Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets) (41 page)

BOOK: Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets)
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‘Yes, I had decided that was best as I could feel his anger from where I sat. And yet when I did the final count of the cards afterwards, he would have actually won that round fair and square. I think I met my match in cards tonight,’ she admitted. ‘He may have actually won fair and square if we had kept playing.’

Woody was thoughtful. ‘Maybe a rematch would be fun to watch then.’

‘That’s not going to happen,’ Kayden snapped abruptly, sliding his arm back around her and looking out the window. He stayed quiet the rest of the trip. They pulled up at the hotel and he said goodnight politely but moodily and took Cassie up to their room. She knew he was pissed off because he’d even knocked back a nightcap with Woody which has never happened.

Uncovering a Lie

Kayden was fuming inside. He was so sick to death of Woody and the guys encouraging Cassie to become someone she wasn’t. Why couldn’t they love her just the way she was?

‘A rematch might be fun to watch,’
that big mouth said, thinking it was funny.
Just because she chose me, he wants to stuff it up for me. Let his bitch-wife act like a sex goddess and have every man in the room fall at her feet and see how he likes it! See how insecure he feels going out with the hottest hottie on the planet.

He threw himself on the bed, punching the bloody pillow just to get rid of some of his frustration and wishing to God it was Mono’s fat head.
Jeez, the control it took not to smash his smug mouth on the way out of that room
. If it wasn’t for the gun cocked at his head, Kayden would have knocked that gloating look right off his face. ‘
You and I will definitely be meeting again and when we do, you must give me a chance to redeem my money.’ Who in the hell does he think he is? And like he will ever get within two feet of Cassie ever again!
Pulling the pillow under his head, he lay watching his gorgeous wife, trying hard to calm himself before she came to him.

She lifted her dress over her head and hung it up; her delicate lace underwear barely covered the intended areas. He felt a tingle just looking at her.
She’s damned perfect.
Every curve, every tantalizing move she made had him enchanted.
How can love hurt so badly yet feel so divine at the same time?
She fiddled and took her time, a habit when unsure how to approach him, or a subject.
Now I’ve gone and scared her! Good on you, Kayden. As if it is her fault that you’re a jealous son of a bitch. She’s just stopped us all from taking a bullet and you’re angry, totally confusing her.

‘Cassie honey?’ Kayden put his hand out for her to come to him.

She glanced around at him, her smile radiant. She giggled and started to dance seductively, giving a private showing just for him.
She’s such a delicate little flower. Where that other Cassie came from I have no idea. My Cassie, who is here tonight with me is innocent, a little shy but the most adorable sweetheart, doing everything she can to make me feel like I’m the only man in the world she loves.

‘Are you angry with your princess?’ she purred, crawling on the bed as a little kitten would flee if scared even a little.

He grinned, his mood changing immediately, just feeling the touch of her hand on his leg. ‘No, not at you, sweetheart, just angry at myself for giving the go ahead for you to play. I should have known I’d get jealous,’ he said, gently lifting her on top of him.

She had an unsure look on her face, maybe even a little sad. ‘I never meant to upset you, Kayden. I was too busy concentrating on how to beat him to think about how it looked to you. I’m sorry you had to be put through that.’

She rolled off him and turned onto her side, watching.

Kayden wanted to talk to her. He wanted answers but decided to ease into it. ‘You did well, honey, it’s just me. When you’re with me on your own, you’re such an angel: naive and fragile. I feel like I need to cover you in cottonwool to protect you, to keep you safe. Then when I see you do things like you did tonight, and how you are with the guys sometimes, you don’t seem like the same girl.’

She flopped on her back, looking up at the ceiling.

The last thing she needs is for me to be upsetting her after what she’s just been through but Goddamn it I want answers. That act tonight was totally not her and if it was, then why was she so worn out? She should be bouncing off the ceiling and on such a high from winning! No, there is more to this little charade.

Cassie took a big breath and faced him. ‘If you really want to know how much I need you, combine your power with mine and take a look. We’re married now and I want no secrets between us.’

