Close the Distance (11 page)

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Authors: T.A. Chase

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Close the Distance
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“Holy fuck,” Adrien breathed as Ion walked out of his bathroom.

Ion winked at him while strolling over to where his boots sat. Adrien couldn’t believe Ion could breathe or bend, considering how tight his jeans were. There was no doubt about what Ion was packing and a shot of jealousy rushed through Adrien at the thought of anyone seeing his lover like that.

The dark blue T-shirt Ion wore lovingly hugged every muscle and ridge of Ion’s chest and stomach. Plus, it rode up just a little to expose his tanned skin, causing Adrien’s hands to itch to touch him.

“I’m not sure I want to go out any more,” he muttered, staring at Ion’s ass very obviously on display when the man bent over.

“What are you talking about?” Ion glanced at him under his arm as he tied his boots. “You were the one who said this was a good idea. We all need to relax after the week we had.”

“I know, but I wasn’t taking into consideration how fuckable you’d look in your club clothes,” he admitted, willing to let Ion see his jealousy.

“Oh, how sweet. Is the green-eyed monster rearing its ugly head?” Ion straightened before sauntering towards Adrien, letting his hips swing a little more than usual.

Adrien’s mouth went dry and he gripped Ion’s waist then brought their groins together. Ion wiggled for a second and Adrien groaned as lust shot through him to pool in his cock and balls.

“It’s not that monster rearing its head,” he confessed, sliding his hands around to grab handfuls of Ion’s butt. “I’m not sure I’m going to survive dancing with you.”

Ion’s warm breath bathed his cheek before he kissed him softly. They kissed and cuddled for a few minutes until Adrien knew they had to stop or they’d be doing some horizontal dancing on the couch. He wrapped his hands around Ion to crush him tightly to his body while catching his breath.

“We need to get going,” he reminded Ion.

“Are you sure you’re up to this?” Ion joked. “Can you control yourself or will I be getting fucked in the bathroom at the club?”

It had been a long time since he’d done that and he was too old now. He pinched Ion’s ass before going to grab his keys and wallets. “Not tonight, honey. I want to make love to you in our bed, not up against some wall like a quick lay. We need to get going. Goran and Patrick are meeting us at the restaurant.”

“Where did you decide we’re going to eat?” Ion joined him, holding out his own wallet for Adrien to carry, since there was obviously no room to fit it in his pockets.

Adrien tucked them away then gestured for Ion to go out in front of him. “We’re meeting them at John’s of 12
Street. Thought a little Italian would be good to get energy for the night.”

“I love that place.” Ion grinned as they waited for the elevator.

“I do too. Goran’s never eaten there. Plus it’s not that far away from the club, so we won’t have too long a car ride.” Adrien rested his hand at the small of Ion’s back, teasing him with soft strokes of his fingers under the hem of Ion’s shirt.

“Is Daniel driving us?” Ion leaned into his touch.

“Only to the restaurant. We’ll cab it from there. Oh, and Sidney’s going to meet us at the club.”

Daniel had the car waiting for them at the kerb and they climbed in. Adrien let Ion chatter about anything he wanted. It didn’t have to be important or earth shattering—he simply wanted to listen to Ion talk because he loved the sound of his voice.

He brought Ion close to him, holding him tight as they drove through the darkening city streets. Ion fell silent as well, seeming to enjoy just being in Adrien’s company. They moved apart as the car came to a stop outside the restaurant.

When they walked into the place, Adrien looked around to see if Goran and Patrick were there, and spotted their friends sitting at a corner table. He waved to let them know he’d seen them then directed Ion towards them.

“It’s good to see you, Goran. I’m glad you and Patrick were able to drag yourselves out of bed to join us,” he joked as they took their seats.

“Fuck you, Adrien,” Goran replied, but there wasn’t any heat in his tone. He was sitting so close to Patrick, they could be sharing a chair.

Blushing, Patrick ducked his head for a second then raised it to look at Adrien. “I guess you’ve never slept with Goran or you’d realise how difficult it was for us to get our asses out of bed.”

Adrien chuckled. “I thought about it once when we first met at Oxford, but then decided it was better that we be friends and not lovers. He’s a little more Alpha than I want to deal with.”

“Meaning I’m pig-headed and always believe I am right. Which is kind of like a God complex and it makes me a good surgeon.” Goran stroked his fingers over Patrick’s cheek then grinned at Ion. “It’s nice to see you again, Ion. I hope your brother is doing well.”

