Read Club Justice Online

Authors: Mara McBain

Tags: #Romance, #Suspense, #Contemporary, #Thriller

Club Justice (32 page)

BOOK: Club Justice
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“I’m sorry.”

“It’s going to be okay. Zeke and I will work it out. We’re just waiting on an okay from the doctor.”

“Everything’s okay, right?”

“I’m fine. I just want to make sure everything is healed up before I jump back on the horse, or bull, or whatever you want to label my well-endowed hubby as. He’s more than enough man at my best.”

Kat laughed until she was holding her belly and gasping. She squirmed in her seat.

“That was just cruel.”

“Have to pee, Puddles?”

“You know I do!”

“Hold on. I’m hitting the next exit. If you puddle in the Durango you have to deal with the big man.”

Kat went off into another fit of laughter.

“Where are the pictures?” she gasped.

“The way he swings that thing around I can’t believe you haven’t seen it. He’s not shy.”

“Pleassseee drive faster.”

Ginny grinned and steered the SVU onto the exit ramp.


Zeke looked up in surprise as Ginny wandered into the den. She didn’t often intrude on what she considered his workspace. None of the family did. He leaned back in the chair when she came around the desk. Slipping into his lap, she pressed her cheek to his shoulder, fingers trailing over his ribs. Tossing his pen on the desk, he closed his arms around her, stroking her back.

“What’s wrong?” he mumbled against her temple.

“I just want to be close to you.”

He frowned at the slight little girl quality that crept into her voice when she was scared or uncertain.

“That’s never a bad thing.”

She didn’t answer him, just dropped feathery kisses behind his ear.

“Mmm that’s a hell of a lot better than figuring month end.”

“Uh huh … I told you I would do those,” she murmured, tongue tracing the hollow at the base of his throat.

“You have a lot going on, what with the Fall Festival coming up next week and the holidays coming,” he explained, but his thoughts trailed off as she tugged his t-shirt loose from his waistband. 

“I’m not fragile. I won’t break.”

He tried to form a protest as she slid from his lap to kneel between his knees, half under the desk. A slow shudder worked through his powerful form as she opened his fly. Skilled fingers slipped inside to free his hardening cock. Her breath was hot on the inside of his thigh. Hands soft, she stroked the length of his rod, squeezing lightly. He tried to see her face, to get a handle on what she was thinking and feeling, but the curtain of her chestnut hair shielded her from view. He hadn’t been this unsure since the first time they had… what? Had sex, made love … what had it been? Even then he had known she would be his.

The light milking motion of her hands, made a low moan rumble from his lips. His heart pounded as she swirled her tongue over the head like an ice-cream cone. He remembered her first time sucking him off. She had been so young. She was a natural. It had been well worth the black eye her brother, Trent, had delivered.  His hips lifted off the chair as she slowly engulfed him. His hands shook as he threaded his fingers through her hair. She hummed softly as she bobbed over his length, taking him deep. Between her skill and his need, it didn’t take long.  

Licking him clean, she rested her cheek against his thigh as he recovered. Reaching down, he stroked hair from her face, tracing fingers along her jaw line.

“I have all the control of a horny teenager,” he said with a snort.

She smiled, eyes still closed.

“Do you remember the first time I gave you a blow-job? It was in what is now the basement of the clubhouse and Trent walked in on us.”

“I remember. I think he was almost as pissed off that we had broken into the place as he was about the blow-job.”

“You were corrupting his baby sister.”

“Who was corrupting who?”

“Your mother sure had opinions on that.”

“You know she liked you.”

“She didn’t think I was good enough for you.”

“She didn’t think anyone was good enough for me.”

“I understand that now that I have three boys of my own.”

“She was as worried for you as she was me. You were young.”

“I was young and in love. I thought you were the whole damn world. Then I grew up and I didn’t think so anymore, I knew.”

“Now who has a silver tongue?”

“Just silver? I’m going to have to work harder to reach platinum status,” Ginny said, swiping her tongue over his flaccid length. 

“I’m willing to sacrifice and allow you to practice,” he said chuckling.

“My hero,” she said with a snort of amusement.

She was silent for a couple of minutes, idly plowing her fingers through the coarse hair on his leg.

“Are you okay?” he asked softly.

“Yeah, I just miss you.”

“I’m right here, baby.”

