Clean Lines (Cedar Tree #4) (32 page)

BOOK: Clean Lines (Cedar Tree #4)
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Today is the first day Fox is back in a normal school routine, something he's not too happy about. It's time though. He's missed enough school already and despite the fact that he's had work emailed to him at home, the return to a regular routine and doing it in their new place will be good for everyone. Including me, since it looks like Naomi plans to reap the full benefits of Fox's return to class.

I got no problem with that.

My hands behind my head, I'm just laying here enjoying the early morning quiet after Fox yells "Later!" before slamming the door on his way out. Letting my mind drift back to last night, I replay what was discussed in Gus's conference room. There apparently still was nothing concrete that could connect Frank Bancroft to Heffler, and so they haven't been able to get that search warrant yet. Although we all came to the same conclusion last night; whatever there might have been in that office at one time, has surely disappeared by now. Hopes had been pinned on finding something—anything—in Fox's stuff, but after carefully examining everything he owns, including the seams of all his clothes and his backpack, we still came up empty. Frustrating as hell. Dooley's been in touch a few times but has nothing new to offer from his side either. The Feds have up and left, since Heffler is no longer an issue and Brancroft seems to stay where he's supposed to. No reason for them to hang around.

Then yesterday I was called into the Sheriff's office only to find out when I got there that all they needed was for me to sign off on some statements. No fucking progress yet made on the investigation and no, they didn't have a handle on when the suspension might be lifted. Bunch of bureaucrats; I feel like a fucking yoyo. I left furious and just shy of telling them to stuff their job, before I realized I'd better talk to Gus first. See what other options are out there before I start burning bridges. So after we were done picking apart Heffler and Bancroft situation, and I told them what happened in Cortez, Gus came through with an interesting proposal. One that I want to discuss with Naomi first because it has possible implications for both of us.

Soft sounds come from the living room, and just as I'm about to go investigate, the bedroom door creaks open and Naomi's face peeks through.

"Oh hey. I didn't want to wake you. Did you sleep at all?" she asks, sitting next to me on the bed, running her fingers through my hair.

"Nope. Was just musing over some of the stuff that came up last night."

"Well do you want to talk first or do you want my proper good morning?" A hint of mischief shines in her eyes. Instead of answering, I scissor up and pull her over my body to the other side, rolling with her so I land on top.

"I'm thinking I owe you a turn," I mumble against her skin, already peeling back the layers she put on to ward off the cold morning.

"Mmmm. I'm not adverse to that idea," she says, pushing her body up into mine.

Pushing up, I pull off her jeans and underwear at once and take her in. Legs splayed open and pussy already glistening with her arousal, I have to fight the urge to bury myself to the hilt inside her slick, welcoming body. Nothing but the sweet encouraging sounds coming from her lips, I push her knees back spreading her even wider and bend down to satisfy my hunger. Teasing her with my lips, tongue and teeth, it doesn't take long before I have her shaking on the brink of orgasm. Rather than letting her come with my mouth, I want to feel the ripples of her climax around my cock, and in one move, I cover her body with mine, stretch her arms over her head and sink myself deep inside her. Her inner walls immediately clamp down on my shaft as she flies off the edge and spurs me on to move in fast hard strokes. Each time I bottom out inside her I grind down on her clit, prolonging her orgasm. After a long week of abstinence, a handful of strokes is all I need to feel the tingling at the base of my spine and the tightening of my balls, before I spill myself inside her.

No words—just the erratic breathing of repletion breaks the silence and without disconnecting we both doze off.

"Good Lord. This looks fantastic!"

After waking up from our little morning nap, Joe and I took what was supposed to be a quick shower but turned into round two of the morning lovefest we had started earlier. We've just walked into the Parker house where Clint's brother, Jed, has taken over for him. Knowing very little about Clint's personal life, I was surprised to learn he had family close by, but when Beth called earlier in the week, she had mentioned that she managed to get in touch with his family. Apparently the brothers had a falling out at some point and hadn't been on speaking terms, but with Clint still unconscious in the hospital in Durango, Beth had taken it upon herself to track down his brother. Jed contacted me the next day and wanted to meet up to discuss the work Mason Brothers was contracted to do. He promised to honor whatever agreements I had made with Clint, stating that it was the least he could do. I asked him if he was sure—that I could find another contractor if he'd rather spend time with his brother, but he assured us this is exactly what Clint would want.

I haven't been back there while he's been working at the house, because I've been busy helping out in the diner while Beth is glued to Clint's bedside, but Joe's checked in a few times.

This is the first time I'm seeing it and what hits me right away when we drive up is the fabulous looking new porch. No sign of the scorch marks and damage to the siding left behind by the explosion. How he managed to do that in barely five days, I have no idea. Joe mentioned he had a large crew with him every time he went over there.

A brand new front door is in its hinges and all the windows appear to have been replaced.

The biggest impact is on the inside, where they not only fixed any damage done to the walls, the basement and bathroom door, but a fresh coat of paint in a buttery yellow makes the entire hallway feel like the sun is shining inside.

"I love this color. Who picked it?"

