a temp, but now he has changed his mind again and would like you to go to his office. Men say women are indecisive. I beg to differ. Males are mercurial beings.”

Clasping her hands in front of her, she smiles. “So, I guess I will see you at eight o’clock.”

“OK, I’ll see you then.” Closing her door behind me, I lean against it. What do I say to him? What will he say to me?

I’ve missed him. Our banter, his smile and his touch, I’ve missed it all, but I need to stay strong and not allow him to use me.

I march to his office, biting into my lip the entire way. Ed lets me through, and I cross the quiet bar. It’s only a little after five, so it’s empty.

Striding down the dimly lit hallway, I take a deep breath before I knock on the closed door. It opens, and unsure of what to do, I smile like always.

“Hi,” I say.

Letting out a huff, he grimaces. “Hi.”

“Don’t look so happy to see me.” I don’t understand why in the hell I’m here. Can’t he get a temp if he finds me so repulsive?

“I expected you to be pissed at me, but like always, you seem happy.”

My shoulders drop. “Look, if I’m honest, I am pissed and a little disappointed. I can’t help but feel like you’ve been avoiding me, and that hurts after our time together last weekend.”

The back of Zev’s hand comes up and skims down my cheek. I close my eyes, my body trembling in the process.

“Zev, no.”

“Why not?”

My eyes snap open. “Because I’m not a play toy. You can’t touch me one minute and toss me aside for a while when you don’t feel like I’m worth your time. I imagine another toy has been keeping you company this week.”

“That’s where you would be wrong. I can’t shake you, Tara. I can’t stop wanting you.”

I shake my head no. “You’ll avoid me again. I feel it.”

Zev steps toward me until his body is flush with mine, so I take steps back, shutting his door in the process. He keeps coming until I have nowhere to go. Grabbing my wrists, he pins them above my head in seconds.

“Zev, what are you doing?”

“I’m going to breathe you in,” he says as his nose grazes from my cheek down to my neck. “I’ve missed how incredible you smell.”

His erection shoves against me, his grip on my wrists becoming tighter. I’m turned on, secretly wishing he would take me right here.

“So, you’ve missed me?”

He stills, and I feel his labored breaths against my ear.

“Yeah, I have missed you. Go out with me tomorrow night.”

“I can’t. I have plans.”

His head raises, his gaze intense and full of desire.

“Break them.”

“Zev, I can’t. Um, they’re with one of your clients, Brian Nash.”

“All the more reason to break them.”

“No, I’m not doing that to him last minute.”

“Fuck. He’ll make a move, and what will you do?”

My head falls over. “It seems I can’t shake you, either, so I’m not sure.” Tilting my chin up with his finger, Zev stares into my eyes.

“I’m fucking you this weekend.”

A little pissed at his arrogance, I scowl.

“Let me go, Zev. Do you have work for me to do or not?”

He smirks. “Since you’re so sweet, it’s cute when you get frustrated.”

I combat the urge to smile, but it’s hopeless.

“You’re peculiar.”

“That’s better than you calling me an asshole. I guess I will let you work.”

“Oh, how kind of you.” Just like that, he lets my wrists go and steps away. I’ve got news for him. He’s not going to screw me once and then toss me aside.

Chapter Nineteen



I’m out on the porch Saturday night before bed, scrolling through my messages. Since my mother was doing so well, we extended our trip once we arrived.

I’ve been gone a while, so I text Zev to ensure everything is still running smoothly back in Vegas.

How’s it going?

Uh, fine.

Are you keeping a watch over D/s and Elite?

Yes and no. Kruse and Shannon are helping. Something came up that’s occupying my time.

My brother is being vague. We tell each other almost everything, and I’m feeling like he’s keeping something from me.

What came up?

I have everything under control.

Yeah, I believe you, but you’re withholding information, and I want the scoop when I return.


What the fuck does that mean?

Whatever. I shut my phone off, not waiting for his reply. He’s acting unlike himself, and it’s freaking me out. Zev is typically straightforward.

The front door opens to the porch of my childhood home. I look back, expecting Sadie, but instead it’s my sister, Aggie.

“Aggie, what’s up?”

“I thought it would be nice to have a few moments alone with my baby brother. Is that too much to ask?” She smiles and flips her long, auburn hair over her shoulder.

“No, of course not.” I motion to the spot on the top step next to me. “Have a seat. I have a question for you, anyway.”

“Shoot, Simon.” She leans over, nudging me with her shoulder.

“What is going on with Mom? Why is she so well this trip?”

“It was a compromise.”

“What do you mean?”

My sis gazes at me with her hazel eyes. “To allow her to refuse the cancer treatment, I made her agree to take psych meds to treat her schizophrenia.”

“No way. How long do you think it will last this time?”

“She promises until she passes.” Aggie has tears in her eyes but swiftly blinks them away. “Since she isn’t paranoid, she’s taking them every day upon my request.”

