Clean Lines (Cedar Tree #4) (25 page)

BOOK: Clean Lines (Cedar Tree #4)
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Surprised by her words, I reel back in my seat causing her hand to drop from my face.
What the fuck?
She thinks I don't trust her?

"Here's the deal, keeping the graphic details of James’ death from you had nothing to do with trusting you, but everything with my need to protect you. You're a doctor, I know you can handle more than most. Babe, you've gotta understand, I'll always try to shield you from the ugly side of life—from danger. Not because I don't think you can't handle it, but because I don't want you to have to."

The soft look on her face and the way she snuggles against my chest tells me she's getting it, but I have more to say.

"I want those clean lines more than anything, but since we've finally gotten our act together, we've barely had a chance to do anything the normal way. Haven't even been on a proper date. I haven't had a chance to get to know all the things that make you who you are. I want that. I want to know all about you so that when I tell you the words that have been in my heart and on my mind, you'll have no doubt I mean every single one of them."


om! Where'd my Coyotes ball cap go??"

I can hear Fox holler from the bedroom where I told him to start packing up his shit.

He's been home—well, at Gus and Emma's guesthouse—from the hospital for a week now and has milked his concussion for the entire time, driving me up the wall. He was released last Thursday, with strict instructions to stay away from any alcoholic beverages—to which he rolled his eyes, the brat—as long as he was taking the blood thinners. We were driven home by a veritable army of men. Joe with Fox and I in his truck, Gus with Neil in his Yukon behind us and behind that was Malachi, who Gus had called back from his assignment. Ridiculous if you ask me, but Joe said it was a necessary show of force to whomever was watching, so they'd know we were well protected.

Maxim Heffler has still not been caught, even though law enforcement nationwide is on the lookout for him. I've made a choice not to be paralyzed by this situation, even though my instincts have me cowering in a corner. I've tried to focus all my energy on planning for the clinic, although I've had to do most all of it online. Neither Joe nor Gus will let me go anywhere alone. In fact, I couldn't even tell you right now where my car is. Joe even drove me to check in on Katie the other day and hovered around while I checked on Mattias' progress and Katie's healing. Both were doing extremely well and that little boy with his shock of black hair is already displaying signs of being about as even-keeled as his father is in terms of temperament. For a woman who a year ago wasn't considering anything further than perhaps walking again, let alone a future that included motherhood, Katie is turning out to be an absolute natural. And she’s more laid back now than I've ever known her to be. I feel a small pang of envy at my friend's blissful existence, but catch myself quickly, remembering the hell she's had to live through to get to this place. Perhaps there is hope for me too.

Everything is so chaotic with Fox and I now sharing the bedroom; Fox on a cot on the floor, and Joe spending most nights on the couch, refusing to leave our side during the night. Soon that's gonna change. I was able to negotiate a temporary rental agreement for the Parker place until my place in Cortez sells. There have been a few nibbles but until we can get our furniture and the rest of our things out, it won't show at its best. It's also just been a week. Thank goodness for the cleaning service that managed to clear and then clean the place so it was at least in some shape for viewing. Joe and I had needed to spend quite a few hours there first to sort through the mess before they could even come in, but by Sunday the first viewings had already been scheduled.

Fox is scheduled to stay with Neil at the motel tonight for an evening of gaming. The kid's been going stir crazy being cooped up inside, and frankly, I could do without the constant sound of gun battles in the background for a night. I've secretly been hoping for the damn Xbox to give out, but that would probably create an even bigger headache. No. This is good. Although I did tell him to get his crap off the floor and pack a decent bag before I'd let him go.

A quick peek at the clock tells me Neil should be here shortly. I'd expected Joe back by now too. He'd gone off early this morning to pick up a few clean clothes and run some errands and other than a quick text midday asking if I needed anything from town, I haven't heard a thing from him.

"Mom! Have you washed my Drake shirt?"

