Club Destiny 1 Conviction (12 page)

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Authors: Nicole Edwards

BOOK: Club Destiny 1 Conviction
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And that they did. For the next
two hours. Laughing, joking and learning more about each other. Finally, Sam
glanced at her watch and couldn’t hold back the yawn. When she met Logan’s
gaze, he simply smiled.

“Tired? Why don’t we go inside
and watch a movie?”

“I really should be going.” She
said as she sat up from the lounge chair trying to avoid his eyes.

“Like I said before, I’m not
above begging. I enjoy having you around. Just one movie?”

Over the last few hours, Logan
had been a perfect gentleman. He hadn’t attempted a single move, and she
enjoyed the conversation. Part of her wanted to run, but the more prevalent
part of her wanted to stay. The other part, the evil part, won out.

“Ok. One movie, that’s all. It
better be a good one, too.” Sam smiled, knowing it wouldn’t have taken much to
convince her to stay.

The right answer would have been
to tell him no and walk straight out the door to her truck. The problem was the
right answer eluded her, and she could only do what she
was right.
And her body had made the final decision for her.

Logan stood from his seat, and
Sam felt her insides tighten. He was so tall and with her sitting on the lounge
chair, she felt at a complete disadvantage.

Before she could make it to her
feet, Logan offered his hand to help her up. She reluctantly took it, and as
soon as she was standing, she realized what was going to happen next. Logan
pulled her flush against him, his hands gripping her hips, and Sam’s breaths
churned in and out of her lungs.

“Sam, this is very dangerous
ground we’re treading on.”

Sam felt the tingle inside, the
one that shot through her like a super bouncy ball being launched with
tremendous force. His deep, smooth voice washed over her, making her toes curl.

She wasn’t going to deny they
were on dangerous ground. She felt awkward and aroused all at the same time.
Her boss was holding her close and damn he smelled delicious. Except right
then, in his back yard, with the pool only feet away, the moonlight shining
down on them, Logan wasn’t her boss. He was just a man.

Unsure what to say to that, Sam
just allowed him to hold her close, her body pressing against his. Maybe he had
too much to drink. Although, she hadn’t seen him drink anything other than the
wine they shared for the last couple of hours. A quick look at the bottle
showed her they hadn’t even finished it.

“I don’t think I’m ready for
this, Logan.” Sam admitted, her hands belying her words as they flattened
against the hard planes of his chest.

“I don’t think anyone is ready
for this.” He responded, his fingertips lifting her chin so they would be eye
to eye. The brilliant hazel, blue mixed with green and gold, mesmerized her.
The way his dark hair moved in the gentle breeze had her fingers itching to
slide through it, to pull him down to her.

Sam watched his lips intently,
hoping he wouldn’t kiss her, praying he would. As his mouth moved closer to
hers, she closed her eyes and held her breath. She was bracing herself for the
sheer impact of his kiss.


Logan nearly groaned when she
closed her eyes, his lips burning to kiss her, and she was giving him the
opportunity. He debated for a moment, reminding himself he was going to start
something that wouldn’t be easy to end. Nothing about Samantha Kielty seemed
easy, and he was wary that he could become more invested in this than just his
body. He could tell himself all day long that this was just about sex, just
about physical attraction, but that wasn’t all. This woman did something to him
that no other woman ever had, and he had to admit it scared him to death.

In the end, need overpowered
logic and Logan pressed his lips to hers. He told himself he needed to be
gentle, to take his time, but when she parted her lips, and her tongue darted
out to meet his, he nearly lost all control. He pulled her closer, slid his
fingers into her hair and adjusted the angle of her head so he could deepen the

She was so responsive, the sweet
taste of her cascading through him. Only when they both needed air did he break
the kiss, and he couldn’t hold back the growl that tore from his throat.

Apparently breathing was
overrated because she wound her fingers in his hair, pulled him down toward her
and once again tongues were dueling with a need so strong, Logan didn’t think
he’d survive it. He wanted to take her to the ground and bury himself inside of
her, his cock throbbing between them.

When her fingers tugged more
insistently at his hair, he groaned again and cupped the back of her head. She
tasted like wine and fire, and he wanted to taste more of her. All of her.

But then as quickly as it
started, Sam jerked back, inserting distance between them. “I’m sorry. I
shouldn’t have… I am so sorry, Logan.”

He was speechless, trying to
catch his breath. When she turned to walk away, or possibly run, Logan called
out to her. “Wait. Stop for just a minute.”

He didn’t reach for her, no matter
how badly he wanted to. He wasn’t going to force her to stay, but he didn’t
want her to walk away. When she stopped, he took it as a good sign, and he
moved toward her.

Keeping the distance between them
was no longer an option, so he pressed up against her back, moving her hair
aside with his fingers. After baring the soft, sweet skin of her neck, he
leaned in and pressed his lips to the spot he’d bared. The shudder that racked
her body told him she wanted this, despite what she said. 

“I don’t want you to leave. I
promised we would only talk, and I meant it. I’m not sorry I kissed you, but I
don’t want you to leave. Please stay. I promise to control myself.”

It was the hardest promise he
would ever have to keep. Sam leaned against him, but she didn’t turn around.

“Talking only. You promised, and
I’m holding you to it.” She whispered, still breathless.

Logan took her hand and turned
her around to face him. “Promise.”

“I just don’t want this to end
badly. You’re my boss.”

“Only at work. I’m not your boss right
now.” He knew exactly where she was coming from. “We’re both mature enough that
we can keep the two separated. Now, let’s go watch a movie.”