Kayden was stunned.
Is she really going to bare all? Surely there are secrets, especially between her and Woody that she prefers to keep secret. With her powers growing as they are there won’t be any secrets she can hold back from me once I connect with her in this way.

‘Cassie, you don’t have to, honey. I’m just being over-bossy and irritable. You’re dead on your feet. Let’s go to sleep and talk about it tomorrow when we’re both not so tired.’

She wrapped her arms around his neck. Their joint power was letting him feel her every emotion. ‘No, Kayden, now!’ she said firmly. ‘Put one of your clouds around us so you can see once and for all how I really feel about you.’

He nodded. ‘You know I’ll see everything, don’t you, angel?’

‘I know but if it makes you realise how much in love with you I am then it is worth it.’

Kayden nodded and closed his eyes, willing himself to her and covering them in a magical cloud. Her childhood flashed before him, giving him a glimpse of how scared and rejected she had felt. Being unloved by all that surrounded her impacted on him like a wave of pure heartbreak. He felt the stinging of her beatings and afterwards, when she would hide and fear for her life. He caught a picture of her as a child, trying to understand and always running and hiding from strangers, parents and not long ago, from him. The pictures burned into his mind. He quivered as the impact of her sadness, her uncertainty and then her joy and love for him rocked his body. The atmosphere cleared and he sighed deeply. The sharing of so much emotion unconsciously reduced him to tears that streamed down his face.

God! Can even ten lifetimes of joy ever make up for such acts of cruelty towards her? No wonder she thinks she doesn’t deserve me or anything I offer her. What a lifetime of unnecessary turmoil!

Opening his eyes, he found her lips and kissed them gently. How he wished, while he was in there, that he could have taken all that horror from her and thrown it out into the universe so that she would never feel hurt again. Yet he knew it was a part of what made her the person she was today.

She was quite pale now and even though there were so many things he was aware of now he knew it was not the time to discuss them. What he did know was that she was still his fragile Cassie and she was still every bit the girl he fell in love with. She had just become more powerful, using her newfound gifts to get her through the tough act. No wonder she was so exhausted. She had nothing left after using so much magic. Then she’d come to him for strength and to draw from his power to rebuild hers. All that time he had thought she was just sick of playing and he was her boring safe harbour.

What a fool I’ve been, wasting months thinking she never loved me enough and yet all along, I was the one
All this is so that she can toughen up and be with me always, trying to mould herself into the person she thinks I need.

Emotionally unable to articulate the right words, he pulled her into his arms and laid her tired, power-depleted body on the bed. Slipping a pillow under her head and pulling the covers over them both, he just wanted her to rest. She cuddled into him, her body delicately wrapping around his.

‘Are you angry now you know I’m not as tough as you thought and it’s only magic that gets me through the hard stuff like tonight?’ she asked sleepily.

He ran his hand gently up and down her back to relax her. ‘Sweetie, I’m not mad but things are going to have to change a bit now that I know. What you did tonight to protect your teammates, your friends and me, were admirable. However to deliberately get the guys to play games with you to desensitise your fears is ludicrous. Shit like that only makes me angry and does bugger-all when it comes to toughening you up. It’s in your personality to be the way you are and that is who I happen to adore. Quit trying to be someone you’re not and let us just love the woman you are.’

‘What I want most of all now we’re married is for you to help me because nothing I’m doing is working. I’ve tried so hard, Kayden and I’m done. What you do with me now, even if you take me out of the Cloud Riders because you think I’m not strong enough in character, is up to you. I just want to be your wife and be the best one I can. Nothing is more important to me.’

Kayden lifted her chin and looked into her drowsy eyes as she battled to keep them open. ‘You’re not getting kicked out of anything. Right by my side is where I want you and I always have. And I promise that next time you play the heroine I will understand it is all an act and will be right there to catch you when you fall.’ He smiled as she touched her lips on his and purred out a thankyou. ‘Sweet dreams, beautiful,’ he whispered as her eyes dropped and sleep claimed her. As for him, it took many hours for him to calm down, unable to control his emotions at what he had uncovered. Cassie’s hidden garden that she had taken him into had opened up to him her most precious secrets. He thought of all the nights he anguished over unnecessary issues and yet there it was, so easily staring him in the face: with everything she did, her desire was to try to please him. She lived for him, would die for him and he could clearly see, his woman was just so in love with him.

