Cocky Biker: A Stand Alone MC Romance Novel (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: Cocky Biker: A Stand Alone MC Romance Novel (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 2)
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he dining tables
are already set up, as pretty as if they were in a movie, with linens, bottles of both red and white wine on each, plus elaborate lavender and white floral centerpieces.

When the caterers begin removing folding chairs from the ceremony to make room for dancing after dinner, Jett and his brothers all pitch in to help. The five of them together makes me wish I could meet the sixth. They’re all laughing and messing around, teasing about personal things.

None of them are quiet, except for maybe Jaxson. They shout things like, “Hey Jason, did it hurt you to not wear a hat, buddy?” and “Justin, you sure you want the Press seeing you do actual work here?” at which he shoots back with a grin, “I hope they capture this! Makes me look like a good guy!” Jaxson’s deep voice dryly calls out, “Then we’d better stop.”

They all lose it. And it goes on and on.

Jett looks so happy. It’s obvious he’s missed them like crazy. But from the way he keeps glancing to me, I know I’m part of the reason he’s smiling like that.

I’m beginning to understand him more, and I think if I weren’t here and hadn’t stood up for him last night, he would be having a harder time being this near to his father.

Drew is making her way through the crowd. Some people she seems to know, others, not at all. She sees me and heads my direction, shaking hands as she comes, her beautiful white dress billowing behind her as a wind picks up the train.

With a happy smile, she introduces herself, “Hi, I’m Drew Ch…Cocker. Whoa, that feels really weird to say.”

“Luna. Hi. I’m here with Jett.”

“I know. I saw. Jake told me he’s surprised.”


I’m not the best at normal chitchat.

“I just met him the other day for the first time, when he came home with Jake after the bachelor party so he could say hello.”

Bachelor party?

On a quick glance to Jett as he stacks chairs, I instantly see him at a strip club.

He was a free man at the time.

Don’t like how that image makes me feel.

Trying to push jealousy down, I blink back to her. “Oh, you guys live together?”

She laughs like it’s hard for her to admit, “That’s how we met. We were roommates.”

My eyes widen. “Really? You didn’t know each other when you moved in?”

“Nope,” she grins, glancing to the brothers. “I was just as surprised as you are. It’s a wild story. Those Cocker boys are somethin’ else. Jake’s…he’s just wonderful.” Turning back to me, she motions to what I’m wearing. “I love your dress.”

“Nancy helped me pick it out.” I glance down to finger the pretty fabric. I’m not a dress person, but I do feel good in this. More feminine. In this thing I’m very aware I’m a woman, which is normally never on my mind. I like it, but I prefer jeans over this any day.

did?” Drew’s happily surprised, and she asks me in a whisper, “Does that mean Jett and Michael worked things out?”

I guess she would think that, since it would imply a sort of friendship had happened. I’m not sure how Nancy feels about me now. She was polite today, but I’m sure I offended her Southern sensibilities last night. Still, I’m not sorry.

I had to stand up for Jett.

He needed me to.

“Um…no. They didn’t. But family can be a tricky thing.”

Drew rolls her eyes in agreement, and glances over to wave at an older couple who are clearly waiting for her attention. Low enough that only I can hear, she confides, “Nancy and my mom are strugglin’. Little bit of a battle for who gets to do what, at the wedding. My mom lives a couple hours away. I think she’s afraid of bein’ replaced.”

I’m sure all women who’ve lost their mother must be like me, just nodding and saying, “Mmmhmm. That’s hard.”

“It is. But they’ll work it out. I have to go. My aunt Emma wants to talk to me. That’s her over there.”

I glance to the woman who was trying to get Drew’s attention just a moment ago. She’s got a scarf over her head, the kind those who are going through chemo have to wear. I don’t ask about it, but I know from the sad look that just flickered over Drew’s face that her aunt still isn’t doing well.

“Are you stayin’ in the city, Luna?”

“We’re at Jaxson’s place.”

“Oh, I love him. He’s so…
. Has a real calm to him that I like. Jake looks up to him. Looks up to Jett, too. He talks about Jett like he’s a god.”

I can’t help but feel intense pride at that.

a god.”

Drew thoughtfully stares at me, and nods. “I like you.”

A surprised grin spreads my lips. “I like you, too, Drew.”

