Climbing Up to Glory (44 page)

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Authors: Wilbert L. Jenkins

BOOK: Climbing Up to Glory
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Families, black; of enlistees; forced separations; quest to free, from white control; reunion with lost ones; steps to promote interest of; unknowing marriage between members

Family: attachment and devotion to; as sacred institution

Family servants

Fayetteville State College

Fee, John G.

Felder, Sarah

Field slaves

Fields, Jackson

Fields, Sarah

Fifteenth Amendment; struggle for

Fillmore, Millard

Fisk Jubilee Singers

Fisk University

Fitzgerald, Robert

Fleming, George

Floyd, Sylvia

Ford, Laura

Forrest, Nathan Bedford

Fort Clark

Forten, Charlotte

Forten, Lottie

Fort Jackson

Fort Morgan

Fort Pillow massacre of

Fortress Monroe

Fort Sumter

Foster, Abby Kelley

Foster, Sarah Jane

Foster, Stephen

Fourteenth Amendment

Fowler, Mat

Fox, Colonel

Frankel, Noralee

Franklin, Richard

Franks, Dora

Fraser, Bella

Frazier, Julia

Freedmen: black efforts to alleviate sufferings of; postwar problems facing; reasons for remaining in South; sent back to plantations

Freedmen and Soldiers Relief Association of Washington

Freedmen's Bureau; and education

Freedmen's Savings Bank

Freeman, David

Freeman, Rose

Frémont, John C.

Fry David

Fugitive Slave Law

Fuller, Nat

Gaines, Wesley

Gambling, among black troops

Ganaway, Charles

Gardner, James

Garnet, Henry Highland

Garrison, William Lloyd

Gender roles

Georgia Educational Association

Gibbs, Jonathan C.

Gibbs, Oscar

Gibson, Julia

Gill, Andrew Jackson

Gill, James

Gilmore, Brawley

Gladdy, Mary

Glatthaar, Joseph

Gleaves, Richard

Glover, Martha

Goaldsby, Henry

Gooch, Henrietta

Gooding, James Henry

Gould, John

Government assistance

Graham, Anna

Grainer, George

Grant, Aaron

Grant, Austin

Grant, Susan

Grant, Ulysses S.

Greeley, Horace

Green, Ashbury

Green, Marie Aurelia

Green, Virginia C.

Greenwall, Henry

Gregg, J. Irvin

Gregory, John

Grey, Maria

Grey, Philip

Grey, Willie Ann

Griffin, Madison

Griffing, Josephine

Grimball, John Berkeley

Grimké, Francis

Gurney, William


Hale, Edward Everett

Hall, Captain

Hall, James Henry

Hall, Prince

Hamelton, Warren

Hamlin, Ken

Hampton, Wade

Hampton Institute

Hanon, George Buck

Harding, Mr.

Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins

Harper, Pierce

Harris, Blanche

Harris, David

Harris, Delilah

Harris, Ella

Harris, Orris

Harris, Rachel

Harris, Sallie

Harrison, B. E.

Harrison, Samuel


Haskins, Joseph

Hawkins, Eliza

Hawthorne, J. B.

Hayes, Rutherford B.

Hazel, Dennis

Head, Elbert

Heather, Mr.

Henderson, Albert

Henderson, Henry

Henderson, Morris

Henderson, Phoebe

Herrin, Evie

Higginson, Thomas Wentworth

Highgate, Edmonia G.

Hildebrand, Reginald

Hoke, Mrs.

Holland, William H.

Holloway, Harriet

Holloway, Richard

Holman, Charlie

Holmes, Benjamin

Holmes, George Washington

Holmes, James H.

Holmes, Louisa

Holt, Harriet

Holt, Joseph

Holt, Orange

Holt, W. R.

Hood, James Walker

Hopley, Catherine

Horn, Celia

Horn, Reese

House servants and slaves

Howard, Oliver O.

Howard University; Medical School

Hoy, Martha

Hughes, Frank

Hunt, Adella

Hunter, David

Hunter, William


Indian Territory


Inferiority, white belief in black

Ingram, Linton Stephens

Ingram, Wash

Insubordination, black


Irvin, Squire

Isabelle, Robert H.

Iverson, Gabriel P.

Jackson, Maggie

Jackson, Martin

Jackson, William

Jacobs, Elizabeth

Jacobs, Harriet

Jacobs, Turner

Jacoway, Lucinda

James, Eliza

Jameson, George W.