“I’m impressed, Aggie.”

“I think she saw them as the lesser of two evils. She’s more skeptical of the chemotherapy. This is the best I’ve ever seen her, so we need to get Zev to New Jersey while she’s happy.”

“I agree. He wouldn’t believe it. It’s been years since she’s been this lucid.”

“I know. It’s wonderful, and I only wish we had more time with her this way.” My sister’s tears visit again, and this time they make their appearance known. I pull her against me, and her head rests against my chest.

“I’m sorry, sis. You’re so close to her. I know this has to be anguish for you.”

“It is, but I’m trying to make the most of the time I have left with her.” She brushes the tears from her eyes and sits up. “So, let’s talk about something else that’s wonderful.”

“OK …”

“Sadie. She’s incredible, Simon. I mean, absolutely splendid. She’s in there right now playing cards with Miranda, Karen and Ma.” Aggie smirks. “I can’t believe you and Adrian are dating sisters. It’s too funny. The oldest and youngest brothers.”

“No kidding. I care about her like I’ve never cared about anyone outside of this family.” Feeling nervous, I’m jonesing for a cigarette. My foot starts tapping as I reach in my pocket for a piece of gum.

“I’m happy for you, Jersey. As sad as I am about losing Mom, I’m looking forward to joining you and the rest of our family in Las Vegas. It will be a fresh start for me.”

I pull my sister close to me again. “I’m looking forward to it, too. Oh, man. You single and living it up in Vegas. Be prepared for your brothers to be overprotective.”

She rolls her eyes. “I’m thirty-five. I think I can take care of myself.”

“Trust me. You haven’t seen Adrian in action in a long time. He’s crazy protective of Victoria. I can only imagine what he’ll be like once you’re in Vegas.”

“I can handle him. He owes me some patience after his behavior over the years.”

I chuckle. “Oh, you two are going to be fun to witness. I can’t wait.” I glance at my watch. “I better get inside and lure Sadie to bed. It’s late.”

“OK. I love you, Simon. Please, get Zev to come see me.”

“I’ll get him here.”

Aggie follows me into the house. It’s eleven once I finally drag Sadie to my room.

“I love your family. They’re amazing, and your mom seems to be doing well,” she says enthusiastically.

“I found out why she’s behaving right now. She’s back on medication. She has refused to take it for years. It’s a screwed up situation when dealing with a schizophrenic.

“In many cases, they’re extremely paranoid of the very thing that will make them feel better. It won’t cure it, but it can sure as hell help their symptoms. They help my mother, anyway.”

“I’m grateful you got to see her like this.” Sadie nuzzles against me in my full size bed. Her fingers roam along my chest, and it’s getting me excited.

I flip over and lie on top of her. “Simon,” she says in a harsh whisper.

“Sadie,” I say back teasingly before I consume her mouth with mine. Her tongue quickly catches on, and my cock rapidly grows against her pelvis.

“We’re having sex in this bed tonight. I’ve been without for days, so you might as well make it easy on me. I don’t want to have to tickle you. The screaming on your part would be embarrassing, don’t you think?”

I’m smirking at her, and the moonlight peeking in between the curtains reveals her smile.

“OK, but we have to be quiet,” she whispers.

“You got it, doll.”



Sadie’s head rests on my chest, her fingers once again tracing the small patch of hair.

“That was fan-fucking-tastic. You made a dream of mine come true.”

“What’s that?” she asks, propping herself up on one elbow.

“I never got to fuck a girl on this bed as a teenager. You’re the first.”

She pokes my chest. “And I hope the last. I’m glad I’m the first, too.” She smiles at me and looks as if she wants to say more. I have a grander appreciation for the moonlight as it makes her dark hair shine. Her blue eyes are bold like crystals among it.

“Simon,” she says, glancing downward.

I tilt her chin up, so she’ll give me another view of that pretty face of hers. “What is it?”

Smiling shyly, she trails her fingers down my chest.

“I love your family almost as much as I love you.”

My breath halts as I release her chin and cup her cheek.

“You love me?”

“Yes, Simon. I already love you.” She leans against my cheek and closes her eyes, maybe from feeling vulnerable. I feel it, too.

I’m protective of my family, especially my mother. The fact I wanted Sadie here alluded to the significance of our relationship. After seeing her interact with them, I’m certain I feel that strongly for her, too.

“Sadie, I love you, too. I sinceriously love you like crazy, doll.”

As her eyes fly open, the most vibrant grin lights up my room brighter than any moon or stars could. Her head lays back onto my chest, and she wraps her arm snugly around my waist. “I pray nothing ugly like cancer takes you from me. I couldn’t cope with it.”

Pulling her closer, I kiss the top of her head. Shit, how will I ever tell her there’s a chance that prison is in my future?

She was persistent to be with me, but it was selfish on my part. I’ve tried to keep the faith that it will all work out, but what if it doesn’t? Will she forgive me?


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