He pulled her along beside him,
and he liked how she let him lead the way. He quickly looked around to make sure
they were completely alone, knowing the maid service would have finished up a
while ago.

Bypassing the kitchen, he led her
to the living room and stopped in front of the oversized sofa. When she lowered
herself to the couch, he picked up the remote from the end table, hitting a
couple of buttons to turn on the television and to turn down the lights.

With the room dark, Logan said a
silent prayer, asking for the strength to keep his promise. Taking a seat at
the opposite end of the couch, Logan whispered her name and then motioned for
her to join him. At first he thought she wouldn’t, but then with a deep sigh,
she stood and headed his way.

Once she was seated again, about
a foot away, he moved his leg behind her and pulled her back against his chest.
Wrapping his arms around her, he rested them on her flat stomach, just beneath
the generous swells of her breasts. He sent out another silent prayer.

Halfway through the movie, Logan
noted the difference in Sam’s breathing and realized she’d fallen asleep. He
wondered whether he should wake her. She’d been adamant that she needed to go
home. But, he didn’t want her to go. Not just yet. And he knew if he woke her
to ask, she’d come up with an excuse to leave.

He waited for the suffocating
feeling to take over. The one that told him it was definitely time for her to
go. It didn’t come. For the first time in years, he didn’t feel the need to
send her on her way.

Come Tuesday, he didn’t know what
would be in store for them, but he didn’t have to worry about that now. He
wanted to sleep beside her, to hold her close to him through the night. Because
quite frankly, it just felt right to hold her in his arms.

Well, that was somewhat of a lie
because parts of his body were so affected by her nearness that it bordered on
painful, but it was more important to have her near him than it was to take
advantage of the situation.

He continued to watch the movie
until it ended. He hit the button on the remote to turn off the television and
maneuvered out from under her. She was sleeping so deeply that she didn’t
budge, not even when he lifted her in his arms and carried her into his

They wouldn’t fit on the couch
together, mainly because he wouldn’t fit on the couch at all, and he knew she
was tired so he would put her in his bed. He wouldn’t attempt anything; he
would just sleep beside her, as he promised.

After laying her down, he climbed
in beside her, situating the comforter over them both. He left his shorts on
but removed his shirt. Harmless, he thought to himself. He pulled her closer
and felt all of his blood pool south when she cradled herself up against him.

Harmless –
yeah, fucking right

God she felt good.

She smelled like vanilla and
lavender, and her body drove him crazy. He wasn’t thinking straight. This was
going to get out of hand, but he couldn’t do anything but sit back and watch
the train wreck coming down the tracks. He wanted her desperately.

That thought caught him off
guard. Logan hadn’t given any consideration to what he would want from Sam,
aside from the scorching heat he felt when she was near. He wondered if what he
would ask of her would scare her. There weren’t many limits to his sexuality.
And it wasn’t just about fucking Sam; it was about pleasing her.

Nothing but her pleasure mattered
to him, and he drifted off thinking of all of the ways he would pleasure her.

But not tonight. Tonight he would
hold her.


~~  ** 
~~  **  ~~  **  ~~

Holy Hell
. What had she done? How did she
get here?

And please God say she had her clothes

Sam didn’t move, mainly because
she didn’t want Logan to know she was awake. Not yet anyway. She focused on
determining if she had her clothes on. She moved her arm slowly against her

Well, she could tell she still
had her shirt on at least. Now, the bigger question. How did she end up in
Logan’s bed and what did they do? She knew she didn’t drink

Keeping her breathing even and
slow, hoping the man lying behind her wouldn’t be able to tell she was awake,
or better yet, he’d still be asleep, Sam tried to remember anything that
happened last night.

She remembered them talking on
the back patio, she remembered watching some action movie, and she remembered
wanting to close her eyes for just a minute. She didn’t remember coming to
Logan’s bed on her own two feet.

What the hell had she done?

Sam moved her arm just a little
lower, trying to determine if her shorts were still on, but she bumped up
against Logan. God he was warm and… hard.

She could feel his body pressed
intimately against hers, his erection poking into her rear end. This couldn’t
be good, no matter the intense rush of desire flooding her system. What was she
supposed to do now? Leave?

Yes, that seemed like the logical
solution. However, if she moved, she was almost certain he would wake up. After
all, she was cocooned in his arms, and it felt so good it was almost painful.

“I know you’re awake.” He
whispered, lying perfectly still behind her.


“Nope. I’m still asleep, and this
is just a dream.” She tried for humor, hoping it would ease the tension that
had her tighter than a knot.

“Well, if that’s the case, this
is one of those amazing dreams I very seldom have.”

Sam felt his warm breath on her
neck and the twitch in his body. This
happened to her.

She did
wake up in a
man’s bed.

She did
get turned on
by her boss, who at the moment was definitely
her boss.

And no matter what, she did
take this to the next level.

“I really should go.”


The one word question seemed so
innocent, yet Sam couldn’t come up with any words to answer him. Why did she
need to go? Hell, if something did happen between them, it was too late to turn
back now anyway.

Sam thought about what they would
say in the office if word of this ever got out. Her reputation would be ruined.
She’d be tagged as the woman who slept her way to the top. Regardless of
whether she had gotten the job legitimately and she had worked her ass off to
get there, the rumors would do her in. Hell, she might not even have a job if
this ever got out.

She wanted to turn toward him, to
see the expression on his face, but she didn’t want him to see the guilt in her
eyes. The regret. Even if she couldn’t remember anything that happened, she
regretted she had put herself and him in this position.

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