“We’ll talk again later?” she asks, reaching out to touch my forearm.

Reflexively I put my hand over hers. “Yeah.”

She smiles and heads off. Her aunt greets her with open arms and I overhear a strong Southern drawl as she exclaims, “Drew, honey, you are just beautiful! Look at you! I’m so glad I was able to make it.”


ett’s waving
at me to join him so I make my way through a crowd of strangers, most of them stealing quick glances to inspect the woman who stole Jett Cocker’s heart.

A week ago I was riding alone on my bike from cheap motel to cheaper motel, sleeping on lonely beds, showering in badly lit bathrooms with miniature shampoos and soaps. I woke up every morning with a deeper gloom than I’d felt the day before. I ate by myself for every meal. Couldn’t see the beauty around me. Didn’t have anyone or anything except for that bike and the pain in my heart.

I shiver to think that I’d still be living like that if I hadn’t taken this chance and faced the music of what I’d done. Said I was sorry. Took the leap of facing my fear of being loved, and being rejected if it was too late. I almost didn’t try. Where would I be now?

Not somewhere as sunny as this with a man I love smiling at me like he is now.

No one has seen me like Jett Cocker has. Really seen me and accepted my flaws and loved me anyway. And while he had a head start at falling in love with me, I have fallen so hard that it hurts just to look into his eyes, I love him so much.

“Hey, Sunshine.”

“Hi baby,” I whisper, walking into waiting arms to receive a kiss.

“Now we eat. You hungry?”

“Uh huh. I’ll try to be more dainty here.”

He laughs. “Don’t you fuckin’ dare. You be you, baby.
You be you
.” His smile vanishes so quickly I look behind me to see what happened.

Michael Cocker is walking toward us. I see Nancy behind him, talking to guests, her mouth freezing mid-sentence from shock and worry as she notices her husband’s path.

Jett’s body has gone hard as steel.

Separating, we clasp hands.

His father’s voice is somber and cautious. “Jerald…” He pauses, gathering his thoughts.

With his jaw tick ticking, Jett says, “Congressman.”

Michael Cocker’s eyes flicker. “I’m sorry I didn’t invite you to the wedding.”

I stare up at Jett and watch his Adam’s apple move fast as he swallows hard. “I

“By your mother. But…it should have been by both of us.”

Jett’s taken aback, and handling it with little facial expression. “Okay.”

“That’s all I wanted to say. Have a good time.” Mr. Cocker nods and glances to me, tipping his head as he turns to leave. He tucks his hands into his pockets, his back straight and his head slightly down as he contemplates what he just did. Nancy walks to him and in a voice no one can overhear, asks him what he just did. A relieved smile appears on her face and she glances over to Jett and nods. He answers her with the same.

Jaxson and the twins were still nearby so they got to see the exchange from that distance. Quick strides bring them to us, and all three ask, “What happened?”

Jett’s fingers are still tightly around mine as he answers, “A truce.”

They feel the weight of this news in different ways. Jason runs his hand through his hair like he can’t believe it, and whispers, “That took a lot for him to do.”

Jett is staring after his father. “It sure did.”

Jaxson is staring at the grass. “I’ll meet you guys at the table. I’m going to tell Jake what just went down.”

“Thanks, man,” Jett mutters. The twins both clap a hand on his shoulder and head off.

As soon as we’re alone, Jett squeezes my hand in a way that tells me how much that meant to him.

He’s a very masculine man.

I don’t expect him to talk about it more.

I’m the same way, frankly, so I get it.

“Jett,” I whisper.

He looks at me, grey eyes troubled.

“I’m going to eat like a fucking pig.”

A grin explodes on his face and he laughs loudly, lifting up my chin, “Thank you, Sunshine.”

“Any time.”

The rest of the reception is a breeze.


t’s only
a nine-hour ride from Jaxson’s place outside Atlanta, to South Vacherie, Louisiana, but there’s no rush. God it felt good to have Sunshine’s arms around me while I drove us to Birmingham Alabama. We just checked into Cobb Lane Bed & Breakfast, a converted old Victorian home that family friends told me about at the wedding.

The Ciphers usually stay at less romantic places, but I wanted somethin’ with a little charm for this trip. It’s the first time we’ve been together, alone, where I know she’s not runnin’ away.