He watched her angelic features as she slept. The creamy flawless skin, cute button nose, perfectly shaped lips and long lashes swept across her slightly flushed cheeks that still glistened with tears she had shed with him. He kissed them gently, feeling the damp softness and she groaned ever so quietly in her sleep. He knew she felt him and the sides of her mouth quirked up in a little smile. ‘You’re my angel,’ he whispered softly to her. ‘All mine. You hear me? Mine,’ he squeezed her softly, feeling so happy he could have thrown his hands up and jumped around like a madman.
God, I am so very, very much in love with this woman.

United Amusement—Day Three

Kayden had gone to see the boys while Cassie got ready for the day. She stood out on the balcony, viewing the city and getting it all straight in her head. She was still a little surprised at Kayden’s reaction last night. It didn’t matter to him that she was a sook and that she wasn’t strong and tough like the other team members. To him she was just Cassie, his mate, his woman, his wife!

She felt on a bit of a high because she didn’t have to put on an act anymore. She could just be herself now. No more pretending to be who she was not.

Kayden came up behind her. ‘The car’s are out front but Conor and Ethan didn’t come home last night until a little while ago so the girls aren’t happy. They need a minute.’

She smiled when she saw Kayden standing there, holding a wrapped box. ‘I went down this morning and brought you a little gift to make you feel better. I was pretty hard on you last night and I hope you’ll forgive me.’ He looked down at the box. ‘I hope you’ll like it,’ he grinned, pulling the lid off. ‘Okay, you have to hold out your arm and close your eyes.’

He clasped a bracelet around her wrist. When she opened her eyes it was an exquisite bracelet with charms of stars, the moon, horses and a heart, each trinket having diamonds, rubies, amethysts or emeralds set into them. They hung delicately off a white gold chain and as she moved her arm, she swore they reminded her exactly of the beauty and array of colours from the sky above. ‘It’s just perfect. I love it.’ She jumped into his arms, hugging him for his thoughtfulness. ‘You’re so going to have a monster on your hands if you don’t stop being this good to me,’ she kept grinning, blown away by his sweetness.

‘My monster, though.’ Cuddling her, he knew he was going to absolutely ruin her from now on and he didn’t care if she turned into the most spoilt bitch he’d ever met. He’d love it.

Later, as they waited in the foyer, Conor and Ethan came in looking very submissive as the girls were still giving them a bit of a hard time. The trip into the city was relatively quiet but the mood improved as they all took in the sights along the way. They drove across the famous Sydney harbour bridge getting a good view of the Opera House before fighting their way through the massive twists of the freeways. Cars, buses and trucks muscled their way through the busy streets and on the sidewalk, shops of every kind spilled out. Colourful, fashion-conscious women and men filled the streets. Some gathered at the lights and when they turned green, rushed across, barely looking where they were going as they wrote messages on cell phones or listened to their favourite tunes.

The parks were flourishing and a floral array of blooms gave off fragrances that wafted into the car as they passed them. Cassie even got to see what they meant by road rage which was running rampant the further into the city streets they went. There was honking of horns, frustrated yelling out of car windows, even a fight over a car park. She was entertained both in the car and out on the streets. Once they hit the city she was amazed even more by the compacted beauty of its massively high buildings and their history within. The limo pulled up at the Pavilion where they had lunch. The restaurant, positioned on the edge of the Royal Botanic and DomainGardens, was picturesque. Later enjoying a stroll in the luxuriant parklands where soft blooms highlighted the walkways and neatly carved bushes made the walk very pleasurable.

The next stop was the ArtGallery, just across the road from the restaurant. Cassie noticed that it featured many Australian, European and Asian artists. There were many she just didn’t get.

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