Coco Chanel (70 page)

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Authors: Lisa Chaney

BOOK: Coco Chanel
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Banque de France
Barney, Natalie
Barrie, J. M.
Barrow, George de Symons
Barthes, Roland
Barthou, Foreign Minister
Basilica of Saint Anthony, Padua
Bate, Frederick
Bate-Lombardi, Vera
battle of the sexes
Beaton, Cecil
Beaufort Castle
Beaumont, Edith
Beaumont, Etienne de
Beaumont College
Beaux, Ernest
Bedford, Sybille
Bel Ami
belle excentrique, La
Bel Respiro
Bérard, Christian (Bébé)
Bergen, Candice
Bergman, Ingrid
Bernhardt, Sarah
Bernstein, Antoinette
Bernstein, Georges
Bernstein, Henri-Adrien
Berthelot, Philippe
Besson, Luc
Biarritz, France
bias-cut clothes
Bibesco, Princess Marthe
Bibliothèque Nationale
biches, Les
(Diaghilev ballet)
Blanche, Jacques-Emile
Blue Train
Blum, Léon
boeuf sur le toit, Le
Boeuf sur le Toit, Le (bar)
Bohan, Marc
Boldini, Giovanni
Bon Marché, Le
Bonnard, Pierre
Boulez, Pierre
Bouquet, Carole
Bouquet de Catherine
Bourdelle, Antoine
Bousquet, Marie-Louise
boussac, Marcel
Bow, Clara
Braque, Georges
Breker, Arno
Bresson, Robert
Breton, André
British Expeditionary Force
British War Office
Brown Network, The
Brunhoff, Maurice de
Brunhoff, Michel de
Bullitt, William
Burton, Richard
Café de Paris
café society
Caillavet, Simone de
camellia flower
Capel, Ann Diana France Ayesha
Capel, Arthur
birth of
Coco's first meeting with
Coco supported by
death of
inheritance of
letters of
marriage proposal to Wyndham by
on Misia's decorations
in Morand's novel
poor health of
rumored paternity of
in Sem's caricature
at Sorel's dinner party
treatise on women by
at Versailles conference
will of
womanizing by
work done by
in World War I,
Wyndham's affair with
Capel, Arthur Joseph
Capel, Bertha
Capel, Berthe
Capel, Edith
Capel, June
Capel, Marie-Henriette
Capel, Thomas
Caracciolo, Olga
Cardin, Pierre
Caryathis (Elise Toulemon)
Casa Maury, Marquise de
Casati, Luisa
Castelain, Admiral
Castellane, Boni de
Castries, Countess
Céline (Gabrielle's maid)
Cendrars, Blaise
Cévennes, France
Chagall, Marc
Chaillet, Robert
Chamberlain, Neville
Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne
Chambrun, René de
Chanel, Adrienne
advertising for Coco by
in affair with de Nexon
visited by
clothing of
death of
at draper's shop
at Notre Dame convent
suitors of
Chanel, Alphonse
birth of
death of
placed with peasant farmers
Chanel, Angélina
Chanel, Antoinette
in Aubazine convent
at Biarritz shop
birth of
in Coco's hat shop
in departure to Buenos Aires
marriage of
at Notre Dame convent
suicide of
Chanel, Eugénie Jeanne Devolle:
Coco's reminiscences of
death of
marriage of
pregnancy of
work by
Chanel, Gabrielle (Coco):
appearance of
artistic character of
artists supported by
in Aubazine convent
“aunts” of
autobiographical stories of
Balsan's affair with
Balsan's proprosals to
Bend'Or's affair with
visited by
birth of
bisexuality of
Capel's affair with
Capel's death and
Capel's educating of
Capel's support for
Catholicism of
Chapel's marriage and
childhood pranks of
cleanliness as preoccupation of
collaboration charge against
Dalí's affair with
in Dalí's novel
dancing by
death of
d'Harcourt's affair with
at draper's shop
drug use of
education of
effects of Depression on
in escape from World War II Paris
estate of
grudge against family held by
hats worn by
as horsewoman
importance of socializing to
independence pursued by
influence sought by
injuries of
intelligence of
Iribe's affair with
kidnapped by Resistance
lack of sophistication in
life story desired by
Lipchitz's sculpture of
loneliness of
luxurious lifestyle of
make-believe practiced by
memoirs of
as modern woman
modesty of
money earned by
in Morand's novel
mother's death and
myth of
needlework of
nickname of
at Notre Dame convent
novels read by
's premiere
paradoxes of
Pavlovich's affair with
peace settlement negotiations of
photos of