“I know. You’ve been great, so patient. When’s the last time you went that long without?”

“Hmmm … that would’ve been Kuwait,” he said with a chuckle. “Seriously, no worries, baby. There’s no “have been.” Despite tonight’s record performance, I’m in no hurry. We’re going to do this on your time.”

“I miss it as much as you do.”

“Again, who corrupted who? You’re such a little hussy.”

Ginny smiled at his teasing, and nipped at the tender skin on the inside of his thigh.

“You better be careful, buddy.”

She was silent for a while and then her face split in a yawn. She rubbed her nose against his leg and sighed.

Easing her back, Zeke adjusted his pants and pulled her up into his arms. Standing easily, he headed for the door, catching the light switch with his elbow. She didn’t protest as he carried her through the house, turning off lights and checking doors. Reaching their bedroom, he stood her at the end of the bed and stripped her of her comfy clothes before urging her under the blankets. Pitching his own clothing into the hamper, he joined her and opened his arms.

Ginny cuddled close, her nose playfully running over his nipple. He smiled in the dark. He’d missed her too.




Pale eyes narrowed as Kramer and Flo left the diner. Kramer’s knowledge of family history made a lot more sense now. The sound of grinding teeth was audible in the silent vehicle as the whore leaned into the Internal Affairs detective as they walked, making her interest blatantly obvious. The pair paused beside a nondescript sedan. Feigning a chill, Flo pressed close, her arms slipping inside the detective’s jacket before he stepped back, his hand going cautiously to his weapon. He was smart not to trust the bitch.   

He could read the disappointment in her body language at the rejection. She made a show of crossing her bare arms and rubbing the chill away, but he knew the move just smashed her tits together. He shook his head, lip curling in disgust. Even with her back turned, he knew she would be close to spilling out of her shirt. The rat didn’t take the bait. Getting into his car, Kramer drove off without a backward glance.

Lighting a cigarette, Flo made the lonely trek to the employee parking lot and her pink Corvette. Letting the car warm up, she made a call on her cell. From the animated conversation and preening, it had to be a potential suitor. She must have scored. Snapping the phone shut, she turned on the dome light and flipped down the vanity mirror. Checking her makeup, she added a fresh coat of scarlet lipstick, adjusted the silk scarf around her neck, and pulled out of the parking lot in the opposite direction of home.

He sat there for a minute, hands clenched around the steering wheel. Disgust and hatred warred, his blood pressure climbing. She had brought him nothing but shame and humiliation over the years. He closed his eyes against the crushing anguish that tightened his chest. His hands tightened on the wheel and he couldn’t help thinking how much more satisfying it would be to wrap them around her throat and squeeze the life out of the worthless whore. Taking a deep breath, he started the engine. The truck’s tires threw up a spray of gravel as he jammed it into gear.    



Chapter Thirty-Nine


The smell of hot cider and cinnamon permeated the crisp autumn air as the ladies set up their booth in front of the clubhouse. Trinity’s annual Fall Festival closed Main Street for three days of carnival rides, games, vender’s booths, and fabulous food. People came from all around and the Lord’s booth always did a booming business. Serving up slow roasted barbequed brisket, fried potatoes and onions, and decadent apple dumplings along with sodas, hot chocolate, coffee and cider, they had all the bases covered. 

“Do you think the change in location is going to affect business?” Amber asked, artfully arranging pumpkins and gourds on the straw bales in front of their booth.

Ginny grinned, handing over a trio of colorful mums to add to the display.

“I have that covered. I put the big florescent sign up in front of The Lantern directing customers to the clubhouse. I got a couple dirty looks from other booths, but fuck’em.”

“Long live the Queen!” Kat crowed, high-fiving with her best friend.   

“That’s right. I don’t have to be politically correct. I’m royalty,” Ginny said, drawing laughter.

“Enjoy your reigning moment. The Lords of the manor are here,” Amber snorted.

Ginny turned to watch the men back the box smoker into place. The professional grade grill had been a big expense initially, but it had more than paid for itself just at the festival.  Her stomach rumbled at the tantalizing smell of barbecued beef. Once it was set, Zeke wandered over for a kiss.

“I think we actually have more room over here with the alley,” he commented, looking over the set up.

