Club Destiny 1 Conviction (25 page)

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Authors: Nicole Edwards

BOOK: Club Destiny 1 Conviction
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“Definitely.” She replied as he
ran his hand over her collar bone. Sam relished the way he touched her, gently
and with an unusual tenderness, as he held her against him.

She hadn’t realized how enjoyable
it felt to be held by a man. Not just any man though. Her previous
relationships hadn’t been like this. The feelings he stirred inside of her when
he was around were different from any she had ever had before. She relaxed even
more in his arms and let the warm water soothe her.

“So, what are your plans for this
weekend?” He asked, brushing her hair to the side and placing gentle licks on
her skin.

“Mmmm. Don’t know.” She moaned as
she tilted her head to the side, offering him better access. He knew exactly
what to do to drive her wild.

“If you’re a good girl, maybe
I’ll give you a special treat.”

“A special treat, huh? I wonder
what that could be.” She smiled as he continued to kiss down her neck, lightly
sucking at times. She could feel his erection stirring at her back and her
internal muscles clinched with anticipation.

“I guess you’ll just have to wait
and see.” He whispered as he leaned back against the tub and held her close to
him. He was hard, definitely, but he seemed content to just sit there, which
was just fine with her.

After an hour in the tub, with
repeated refills to keep the water warm, the two of them decided they’d put off
dinner long enough when Sam’s stomach growled in protest.

They were both pruning from the
long exposure to the water, but it had been relaxing. Logan helped her dry off,
then handed her the clothes she had laid out on the counter before putting his
own back on.

As much as she wanted to make
love to him tonight, she had a feeling he wasn’t going to indulge her. On
Monday, he’d seemed overly concerned that she needed to rest, and he appeared
to be in the same mood tonight. With a resigned shrug, Sam headed to the
kitchen to put their dinner together. They didn’t waste time, both of them
gorged on the food he brought, very little small talk to go along with it.

“Well, thank you for dinner.” He
said, pushing his empty plate aside and pushing back from the table.

“No, I should be thanking you.
You brought it over.” Sam replied, watching him as he took their plates to the
kitchen sink and proceeded to rinse them off. “I can get the dishes; you don’t
have to worry about that.”

It was strange to see him in her
kitchen, it was strange to see him acting so at home in her apartment. It was
the first time they had actually spent much time at her place, and she knew
why. She was having a hard time with him being there, bringing back memories of
when she and Nick were together.

Not that the two men had anything
in common. To the contrary, they were exact opposites, but that didn’t stop her
heart from hurting. She was worried about the fallout that she knew would be
inevitable. Her relationships didn’t work out. It was just a fact of life.
Sooner or later it would come to a screeching end, and she would be devastated.

Wow, talk about pessimistic

She frowned at where her thoughts
were deviating to.

“What are you thinking about?”
Logan asked, joining her at the counter.

“Huh? What? Oh… um… sorry. It’s
nothing really. Thank you for dinner. Thank you for coming over here tonight.”
Sam hoped to change the subject, not wanting to delve into her renewed doubts
about things that were better left alone.

“Well, I’m glad I came. Now, I
have to get going so you can get some sleep.” His fingers trailed a path of
fire down her cheek as he brushed back a strand of her hair.

Well, ok. She didn’t know why he
was so quick to rush off, but she wasn’t going to put up a fight. Not tonight.
Hell, probably not ever. She didn’t want the complications, but she couldn’t
dispute the fact that she wanted this man.

With a devastating intensity.

Where the hell had that train of
thought come from? They’d shared a perfectly lovely evening, so the doom and
gloom she had brought down on the party was unnecessary. Anticipating the end
of their relationship was something she needed to do in private, not with Logan
standing there, staring at her.

“I’m going to head home. Good
night, Sam.” He whispered, placing a soft kiss on her lips, then turning to the

“Good night. I’ll see you at the
office tomorrow?”

“I have some meetings tomorrow
that will keep me out of the office for most, if not all, of the day. I’ll call
you tomorrow night.”

Well, wasn’t that depressing.

 “Sure.” She said as she followed
him to the door. “Talk to you tomorrow then.”


Logan walked down the steps,
toward the parking lot. He wasn’t sure what the hell just happened, but
something certainly had. He must be tired. It had been a long weekend, followed
by one hellacious day. He hadn’t wanted to leave tonight, but he could tell she
was tired and needed to get a full night’s sleep. If he stayed, they wouldn’t
have done much sleeping.

It was the strangest sensation –
Logan wanted to spend more time with her, and he felt as though she wanted to
be away from him.


This couldn’t be good.

Chapter Nineteen

~~  ** 
~~  **  ~~  **  ~~

The next few days were a blur for
Sam. There was a problem with one of the software programs they were trying to
code and it caused her and her team to work late nights. She had spoken to
Logan once on the phone but not at all since Wednesday. She had seen him in the
office, and they shared some pleasantries, but not a whole lot more than that.
This unrelenting fear was one of the reasons Sam didn’t have relationships. If
you could call it that.

For hours, Sam had picked apart
every detail of their time together, finally concluding that what they had
shared was just great sex. No. Not great sex. Amazing, mind blowing sex.
Nonetheless, it was still just sex.

The night at his house had been
on instant replay in her mind, reminding her she had been the sole focus of not
one, but two men that night; two men whose sole intent was to pleasure her. The
memories gave her chills.

She spoke to her mother on
Thursday night when she was finally leaving the office at nine o’clock, and had
been informed they would definitely be coming down the following weekend. Sam
knew she had to get the guest bedroom fixed up, or they wouldn’t have a place
to sleep.

