Code (8 page)

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Authors: Kathy Reichs

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller, #Young Adult, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Code
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leaned against one of Bolton’s granite lions.

Across the courtyard, a crowd of students lounged on wooden benches lining the central walk. The morning was sunny, a balmy sixty-five. No one was in a hurry to trudge inside.

The boys were bunched beside me, tapping their phones, searching for coverage of last night’s explosion on The Battery.

I left the legwork to them. I just wanted answers.

“No one was hurt!” Relief was evident in Hi’s voice. “But the wedding gazebo went up like a Roman candle.”

“Lucky.” Shelton pushed his glasses back into place. “Usually that thing is crawling with people. It’s practically a landmark.”

“Someone could’ve been killed,” I said. “The Gamemaster clearly didn’t care.”

Ben frowned. “Do the police know what happened?”

“It was a bomb all right.” Hi scrolled his iPhone. “This story calls the blast an act of terrorism.”

Terrorism. Great. We’re entangled with a freaking fanatic.

“So what now?” Hi glanced at his watch. First bell would ring any minute.

“Cops?” Shelton suggested.

I shook my head. “Against the rules, remember?”

“We care about that?” Shelton snorted. “Hi just blew up Battery Park.”

“Accident!” Hi protested. “I didn’t know what would happen! You see a button, you push it. That’s practically a law of nature.”

Level stares.

Hi waved away our skepticism. “The Gamemaster would’ve set it off anyway.”

point, I agreed. “The bomb was a warning: Play the game or people die.”

“Okay, no police,” Ben said firmly. “And no talking to anyone else, either.”

“Maybe.” I’d been thinking about that. “Maybe not.”

“The rules were clear,” Ben argued.

“We can’t go to the cops, reveal the clue, or talk about the game.” Ticking fingers as I spoke. “But we don’t have to be led around by our noses.”

Shelton sighed. “Meaning what?”

“We turn the tables.” I thumped my bag, which contained both the Gamemaster’s iPad and what remained of the second cache.

Yesterday, watching the smoke rise, I’d made a decision. We needed a way to fight back. An edge our adversary didn’t expect. That meant evidence.

Swift as thought, I’d slipped back inside Castle Pinckney. The boys hadn’t been quick enough to stop me. A risky move, but worth it—I’d retrieved the scorched container and escaped unscathed. I’d even smiled through the berating they’d delivered back on the beach.

“The rules say we can’t talk about—” I made air quotes, “—‘The Game,’ but they don’t mention the Gamemaster himself. We’ll use his own materials to track him down.”

“How?” Ben’s face was unreadable. “All we’ve got are the puzzle box, the two-page letter, and a blown-up cache.”

“Don’t forget the iPad.” I pulled the tablet from my backpack. “Right now it only shows the clue that appeared last night, but we might eventually unlock more.”

At midnight the night before, a pictogram had suddenly filled the iPad’s screen. I’d spent an hour trying to make sense of it before giving up, snapping a pic, and forwarding it to the boys. Daylight wasn’t providing additional inspiration.

“The image is incomprehensible.” Hi examined the display with dubious eyes. “I stared at this all morning, and it’s still nonsense. We’ll never crack it in time.”

Hi wasn’t kidding. I couldn’t even fathom a guess.

The picture was deceptively simple—the number 18, encircled by a long string of characters: CH3OHHBRCH3BRH2O. Surrounding that arrangement was a solid black circle, which, in turn, was surrounded by a larger blue one. A capital
crowned it all.

Beneath the image was a digital stopwatch. Sixty-four hours, counting down.

Shelton shuddered. “I don’t like thinking about what happens at zero.”

“Me either.” I shoved the iPad back into my bag. “Which is why we have to find the Gamemaster first. We can work the clue and try to catch him at the same time.”

“Sounds fantastic,” Hi deadpanned, “but how do we do it?”

“Analyze everything. Every scrap of material we have. Hope the Gamemaster made a mistake.”

First bell pealed. Students began filing into the building.

“Shall we?” I headed for the doors, the boys at my heels.

Classmates pressed close as we funneled through the entrance. Without warning, I found myself shoulder to shoulder with Madison.

Startled, I nodded and smiled, as if greeting her was the most natural thing in the world.

Madison’s eyes widened. She rabbit-stepped backward, expensive jewelry rattling as she bumped the students behind her. Then she lowered her head and wormed through the mass of bodies with undignified haste. Casting one backward glance—red-faced, eyes nervous—her brunette curls disappeared into the river of identical Bolton Prep uniforms.

I suppressed a sigh. Maybe things were better this way.

“She’s still not over that beat down,” said a voice behind my ear.

This time, the sigh escaped. “Hi, Jason.”

I turned left down the hallway. Jason hustled to walk beside me, bumping into Ben, who had moved to occupy the same space.