Ion nodded. “Yes. They’ve made the decision to start bringing him out of the coma on Monday.”

“Wonderful news.” Goran motioned towards the bottle of wine on the table. “I took the liberty of ordering wine for us.”

“Thank you.”

Adrien enjoyed dinner as he and Goran shared college stories. Ion and Patrick matched them with their own tales. He saw the heat between Patrick and his friend, but it was a lust that would burn out eventually if they were to stay together. Adrien could tell because it was totally different from what he felt for Ion.

Turning to look at his lover, his heart literally skipped a beat when Ion threw his head back and laughed. There was so much joy and life in that sound. All he wanted to do was embrace him and hold him close to his chest. He wanted to wake up every morning and see Ion in the bed beside him. Coming home from work every night with Ion to cook dinner or even to go out.

Taking Ion sailing down the coast in his boat had become one of Adrien’s wishes. He’d have to do that some weekend to help Ion relax after all of the drama of his brother’s accident and his parents’ rejection. He’d have to see which weekend coming up would work best for Ion.

The food was great and the company entertaining, so there was no doubt once they finished eating they would be going on to the club. Adrien got them a cab so they could get to Wander without any trouble. Ion called him a snob, but Adrien didn’t like using public transportation.

Oh, it wasn’t the fact that the less fortunate used it or anything like that. He just didn’t think it was particularly safe, especially at night, and he wasn’t going to risk anything happening to Ion.

There was a line of men waiting to get into Wander when they arrived, but Adrien led the other three to the front and the bouncer let them in with a nod.

“Do you know the owner or something?” Ion muttered as they were escorted to a VIP section in the back of the club, where Sidney already waited for them.

“Yes, I do actually.” He pointed at his best friend. “It’s one of Sidney’s side ventures. He likes to find interesting ways to invest his money and working for me isn’t as exciting as one would think.”

“Who would ever think that?” Ion winked as they joined Sidney.

“I don’t know. I find my work very rewarding.” Adrien gave Sidney a one-arm hug and pounded on his back. “Glad you made it back all right. You remember Goran, right?”

“Yes. Good seeing you again, Goran. Gentlemen, you obviously came to dance while we older gentlemen have come to ogle you.” Sidney shook Goran’s hand and glanced at Patrick and Ion.

Ion kissed Adrien then grabbed Patrick’s hand. “Order me a drink, love. Let’s go.”

Adrien dropped into a chair next to Sidney then motioned to the waiter hovering just to the side of the VIP area. He ordered drinks for all of them and once that was taken care of, he turned to look at Sidney.

“How long have you been here?”

Sidney seemed to have to pull his gaze away from someone at the bar. “For an hour or so. I came to go over the books and stuff with the manager then just relaxed while I waited for you.” His gaze went back to its original spot.

“See something you like?” Adrien nudged him with an elbow.

“What?” Sidney frowned.

Goran snorted. “I think you’re busy checking out that tattooed bartender. The one with the guy liner and pierced ears.”

As Sidney sputtered in protest, Adrien turned to try and spot the man Goran talked about. Unfortunately, the crowd had grown too big around that section, so he couldn’t see anything.

“I’ll have to take a walk later on to see this man who has caught your attention so completely.” He wiggled his eyebrows as he threatened.

Sidney leaned over to punch his arm. “Don’t do anything stupid. I’m not interested in anyone, especially not a tattooed pierced bartender who probably takes a new guy home every night.”

Adrien blinked at the bitterness in Sidney’s voice.
What brought that on? Has something happen that I’m not aware of?
He swore he’d grab Sidney for lunch one day next week to figure out what the hell was going on.

Goran whistled low, bringing Adrien’s attention to the two men dancing just a few feet away from them. He grunted when he realised it was Ion and Patrick.
Ion moved like he was having sex on the dance floor. The thrust of Ion’s hips and wiggle of his ass caused Adrien to stiffen. He swore, wishing he had worn looser clothing.

“Makes you wish you’d worn sweats, huh?” Goran murmured.

Adrien nodded, not sure he could get his mouth to move as lust swamped him. If this was how he felt after only a few minutes of watching Ion, he might just break his rule about not having sex in the bathroom.