Was it wrong of her to want them
to hold off? Right now just wasn’t a convenient time for her. She was still in
a funk, and she couldn’t seem to get past it. And now, it was Friday night and
the only thing she wanted to do was to crawl into bed and sleep for days.

Sam pulled into her apartment
complex and parked her car. As she got out, she noticed Logan’s Corvette parked
in the space beside hers. Ok, now that was a pleasant surprise. His unexpected
appearance immediately lightened her excessively dark mood.

“Hey.” Logan greeted as he
climbed out of the sexy black car. “Do you have plans for tonight?”

I hope to now
. “Nope. No plans. How about
you?” She asked as she grabbed her backpack from the back seat and went to shut
the car door. As she did, Logan took her backpack from her arm and hoisted it
onto his shoulder as he turned to follow her.

“I do now.” He smiled and all of
Sam’s doubts and worries disappeared.


Logan followed Sam up to her apartment,
realizing how much he had missed her the last few days. There seemed to have
been some mutual avoidance going on during the week, but he hadn’t known
exactly why.

Admittedly, he’d been nervous
about where they were headed, especially after the last time he was here.
Knowing he wanted something more out of this relationship, and fearing she
wasn’t ready to give him that, Logan tried to give her some space.

Standing here with her now, he
realized just how fully vested in this relationship he was. Regardless of
whether she returned the feelings or not.

“What might those be?” Sam asked
as she pushed open the front door to her apartment.

Logan shook off his thoughts and
tried to remember what he had said. Oh, right. Plans. “Well, they involve you
and me. Naked.” Shutting the door behind him, Logan turned the lock, ensuring
they would be uninterrupted. She might have thought he was kidding, but he

Sitting her backpack on one of
the bar stools, Logan watched as she placed her purse and keys on the bar and
turned to look at him.

“Ok, so you, me, naked, then
what?” She stood there, just staring at him.

He could think of plenty of
things. But he wasn’t in the mood to talk. He pursued her, following as she
backed herself up against the leather couch. He wanted to touch her. No, he
needed to touch her.

When she flopped onto the couch,
staring up at him, Logan saw the heat burning in her eyes, the same heat he’d
been consumed with for days.

It took his breath away to know
that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He didn’t sit beside her;
instead, he leaned over her, forcing her onto her back until he was propped on
his hands and knees above her. The passion that generated between them was hot
enough to spark a flame, and if he didn’t kiss her right then, they might just
simultaneously combust.

Her soft, cool fingers traced his
jaw, then over his bottom lip. He turned his head and sucked her finger into
his mouth, watching her eyes widen, her lips part.

“Damn I missed you.” He
whispered, leaning his head toward hers, their lips almost touching. “Too damn

And then he kissed her. Not just
any kiss; it was an electrical storm of passion that erupted when their lips
touched. Sam shifted her head slightly, allowing him to delve deeper. Their tongues
battled, but their hands didn’t move. Sam kept her fingers gently on his face,
while Logan’s hands remained planted on the couch on each side of her head. As
she tried to get closer to him by pressing her body into his, he finally moved.

One hand.

He moved his left hand and made
his way underneath the t-shirt she wore. His fingers grazed her stomach and
then her breast, her soft skin beckoning him. When he fondled her nipple
through the silky fabric of her bra, she squirmed beneath him, pushing against
him, trying to increase the friction. With each move she made, he backed up a
little more just to tease her.

“I didn’t come over here just for
this.” He managed to breathe when he broke the kiss and stared into her eyes.
And he hadn’t. Sure, the thought of her naked, willing body beneath him filled
his mind while he was awake and asleep, but just seeing her was almost enough.
Being this close to her was a temptation he couldn’t resist.

“Who said it had to be just
this?” She smiled back at him as she let her hands slide down his neck,
tangling in his hair.

“I wanted to take you to dinner.
You know the whole courting thing.” He whispered as he kissed her cheek, her
nose, and back to her lips.

“Oh, right. I completely forgot
about that.”

“I wonder why?” He could barely
concentrate while her fingernails gently trailed down his neck and into his
shirt. She hadn’t made a move to start unbuttoning his shirt, but he knew it
would be coming and he prayed he would be able to muster up the will power to
take her to dinner first. His cock was hard as it pressed against her thigh. He
wanted to rip her clothes from her body and thrust into her hard and fast. But,
that had to wait.

“So, what are you hungry for?
Wait, let me rephrase that.” He saw the glimmer in her eye and the smile that
crept across her face. He knew what she was thinking. “I meant to ask you what
you would like for dinner, as in food.”

“Oh, right. Food.”

Had she already forgotten her
conditions? Logan smiled at the possible reason for that. Apparently some
well-timed orgasms could do that to a person. He admitted he hadn’t given much
thought to anything except getting her naked again. Then she smiled, bright as
the sun, and Logan forgot what they were talking about.

“I’m glad to see you smiling
again. Last time I was here it was as though I had wiped the smile right off of
your face.” Logan said as he moved off of her, getting to his feet so he could
help her up.

Just as quickly, her smile was
gone. “About that. I’m sorry. My mind wasn’t in the right place, but you’ll be
glad to know that I’ve managed to get back on track and things are looking

Her eyes slid down his body,
making him throb and ache with a hunger that had nothing to do with dinner.
“Glad to hear that.”
Seriously glad
. “So, where to? Dinner and a movie
tonight. Maybe we can even make out in the theater.”


Holy hell.
She knew what this man’s idea of
making out was, and she knew that if there weren’t a lot of people she might
just end up naked. She still smiled.

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