Cloaked (12 page)

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Authors: T.F. Walsh

BOOK: Cloaked
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We were too far from the pack house.

Too close to the city.

The forest floor flew under me.

The pack's bunker, perhaps? If I wanted to trap myself. Terrible idea. A hint of panic crawled forward. What if I couldn't shake it? What if it caught me? What if … No more stupid fear.

Around the next tree, I swiped a hefty branch off the ground and spun to face the dracwulf, ready to finish it my way.

The animal collided with me, headfirst into my hip. I was thrown backward and crumpled to the ground like a broken tree, muscles and bones in shock from the impact. A horrid suffocating sound gushed from my lips. The beast came at me in a blur of speed, giving me just enough time to swing the branch out in front of my face. It was on me. Teeth latched onto the weapon and ripped it out of my grip.

Two things happened at once. I threw my fist into the side of its head as a shrill whistle sounded from a distance. The huge wolf jerked up, muzzle creased. Unfazed by my punch, the animal bounded over me and dashed into the woods like it had caught sight of better prey.

That was my chance to escape.

I pushed myself up, but my body seemed to weigh a ton. My hip flared in pain each time I put weight on it. Where had the dracwulf come from, and where had it gone? Dracwulves were not meant to exist and this one damn sure wasn't scared of me.

With clenched teeth and stumbling steps, I hurried toward my Jeep.

I took deep breaths and shoved my fists into the pockets of my pants, touching the coolness of the key to the bunker.


Five days until the Lunar Eutine, the next full moon — the pivotal moment when a moonwulf like myself would transform into a full-blown wulfkin forever. Except I had other plans: to become human with a little help from the elixir I still hadn't found and stay that way.

My palms stung. I glanced at the red, crescent shapes indented into the flesh from my nails. The chill had returned to my bones by the time I reached the vehicle. I was surprised my body didn't ache worse. Instead, it just felt bruised.

The pack needed to know a monster lived in our woods, so I'd pay them a visit. I climbed into the Jeep and drove along the curving track toward the pack house.

My cell phone rang.

I snatched it from the passenger seat. Connell. Something tingled in my chest. I wanted to answer and hear his voice, listen to the way he said my name, but not right then. I'd call him back after I visited the pack house. I let it go to voice mail. The phone revealed he'd already called six times.

The cell rang in my hand. Connell again. I answered this time. “Hi there.”

“Daci, are you okay?” Fear threaded his words, and that scared me.

“I'm fine. What's going on?”

“I called you all morning and no response. You're not at home or work. Where are you? I've been so worried.”

I swallowed the dryness in my throat. “Out in the woods tracking deer for work.” I hated lying. “Sorry, I missed your calls. Did something happen?”

He let out a loud sigh, and my stomach clenched. “This morning, a jogger found a dead girl in an alley behind your apartment. And the investigation team has been waiting for you before they clean up the scene. That's why I was trying to get hold of you.”

My insides turned to mush. “That's awful. But why do you need me?”

“Your boss said you'd help us with identifying the animal, since we may need to issue a hunting permit to track and kill it. Please hurry back. I'll meet you in front of your apartment, okay? Drive carefully.” He hung up.

The day was growing worse by the second.

A strange sensation flared inside me. I'd assisted police in the past on multiple animal attacks, since I specialized in animal behaviors — but on domestic livestock, never humans … unless … The dracwulf attack poured through my mind. My next breath caught in my throat.

I slammed on the brakes and did a quick five-point turn on the dirt track. Soon, I left the woods behind and sped into the city. Renaissance-style houses lined the thoroughfare, showcasing fashionable clothing boutiques, cafes, and restaurants. People wandered along the footpaths, oblivious of the monster stalking the Carpathian woods.

I arrived on my street in no time and slid out of the Jeep, rubbing my sore hip. Potted plants adorned the balconies of the concrete apartments along the road. Despite the bright flowers twirling around the metal railings, the rusted drains running down the cold white walls reminded me of the stories about families losing farms and livestock to the government in Communist times, then being forced to live in tiny apartments. I took hasty strides up the footpath and grimaced at the pain lacing through my side.

In front of my place, Connell leaned against the wall, staring at his cell. Despite the circumstances, the excitement of seeing him made me giddy. Blond hair fell over his sun-bronzed face. Those broad shoulders filled out a tailored pinstriped suit, and his well-muscled physique would make anyone think twice before taking him on.

Connell glanced up with chocolate eyes that made me forget what I was thinking. He pushed off the wall.

I ran up to him and threw my arms around his neck. My body molded into his perfectly. This was what I had never experienced whilst hidden in the woods with the pack — tenderness and love with a man.

“I missed you so much.” Connell's arms swept along my back and pulled me tight. “Daci, I was so worried something had happened to you.” There it was again, the terror in his tone.

I took a sharp breath and pulled back, unable to stop my defenses from rising. “I'm fine.”

He scanned me head to toe. “Your blouse. It's ripped.”

Peering down, I found gashes in the white fabric over my shoulders and arms. I poked a finger through one of the holes. Another favorite shirt destroyed. Great. “I fell over in the woods, but it's all good.” In that moment, a flare of sharp pain throbbed down my leg, and I smiled through the ache.

