Closet Confidential

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Authors: Mary Jane Maffini

BOOK: Closet Confidential
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Table of Contents
Death Loves a Messy Desk
“Fast and breezy,
Death Loves a Messy Desk
is a pleasant mystery . . . Organizing tips at the head of each chapter offer little reminders on how to make our lives more organized to have more time to read mysteries.”
—The Mystery Reader
“A carefully crafted mystery with enough red herrings to be truly satisfying and enough cliché poking to be wickedly humorous as well.”
“This is a fun book . . . [A] pleasant way to spend a lazy afternoon.”
—Gumshoe Review
The Cluttered Corpse
“Talented author Mary Jane Maffini has crafted a clever and fun tale . . . Red herrings and surprises await the reader [and] complexities of the plot make for a worthwhile read.”
—New Mystery Reader
“Charlotte is feisty, funny, and determined to help people, whether it’s organizing their mud room or clearing them of a murder charge . . . Delightful.”
—I Love A Mystery
“Amusing . . . enjoyable.”
—The Mystery Reader
“We all should have a Charlotte Adams in our lives.”
Organize Your Corpses
“A comedic, murderous romp . . . Maffini is a relaxed, accomplished, and wickedly funny writer.”

The Montreal Gazette
“Maffini provides a first- rate, well-organized whodunit . . . A new series that is fun to read.”
—Midwest Book Review
Berkley Prime Crime titles by Mary Jane Maffini
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Berkley Prime Crime mass-market edition / July 2010
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For my parents, who believed in the magic of books
I owe thanks to the capable and generous community of organizers—a truly helping profession for our cluttered era and one which has led me to choose that as a career for Charlotte Adams, the lucky girl. As always, I am very grateful to Mary MacKay-Smith, Linda Wiken, and Victoria Maffini who made time to offer valuable insights on the manuscript for
Closet Confidential
. I must also thank my sons-in-law, Barry Findlay and Stephan Dirnburger, for knowing the most amazing things and not being afraid to share them. No one else can bring much-needed humor to the darkest moment the way my husband, Giulio, can. My friend Chris Myers was very helpful as usual, and I would be lost without his time and expertise.
Once again, Tom Colgan, Niti Bagchi, and Megan Swartz of Berkley Prime Crime and my agent, Kim Lionetti, did a terrific job of smoothing the process and soothing the author. Closer to home, I’m also indebted to Ottawa Therapy Dogs for allowing my spoiled princess dachshunds to bring joy to others. Let’s hope they can inspire Truffle and Sweet Marie.
Last but not least, hats off to the legions of cozy fans and authors who make this such an entertaining genre to write and to read.
You cannot hide from me.
I will know everything about you as soon as your closet door swings open and I peer in.
If you are having an affair, I will see the signs.
Terrified of getting old? I’ll know in a minute.
Going broke? Ditto.
Letting the people in your life walk over you? Won’t take me long to figure that out.
Every closet disaster masks some hitch in life—minor or major—even if it’s simply being overscheduled. I’m a professional organizer and when I do my job well, my clients feel better able to tackle whatever else is troubling them. At best, they change their lives to feel happier. At worst, the results are murder.
—Charlotte Adams
Show me your closets and you show me your secrets.
Lorelei Beauchamp would not react well to the suggestion that anything in her beautiful life and her spectacular home was less than perfect. I took care not to let the phrase “closet makeover” slip past my Dior lipstick.
Lorelei issued a languid, silvery laugh. “Charlotte dear, you are most certainly not your mother’s daughter.”
Whatever that meant, it would be the first of many digs. Lorelei and my mother went all the way back to high school when the competition for homecoming queen transformed their friendship. The passage of nearly forty years hadn’t changed their status as fabulous frenemies. Their air kisses on the rare occasions they met had all the genuine warmth of dry ice.

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