The boys glared like stray dogs squaring off in an alley. Shelton and Hi kept moving past us, oblivious, or choosing to avoid the awkward scene.

“Watch where you’re going,” Ben snapped.

“I am,” Jason said dryly. “I’m going to chat with Tory.”

Ben snorted. “I’m sure that’ll make her day.”

Jason’s eyes flicked to me, momentarily uncertain.

“Enough, both of you.”
What was it with these two? Oil and water.
“Jason, I need something from my locker before class. Talk later?”

“Sure, Tor. I just thought you’d want to know first.”

That stopped me. “Know what?”

“That Chance will be back at school this week,” Jason said. “Probably tomorrow morning.”

Oh my.

“No problem. See you later.”

Jason straightened his tie, then turned and reached as if to fix Ben’s. Ben flinched, then flushed scarlet, eyes growing hard.

Jason smirked as he headed off down the hall, ignoring Ben’s icy look.

My legs resumed walking, but my mind wandered. Chance. Back tomorrow. A plan was needed.

Ben stomped at my side, his face a thunderhead. I knew that flinch was gnawing at him. He’d lost that round.

Shelton and Hi were waiting outside class.

“Everything cool?” Hi asked, eyeing Ben.

“Fine,” I said. “But we have to make a stop after school.”

Ben’s head whipped my way. “You can’t be serious.”

Shelton frowned. “Serious about what?”

“Claybourne Manor.” I ignored their protests. “It’s past time we settled our debt.”

“We’ll have to hit the bank first.” Hi sounded despondent. “Raid our deposit box.”

share, guys. We’d never have done it without him. Plus, Chance saw way too much last summer. We need to feel him out. Find out how much he remembers.”

No one bothered to protest. We’d had this out before.

“Who knows,” I said hopefully, “maybe he can help ID the Gamemaster.”

Three incredulous faces.

of course. But we need a forensic examination of the cache. Chance has serious connections. He might help.”

To say the boys were unenthused is an understatement.

“Help screw us again?” Shelton snarked.

“Did you get hit in the head?” Hi asked.

“Dumb dumb dumb.” Ben wagged his head slowly.

“Whatever,” I snapped. “We’re going, so man up.”

The second bell sounded.

We trooped into class and found our desks. I dove into my calculus book, hoping to conceal my own uncertainty.

Last time, I’d barely escaped Claybourne Manor with my life.

Was I making a huge mistake?


e met by the gates after last bell.

Though reluctant, the boys offered no further argument. They knew it was pointless once I’d made up my mind. Leaving our jackets in lockers, we headed east down Broad Street.

The guys sulked through our quick stop at the bank.

At Meeting Street we turned left. Claybourne Manor was a few blocks ahead, in Charleston’s prestigious, hoity-toity quarter known as South of Broad. The neighborhood screamed of privilege, old money, and tradition. Ostentatious wealth. We couldn’t have been more out of place.

Hi whistled, pointed to his right. “Look at
palace. Four stories, maybe five.”

“These houses are insane.” Shelton’s head was swiveling nonstop. “My dad couldn’t afford a parking space down here.”

“He’s better off.” Ben’s scowl was firmly in place. “The less time spent around blue-blooded jerks, the better.”

Even among its elegant neighbors, Chance’s ancestral home stands out. A registered historical landmark, Claybourne Manor is the largest private residence in South Carolina. Modeled after a nineteenth-century Italian manse, the main building has forty rooms, twenty-four fireplaces, and sixty bathrooms, and occupies over two acres of prime downtown real estate. A home fit for royalty.

We halted outside a ten-foot, spike-topped wall split by an ornate iron gate. Twisting metalwork displayed the Claybourne family crest: a gray shield with three black foxes, encircled by black and red vines.

“My family needs a coat of arms,” Hi mused. “Something that conveys what it means to be a Stolowitski.”

Shelton chuckled. “What, like a stuffed-crust pizza?”

I held up a hand. “Everyone ready?”

No replies. At least they weren’t complaining again.

Taking silence as assent, I rapped on a stout metal door beside the gate. Seconds passed, then a bolt slid sideways, and the portal swung inward.

“Yes?” The guard was lean, mid-forties, with salt-and-pepper hair and the demeanor of an ex-cop. No name tag. He didn’t look happy to see us.

“Hello!” My brightest smile. “We’re here to see Chance.”

“Do you have an appointment?” Stern.

“No, but we’re classmates from Bolton Academy.”
Time to ham it up.
“We heard Chance is coming back to school, and wanted to give him a big Griffin welcome back!”

Hi snorted, then covered it with a fit of coughing. My grin stayed frozen in place.

“Master Claybourne isn’t taking visitors.” Boredom crept into the guard’s voice. “Leave a name if you’d like, but you can’t loiter on the street.”

