Clattering Sparrows

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Authors: Marilyn Land

Tags: #Fiction, #Sagas

BOOK: Clattering Sparrows
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Also by Marilyn Land


The Dollmaker




Clattering Sparrows


Copyright © 2010 Marilyn Land


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This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


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ISBN: 978-1-4502-3635-5 (pbk)

ISBN: 978-1-4502-3636-2 (cloth)

ISBN: 978-1-4502-3637-9 (ebk)


Library of Congress Control Number: 2010908941


Printed in the United States of America


iUniverse rev. date: 7/9/2010





Clattering Sparrows
is a work of fiction. Any and all references to actual people, events, places, or business establishments are intended solely to give the fiction a sense of authenticity and the reality of the times. All names, characters, and non-historical incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.


The history of Mah Jongg was compiled from information made available by the Mah Jong Museum, Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia, and a multitude of articles that have appeared in miscellaneous newspapers and magazines.




Point of clarification to the reader:

Clattering Sparrows
, when referring to the ancient Chinese game, the Chinese spelling—Mahjong—is used. When referring to the American version of the game, the American spelling—Mah Jongg—is used.









To Myrna—

I promise I won’t forget to bring the set!









A journey of 1,000 miles begins

with a single step!


Chinese Proverb




Clattering Sparrows is dedicated to the players of my
weekly Mah Jongg games from 1957 to the present!


Maryland 1957—Wednesday Night
Bobbie Berger
Shelia Blum
Shirley Chatlin
Myrna Franklin
Maryland 1960—Wednesday Night
Pat Abrams
Mollie Edelberg
Ruth Feigenson
Ady Hillman
Ruth Rubin
Renel Silver
Cape Cod, MA 2003—Monday Afternoon
Phyllis Bouchard            Judy Leventhal
Lois Goldberg                Denise Smily
Dede Hadelman            Toni Steinberg
Linda Kipnes                  Sharon Swartz
Sylvia Whitman
Cape Cod, MA 2004—Wednesday Night
Linda Ahern                  Ellen DiMeco
Toby Chandler              Myrna Fritz
Ann Cherenson             Ellie Maude
Phyllis Stern

And to the many other terrific players I have clattered
tiles with over the past fifty years—above all my
two granddaughters Haley and Jillian Stein


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