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Authors: Amy Love

BOOK: Cocky
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Chapter Forty Four


He kissed her deeply. His hand rested on her neck with his thumb just behind her ear. He guided her and held her closed and refused to let her go. Chelsea slipped her tongue into his mouth, running it over his lips as her hand ran up and down his chest. Blue’s hands were travelling south. He reached down and caressed her back and then went lower, running his hand over her ass and then squeezing her cheek and pulling her leg up over his.


Blue broke the kiss and sat up, gently removing Chelsea’s ratty sweater and her old high school t-shirt. He flung them aside and then unbuttoned her jeans and tugged them down her legs as Chelsea kicked off her shoes. He came back up and kissed her before using his large hands to turn her onto her stomach.


Blue hovered over her as he kissed the back of her neck and squeezed her breast through her bra. Chelsea was pinned to the bed and she relaxed as she felt him unsnap her bra and gently remove it. She turned to her side and reached for him, wanting to kiss him again, to feel his tongue on hers. They kissed and Blue reached over and put his mouth over her breast, kissing, sucking, and gently biting the nipples as Chelsea closed her eyes and surrendered herself to him.


He got up on his knees and pulled his shirt off as Chelsea sat up and ran her hands up and down his firm chest. She traced the lines of his pectorals and ran her fingers over his nipples until he tilted her chin up so he could kiss her again.


His erection was pushing against the thin fabric of his boxers and Chelsea reached down and freed it, feeling his hard cock in her hand. She smiled up at him and then took him entirely in her mouth. She ran her tongue over the head of his cock as she ran her hands up and down the base. Blue moaned and ran his hands through her hair. She could have continued, but he tilted her head up and then gently pushed her down until she was flat on her back on the bed.


Blue slid down her body kissing his way between her breasts and down her flat stomach until he slipped his tongue inside of her. Chelsea groaned in pleasure as she grabbed the blankets with her hands and Blue continued to slowly tease her with his tongue. He was slow and dedicated and took his time. His tongue slid over Chelsea’s clit until she was on the verge of climax. She buried her hands in his hair as her body tensed beneath her.


Yes, she wanted this so badly. She needed it. She had missed him so much. She never wanted to be parted from him. She wanted him to always be doing this in bed with him. Chelsea’s back arched as electricity pounded through her veins. “Blue,” she sighed. “Yes, please.” She knew she needed to be quiet, not wanting to alert Terrance she was there. But Blue was teasing her and she was so close, keeping her right on the edge of pleasure, and she was desperate to fall to the other side. His tongue continued to work long strokes over her and then her legs began to shake and it was too much and her orgasm exploded over her and she held onto Blue’s shoulders and whispered his name as her body tensed and then relaxed and she was left panting in bed.


He smiled up at her from between her legs and that smile was all it took to raise Chelsea. She sat up and put her hand on Blue’s chest and pushed him down onto his back. She gave him a wicked smile as she crawled her way up his body until she was straddling him. But she didn’t let him enter her. She took his cock in her hand and began to rub it along her, letting the head of his penis stroke her.


“Yes,” Blue murmured. “I want you.”


She looked over at him and then leaned down and kissed him slowly. His cock was still touching her but not inside of her and she could feel it growing harder and longer as he moaned. She kissed his neck and bit his earlobe and continued to grind herself on top of it.


Blue reached for his bag by the bed and pulled out a condom. Chelsea took it from him and unrolled it over his hard cock.


“I want to fuck you,” Blue whispered as his hands dug into her hips.


Chelsea sat back and took his penis in her hand and gently guided it inside of her. Blue’s eyes closed in pleasure as he pushed himself inside of her. Chelsea whispered his name as she felt her body move to accommodate him.


She moved on top of him, pushing down onto him, taking her time as her body moved above his. Blue reached up and took her breasts in his hands as he kissed them and then threw his head back and grabbed her hips with his hands and guided her movements, making her go faster and harder.


Then he was sitting up and with his cock still buried deep inside of her Blue flipped them over. He lifted Chelsea’s one leg so it rested against her neck and he drove himself deep into her as Chelsea cried out his name. His body moved above hers and Chelsea could feel every inch of him as he went in and out of her.


“Chelsea, you feel so good,” Blue whispered. “I want you to feel it, too.” Suddenly he pulled himself out of her and Chelsea looked at him in confusion. Blue sat down, putting his back against the wall, his erection was hard and it sat straight up between his legs. Chelsea crawled over to him and he spun her around.


He kissed her neck and then down her back and Chelsea shuddered at the sensation of his touch. No one had ever driven her wild like this before. He reached around her and buried his fingers between her legs spinning circles of pleasure as Chelsea moved her body against his erection. She turned around and kissed him deeply and then eased herself down onto his cock.