Good lord! Grabbing the pile of laundry I've been folding, I walk into the bedroom where if anything, it looks like an even bigger mess than when he started.

"Holy shitballs, Fox! You're supposed to be picking stuff up, not spreading it around."

"Yeah, but I can't find any of my stuff. I need space. I can normally find everything just fine on my floor, but with you cramping my style, everything is a disaster." For dramatic effect he runs his free hand through his hair and gives it a good yank. That coupled with the pained expression on his face makes me burst out laughing.

"Oscar-worthy performance, Bub. High marks for angst and torture, but you're talking to your mother. You forget nothing much impresses me."

A little tilt to his mouth and the sparkle in his eyes lets me know he hasn't lost all of his good humor yet. Well...and he's probably excited to be spending another night with Neil staring at a screen. Whatever.

"Your Drake shirt is in this stack and—" I have to intervene and rescue the perfectly folded laundry he almost flung to the floor in his haste to get to his precious shirt. "And did you find your cap yet?"

"What cap?"

"The one you were hollering at me for just five minutes ago? Coyotes?"

"I was? I think I may have left it in Joe's truck. Doesn't matter, as long as I have my Drake shirt."

Oy vey.
The attention-span of an ant when it comes to anything but gaming. Putting away the folded clothes, I turn to my son who seems to be staring at his peach fuzz in the mirror. "Hey, pick up this stuff and put it away...again, before you leave this room, okay?" When I get no response, I prompt, "Fox, you hear me?"

"Yeah whatever. Do you think I should let my beard grow?" He leans in even closer to the mirror picking at the sparse hairs sprouting from his chin and I'm struggling not to snort.

"Maybe wait a year or two, Bub. Give it a chance to fill in a bit?"

"Ya think? I just hate shaving and beards are in now."

I have to leave the room, I can't take it anymore. If the kid shaves once every two weeks it's a lot. I mean he's in the shower night and day, but the rest of his grooming leaves much to be desired. A beard though? On his baby face? I snicker to myself as I sit down at the dining table to do some more online shopping, when Joe comes in. He walks right over and kisses me full on my still smiling mouth.

"What's funny?"

"Fox wants to grow a beard," I enlighten Joe, making him chuckle

"I have some fertilizer left from last year. He's gonna need it with that spotty shit he's got on his chin."

"Hush, don't let him hear you," I giggle cuddling into his neck. "What've you been up to?"

"For me to know and you to find out. And you will soon, Neil is right behind me to pick up the boy."

"Is my Coyotes cap in your truck?" Fox walks in and immediately makes his opinion of our PDA clear by rolling his eyes dramatically.

"Hello to you too and no. Haven't seen it and I cleaned the truck this morning. Where did you last have it?" Joe straightens up but keeps his hand on the back of my neck.

"I was sure it was in your truck. I was wearing it when we came home from the hospital. Wasn't I? Maybe I left it there. Damn, I—" A knock on the door has him swing around on his heels and leap for the door. "Neil! Awesome! I'm ready; I just gotta get my bag. Let's go."

Ball cap forgotten, Fox disappears into the bedroom leaving Neil at the front door with his hand still half raised.

"Come in Neil. Never mind him. He's a bit cabin-fevered and can't wait to 'get out of jail,' by the look of things."

"S'okay," Neil chuckles, "I was gonna see if he wanted to go grab a bite at the diner, but seeing as he's probably eager to get down to playing, maybe we'll just run into Cortez for some fast-food instead."

"Fuckin' A!" Fox appears with his bag and pillow in hand and a big smile on his face on hearing the words fast-food.

"Language, Bub. Watch your mouth. Did you finish cleaning like I asked you?" Another eye roll, this one aimed at gaining sympathy from his 'buddy' Neil.

"Yes, Mother. All done."

Little snot.

"You dare 'Mother' me and I might just start pinching your cheeks in public. Better watch that smart mouth of yours, mister." I try to look all stern, but it's difficult when I can feel Joe's restrained chuckle against my back and see Neil staring at the ceiling to hide his amusement. Thanks guys.

