Cocktails & Dreams (16 page)

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Authors: Autumn Markus

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Cocktails & Dreams
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The cherubs departed abruptly when Dr. Cooper turned to Jena with a raised eyebrow. “You were Nicholas’s therapist?”

“Dad.” Nicholas’s voice held a warning.

Jena felt ice flow through her veins, wondering if she was reading a question of her ethics where none was intended. “No, that’s a fair question, Nicholas,” Jena answered. She took another sip of water and willed her hands not to shake as she looked Dr. Cooper directly in the eyes. “Nicholas was never my patient. Travis Walker was his therapist of record. I just took over for one day when Travis had to be out of the office unexpectedly. Nicholas and I did not start dating until he was no longer in therapy.”

Technically, that was true.

“Besides, dear, Nicholas and Jena have known each other for years. I remember him first mentioning your name before he moved back to Boston, Jena,” Mrs. Cooper said, placing a warning hand on her husband’s arm and smiling at Jena.

Nicholas mentioned her to his mother that long ago? Jena looked at him, and was surprised to see a slight flush creeping up from his collar. She squeezed his hand when he entwined their fingers under the table.

Dr. Cooper seemed content to let the subject drop, and table conversation moved on. Jena felt his eyes on her several times, though, and his disapproval each time Nicholas leaned in to whisper something in her ear, or rubbed her back, or interacted with her in any way, became more and more clear. She found herself stiffening and moving away from Nicholas every time she felt Dr. Cooper’s eyes flash her direction. What the hell was his problem?

Realizing she needed a break from his constant scrutiny, Jena decided a trip to the bathroom was in order. “Excuse me,” she murmured to Nicholas, dropping her napkin on the table and standing.

All eyes in the room seemed to be trained on their table as the four men stood as well; Jena could have gladly dropped through the floor. Instead, she made her way toward the restroom, feeling like there might as well have been a brass band with monkeys surrounding her, and a big banner reading
Jena’s going potty now
trailing out behind her.

After washing her hands and giving herself a quick “get through this” pep talk, followed by promises of an alcohol float if she survived the morning, Jena stepped out the bathroom door before being pushed back into the lounge area.

Nicholas locked the outer door and muttered, “Finally…” before he caught Jena’s mouth with his, pushing her back against the door and leaning in. He pulled out the band that was securing her hairstyle and dropped it on the couch, weaving his fingers through her hair with a sigh.

“Nicholas!” Jena hissed through gritted teeth.

His lips didn’t even pause in their lazy nuzzling along her neck. “Hmmm?” Nicholas nipped at the skin over Jena’s jugular, and laughed huskily when her pulse doubled.

“Your parents…oh, my God, that’s nice…your parents…”

He looked up, eyes dark. “Fuck ’em.” Nicholas smoothed Jena’s hair back and brushed a light kiss over her lips.

Jena slapped at Nick’s hand as he ran it lightly over her behind. “Nicholas, I don’t think your dad likes me already, so please don’t give him any more ammunition.”

Nicholas dropped his hands to his sides at the mention of his dad, sighing. “I’m sorry about that, Jena. I don’t know what his deal is.” He stepped back and ran his hands through her hair, smoothing it down before kissing her forehead. “I’m pretty much committed to spending the day with my parents before they leave tomorrow morning, but would you let me make you dinner tonight? I know it can’t be a late night because of classes tomorrow, but I’d really like to spend some quiet time with you.”

“Quiet time? Is that what they’re calling it now?” Jena joked. She stretched up to kiss his jaw. “I look forward to it. Now, let’s get the hell out of here. Me first.”

Jena felt like a spy as she peeked out the door before she exited the restroom. She started toward the table, expecting Nicholas to follow a couple of minutes later, but he surprised her by folding his hand over hers before she’d gone more than a few steps. He obviously had no problem with his parents making whatever assumptions they wanted about why he and Jena went to the restroom at the same time; she guessed she shouldn’t care either, and tried to keep that in mind when Dr. Cooper renewed his scrutiny as they sat back down.

Jena could have cried with relief when everyone had finished their meals and Conor offered to drop her off at Nick’s apartment so she could get her car and Nicholas could finish his day with the family. While the parents were chatting, Nicholas walked Jena out to the drive where Conor was waiting for the valet to return his truck.

Nicholas wrapped his arms around Jena and rested his cheek on top of her head. “Come over about six, all right?”

Jena nodded, enjoying the feel of her arms wrapped around Nick’s waist, and the smell of him, and the way his voice rumbled in the ear she had pressed against his chest. She didn’t want to let go as his vehicle glided to a stop in front of Conor.

“I don’t want to let you go,” Nicholas whispered. Jena chuckled as he echoed her thought. “See you tonight?”

She nodded and stepped into the car.


It was a guilty relief when Jena pulled up in front of Nick’s apartment building right before six that night. A little of Luke’s teasing, especially when combined with Leisa’s curiosity, had turned out to be quite enough. It was a relief when Luke’s cousins had shown up to take him home to Ashland for a visit.

She looked up at Nick’s lighted windows and smiled. She’d been thinking about him all the time she’d been with her friends, and it felt right to be at his apartment right then. This walk up the three flights would be different from the dash up the stairs early that morning, or the plod up of just a few minutes later, Jena realized. She felt neither swept away nor forced. This time, it felt like a deliberate, thought-out action, and she liked that. Not much aside from their rowing date had felt that way between Nicholas and her since their wild night in San Francisco.

