Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets) (52 page)

BOOK: Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets)
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Conom leaned forward towards Covin so they were almost touching and Lepius felt by the glare between them, they might just have a go at each other. Not that it would be the first time his hot-headed Commander and Conom hadn’t gone at it.

Conom hissed. ‘They do not deserve her! She’s not going back to them until they can promise me that they will keep her out of danger. I don’t give a shit what they do to me and I told Ald so when I called him earlier.’

Trying to defuse the two hotheads, Lepius intervened, putting a different spin on it. ‘What do you think Cassie’s going to do when she realises she’s a captive and you won’t take her home? Will the hate in her eyes not be worse?’ Lepius asked, trying to make him see his actions were wrong on so many levels.

He spun his head around and considered the question, then breathed out heavily. ‘Then so be it. Sooner she hates me than be dead.’ He sounded exhausted and agitated. His voice had a lethal undertone. He put his glass down, stomping off back up the stairs to be with her.

Lepius looked at Covin and shrugged. ‘We can’t push him much further. He’s at breaking point and too worried about her for anything to make sense. Maybe I should call Ald and at least let him know she’s okay,’ he suggested.

Covin shook his head. ‘Stay out of it, Lepius. If Ald finds out she’s here he’ll bring an army and then I’ll have to protect us. Someone could get hurt. Let’s just play it out and see what happens. You said Cassie seemed more than what she looked. Don’t underestimate her. After all she is a Cloud Rider and as is their code, will want to sort this out peacefully. That’s what they do and they’re damned good at it. Kayden wouldn’t have had her join his team or married her because he’s only in lust. He is no fool. There is definitely a lot more to Cassie than just her good looks. Don’t get me wrong: Kayden’s going to be stewing good and proper and won’t be impressed with what Conom has done, but will have full trust in his soldier as I do in all of my men. It’s a different world she lives in. Just do what you’re doing. Give her a protected haven here to work through it.’

Covin was right as he always was when it came to matters of strategy. She’d have to be not just good at what she did, but outstanding for Kayden to have her join his elite team. He grinned at Covin. ‘Out of all the planets and stars he had to pick my door to knock on. As if we haven’t enough problems of our own!’

He shrugged. ‘Ah well, one more won’t hurt.’ He tried to stay good-humoured.

‘You got it in one, Your Majesty,’ he stirred him. ‘You have big shoulders and a sucker’s touch. Just like you to drag in another security risk. I’d better call the other officers together and get them to make sure we’re doing everything we can in the event of an invasion. Christ knows what Aldebaran’s sorcery will conjure up if he knows she’s here. You better hold on, King Lepius, we could be in for a bumpy ride.’ He was almost excited and looking forward to a test of their strengths.

Lepius raised his glass to him and laughed. ‘Just the way we like it. Bring it on, I say. This may be one fight worth fighting for: a woman.’ Covin laughed with him as they both sculled their drinks.

Covin went to organise his officers and Lepius went to bed. He wanted to be bright enough to deal with whatever was going to go down tomorrow. He stopped at the door, not surprised to see Conom had dozed off in the chair. The maid had been kicked out. However, he had left the door open to let them know he meant nothing by staying at her side. He was at least being honourable with her.

Lepius looked at Cassie in the shadows and thought how innocent she looked, just like a child. What did a man like him ever see in such innocence? It was all too hard to imagine. He walked back into his room and left his door open just in case she needed help in the night, then threw himself on the bed fully clothed.
How have I ended up getting mixed up with a bloody kidnapping with one of Zoren’s team members? I must be crazy.
He mumbled silently into the night before drifting off to sleep.

Lepius woke to the sound of quiet sobs. He jumped up and walked quickly into Cassie’s room. Conom was sitting in the chair and she had wrapped herself around his neck, sobbing so sadly that it even broke Lepius’s heart. Conom looked at her helplessly, his eyes glazed with emotions.

Lepius knelt down. ‘Cassie, are you in pain? Do you need some more painkillers?’

She looked up, tears running down her face and nodded.

He went and grabbed his bag and gave her another needle, this time only with a pain reliever, not something to knock her out. She calmed within minutes. ‘Feel better, sugar?’ he asked and she wiped her face, giving a slight grin and nodded.