“Ya like it?” I ask, as we walk into a bedroom with fringed antique lamps and a shiny, cream-colored blanket with a shit-load of pillows on it.

She grins. “I hope the walls are thick.”

Chuckling, I toss the saddlebags on the hardwood floor. We had to ship her suitcase. Just brought enough for a one-night change of clothes.

“I’ve got somethin’ thick for you, baby.”

She sighs and meets me near the edge of the bed. “I know you do. Can’t wait, because…it’s just you and me now.”

“And about twelve other people,” I remind her, thinking how good it’s gonna feel to bring her home where I’ll watch her become part of the Cipher family for good.

“I mean, right now, Jett. It’s just you and me.”

I grab a fistful of her ass and draw her up on her toes to kiss me. We lash tongues and moan into each other until she surprises me by grabbing my hair and pulling my head back. “Did you go to a fucking strip club for Jake’s bachelor party?”

“What if I did?”

Her dark eyes flash. “I will have to punish you.”

“Can’t wait for that.”

She shoves me onto the bed and straddles me, untying her braid. “Jett, did you?”


She slaps my chest then shakes out her hair with one hand, lifting up her shirt. “Did anyone have tits like these?”

Her bra is dipping with the weight of her luscious double D’s. I reach to grab ‘em but she smacks me away, grabs my wrists and pins my hands above my head, grinding her crotch over my erection.

“You really think you can hold me down, woman?” I smirk. “I’m allowing this.”

Her eyes are hooded as she grinds with me, our hips moving together. “You want to touch my tits, you have to tell me the truth.”

“No one has what you’ve got.” I smirk, then add, “ME,” laughing at her reaction.

“You cocky fuck!”

“That’s right!” I flip her over, mounting her so fast she yelps, eyes wide with shock. “See. I was allowin’ you to pin me.” Hovering my lips over hers, I use my thighs to spread her legs wide. “I didn’t go to any fuckin’ strip club, Sunshine. Anyone dancin’ on that stage would have had your face on her and I was too pissed to go through that kind of torture.”

She’s gazing at me and moaning slightly as I grind into her. “Good,” she breathes. That tone sends fire into my cock, and I can’t wait anymore.

We get rid of our clothes while roughly kissing. She gives as good as she gets, that’s what I love about fuckin’ her. She’s submissive sometimes, aggressive others. We just fit.

I fuck her on every surface of this place, just like I did that first night, the day we met.

We are covered in sweat, moaning incoherent, dirty things to each other.

When I finally have her in front of the antique bathroom mirror, thrusting deep as I can get in her dripping wet cunt for round number four, she locks eyes with me and stays there, cumming on my cock, body shaking.

Her eyes never leave mine.

She’s totally open to me.

The fear is gone.

She’s mine now.

And I am never gonna let the bitch go.

I cum so hard and so long that I am fuckin’ whimperin’ when it’s done.

And I don’t whimper.

“Look at you,” she laughs. “Putty in my hands.”

I’m catchin’ my breath.

“Nah, just tired.”

“Liar,” she whispers with mischief in her dark brown eyes.

I grin at her through the reflection and while we’re standing here with me inside her from behind, I pull her up and wrap my arms around her breasts, kissin’ her shoulder. “I don’t want you stayin’ at the house.”

“What?” she asks with a frown.

“I want you on the road with us. I want you to be a Cipher.”

Her eyes light up and she grabs one of my forearms with both hands. “Really?”

“I already told Scratch. I need you
me, Sunshine.”

She closes her eyes and starts biting her lips. A tear squeezes out and slips down her cheek, mingling with the dripping sweat like it was never there. “I need that, too.”

Pulling out of her, I turn her around, reach over and grab a hand towel. She lays it on the counter, sits on it and wraps her curvy legs around my hips, locking her ankles above my naked ass and pulling me close while her hands rest on my sweaty chest.

“Jett…I’m scared of being this happy.”

“Me, too,” I rasp, kissing her. “But you’re like me. If it ain’t scary, it ain’t fun.”

“I love you, Jett Cocker.”

“I love you so much, Luna, that I’m gonna give you a last name.”

She stares at me and tilts her head up. I kiss her nose and get ready for round five.

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