“Blue!” Chelsea whispered, her voice hoarse. She moved up and down on him. In this position his cock inside of her was stroking her clit and Chelsea moaned Blue’s name into his ear as she wrapped her arms around him. Blue guided her hips and she began to move faster and faster as she rode him.


“Chelsea. God. Yes,” Blue whispered. His hands were running up and down her back as he thrust deep and hard into her.


Chelsea could feel her second orgasm approach. Her entire body was tingling and she raked Blue’s back with her nails as she sped up in search of the release they both so desperately needed. She writhed against him pushing him deeper with every thrust.


“Yes, Blue. Don’t stop,” Chelsea begged as she rode him harder. “I’m so close,” she whispered into his ear as she sped up her movements. She was so close, just a few more strokes from his cock and she would be lost in ecstasy. Blue grabbed on tightly to her and pulled her close as her orgasm grew inside of her. She wanted it, she needed to finish, she would have done anything he asked if it would have kept him going. “Blue! Yes! Blue!” She bit down on her shoulder to keep from crying out as her orgasm exploded around her. Her entire body shuddered and contracted as Blue drove himself deep into her and with a loud groan he finished inside of her. Her body continued to rock against his as they rode out their orgasm together.


Chelsea collapsed back on the bed and Blue quickly fell down beside her. He rested his head against her shoulder and Chelsea ran her hands up his arm and smiled. For a moment she had forgotten all about tomorrow and what it meant. She wished she could keep forgetting and just lie here next to him like they were any normal couple.


Blue kissed her shoulder and Chelsea smiled at him. He propped himself up on his shoulder and kissed her deeply.


“I am still mad about it, but I’m glad you came over.”


“I had to see you and I don’t regret it,” Chelsea said.


“Chelsea,” Blue said, looking down at her. “I love you. I’ve always loved you, I just couldn’t say it until now.”


Chelsea heart skipped a beat in her chest. “I love you, Blue. I always have, ever since we were kids in high school. I want to be with you and only you. No matter what happens tomorrow. I will still love you, always.”


He lay down and snuggled up against Chelsea and she relaxed her body against his. It felt so good and right to lie in bed with him; she couldn’t ever imagine sleeping in bed alone again.



Chapter Forty Five


At two-thirty, Blue had woken her and told her she should leave for her own safety. He had given her one last kiss, but refused to let her stay another moment longer. Chelsea had come home around three in the morning and crawled into her own lonely and cold bed, quickly slipping into a deep sleep. But at six o’clock it was like some alarm went off in her brain and suddenly she was wide awake. Her eyes opened and she wasn’t the least bit tired. She had no desire to roll over and go back to sleep.


Chelsea sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes. Her phone was next to her, plugged in and fully charged with the sound as loud as it could be. Today, even more than usual, her phone would be a part of her. She would never be without it; Terrance was going to call today. He was going tell her when and where the fight was. Now all she had to do was wait.


She showered and made coffee while her mother slept. She wondered what Blue was doing. She knew the blank expression he would be wearing. To an outsider, or someone who didn’t know him, it would look like he wasn’t thinking about anything. He would look like some simpleton lunk head. But it would be a calm surface that hid a swirling sea of passionate emotions only Chelsea had been given permission to glimpse.


Paul and Molly came over at nine when her mother woke up. Together they drank coffee, made food and didn’t eat it, and paced around the house waiting for the phone to ring. The wait seemed endless. Chelsea remembered some talk at school about hell. The speaker had been a priest who had come to talk at an assembly. A couple of kids had spray painted a pentagram on school grounds. It had been a joke, but the school had taken it “very seriously” and brought a priest in to remind them that stuff like that was no joke.


He told them that hell wasn’t just a pit of fire. Hell was your biggest mistake replayed over and over again. Hell was your regrets played on repeat for all of eternity. This was Chelsea’s hell: waiting for the phone to ring. She had no idea where Blue or Jamie were; she had no idea if Terrance was going to keep his promise. She had no power, no say in what was happening. She could only sit and wait.


At five-thirty her phone finally rang.


“Hello,” Chelsea said quickly into the phone, she put it on speaker so Molly and Paul could hear.


“Chelsea,” came Terrance’s oily voice. “How lovely to hear your voice.”


“Thank you for calling me,” Chelsea said. She couldn’t blow this now. She was so close to the answers for all of her questions.


“Nine-thirty, 748 East Marshalls Street. Come dressed as I asked.”


“Understood,” Chelsea called and the phone went dead.