Even I’m doing it!
She’s been here all of five minutes and she has me wrapped around her little finger
. Even so, he felt so much better now that she did.
The little bitch has me under her spell as well as Conom.
He leaned up against the wall, understanding now. ‘I think I get it. You’re linked to her somehow. I feel it too,’ Lepius commented.

Conom shrugged. ‘I can’t stand the thought of her being hurt or sad and yet when she’s happy she brings everyone around her alive, me included. I can’t explain it.’ He pulled her hair back off her eyes.

She smiled at him as he gently touched her.

‘She joked that she had a machine and it sucks out all the mean stuff from our hearts and she jumps in there and takes its place. You’re a little stealer of hearts, aren’t you, little one?’ he chuckled. She kissed his cheek and hugged him.

She was delightful to watch now she was happy, and all his questions were just answered in that single moment. ‘Well, little stealer of hearts, do you feel like a bath and then some breakfast?’ he asked, ruffling her hair.

She seemed shy. ‘I’ll need help,’ she said, touching her arm and moving it a little.

‘Give me a minute to organise a couple of maids to come up and help you. Us two can shower in here and you can have my room. The bath is all ready to go. But Cassie, absolutely no use of that arm today and no getting it wet, okay? Doctor’s orders,’ he said firmly.

She nodded and stood a little shaky, walking gingerly to his room with the help of both the suckers that she’d pulled into her game.
Conom can’t see it, yet it is as plain as day to me. I am part of her plan as well.
Maybe it was to let her stay there, yet she needn’t have worried. He wouldn’t have let Conom take her anywhere else anyway.

‘Your bath!’ she said, delighted. ‘Unreal! You just walk down into it. That’s no bath. You have a swimming pool with petals in the middle of your bedroom. This is so cool.’

They watched her face and both grinned at her reaction.
Yes, I am now a part of whatever has hold of Conom.
He shook his head at how easily she could make him feel so much joy.
Now I also want to protect her and keep her from harm
. This girl had powers so far beyond anything he’d ever seen in his lifetime and he wondered when she left, if he would miss her dreadfully or if the spell would be broken.

Two maids arrived and they left them to it. Conom paced and finally only had a shower because Lepius told him he stank and that she wouldn’t want to be anywhere near him.

‘What if they hurt her?’ he growled.

‘Then I would say that the way you’re connected to her, you’ll feel it and then you can panic. Until then, chill and wash that bloody cigar and booze odour off yourself,’ Lepius insisted. Reluctantly he went in and cleaned up.

After breakfast they both sat out on the patio. He noticed that not once did she ask why they were still here or ask for Kayden. Instead, Cassie ran her hand down Conom’s face and took his hand, gently stroking his fingers to relax him, telling him a story of a little princess who had special powers. Her wicked stepfather locked her up and then like Cinderella, it was many years before the princess met her prince. She fell asleep while telling him and he put her back in bed allowing her to rest more comfortably.

That night after dinner he again pulled her over to him and smiled. ‘The story—you didn’t finish it.’

Cassie began the story exactly where she’d left off. Lepius also listened with interest as she sat happily and relaxed with him and he lay back, listening to her words as if they were all he could muster himself to hear for now. The story continued, telling how the princess ran away to the city and found a job at the casino. She was a very resourceful princess, she told him. Cassie kept telling the tale with so much emotion that Lepius was also wrapped up in her yarn until she yawned and cuddled into him and fell asleep. After taking her up to bed, it was only then that Conom came out and finally had a drink and a cigar with him.

The next morning Cassie seemed so much brighter at breakfast and as they sat chatting to her she glowed and a white light surrounded her. Lepius must have looked stunned because Cassie grinned and touched his hand. ‘Don’t worry, I’m not an angel, far from it. That’s just the Cloud Riders sending me some healing. The magic gets stronger as I get better. You’ll see today, when you check my wounds. They should be nearly healed,’ she said, getting up, and playfully nudging Conom. ‘Tonight, boy, game on. No excuses now I’m better.’ Cassie chuckled and he went off after her.

Lepius followed them out to the pool area where they sat around on the outdoor lounges. ‘What did that mean, game on?’ Lepius asked and sat down with interest.

