Club Destiny 1 Conviction (19 page)

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Authors: Nicole Edwards

BOOK: Club Destiny 1 Conviction
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Sam couldn’t help but look up at
him, noticing that his eyes were darker than before. She knew he had lost his
inhibitions as well during their lovemaking. Or was it just sex? She didn’t
know and maybe that was what frightened her. There was an unexplained
connection between the two of them that was far beyond the realm of just sex.

“That was amazing, baby.” He
caressed her cheek, pressed a kiss to her lips. “Don’t be sorry.”

Apparently he wasn’t satisfied
with her lack of response because he centered his face above hers, making her
look directly into his eyes.

“We’re going to get up, get
dressed and take the boat back to the marina. Then, we’re going to go to dinner
and enjoy ourselves. What happened between us stays between us. But, what
happened between us
happen again. I assure you that.” Logan told
her, but before she could get a word in edgewise, he continued. “This is more
than some weekend romp, and you know it as well as I do. If that was just sex
to you, tell me now so I know what I’m getting myself into but if it wasn’t,
just know that it wasn’t for me either. I want you, Sam, that’s a given. But I
want all of you.”

Sam couldn’t believe her own
ears. He was probably just as wrapped up in the moment as she was, but she
wasn’t about to tell him it was just sex, because that would be a flat out lie
and she wasn’t starting off with a lie. Not with him.

When she didn’t respond, he

“That’s what I thought. So, I’m
going to grab my shorts, put them on and then I’ll find you a towel. I don’t
know if we have an audience or not, but I’m not going to share that incredible
body with anyone else right now.”

He kissed her lightly on the lips
and then moved to get his shorts, quickly pulling them on before heading toward
the other side of the deck to get one of the towels they had brought out

Sam took the towel and wrapped it
around herself, grabbing her bikini and her other clothes on her way to the
cabin. She needed a moment alone.

A moment to breathe.

What in the hell had come over
her? She had to work with this man? She was a woman who liked to be in control,
but aside from her initial exploration, she’d become completely submissive,
letting his erotic words, and his demands bring her higher and higher.

Was it the fact that he was her
boss? Was it that she wanted him to control her outside of the office? If so,
that was a bit perverse.

Her body shuddered at the thought
of what they had just done. This time, it was an aftershock, a subtle reminder
of how he had satisfied her so well, she wasn’t sure she’d ever experience
anything quite so intense again. She found that her body already ached for his
touch again.

“Come here, Sam.” Logan called to
her when he joined her in the cabin a few minutes later. She had put her bikini
bottoms on but was just about to put on the top when he walked over to her. “Let
me help you.”

She turned around so he could
secure the strings in the back. When he finished tying them, he slid his hands
around her waist, pulling her back against him.

His skin was still hot from being
out in the sun and she allowed herself a moment to soak him in. The hair on his
chest rubbed the bare skin of her back, and she felt like she might lose her
footing. When he put his lips on her neck and began sucking, she leaned further
into him. This wasn’t fair. She would look like a damned nympho before it was
all over.

The irony made her smile – from
prude to nympho in six seconds flat.

“You taste good. I can’t wait to
taste you again later.” He whispered into her ear. “Are you ready to head back

Sam nodded her agreement, knowing
her voice would betray her if she spoke. She had to maintain some semblance of

“Ok, while you get dressed, I’m
going to pull in the anchor. If you want to stay down here on the way in, I
understand. It’ll take thirty minutes before we get back, and then once we get
the boat docked, we can head back to your place so you can shower and change.”

His crooked smile sent tingles
between her thighs. He was still seducing her, and with a devilish smile like
that, she knew she would fall for it every time.

“Just remember, this dates not
over until I say it is.” Logan reminded her and then turned to head back up on
deck, leaving Sam speechless.


~~  ** 
~~  **  ~~  **  ~~

Logan dropped Sam at her
apartment and then drove the thirty minutes back to his house. She needed a
little time to shower and get ready for their date and probably a little time
to think. He’d much rather have taken her back to his house and taken a shower
with her, but he knew the appropriate thing to do was let her have some time to

For the first time, in far too
long, Logan didn’t look forward to being away from a woman. Not Samantha. Since
the first day he laid eyes on her, he’d known there was something different
about her. What he hadn’t expected was how quickly or how hard he would have
fallen for her. And that’s exactly what he had done.

Fallen for her.

Maybe the sex was blurring his
thoughts; after all, it had been off the charts. Logan figured Sam was a little
freaked out about the amount of control he’d taken. What she didn’t realize was
that she was in control. More in control of him than he ever would be again.
She could break him with a breath, and he only prayed she reciprocated what he
was already beginning to feel for her.

The last time he’d felt something
even remotely close had been for Heather. Logan had known at the time that he
hadn’t been in love with her, but she had represented everything he thought he
needed in his life. Boy had he been so very wrong.

Heather was pretty; a woman who
didn’t mind hanging on his arm, mingling with those Logan had known would get
him far in his company. She was smart too. And they’d been happy, yet Logan had
never felt complete with Heather.

Granted, the sex had been good.
Not spectacular, but it had been good. He might not have seen fireworks when
they made love, the way he did with Sam, but he was satisfied.

And he thought she had been too.

That was until he overheard her
on the phone with her mother talking about his finances and what that would
mean when they were finally married. According to that one phone call, Heather
had already planned out what would happen after they got married. Her plan had
included talking him into having children.