With just a slight nudge of his head Jed indicates to Joe, who is chatting with some of the crew.  He gives me a curious look when I walk up, slide my arms around his waist and kiss his chest.

"What's that for?" he wants to know.

"Brightening my hallway and my day," I reply smiling up at him.

"If that’s my reward for the color in the hallway, I can't wait until you see the master bath."

"Bathroom? But we haven't even gone over the details for the house yet? The clinic was going to come first."

Confusion must've shown on my face because he chuckles. "Go have a look. You seem to enjoy the bathroom at the guesthouse so much, I thought this might go a long way toward making this feel a bit more like home to you. Besides, you'll be so busy with people trampling down those clinic doors when it opens, you should have at least one place where you can relax."

With a squeal I let go of him and sprint up the stairs. First door I open is the master bedroom, where a massive canopy bed, with simple lines and straight corner spindles that reach almost to the ceiling, takes center stage. A matching dresser with eight large drawers stands against the opposite wall and in the little alcove by the window sits a big comfortable looking club chair with fat armrests and a footstool. Perfect place to look out on the gorgeous views and read a book.

"But...I don't understand? When? How?" I stammer, not quite believing my eyes and looking for answers to Joe, who has followed me into the room.

"Do you like?"

"I love it! It's absolutely gorgeous, but this'll seriously blow my budget."

"Not your worry, it's my housewarming gift." He holds up his hand to silence me when he recognizes the argument I'm about to give him. "A gift to myself as well, beautiful, since I plan on spending as many nights as I'm welcome to, right here in that big ass bed with you."

He's right. When he puts it that way, I have no room to argue. Who am I to challenge a man who couldn't be making it clearer that he plans on taking up a substantial space in my life, especially when I so desperately want him there?

"Have I told you how much I love you?"

"You don't have to. I know. But only because I love you just as much," he chuckles planting a kiss on my forehead. "Now go check out your bathroom."

I have to admit, I'm not really surprised to find a fully decked out oversized bathtub replacing the old cracked one that was here before. Nor does it really shock me that the shower that's been newly installed is big enough to fit two people comfortably, with a large number of showerheads of different shapes and sizes for the
full experience
. Fact I've come to understand is that these men—Gus and Caleb being prime examples—all have a thing about their showers; they like them big and shared with their women. The boys love to play in water.

"I'm leaving now. I should be there in five. Do you want me to pick something up?" I ask Katie, when I'm heading out to check up on little Mattias, who appears to have survived his bout with thrush just fine, to his daddy's great relief.

"No need. Emma came by yesterday and dropped off enough muffins and sweetbreads to last me the month," is her response.

"See you in a few then."

I pull out of the Parker place—I really have to stop calling it that, since it's technically
place now—and turn toward town. Joe mentioned he was hoping we could meet up at the diner for lunch after, since he has something he needs to talk over with me. Thank God Joe was able to rent his own wheels until he's able to sort things out with his insurance company. They're being assholes since I guess they don't deal with intentional explosions that often. A bit concerning that they don't have that whole thing tied off with a neat little bow yet, but it looks like Heffler may have covered his tracks really well. There hasn't been any way to tie the C-4 explosives to him. Anyway, Joe having his own ride means we can get so much more stuff done, although I have to admit, I kinda miss having him join wherever I have to go and vice versa.

My mind is going over a checklist list of things I want to get for the house and this afternoon's scheduled visit from Kendra to discuss all things clinic when a car almost ploughs in to me at the first intersection in town. I'm sure I have the right of way, since I was just pulling up from the stop sign. Seems the other car never even slowed down approaching the intersection and ploughs right through. I have to swerve and slam on my brakes to avoid it. A pang of unease shoots through me when the green Toyota barrels through even after almost hitting me. I recognize the car from a few other near run-ins over the past few weeks. Other than a quick glimpse of what looked to be a woman behind the wheel, I don't register much else. The rear license plate is illegible with only 'BM' showing as part of the number. I consider calling Joe right away, but decide to wait until I get to Katie's.

The excitement of seeing Katie already waiting by the door with a happy little baby in her arms is enough to make my need to call Joe slip to the back of my mind. It isn't until after I've examined and declared Mattias healthy and the thrush gone, that I remember to give him a call, but by that time I'm almost ready to leave and meet up with him at the diner anyway, so I decide to wait and tell him face to face.

Walking into the diner is starting to feel like coming home, especially since I've spent so much time here this past week. Some of the regulars wave when I come in and Arlene comes out from behind the counter giving me a big hug.

"Hey chicky.  I don't do it much, so mark this down to warm you over those cold winter days coming up, and don't repeat it to anyone cause I'll only deny it, but thank you for your help this week. It made things much better with that extra pair of hands," she says in a low voice and immediately releases me, stepping back behind the protection of the counter.

"Aww, thanks Arlene but it's been my pleasure. I was starting to get bored not doing anything productive and picking up a little slack for Beth was the perfect distraction. How’s Clint by the way?"

"Still out. I swear the man does it on purpose, knowing Beth is sitting next to his bed waiting to tear into him like she always does, keeping his eyes tightly closed hoping for her to leave him in peace."

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