Connell raked fingers through his hair and tucked his cell into the inside pocket of his jacket, revealing the gun holster at the side of his belt. “Are you sure?” His hand caressed the length of my arm before stroking my cheek.

I nodded, leaning into his touch, and wanted nothing more than to fall into his arms. No more talking.

“I love you so much.” He plucked a twig from my hair. “But I don't want secrets between us.”

Something hitched in my throat. I'd told Connell so many lies to conceal my identity as a moonwulf, I had lost track of them. “What do you mean?”

Only the wind swept past. Connell's gaze flickered around the place — everywhere but on me. “For over a week I've been calling you, and you never bothered to call back. Not even a text message to say you're busy. Nothing.” He searched my face for an answer. “Then today I needed you for work, and you weren't anywhere. This whole time I thought I was giving you space because you were going to be busy at work for a while, but what if something had happened to you? I would never forgive myself.”

A shudder ran through me and heat crawled through my chest. Had I really let days pass by without calling Connell? I was certain we'd spoken just yesterday. Or was it the day before? “I'm so sorry I didn't call you right away. Time got away from me.”

He dug his hands into the pockets of his tailored pants. It was obvious they were fisted into knots. “All I ask is that you let me know you're okay, where you are sometimes, and that you're still alive.”

My response came pouring out. “Why do you need to know where I am all the time?”

“That's not what I mean.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Shit, Daci. I thought you wanted to be with me forever. I don't get what's been going on with you lately.”

I shook my head in disbelief. Everything I did was for Connell. For us. I'd never felt this way about anyone, and I was ready to leave my pack for him. Even if it was unheard of. That was why I needed the elixir. “Of course I want us to be together, and I love you.”

“Are you sure?” His voice shook.

“I can't believe you just asked me that.”

The front door of the building creaked open, and an elderly woman with a bag on wheels shuffled outside. With pursed lips, she shook her head before hurrying down the street. Great, my whole neighborhood probably knew about my love life.

Connell glanced up to my apartment and back before loosening his tie from around his neck. “I know you haven't been spending the nights at home.”

My breath quickened. “And you know this because … ”

“I've driven past your place the last few nights, hoping to catch up with you. To see you. But you're never home. Where do you go every night?” His incredulous stare pinned me on the spot, and right then I was certain my legs would give out.

“Are you stalking my place?”

I couldn't tell him that I spent my time in an underground bunker searching for a potion that might turn me into a human for good. Or that if I turned into a wulfkin, I'd be forced to live with the pack, mate with one of them, and lose him forever. It would make me sound like a crazy person because, in his world, moonwulf and wulfkin didn't exist.

He drew in a quick breath of air. “Of course not. We haven't caught up for weeks, and I missed you. Daci, tell me what you want from me, or am I an idiot for believing something serious was happening with us?”

I reached out for him and took his hand in mine. “It's only you I want. Nothing else is going on. I've been working extra hours for a huge project at work. That's all.”

His hand slipped out of my grasp. “Part of the problem with being an inspector is that it lets me know when someone is lying.” His voice held a ragged edge. “After my ex-wife, I never thought I'd be able to love again. Then I met you. But now I'm getting that same feeling I got when I realized she wasn't telling me the truth.” His gaze held onto me. “I don't want to go through that again.”

He might as well have pulled the ring from a hand grenade because my heart stopped beating. “I'm nothing like — ”

“Why can't you — ”

“Let me finish,” I said through gritted teeth. “I'm not like your ex-wife. I would never cheat on you, so don't compare me to her, ever. How could you even suggest it?” Pain squeezed my throat. “What do you want me to tell you? Something that isn't true so you can say all females are liars?” I struggled to hold my composure and hugged myself. “That's not going to happen.”

Connell shut his eyes, his lips pressed tight together.

“All I ask is for one week to finish a project at work. Then you won't be able to get rid of me. I love you so much.” I couldn't think of anything else around my trembling limbs and numb brain.

He opened his eyes slightly, and a shade of brown flashed, reminding me of his sexy look just before he had his way with me. My body tingled. I'd never wanted a man as much as I did Connell.

He pushed his shoulders back, and a hard expression slid over his face. “I don't want to talk about this now. We have to go to the crime scene.” An edge of bossiness crept into his voice. He turned his back to me. “Ready?”

I couldn't speak.

A dracwulf had attacked me.

Connell hinted at breaking up.

Somehow my day had managed to suck even worse.

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Praise for
Cloaked in Fur

“Walsh seamlessly blends many plot twists into the story, creating a captivating and page-turning read.”—Lusty Penguin

“The story sucked me in and wouldn't let go.” —The Book Maven
“It's great to see such a strong female character.” —Fabulous and Fun
“I really enjoyed this book; there was so much action and storyline packed into each page, never a dull moment.” —The Reading Cafe
“Not your ordinary paranormal romance. and do yourself a favor and put this one on your to-read list."”—Satin Sheets Romance

“Speaking of ending ... kuddos, T.F. Walsh! It certainly was a twist I did NOT see coming! I literally had to re-read a section to make sure my eyes told me right.”—5 stars, Carol Rae's Ramblings

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