“Okay,” Molly said, the moment the call was ended. “Here’s how this goes down. Chelsea, you have the actual invite; you’ll go in with a wire and scope the place out. There’s still a chance Terrance might be testing you. He might send you to one place and then have the fight in another. So you will go in and once it’s clear that this is where the fight is taking place, you’ll give us the go ahead and then you get out and the SWAT team will go in.”


“Chelsea has to go in first?” Colleen asked. “That’s too dangerous. Why don’t you go? You’re the one in the FBI.”


“Because Terrance didn’t invite her,” Chelsea answered. “The fights are by invitation only and I was the one who was invited. So I’m the one who gets to go.”


Colleen covered her mouth and looked away trying in vain to hide her tears.


“I need to get dressed,” Chelsea said. She walked into her room and began to pull out the clothes she had brought with her. She settled on a very short, low-cut, black mini-dress with lace on the back. She pulled her hair back and put on heavy black eyeliner and shadow giving her eyes a smoky, slept-in look. She matched it with a red lipstick and a pair of high, black stilettos.


She drove there alone. A wire secured in her padded bra. She knew Molly was tracking the GPS on her phone and she felt safer knowing that she was being watched. She drove slowly and with every mile she began to feel more and more sick. Nausea pulsed in her stomach and her throat and her hands were shaking.
Don’t cry, don’t cry,
she repeated to herself. She couldn’t afford to ruin her make-up.


The car took her far out of town, far past the houses and businesses and even past the farms until she was far out into the woods. Pine trees lined the dark roads and she drove for miles without seeing another car. Her fingers were twisting on the steering wheel and her stomach was churning. She didn’t want to see the fight. She didn’t want to watch Blue forced into the ring. She wanted to go back to LA where it was always sunny and warm and everyone was stylish and beautiful.


The house was lit up like a Christmas tree, as the saying goes. Cars lined the street as Chelsea pulled up to a valet stand and in confusion stepped out of her car.


“Good evening, Miss!” an energetic young man said as he jogged to the car and gave Chelsea a ticket in exchange for her keys.


This wasn’t what she had expected at all. This wasn’t a grimy basement under an abandoned gas station. This was a catered party with a valet staff. What did these boys think was going on? Just a normal party, did they have any idea what was happening in the house behind them?


Chelsea’s heels clicked on the paved driveway as she walked up to the house. It was a stunning log cabin with a wooden frame and huge windows; there was a large wrap around porch with chairs and tables and fire pits. Inside the house was filled with bright white lights that shone through the windows. Had she passed the house at any other time she would have thought someone was throwing an early holiday party, not a fight to the death.


A girl in a dress almost identical to Chelsea’s opened the front door. The girl gave her a knowing smile as Chelsea passed and Chelsea stepped into the party. Men in suits lounged on leather couches and stood at the bar while women in short, tight dresses walked around with bottles of champagne, whiskey, and bourbon freely filling the glass for any man who raised one.


It had an air of elegant refinery, but that was only on the surface. It was clear that something else much darker was going on. For starters all of the guests at the party were men and all of the servers were young and beautiful girls. The men clearly felt free to touch the girls however they wanted as the snuck bills down their dresses. The room stank of cigar smoke and booze and Chelsea wished desperately to be anywhere else.


“What do you think, Chelsea?” Terrance’s voice was like the twisting words of a snake whispered into her ear and she had to resist the urge to lean away from him. “Surely this is just as nice as the parties they have out in Hollywood, right?”


“It’s very nice,” Chelsea lied with a nod. “It’s just not what I was expecting.”


“Yes, it’s very refined and classy. This is what I was trying to explain to Blue. No more fights in dirty basements for pocket money. This is a real business with rich men with a lot of money to lose. Money that could make Blue very rich.”


“When is...the...well, you know?” Chelsea asked. She didn’t know if there was some rule about saying the word fight. She didn’t know if the waitresses or valets knew or not.


“The fight begins in about thirty minutes, in the basement,” Terrance said, nodding to a door towards the back of the house. Two men stood at attention next to it with guns sitting securely on their hips. “In the meantime, please, have a drink, look around, enjoy yourself. You’re among like-minded people, Chelsea. Enjoy yourself.”


He placed his hand on her bare arm and she hid her revulsion until he passed. A girl came by with champagne and Chelsea grabbed a glass and headed to the bathroom. Once in the stall she pulled out her phone and texted to Molly, “did you get that?” and then she watched as her cellphone spun a little clock and she waited and waited and then she watched as she went from three bars, to two, to one.


She frantically dialed the number, but the call wouldn’t connect. It just hung in the air, trying unsuccessfully to dial. She knew Molly wasn’t far away. The van was parked only about ten miles down the road. But the communication was only one way and she just had to hope that Molly was listening.


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