“With the kitchen now renovated in the clubhouse, we can have it here as easily as at the restaurant. It’s a more comfortable set up if we need to warm up or little ones need to be laid down.”

Zeke smiled, his eyes sparkling as he tugged her close.

“You’re a first class hostess and mommy. You’re always looking out for everybody.”

“I’m the president’s old lady and they’re family,” she said, brushing off his praise.

“How about getting your old man a cup of coffee?”

“I see how it is. You were just buttering me up.”

“Did it work?”

Ginny rolled her eyes at his unrepentant grin and turned to pour him a cup from one of the big urns. She jumped as Kat let out a yelp. Heart hammering she turned to watch her friend do a little dance, rubbing her ass.

“You were not just lifting hay bales,” Crux said flatly.

“Nooo! I was just scooting it over a tiny bit,” she protested with a pout.

“Oh, well in that case, I guess it is okay,” he said, his smile telling her he wasn’t buying into her story a bit.

“That hurt.”

“Next time try your scooting without lifting.”



“They’ve been hanging around our parents too much,” Rhys muttered in a stage whisper to Mox, drawing laughter all around.

“Zeke and I are proud to be such fine role models,” Ginny said with a smug smile.

“Glad to help. After twenty years we have dysfunctional down pat,” Zeke said, ducking away from Ginny’s swat.

Shaking her head at the husbands, Ginny grabbed Kat by her bib straps and escorted her behind the counter of the booth.

“You get back here, Prego. You get to be the money mama.”

“Kat’s good with money. Oh, wait. That’s spending money,” Crux said giving her a wink. She flipped him the bird for his trouble. 

“I don’t know what I see in that man,” she grumbled.

“As I recall it was the fact that your father doesn’t intimidate him.”

Kat smirked and nodded to Ginny.

“I knew he was the man for me when he threatened to decorate Daddy Dearest’s face like his own if he ever touched me again.”

“I don’t think Daddy Warbucks would carry the scars off quite like our Crux,” Amber said, squeezing Kat’s shoulder.

“You know, he doesn’t believe this but, I don’t even notice them anymore unless someone says something.”

“He’s a strong, handsome man. The scars add to it. I look at them and I think Crux can survive anything,” Ginny said, studying the furrows that criss-crossed his face. “And think of the money you save on Halloween masks.”

Stunned silence met her comment, everyone holding their breath to see how Kat would react. The tension lifted as she burst into laughter. She laughed until tears rolled down her cheeks and she gasped for air. She swatted half-heartedly at Ginny and struggled to get out of her chair.

“Clear the way! Prego has to pee,” Ginny ordered, still laughing as she helped Kat up and through the door. She turned back to the others with a little shrug. “It’s never a good thing when she starts thinking about her father. Laughter is good medicine.”


Ginny snuggled into Zeke’s side, tucking her hands into his pocket as they walked among the booths. He tugged her closer and rubbed warmth into her outer arm.

“The temperature really dropped once the sun went down,” she whispered.

He nodded, steering her toward a vender’s tent and out of the wind.  While he browsed a table of leather goods, Ginny crept away from his side. He grinned when she returned a few minutes later wiggling bright colored, knit gloved fingers at him.

“They were just a buck.”

“You better have picked some up for your cohorts then or you’ll have a mutiny on your hands when we get back.”

“Never fear. I have my girls covered,” she said, patting her jacket pockets.

“I’ll keep the girls covered. You worry about your friends,” Zeke murmured, covering her chest with his hands.

“It’s all you ever think of. Why does it still surprise me?”

“You wouldn’t want me any other way.”


“Come on. Let’s get our lap around the place in, and get back to the booth to relieve someone else.”

“You just want to get back next to the grill where it’s warm.”

“I may be big, but I’m not dumb.”


Kat tucked her cold fingers under her arms and jogged for the car, praying her gloves and hat were in the trunk. Unlocking the car, she popped the trunk. Rummaging through the console she found a purse size package of tissues she had picked up somewhere. She fumbled with it, her numb fingers refusing to cooperate. Her dripping nose added to the urgency. Finally freeing one, she stuffed the rest of the package in her jacket pocket and gratefully blew her nose with a sigh. Shutting the door, she walked around to the trunk, happy to see several pair of gloves and a couple hats crammed in a large Ziploc bag. Sometimes being obsessive compulsive came in handy.   

BOOK: Club Justice
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