‘Cassie is a little gambler, a professional card player and we have an ongoing feud. I hate to lose so she keeps winning. Today though is different. Today I’m feeling lucky and my opponent has no chance,’ he said good-humouredly. He told him of the first time they’d met. ‘Her antics just about had me twisted in knots trying to keep my hands off the little minx.’ He laughed again with her as they reminisced, telling Lepius the whole story.

Now, I get it
He’s fallen in love with a side of Cassie that was just an act and that’s why she’s telling him her story
It is herself she’s talking about. The terrible childhood was not fictitious at all but is why Cassie is as she is.

As Lepius thought it, he could tell that Conom too, finally understood the gist of her story. It was as if they had just both been woken.

‘Tell me some more story. What did the princess do when the prince forced a kiss on her in the spa?’ Conom asked.

‘I didn’t think you were even listening. Okay then!’ she smiled and continued with the tale. .

When Cassie finished he asked. ‘And now the princess has found her real father and a new best friend, how does she feel?’

Lepius could see that if Cassie didn’t say what Conom needed to hear, hell’s doors were about to open. Cassie bent over, kissed Conom’s cheek and smiled beautifully. ‘Complete,’ she finally said.

Conom closed his eyes. Lepius heard him breathe out heavily and knew Conom was finally happy where he was in Cassie’s thoughts, knowing he’d made her life complete would be more than he had hoped for at this stage. ‘You are that princess, aren’t you?’ he asked, opening his eyes.

Cassie nodded. ‘That princess would be heartbroken if her friend from the stars did anything that would harm his relationship with her.’

He sat for a few minutes and nodded. ‘I understand now why Kayden gives in to you so easily. He’s lost you twice and it must have been hell for him. With your drinking and dangerous line of work, I thought he was reckless with you and put you in harm’s way. I was angry and yes, bitter that you did not want to stay with your dad and me. I understand now though. You have to experience life to grow and as much as I would like to wrap you up in a cloud so you never get hurt, he understands your need and loves you enough to let you experience it. I’ve been so blind!’

She touched his cheek and ran her fingers gently through his hair, playing with the curls, looking sad. ‘I’ve been blind too,’ she admitted. ‘I know I’m just learning and am making huge mistakes like now, nearly getting myself killed. I feel so bad that I never learned to be careful. But I have now. I can’t just think I will be fine and not worry. That’s not good enough anymore, now that I have so many around me who love me. Someone can get very hurt with that attitude and if that someone is me, I end up hurting everyone.’ She breathed out heavily. ‘You see, I know I’m not strong like the guys I work with, or you. Nevertheless, I’m smart, I learn every day and I love what I do. I’ve had all these powers all my life, not understanding why and now I’m able to use them for good and not bad. That makes me feel like I’m someone and not just a nuisance. Conom, I can’t have all this energy inside me and not use it. I felt like I was dying inside until Woody showed me how to channel it properly. Don’t hate me for what I am. I couldn’t stand disappointing any more people in my life,’ she said and quiet tears rolled from her eyes and splashed down her cheeks.

Conom was choked up. He coughed. ‘Don’t you think for one minute you have ever disappointed me, Cass! God, no! I am so proud of how you sat on that horse with blood pouring out of your arm and not a tear in your eye, still staying to fight whatever came your way. I just didn’t understand why, until your story, and now I do. I realise I was being far too over-protective and no better than your mother. I wanted to lock you up with me as well so none other could hurt you or take you from me. I’m so sorry, Cassie. I’ve really mucked up where you’re concerned. I can’t seem to get this friend thing right.’

She hugged him, sat back and watched him. ‘You know, we both need help in that department. I know that if I muck up, Kayden has promised he will always be there to catch me when I fall. Therefore when you muck up, I will always be there to catch you too. But fall gently, I’m not as strong as Kayden,’ she playfully teased him.

‘What did I ever do to deserve you?’ he said, gently holding her hand.

She smiled beautifully at him. ‘You loved me and I knew you could never hurt me. That’s all I needed to know.’

He frowned. ‘But I’ve hurt the others by being selfish.’

She giggled and smoothed out the wrinkles on his forehead. ‘My man will know I’m in good hands. Pops, well that’s another matter. He may lock you up in a horrible old dungeon and then, well, it will be my turn to save you.’

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