Read Code Name: Red Rock Online

Authors: Taylor Lee

Tags: #The Red Rock Series Prequel

Code Name: Red Rock (6 page)

BOOK: Code Name: Red Rock
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Jesse knew Eric was correct. Garret despised her. Even though they’d divorced years ago, he’d been furious that she was the one who left. He wasn’t accustomed to losing anything—even a wife he didn’t particularly want. Rather than fading as hers had, Garrett’s animosity had grown over the years. Fighting for custody of Trey was one of his favorite sports. It was like sex for him. A game of winners and losers and as he always said, he didn’t lose anything worth having.

Further attempting to cheer her up, Eric was fulsome, his excitement contagious.

“Albuquerque is a great city, Jess. You’ll like it. It’s got a history. With a mix of Spanish, Mexican and Western cultures, it’s more cosmopolitan than many people realize. I’ve got a terrific practice here. I’ll connect you with important people –the makers and shakers of this surprisingly forward-looking burg.

“Speaking of hooking you up, what do you plan to do for a living?”

Jesse couldn’t resist poking at him.

“Oh, I don’t know, Eric. Probably what I’ve done for the last 10 years.”

Knowing the nature if not the particulars of Jesse’s undercover work, Eric guffawed.

“Hell, babe, don’t know if we’re
that f
orward thinking. Not sure that kind of ‘work’ will go over well with our city’s elite.”

Jesse laughed. “I’m teasing you, Eric. But in a way, I’m serious about the nature of my work. I plan to do what a lot of my Special Operative friends do when they leave the military.

I’m going to create a private security firm.”

Eric’s question betrayed his concern. “You mean, you want to be a PI, a private investigator? Detective O’Donnell, gumshoe?”

“No, that’s not what I mean. I plan to provide high level protective services for people who need it. And frankly, people who can pay for it. My sweet spot will be private security for important people who don’t want to be surrounded by goons with guns.” She laughed. “My guns will be less visible—hidden in more unusual places.”

After she and Eric laughed at the possibilities, Jesse continued. “I want to work with people who appreciate what I bring to the table. Not the least of which is my knowledge of every weapon known to man and black belts in four Martial Arts disciplines. It also doesn’t hurt that I am smart, accomplished and let’s face it, beautiful. I can fit into elite situations, Eric. Run with the best of them.”

Jesse marveled at her bravado. Even though she’d been thinking about this strategy for several years, saying it out loud—as if it truly were possible, scared Jesse to death.

Eric was thrilled. “Damn Jesse, that’s a hell of an idea. You’re describing my clientele. I’ll be pleased to introduce you. Four of my most important clients come immediately to mind.” He added with a chuckle, “Does it matter if some of them are on the shady side?”

Jesse’s laugh was genuine.

“Hardly. I’ve been off the grid for so long I have a hard time knowing where it begins and where it ends.”

“Great. Seriously, Jesse, this is a ten stroke. I definitely can introduce you to potential clients. Given your skills you can reel them in. Best of all, we can make a stronger case for custody before the court. If you have a business, a professional occupation, the court
acknowledge and appreciate that.”


Buoyed by her conversation with Eric and the knowledge she would soon see Trey, Jesse made plans to meet with members of her unit who were based in the UK. The American soldiers were a close knit group, currently part of the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps. Many of them had worked together for years in missions across the globe. Jesse was one of the few officers and one of only two female members of their highly secret unit.

By the time she’d arrived, the other members –all male—had done their reputations proud and made a happy man of the pub owner. Jesse made do with a large glass of Wild Turkey Tradition, her favorite. After several hours, many drinks, and several hilarious stories from their shared missions, the mission leader Sergeant Major White banged on the table for order.

“Enough, men. We’ve now recounted at least eleven incidents where one of us would have been shot up the ass if it wasn’t for our illustrious Major, Code Name: Red Rock. If I remember correctly and I do, it was us who gave you that name when you saved a mission and three of us with your unfailing courage and remarkable cup size. As I recall, those hajis were so distracted by our Major’s sumptuous ‘assets’ that our mission was over faster than a knife fight in a phone booth.”

Jesse laughed along with the rest of them knowing that the jibes and insults were backed with respect and gratitude for the part she’d played in their many successful missions. Several of the team members had tears in their eyes not explainable solely by the amount of alcohol they’d consumed.