“But the four of us go way back with Chance,” I said quickly. “Are you sure we can’t—”

“Quite sure. Make an appointment.”

“Please tell Chance that Tory Brennan stopped by, along with Hi Stolowitski, Ben Blue, and Shelton Devers.”

I hesitated. Should I say more? “Let Chance know we’d like to speak with him when it’s convenient. We have something for him.”

“Thank you.” The door closed with a loud clank.

“You should’ve offered another Human Spirit Award,” Hi quipped. “Worked last time.”

“Shut it.” I hate being thwarted. My mind raced, but came up empty. There was nothing to be done—the ball was now in Chance’s court.

“Let’s bail.” Ben was already moving. “We should be working the Gamemaster’s clue, not wasting time—”

The door abruptly reopened. The guard craned out, spied me, and breathed an audible sigh of relief.

“Terribly sorry, Miss Brennan!” Hustling out onto the sidewalk. “Name’s Saltman. I’m a new hire, and haven’t memorized the logs.
Of course
you may come inside. I’ll let Master Claybourne know you’ve arrived.”

Saltman nervously rotated his cap in his hands. “We don’t need to mention this little mix-up, do we, miss? It was an honest mistake.”

I covered my surprise with an airy wave. “Not at all.”

But what was he talking about? I took a calculated risk. “I’m on the list?”

Saltman nodded like a bobblehead. “Oh, yes ma’am! The instructions are quite clear: no visitors except by appointment, but Miss Brennan is to be shown in at any time, day or night.” He smiled ingratiatingly. “You must be very special to young Master Chance.”


Chance left
about me? Had assumed I’d come? Sometimes the world made no sense at all.

“Chance is home?” I asked, stalling for time.

“In his father’s study.” Saltman cringed as though slapped. “
study, I should say. If you’ll wait in the reception, I’ll have him summoned straight away.” Then his gaze shifted to my companions. “The directive only mentions you, Miss Brennan. I’m not sure—”

“Chance will want to see everyone.” I added steel to my voice. “Let’s not waste more time gabbing in the driveway.”

That was enough for Saltman. “Of course, right this way.”

We traveled a short, flower-lined walk to the front entrance. Saltman pulled wide the massive oak door to reveal a cozy vestibule. The manor’s signature room was just ahead—a fifty-foot grand entrance hall in antebellum style.

Memories flooded back. I pushed them away.

Keep your head straight. Chance is no one to trifle with.

Saltman led us to a smaller chamber on the right—a spacious wood-paneled parlor decorated with elaborate crown molding, painted friezes, a wooden mantel, and a giant crystal chandelier. In the center, six leather chairs surrounded a mahogany coffee table.

“Please have a seat.” Saltman pressed a false panel to reveal an intercom system. “Inform Master Claybourne he has four guests in the reception. Tory Brennan and . . . some others.”

When a liveried butler appeared, Saltman retreated the way he’d entered. After declining refreshments, we sat, waiting, taking in the rich appointments.

“I assume you’ve got a plan,” Shelton whispered. “We’re not just gonna toss this bag of loot at him, right?” He tapped a pocket containing two stacks of gold doubloons.

“We need to find out what he knows. If he suspects anything.”

“How?” Ben asked quietly.

“Just follow my lead.” Code for: I have no idea.

“Hey, check this weirdo out.” Hi was inspecting a bust on the mantel. “This face is ninety percent eyebrow. What do you wanna bet he owned slaves?”

Scowling to match the carving’s expression, Hi spoke in a gravelly voice.
“In my day, we ate the poor people. We had a giant outdoor grill, and cooked up peasant steaks every Sunday.”

“That is General Clemmons Brutus Claybourne, you twit,” a voice said dryly. “He commanded two companies during the Revolution, before dying at Yorktown. You might show a little respect.”

Chance leaned in the doorway, one shoulder against its frame.

Whoa boy.

Chance was dusk made flesh. Dark skin, dark eyes, and dark humor. His thick black hair framed strong features and a Hollywood perfect chin. Tall, slender, and muscular without being bulky. In a word, he was gorgeous.

Last I’d seen Chance, he’d been tired and bedraggled, with purple crescents under his eyes and a nervous tic. Exhausted, haunted, and questioning his own sanity, soon thereafter he’d recommitted himself to a mental hospital.

That boy was gone.

“So. The gang’s all here.” Chance smiled as if enjoying a private joke. “Everyone have a nice end of summer?”

“Hello, Chance.” Now that we’d come to it, my tongue was tied. “I hope you’re doing well,” I finished lamely.

“Do you now?”

Chance strolled into the room and gripped the back of the nearest chair, his fluid stride hinting of past athletic glories. The smirk remained on his face.

“Hey there, Chancy.” Hi is impervious to awkward moments. This one was no exception. “When’d you get out of the nuthouse?”