Jasper, John

Jefferson, Mr.

Jefferson, Israel

Jefferson, Thomas

Jenkins, Lewis

Johnson, Andrew

Johnson, Anna

Johnson, Hannah

Johnson, J. R.

Johnson, Marcia

Johnson, Milly

Johnson, Prince

Johnson, W. B.

Johnson, William

Jones, Dudley

Jones, Harriet

Jones, Julius

Jones, Mandy

Judicial system

Kamper, Jane


Keaton, Francis

Keckley, Elizabeth

Keithfield plantation

Kelley, William D.

Kelly, Georgiana

Keyes, Alan

Kinnard, Richard

Kinship bonds

Kock, Bernard

Ku Klux Klan (KKK): establishment of; white violence and

Labor unions

Laird, Robert

Land: efforts to prevent blacks from acquiring; given by planters to former slaves; Sea Islands blacks required to return; speculators in

Land ownership; battles over; distribution program; freedmen victimized by false sales; moral rights to; myth of redistribution in South; passion for; struggle for

Lands, Susan

Lane College

Langley, Jack

Langston, John M.

Lawson, John

Leary, Matthew N.

Lee, Anna

Lee, Candace

Lee, Elvira

Lee, Jim

Lee, Martin

Lee, Robert E.

Lee, Samuel J.

Leland University

Lew, Barzillai

Lewis, Matilda

Libby Prison


Lincoln, Abraham; assassination of, and impact; attitudes and beliefs about blacks; and black freedom; and black prisoners of war; blacks on; Douglass on; election of; and Fort Sumter; image as Great Emancipator; letters to; meetings and encounters with blacks; military orders and decisions; on objective of Civil War; observances of his death; opposition to candidacy of; plan for emancipation; reassures Southerners regarding slavery; resolutions honoring memory of; Southerners' opposition to; and Thirteenth Amendment; visit to Richmond.
See also
Emancipation Proclamation

Lincoln, Mary Todd

Literacy and illiteracy.
See also

Littlefield, Colonel

Livingstone College

Lockwood, Lewis C.

Logan, Rayford

Lomax, Thomas

Long, Thomas


Louisiana: black insubordination in; white violence in

L'Ouverture, Toussaint

Louveste, Mary

Love, Nat

Love, Willis

Lucas, James

Lumpkin, Frank

Lynch, James

Lynch, John R.


Mack, Delia

Mack, Richard

Mackey, T. J.

Maddox, Jack

Maddox, Rosa

Magee, Primus

Maho, Charles

Manning, Allen

Mapps, Samuel

Marital relations.
See also
Gender roles

Marlow, John Wesley

Marriage bonds, legislation of: after emancipation

Marriage(s): arranged; ceremonies and weddings; after emancipation; importance among slaves; interracial; and the law; multiple; and separation; between siblings

Marrow, George

Marrs, Elijah P.

Marshall, Ann

Martin, James

Martin, J. Sella

Massachusetts, military in

Massacres; of freedmen

Massie, Israel

Matthews, W. D.

Matthews, William

Mayo, Jordina

Mayzck, Sallie

McCarty family

McClellan, George B.

McCree, Mary Pope

McCullum, James

McGaffey, Henry Lewis

McNair, Chaney

McNeil, Bill

Medical care

Menard, John W.

Merritt, Susan


Metts, M. A.

Metts, Susanna

Middleln, Miss

Migration, black; of the South.
See also

Military: black officers; blacks in Union; freedmen offering services to Union; objective(s); racism in.
See also
Army, Confederate; Army, Union; Enlisting in military

Military emancipation. See
Confiscation Acts

Military recruiters and recruits.
See also
Confiscation Acts

Militia Act

Miller, Mrs.

Miller, Celia

Miller, G. P.

Miller, George Washington

Miller, Joseph

Miller, P. W.

Miller, Wister

Miner, Sarah

Miners and mining companies

Ministers, white: and slaves


Mississippi, preventing land sales to blacks

Missouri, recruiting parties in

Mitchell, Aaron

Monroe, James

Montgomery, Captain

Montgomery, James

Moore, A. M.

Moore, Amanda

Moore, William

Morehouse College

Morris Brown College

Mosby, John Singleton

Moses, Charles

Moultrie, Magdalen

Moye, Calvin

Mulattoes; elites

Mundy, Lewis

Murphy, Miss

Mutiny, black troops charged with

Myers, Isaac

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