“I have a private room upstairs,” Sidney suggested. His grin was evil.

“I might take you up on that,” Adrien said before he drank his shot then jumped to his feet. “I think I’m going to do some dancing.”

He didn’t like the way some of the other dancers were checking his lover out. Adrien wanted to stake his claim and make sure they knew Ion was off limits. After stalking up to Ion, he slid his arm around Ion’s waist then jerked him against him.

Ion didn’t even blink an eye. He entwined his body around Adrien’s, rubbing and grinding until Adrien thought he would come in his jeans. He hadn’t done that since he was a teenager and wasn’t about to do it now. When the song faded into a different one, he turned to look at Sidney who was already tossing him a key. His friend pointed to a door in the closest wall.

“Where are we going?” Ion asked breathlessly as Adrien dragged him from the floor.

“Somewhere I can fuck you without everyone watching us,” he informed him.

“Oh thank God. I was hoping you’d break down and do me, but I have to admit I didn’t really want to have sex in the bathroom. Not a lot of room and I don’t like the idea of people walking in on us.” Ion chuckled. “Guess I’m not an exhibitionist.”

Adrien stuck the key in the lock then jiggled it until it opened. He flicked the lights on and saw the flight of stairs leading up to a second floor. He patted Ion’s ass, encouraging him to go on up while Adrien made sure the door was secure. He didn’t think anyone came up here except for Sidney, but he wasn’t taking a risk.

“Wow. Sidney has quite the little love nest up here,” Ion said and Adrien hurried to see what Ion was talking about.

The king-sized bed took up most of the space, but there was a small cabinet and a mini fridge there as well. Ion was looking through the cabinet and crowed. Adrien saw him hold up a tube of lube.

“No condoms anymore since our tests came back negative. Sidney must get his pick of the men downstairs. Instead of risking a more serious connection that could happen if he takes them home, he brings them up here, fucks them and sends them on their way.” Adrien shook his head as he glanced around. “Sidney’s always been shy of commitment. Male or female.”

“Let’s not talk about your friend, huh? I want your cock in my ass ASAP.”

When he looked back at Ion, he blinked. How the hell had Ion got naked that quickly? Ion sprawled on the bed, spread eagle, and stroking his cock while fingering his ass. The open slick was next to him on the bed.

Adrien couldn’t take his eyes away as he stripped as fast as he could, throwing his clothes in every direction before he dived onto the mattress. After kneeling between Ion’s legs, he reached for the lube.

“Oh, God. I need you, Adrien. I’m primed to come as soon as you shove your dick in,” Ion babbled.

He coated his cock then used the extra lube to ease two of his fingers in besides Ion’s two. Ion’s body welcomed him like it had been built for him, which in his heart, Adrien couldn’t help believing was true.

Ion arched his hips off the bed while they stretched his body until neither one of them could wait any longer. Adrien removed their fingers then positioned himself at Ion’s opening. With one long, smooth thrust, Adrien buried himself deep.

“Fuck,” he shouted before draping Ion’s legs over his arms then reaming Ion’s ass. “You’re so fucking tight and perfect for my cock. I love taking you.”

Moaning, Ion braced his hands against the headboard and pushed back, countering each one of Ion’s moves with one of his own. Adrien knew Ion was on the edge, but he wasn’t ready to let him go, so he reached out and wrapped his fingers around the base of Ion’s length.

“Adrien,” Ion protested then whined when Adrien tilted his hips enough to nail Ion’s gland. “You’re being mean. I want to come. Please.”

“We’re going to come together, so you can’t until I do,” Adrien ordered.

He played Ion’s body like he’d learned all the man’s secrets, yet he knew they could make love for years and he’d always find new things to make Ion moan. The steady thump of the bass from the club under them helped provide the perfect rhythm for fucking.

As the pressure built, Adrien let go of Ion’s cock, knowing that as soon as Ion came, he would as well. Ion yelled and Adrien cried out as the muscles surrounding his shaft clamped down on him to the point of pain.

Cum shot from Ion, painting his stomach and even his chest. Adrien rocked almost all the way out, then slammed back in before he came as well. He flooded Ion with his seed, loving the idea of marking Ion as his.

Once the last drop seemed to be drained from him, he collapsed to the side while Ion winced as he slid out. Their pants filled the air as he tried to catch his breath. Finally, he rolled onto his elbow to stare down at Ion.

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