Hesitating at the door, Jena ran her hand over her hair, checking that it was still secured in its loose braid. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she knocked lightly.

Nicholas answered the door before she could knock twice, and his smile was huge as he took her hand and pulled her through the door. “Finally. I was wondering if you’d ever get here. It’s six o’clock—you were almost late.”

“Normal people call that ‘on time,’ Nicholas.” Jena looked around. “Where’s Conor? Something smells good.”

Nicholas towed her toward him slowly, one hand rubbing her hip as the other wrapped her arm around his neck. “Conor felt very bad about what happened this morning—nice shiner you gave him, by the way—so he graciously offered to stay somewhere else until I say he can come home. After I threatened to do awful things to his truck, of course.”

Nicholas dropped his head slowly and pressed his lips against Jena’s as he ran his hand down the arm he’d wrapped around his neck, skimming her ribcage before settling it at her waist. He kept the tempo of his kiss deep and soft and languid even as she felt him hardening against her.

Jena lost herself in the feeling of him as she stroked his hair with the fingertips of one hand. His heartbeat accelerated under her other hand as she slid her palm against his shirt. It was almost disorienting when Nicholas lifted his head and smiled.

is exactly what I needed,” he murmured, brushing his lips over her temple. “You have no idea how long I’ve thought about exactly
kiss, Jena. No rushing.” He trailed his lips from her ear to the corner of her mouth and back. “No desperation.” He chuckled, and his breath in her ear made her shiver. He gathered her closer. “
No fucking interruptions
.” They both laughed.

“I kind of like that part, too,” Jena said as she ran her fingers lightly down his neck, tracing the tendons. He took a shaky breath and stepped back, retaining his hold on one of her hands.

“C’mon. I owe you a birthday dinner.” Towing her toward the patio door, he looked over his shoulder and grinned lazily. “You can be dessert.” He laughed when Jena gasped.

As she followed him onto the balcony, her eyes were immediately drawn toward the Adirondack chair in the corner. The recall of the moments when she’d lain there with Nicholas, entwined and gasping for air, was so vivid that her breath caught in her throat.

Nick’s eyes followed hers, and a tiny smile raised his lips at the shared memory. “I already finished the steaks. I judged you to be a bloody as hell girl.” She nodded. He lifted a perfectly done steak on to a plate he had ready on a side table. Handing it to her, he flipped a steak onto his own plate and led the way inside, where the rest of dinner was waiting on the beautifully set table.

Jena dinged her finger against her glass as she sat down. “Oh…real crystal, Cooper. You must be expecting the president,” she teased.

“Nope. Someone much more important than that.” He smiled, and she felt her stomach flutter ridiculously.

During dinner, Nicholas made her laugh with stories of his childhood, and fascinated her with details of his time as an EMT. Of course, he had to have the full story of the “phone sex incident,” laughing until tears came to his eyes at the thought of Jena’s dad suggesting a better location. It seemed like only minutes had passed before the plates were emptied and the last glass of wine was poured.

A quiet pause settled around them, and Jena knew she should probably be getting back to her apartment, to get ready for the next day’s whirl of new classes and work.

Instead, she swirled the dregs of wine in her glass and stared at it, not ready for the evening to end. “So…I had a real Kid Rock moment today at brunch.” Nicholas raised his eyebrows questioningly. “You know…‘Lowlife living the highlife’?”

Nicholas shook his head and swallowed the last of his wine. “It’s just stuff, Jena. And it’s
stuff. I own exactly what you see here in this palatial estate.” He gestured grandly around the room, and Jena smiled as she rose and started collecting plates.

Clearing up the dishes and putting away the leftovers felt homey and comfortable. Nicholas rinsed the dishes and Jena put them in the dishwasher as they chatted easily about the next day’s crazy schedules.

As he was wiping down the counter, Nicholas paused, looking down at the cloth in his hands. “Can I ask you a question?”

Jena put away the plastic wrap and dumped dishwasher soap in the dispenser. “Sure,” she answered absently, stretching to set the water pitcher in the cabinet.

Nicholas took the pitcher from her hand, leaning over her to place it on the shelf. “Why didn’t you tell me your birthday was coming up?” He leaned a hip on the counter next to Jena and played with the end of her braid.

She glanced over at him. “Because you might have felt obligated to get me a gift.” She hesitated, wondering how honest he was expecting her to be. Wondering if she had the courage to question the limits of their relationship now that she had an opening. “I didn’t know if this is a gift-giving kind of relationship.”

Nick’s eyes locked with hers. “Or just a bedroom thing?” he suggested before shaking his head slowly. “It’s not that kind of relationship, Jena.” Her stomach fluttered as he pulled the band from the bottom of her braid and started to loosen the plait, running his fingers through the hair as it untwisted. “I want spend time with you. I want to get you a gift. Not
have to
. I
want to
.” When he finally had the braid completely undone, he buried his hand in the softness of her hair, cupping her neck and caressing her throat with his thumb. “What do you want for your birthday, Jena?” Nicholas murmured.

The word was out before Jena had time to think. “You,” she whispered, sliding her hands into his hair and turning his face to hers to trace his lower lip with the tip of her tongue before capturing it between her teeth.


When Jena’s wildly whanging heart finally started to slow down, Nicholas shifted to the side and held her against him, stroking her hair and pressing soft kisses against her face, rocking her in his arms until she was almost asleep. She dragged her eyes open and sighed.

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