After the rowdy cheers had quieted for the moment, Sergeant White turned to her.

“We thought long and hard about what to give you in memory of us yokels. After much thoughtful discussion and more beer than Macintyre could handle given that he pissed his way to the john, we came up with the one thing we agreed that you do not have.”

The Sergeant Major’s eyes gleamed with laughter as he handed her the velvet covered jewelry box. Several of the men were unable to hide their amusement.

Jesse frowned as she opened the box and lifted out a sterling silver necklace with an unusual pendant. When she held it up, it took her a long moment to realize that the pendant was a highly stylized but remarkably accurate sculpture of a penis.

Jesse joined in the chorus of raucous merriment, laughing so hard tears rolled down her face.

Sgt. White explained. “We wanted to give you something that you didn’t have, hence the honorary dick. But the more we thought about it, this is unnecessary given that your own special equipment has us all beat. But should you ever feel lacking in any way, please wear this pendant to remember the group of dicks who love and respect you.”

When the cheers and well wishes died down, the Sergeant Major spoke again for the team.

“Even though you are an officer and we won’t hold that against you, every man here respects you above all others. You are the de facto leader of our team. You never let us down even in the most challenging circumstances.”

Storm Cloud, one of her special friends, called out from the back, “Sure as hell can’t say that about that loser Colonel!”

At the shouts of agreement, voices chimed in bringing the unspoken issue on all their minds to the forefront.

“Hell, yeah. He never had our backs no matter what happened.” Wildfire muttered.

Scorpion agreed. “Sure as shit, that asshole should be a General, not a Colonel. He belongs behind a desk, not overseeing men and women in dangerous missions.”

“You know the only reason he even went on the last mission was because it was a joint venture with the Brits and the ARRC muckety-mucks were watching closely.” Frogman grunted.

Whiplash shouted from the back of the pack. “Just think, if he’d stayed at headquarters where he usually is, Major O’Donnell wouldn’t be leaving us.”

Storm Cloud hit the subject head on with a scornful sneer.

“There isn’t a man or woman in this unit who doesn’t know what really happened, Jesse. Hope you know, Major, every one of us thinks you got a raw deal. We all think it’s a fuckin’ crime that you’re takin’ the fall for that piece of shit Colonel.”

Jesse acknowledged the chorus of affirmatives but demurred.

“Rory, I know it looks like that. And in a way it is. First, thank you for your support. I’d try to tell you how much it means to me, but if I did I would start crying and you’d see what a wussy girl I really am. And, guys, thanks for the dick. My father will be thrilled. Some of you know my Sergeant Major father, Sean Casey O’Donnell. As much as he loves me he’s never forgiven me for being born without that particular piece of equipment.” Cupping her breasts and lifting them up and out in front of her, she giggled, “Especially when I came equipped with these instead!”

Hoots of laughter and shouts of “More!, More!” echoed through the rowdy bar. When the boisterousness quieted for a moment, Jesse continued.

“I appreciate that you think I’m good, because dammit, I am!” She laughed with the rest then added, “In a crazy way, I now get a chance to do something I haven’t been very good at. That is being a mother. My former husband is trying to get full custody of my son. Don’t worry, men. You guys taught me who I am. You named me. I’m Red Rock and I’m not going to let go of my son without a hell of a fight. And you all know better than anyone, I’m a
good fighter!”


The choruses of praise and well wishes were still ringing in her ears when Jesse walked through her dismal quarters for the last time. In so many ways the stark interior summed up her life. Nothing in it belonged to her except her clothes and personal items. Everything else from the furniture to the dishes came with the furnished apartment. The place looked more like a motel room than a home. It was distressing to know that she could pack everything that belonged to her in three cardboard boxes and ship them to the U.S. via Federal Express. She didn’t need a moving van, that was for damn sure.

It was how she’d lived for ten years. With every transfer, she’d rented a similar place. She always made sure it was a two bedroom unit with a place for her beloved Trey.

The sterile room spoke to her lonely nomadic life. She offered up a silent prayer, grateful that she was leaving this life behind and that her path was about to change forever.

Tucking her photograph of Trey in her backpack, she put on a pair of khaki pants, a t-shirt and her running shoes. She pulled her long fiery hair into a ponytail and tugged it through the hole in the back of her baseball cap. Slipping on her jean jacket she headed for Heathrow.

