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Authors: Melissa Harrison

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would not have been written without the following people:


The brilliant Kathy Gale (, who told me I was a writer, and that I was writing a book; my agent Jenny Hewson at Rogers, Coleridge & White, who took a chance on something unformed; Robert Macfarlane and Jon McGregor, for their encouragement at an early stage; Michael Fishwick, Anna Simpson, Anya Rosenberg, Oliver Holden-Rea and everyone else at Bloomsbury; my sister Joelle, upon whom I inflicted an early draft; Joanna and Tom Ridge and Margaret and Tony Young, to whose homes I decamped to write; also Diana and Jim Elliott of Shillings Cottage in Hemyock; Magda Pukaluk and Wies Tondryk for help with the Polish language; Simon Wenzel of Watford School for Boys, for advice on school matters; Roy Vickery for his survey of plants on Tooting Common, and Roger Golding for information on ferns; Bianca Neumann at Veolia and Dave Oram and David Everett of the Lambeth Parks Service;  the International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside; Mandy Barrow of Woodlands Junior School, Kent; John Enfield of the British Postmark Society. Despite all this help, any errors in this book are entirely my own.

A Note on the Author


Melissa Harrison is a freelance writer and photographer whose clients include the
. She was the winner of the John Muir Trust’s ‘Wild Writing’ Award in 2010, and
is her debut novel. She lives in South London and writes about her local environment on her website, Tales of the City.


Copyright © 2013 by Melissa Harrison


First published in Great Britain 2013


This electronic edition published in February 2013 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc


The moral right of the author has been asserted


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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library


eISBN: 978-1-62040-040-1

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