"Sorry, Mom," he mumbles, coming over to give me a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Neil," Joe's deep voice says from behind me, "Make sure to stay alert."

"Drive-thru, Joe. Just the drive-thru." A message passes between the two of them that I can't decipher but can guess at, before Neil says to Fox, "No time to sit down, got a game waiting, don't we?" And with a fist bump and a final goodbye, those two are out the door.

I lean my head back against Joe's stomach and close my eyes.

"You think Neil's gonna be able to look after him all right?"

"Neil may not look the part, but he's one of the very few men I would trust with that boy's safety, Doc."

"Okay," I sigh.

"That's it? Okay?" he chuckles, leaning down to kiss my neck, "You're not going to fret all night? Worry about him? Call him every two minutes?"

"Hush. No I'm not, not every two minutes. Besides I trust you, and if you say it's safe, then it's safe."

Coming around the front of the chair, Joe pulls me up and into his arms.

"So compliant. I like it." The low rumble of his voice makes my insides do a little jerk. It's been a good week since we've anything but kissed and I am craving his hands on me and from the feel of the hard length of him rubbing against my lower belly, he's craving something too.

"We've got the place all to ourselves..." I raise one eyebrow and bite my lip suggestively, making him groan.

"Don't, babe. I made plans for us. I'm following through on something I said to you last week, so you're just gonna have to be patient." Stepping back from me, he quickly adjusts himself with a grimace. "And I'll have to keep my hands off for a little longer, or that'll be the end of my honorable intent."

"Watch it! Fucking moron."

A car comes flying out a side street cutting right in front of us, and I almost end up in oncoming traffic. Straightening out the truck, I try to have a better look at the car speeding off in the distance.

"Was that a green Toyota?"

"Don't know, didn't really pay attention to that," Naomi says beside me. "Where are we going anyway?"

It took everything I had to step away from Naomi earlier. Sleeping on the couch every night while knowing she was just a hallway away curled up in bed almost did me in a few times, but Fox served amazingly well as cock-blocker. I wanted nothing more than to pick her up, throw her on the bed and sink myself balls deep into her warm, tight pussy, but I'd fucked up before because of my eagerness to get what I want before doing things in the right order. I might be a little slow off the mark on this, but I'm determined to show her how much more she means to me before I tell her. 

"Joe? Are we going to the Parker place?"

Fuck I'm glad we're almost there.

"Bear with me okay, beautiful?"

Not easy to organize a surprise in a town this damn small. Everybody is sticking their nose in everyone else’s business making it impossible to keep a damn thing hidden. Not only had Arlene already called Emma after I went to the diner to pick up dinner, but Emma was waiting by the kitchen door when I walked past on my way to the guesthouse half an hour later. I'd just dropped everything I needed off and was planning to simply pick up Naomi and go, when Emma called me in for a minute while she put the finishing touches on a load of cupcakes. That woman is forever feeding people. Finally, fifteen minutes later, with twelve iced and boxed up cupcakes tucked in the back of the truck on the floor, I'm finally picking up my girl.

When we pull around the feed store—it
where we were headed—I hear Naomi's gasp beside me. While Neil was working on installing the high-end alarm system today, I put up a few strands of Christmas lights around the porch. Too early yet, but at least it gave the place a bit of a homey feel. I'd managed to get the key off the realtor a day early and Gus and Caleb helped me move in some of Naomi’s furniture this morning. It looked semi-liveable.

"So pretty...when did you do this? Wait. Did you get into the house? How?"

I turn the ignition off, turn in my seat and cup her face.

"Stop asking questions," I tell her with a smile. "The house is yours. It’s safe and dinner is getting cold. Let's go." I can't let her go without bending down to have a thorough taste of her mouth. Mistake. My relief deprived cock is back. And so fucking hard I want to unsnap my jeans right here and now to let the poor bastard out.

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