I know I gasped. My eyes might’ve bugged.

Chance chuckled without humor. “Hiram, you never disappoint. Stop annoying Uncle Clemmons and join us.”

As Hi flopped into a leather seat, Chance studied the group. “Nice uniforms.”

“Heard you’ll be sporting one again,” Ben shot back. “Not enough credits, huh?”

Chance’s grin slipped for a millisecond. “Good afternoon to you too, Ben. Yes, I’ll be back for a few weeks. I missed a handful of exams last semester. But I’ll be done with Bolton soon enough.”

“You’re eighteen now, right?” Shelton arced a hand, taking in the room. “That make all this yours?”

“Yes. I came into my inheritance last month. And with Father . . . away . . . I’m now
Claybourne of Claybourne Manor.”

Chance winked at Hi. “That’s when they discharged me. Funny thing. Turns out, I
own that hospital. Ironic, isn’t it?”

Chance had no siblings, and his mother had died giving birth to him. His father was doing hard time. That made Chance perhaps the richest man in Charleston.

“So you bought your way free?” Ben scoffed.

“Nonsense. I’m cured.” Chance’s gaze found me. “I worked a few things out during my second stint. Reordered my mind. Got back onto firm ground. Plus, it was past time I assumed my position as head of the Claybourne empire.”

“What about the criminal charges?” I hadn’t forgotten. “They just let you walk?”

“The district attorney thought I’d suffered enough.” Chance circled the chair and sat. “I agreed.”

“That’s crap!” I exploded. “You
us. Held us at gunpoint!”

“I wasn’t in my right mind,” Chance replied, all shocked innocence. “Ask my lawyers if you don’t believe me.”

His smugness infuriated me. “The court bought that crap?”

“It’s nice having friends in high places.” Chance flashed me his trademark wink. “Sympathetic ears.”

I bit back a scathing reply. Though Chance hadn’t been directly involved in the murder of Katherine Heaton, he’d done more than enough to deserve punishment. But arguing about it was pointless. He’d wriggled off the hook.

Chance seemed to be enjoying our visit. The old swagger was back, along with his former mock-stern levity.

But he’s not exactly the same.

The drollness was there, but sharper now, more caustic, with a cynical, biting quality. Chance’s eyes still twinkled, but without their former warmth.

He seemed harder. More jaded. We needed to be careful.

“Give him the bag and let’s go.” Ben shifted uncomfortably in his opulent chair. “I’m tired of this fake buddy-buddy garbage.”

“Bag?” For the first time, Chance looked uncertain. “What bag?”

I signaled Shelton, who handed me the pouch. Unlacing its straps, I removed a handful of gold coins.

“You must know we found Anne Bonny’s treasure. This is your share.”

Chance looked momentarily stunned. “My share?”

I nodded. “We wouldn’t have done it without your help. It’s only fair.”

“Fair.” Chance’s jaw tightened. “Fair,” he repeated, dark eyes darkening. “And you’d never be unfair to me, would you, Tory?”

My heart threw in a few extra beats. “What do you mean? I’m giving you the coins right now.” I held out the pouch.

Chance made no move to take it. He studied me, expression unreadable.

Abruptly, Chance stood. “Keep your trinkets. I’m a multimillionaire. I don’t need a cut of your pathetic haul.”

I shook my head. “Chance, this is yours. We owe you.”

The wry smile returned. “Yes, you do. But I’d prefer different currency.”

Chance crossed back to the doorway and turned. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to prepare for tomorrow. A few weeks of high school, then I’m done with childish silliness forever.”

“You won’t take the coins?” I pressed.

“No. After all, I wasn’t there to find them, was I?”

I didn’t know what to think. Chance agreed we owed him, but refused a share of the spoils. Why?

“Instead of haggling over trifles, we will talk.” Again Chance’s eyes locked on to mine. “About many things. I have questions that need answering.”

Butterflies fluttered in my gut.

Did Chance know I’d manipulated him? That I’d lied to protect our secrets? What things had he “worked out” in the hospital?

Suddenly, I didn’t want to ask Chance about the Gamemaster, the fragmented cache, or anything else. I had a sinking feeling he was going to make my life much more difficult.

“Fine.” I rose. The others did too. “I guess we’ll see you at school tomorrow.”

“Let me show you out.”

Chance walked us to the door. We scurried out into the sunshine and headed for the gate.


I turned.

“I’ve changed my mind.” Chance strode to my side. “I’d like one coin, please.”

“Just one?” I scooped a doubloon and handed it over. “Why?”

“Gold reminds me of you, Tory.” Ice-cold smile. “This coin will bring a twinkle to my eye.”

Chance thumb-flipped the doubloon, caught it cleanly, then disappeared inside without a backward glance.

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