To this day, Logan wasn’t sure he
wanted to have children. He didn’t have anything against kids, he just wasn’t
sure it was a path he wanted to take in his life. But Heather had seemed pretty
convinced that she could change his mind.

Logan knew that having money
changed the way people acted toward him. He was the strategic operations
president of a highly successful company. With that position came money,
prestige, and a shitload of responsibility. But, he was born for this job. He
knew what it needed, and he gave it 150%, sometimes more.

What didn’t come along with it
was a woman who needed him to take care of them. He wasn’t interested in being
the sole provider, or having a trophy on his arm who spent her days spending
his money.

That wasn’t to say that one day
he’d have a wife who chose to stay home and raise their children, if they
decided to have any. If that’s what she wanted to do, that’s what she’d do. Not
because she married him for his money though.

Those concerns didn’t seem to
matter when it came to Sam. Logan was pretty sure that if he tried to take away
her independence, she wouldn’t be around for long. The last thing he wanted was
to change anything about Samantha Kielty, and he liked that she seemed to feel
the same.

With Heather, Logan learned some
hard lessons. She’d taken him by surprise with her well thought out plans and
her devious manipulations. Luckily, he quickly realized that his heart wasn’t
as invested in the relationship as he had originally thought. Though he tried
to let her down easy, their breakup wasn’t pleasant. Logan hadn’t looked back

Eight years later, Logan had been
with a lot of women, and until recently, he didn’t have any intentions of
getting into anything serious. Then, he saw Sam during a brief conversation
through a video conference, and he felt something inside of him shift.

It wasn’t until he watched her
walk across the third floor of the Dallas office that he knew there was going
to be something entirely different about this woman. And after a few
interactions and one smoking hot romp on his boat, Logan knew he just wanted
her in his life, and it didn’t all boil down to just the sex.

He wanted to see her smile and
hear her voice every day. Now, she had blown his mind with the fire that burned
deep inside of her and he was lost.

The key question was whether he
told her or not. The rational part of him said he should keep his mouth shut.
They had only known each other for a couple of months, spending remarkably
little time together during that time. Only in the last few days had they
gotten closer, but Logan had known since the first day they had lunch when she
was in Dallas that he was in deep trouble. He hadn’t stopped thinking about her
since. And he knew he wouldn’t stop thinking about her until he had her all to

Logan wanted her in the most
basic, primitive way, and he wanted everyone to know that she belonged to him.


Sam made a beeline for the shower
as soon as she got back to her apartment. Part of her wished Logan would have
just taken her back to his place, or even joined her at hers. Either way, as
she stood in the shower, completely alone, she was left with too much time to
think. Funny that. Just a short time ago, she’d wanted to be left alone so she
could do just that. Not so much anymore.

During the drive home, Sam’s
heart almost melted when Logan had reached across the center console of his
truck just to hold her hand. He kept their fingers linked together for the
entire drive, neither of them saying much. The gesture was so genuine and
sweet, it made her long to be near him now.

As she let the water rinse the
conditioner from her hair, Sam closed her eyes, remembering the look on Logan’s
face when she had pulled that little stunt on his boat.

He had given himself over to her.
He allowed her to take control and to pleasure him however she felt necessary,
and she knew for a man like Logan that was a huge step. But, would it always be
like that? Was he going to stay interested in her past this point? She didn’t
understand what the fear was that clutched at her, but she couldn’t seem to
shake the uncertainty.

Despite her better judgment, she
let herself think back to her relationship with Nick. Sam had naively believed
he had been the man of her dreams. Tall, dark, and handsome, successful, and he
seemed to have genuinely cared for her. Being that he was the second of only
two men she had ever slept with, Sam had thought they were sexually compatible
even. Not to the same extent she and Logan were by any means, but the sex had
been satisfactory.

However, she was young and stupid
back then, and she whole heartedly believed he would make her happy. The
relationship had quickly blossomed, the two of them spending day and night

It wasn’t until six months into
the relationship when she stopped by his apartment after work for dinner that
she realized she’d been wearing rose colored glasses.

Nick had given her a key a few
months before, and she had given him one to her apartment, as well. The night
she had shown up at his door, they hadn’t made any plans to see each other, but
she wanted to surprise him with dinner. That day had been especially stressful
at work, and she needed someone to talk to, someone who would let her vent and
not judge her.

Arriving at his apartment just
after dark, Sam knocked twice, but when he didn’t answer, she decided to go
inside and wait for him, figuring he might be at the gym.

Well, Nick was getting a workout,
but he definitely wasn’t at the gym, and she quickly forgot about the need to
talk to him because clearly, talking wasn’t on Nick’s agenda for the night.

It hadn’t taken long to hear the
noises coming from inside once she inserted the key into the lock. As soon as
she opened the door, she saw them, Nick and Jennifer, her boyfriend and her
best friend, fucking like long lost lovers in the middle of his living room floor.

The look on their faces when she
walked in and caught them in the middle of their little rendezvous was
priceless. Jennifer looked almost remorseful, but not Nick. He didn’t even
bother to stop thrusting into Jennifer as Sam stood in the doorway, her mouth
wide open, her jaw almost to the floor.

She dropped the food in the
middle of the foyer and turned and walked out. She didn’t even shut the door
behind her when she left. Even through her own sobbing she heard the moans and
groans as the two continued with what they were doing. She hated herself for
trusting someone so much. Someone who would make a fool out of her.

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