polo learned by
practicality of
at premier of
Rite of Spring
as rejected by father
as reluctant writer
Reverdy's affair with
Ritz decorated by
Rolls-Royce of
servants' relationship with
short hair of
singing by
sleepwalking by
small number of letters written by
at Sorel's dinner party
stories of father retold and revised by
Stravinsky's affair with
as superstitious
in Switzerland
unhappy childhood of
Visconti's affair with
Chanel, Gabrielle (Coco), as designer:
advertising for
in affair with von Dincklage
's costumes designed by
austerity and simplicity of
at balls
Biarritz salon opened by
business details disdained by
Cocteau's friendship with
competitors of
couture house closed during World War II by
criticism of
Dali's work with
Deauville shop opened by
earliest dresses of
Fenosa's affair with
growing reputation of
in Hollywood
imitation jewelry of
impeccable timing of
Lagerfeld as apprentice to
La Marseillaise
large output of
Le Train Bleu
little black dress of
in magazines
materials used by
method of creation in
as milliner
models for
in move into Ritz
for 1919 spring ball
of pajamas
Picasso's affair with
practicality of
Radiguet's funeral and
registered as couturier
Rules of the Game
costumes designed by
in Sem's caricature
upper classes hired by
in World War I,
see also
Chanel N° 5
Chanel, Henri-Adrien
Chanel, Henri-Albert (Albert)
children abandoned by
Coco's retelling of stories about
Jean's family's dislike of
marriage refused by
as womanizer
Chanel, Hippolyte
Chanel, House of
World War II closing of
Chanel, Joseph
Chanel, Julia-Berthe
in Aubazine convent
birth of
mother's death and
at Notre Dame convent
suicide of
Chanel, Louise
Chanel, Lucien
birth of
death of
placed with peasant farmers
Chanel (farmhouse)
Chanel Company
Chanel Modes
Chanel N°
bottles for
business dispute over
creation of
ingredients in
naming of
sales of
Chanel N° 19,
Chanel N° 22,
Chanel Parfums
Chantilly racetrack
Chaplin, Charlie
Chardon, Augustin
Charles-Roux, Edmonde
Charvet, House of
Chase, Margaret
Chautemps, Camille
Chazot, Jacques
Cheruit, Madeleine
Chevalier, Maurice
Chevigné, Comtesse de
Choltitz, Dietrich von
Churchill, Clementine
Churchill, Rudolph
Churchill, Winston
Clair, René
Claire, Ina
Clarke, Henry
Claudine à l'école
Clemenceau, Georges
Coco Mademoiselle
Cocteau, Jean
modernized by
ballet costumes designed by
on Coco's religion
death of
drugs used by
in love with Radiguet
libretto written by
Coga Foundation
Colbert, Claudette
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Colette, Sidonie-Gabrielle
Comédie Française
Comœdia Illustré
Concertino for String Quartet
Condé Nast Publications
Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Mary, Aubazine
Cooper, Diana
Cooper, Duff
Copeau, Jacques
Coromandel screens
Corrigan, Laura
Count d'Orgel's Ball
Courpière, France
Courrèges, Andrés
Cravates de chanvre
Croÿ, Odile de, Princesse
Cuir de Russie
Cukor, George
Cunard, Nancy
Cutty Sark
(Bend'Or's yacht)
Cyril Vladimirovich, Grand Duke of Russia
Daladier, Edouard
Dalí, Gala
Dalí, Salvador
Coco's affair with
in collaboration with Schiaparelli
letters to Coco from
Dame aux camélias, La
D'Arcangues, Comtesse Mimi
Davelli, Gabrielle
Davelli, Marthe
Daves, Jessica
Davies, Lady Mary
Deauville, France
Deauville racetrack
Debussy, Claude
Decourcelle, Pierre
Degas, Edgar
de Gaulle, Charles
Delay, Claude
Delay, Jean
Delay, Marie-Louise
de Mille, Cecil B.
Demoiselles d'Avignon, Les
Deneuve, Catherine
Denis, Maurice
Déon, Michel
department stores
de Pougy, Liane
de Quincey, Thomas
Derby, Lord
Desbordes, Jean
Desbutin, M. and Mme.
Dessoffy, Comte
Dessoffy, Hélène, Comtesse
Devil in the Flesh, The
Devolle, Marin
Diaghilev, Sergei
ballets by
death of
drugs and
and Gabrielle
homosexuality of
Misia's friendship with
Dietrich, Marlene
Dincklage, Georg-Jito von
Dincklage, Hans Günther, Baron von
divorce of
Dior, Christian

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