As she hopped into the cab, a wave of queasy anticipation flooded her. She was about to embark on her most critical mission ever. Her goal? To get her son back.

She gave a dismissive snort, wondering if it was asking too much that she might also find happiness and, if not that, perhaps peace.


Sneak Peek

Coming July 2013

“Red Rock Rises”

Book 1

Red Rock’s
Sizzling Romantic Suspense Series”


“Red Rock Rises”

Chapter 1

“Damn. My grandfather was right. Gramps always warned, ‘Beware of red-headed women.’ “

Charlie Rockford chuckled.

“Thought your grandfather married a redhead.”

“He did. That’s why his advice is worth taking.”

Dameon Macarios pinned the smiling officer with a mock frown.

“Ever met my grandmother, Rocky? You’d never forget her if you did.”

Dameon turned back to the woman standing in the entrance to the ballroom and whistled softly in appreciation.

“That is
woman. Who is she? I sure haven’t seen her around.”

If he had, he sure as hell would have remembered. In a word she was breathtaking. She had the kind of classic beauty that could have stopped ships or launched ’em. Or bring a man to a dead stop—even a man like Dameon who’d spent a lifetime surrounded by beautiful women. Her cheeks were flushed, a rosy hue that matched the shiny gloss on her full lips, lips that begged to be kissed. From this distance the most remarkable thing about her eyes were her thick dark lashes and brows that contrasted with her glorious hair. Dameon would have to get closer to see what color her eyes were. Something he intended to do. Soon.

In the meantime he focused on the rest of her. Taller and slender, her body was as extraordinary as her face. She was all woman. Curved where she should be curved, and, Dameon noted appreciatively, some of those curves were downright monumental. Her dress was a work of art. Its deceptively simple design made the most of her amazing body. A shimmering drape of sea green fabric hugged her voluptuous frame. Cut low across her breasts, it made no secret of the treasures beneath. The hem of the dress hovered six inches above her knees revealing toned, gasp-worthy legs that didn’t quit. Her strappy high-heeled stilettos added more alluring inches.

But it was her fiery red hair that had Dameon’s dick straining at his trousers. That in itself was noteworthy. He’d been so caught up in his divorce he hadn’t responded to a woman for a long time. And I was worried about my dick, he thought with a disparaging snort. No question it had risen emphatically from the dead, thanks to the redhead. Her long thick mane was piled up on top of her head, secured by a four-inch silver clip. Errant curls hung tantalizingly around her face and neck. Dameon’s breath hitched at the thought of removing the clip and freeing that fiery mass.

As captivating as her appearance was, her demeanor was even more interesting. Although she affected insouciance, through his practiced eyes Dameon saw her wariness. She was edgy, uneasy. If he didn’t know better, he might think she was afraid. She glanced frequently at the door and then back at her watch, clearly nervous. She looked his way and briefly met his eyes, but then quickly averted her gaze. Hmm, was she anxious? Or maybe shy? A woman who looked like she did? It was an intriguing thought.


Jesse glanced at her watch, trying to appear nonchalant. Damn. Where was Raoul? She hated standing here by herself. Could she look any more out of place? She groaned silently. Bad enough that she was dressed like a hooker. Obviously that’s why all these men were ogling her. She kept them at bay with her well-honed brush off but she could handle only so many at a time. For God’s sake, had these yokels never seen a redheaded woman in a green dress so tight that her boobs were about to pop out? God, why
she choose
dress? It looked tame on the hanger but added to her shoes and with a little make-up, tame was not the word to describe her.

A better question was why she’d agreed to come to this damn party where she didn’t know a soul. And one of the two people in the town that she did know should have been here fifteen minutes ago. For the sixth time, Jesse reminded herself.
‘You came, girl, because if you can pull off this gig, you will make $10,000.’
Raoul hadn’t batted an eye at her price. She chortled thinking about that, the closest thing to a smile since she arrived. Guess a handsome Latino with questionable ties to the Mexican mafia had different financial standards than most. Good. Now if her delinquent client would just arrive, maybe she wouldn’t feel quite as out of place. Hell, her new profession might actually be fun.

BOOK: Code Name: Red Rock
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