Clash Of Worlds (14 page)

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Authors: Philip Mcclennan

BOOK: Clash Of Worlds
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“So you’re Sergeant Cooper’s daughter right?”

Stacey sensed the nervousness in his voice and decided to play with him a little. “Nothing gets past you does it?”

James, normally such an imposing and dominant person, felt around three-feet tall. Right about now he wished that he had Chad’s confidence. Chad always had a way with the ladies, but although James was a good-looking man himself, he always tended to shy away from seeking out woman. He did have some minor flings whilst staying at the training complex, but he’d never had a serious girlfriend before.

Stacey got wind of the fact James was struggling and she stepped in. “You can relax, I’m not going to bite!”

James smiled.

“So what’s your name?”


“Well then James, are you going to ask me to dance?”

James now hit another problem for he couldn’t dance, not even a little. “I can’t dance,” he said, sounding slightly embarrassed.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Come with me.”

Despite James’ reluctance, Stacey took his hand and dragged him onto the dance floor. As he was being pulled along, James passed the waiter and snatched a glass of champagne from the plate he held in his hand. James knocked the champagne back in one go and tossed the empty glass back in the direction of the waiter. The waiter caught the empty glass but lost grip of the plate he had in his other hand and several glasses of champagne fell onto the floor. James winced as they shattered upon impact.

A few of those who were dancing stopped and stared at the waiter.

“Sorry!” James shouted to the waiter who peered back it him.

Stacey began to laugh and the girl shook her head. “You know what, I like you!”

The pair stopped in the centre of the dance floor.

“You think this is funny?” said James who couldn’t stop laughing himself.

She nodded back to him, smiling as she did so. Stacey began teaching James different dance moves, changing to a new set when a different melody of music started to play. After a short time, James began to loosen up and he started enjoying himself. The music then changed to a slower type of melody. It was music for a slow dance. Stacey positioned James’ arms correctly and rested her arms over his shoulders and around the back of his neck. James and Stacey, along with everyone else on the dance floor, proceeded to slow dance.

Sergeant Cooper entered the ballroom along with Professor Milton whilst James and Stacey had been dancing. The pair made their way over to the tables with food placed on it. He and the Professor filled their plates with sandwiches and sausage rolls from the buffet, which had been set up for the guests. Professor Milton had been discussing with the sergeant at length, about the extraordinary strength of James and Chad. Whilst in deep discussion, the sergeant’s attention was drawn to Stacey and James, slow dancing on the dance floor. Sergeant Cooper’s eyes narrowed. He was very protective of his daughter and if it hadn’t been for the intervention of the professor; he would have put a stop to the dancing immediately.

“They’re young, leave them be,” The professor said.

“Well he best not have too much fun,” replied the Sergeant in a very serious tone. He sipped a glass of wine, never taking his eyes from the pair, not even for a second.

James and Stacey continued to dance. The young girl was looking right into James’ eyes and smiling and he could hardly breathe.
She is beautiful.
He could feel himself becoming attracted to her as they danced. James picked up on the cold stare from Sergeant Cooper from the corner of the room. If looks could kill, James would have fallen dead where he stood. “Your dad’s looks like he’s going to kill me.”

Stacey took a quick glance around before looking back at James and started to giggle. “He’s always like that, don’t worry about it.”

“That’s easy for you to say! The guy’s going to be my boss.”

“Well then you better take real good care of me hadn’t you!” she said, teasing James.

Midway through the dance, Stacey suddenly stopped dancing without warning. She looked over James’ shoulder and her face lit up. She took her hands from around James’ neck and waved him goodbye before disappearing off through the crowd of people. James stood confused for a few moments, trying to understand what had just happened.

Cody walked across the dance floor to him and predictably asked, “What happened?”

James stood bewildered for a few moments. “I’m not sure, we were getting along fine and then she just took off.”

Cody patted James on the back and tried to comfort his friend. “Ah well you win some, you lose some, so is the way of life! Let me show you how its done man,” proclaimed Cody. The young Texan suddenly had a spring in his step.

“You got your eye on someone?” asked James, suddenly becoming intrigued.

“Yeah and here she comes now!” Cody pointed over towards Sophie who was preparing herself a plate a food from the buffet. Cody set off at pace across the dance floor towards where the young Irish girl was stood.

James noticed that Cody was heading toward the area where he had knocked into the waiter earlier and spilt champagne all over the floor. There had been a plastic warning notice placed in the area to ensure that everyone knew it was wet but Cody’s gaze was firmly on Sophie and the wet surface escaped his attention. James tried to call out and warn him but he was too late, Cody slipped backward and crashed down hard onto his back. Everybody stopped dancing and circled around him. Laughter erupted on the dance floor and from the ground; Cody caught a glimpse of Sophie looking on in the distance. The young Texan had never been so humiliated in all his life. He jumped up to his feet and quickly headed for the exit. James tried to call out to Cody, but he brushed past him and made haste out of the ballroom.

After around an hour of roaming around the ballroom, James made his way onto the balcony outside. The balcony overlooked desert in all directions. The training complex was based in the middle of nowhere, an obscure location where the students could be trained without interruption. James found solace and peace in the derelict landscape and yet he knew that his time here was coming to an end.
This may be the last time I stand on this balcony and look out into the desert.
The thought made James a little sad, but he always knew this time would come.

There were a few couples either making out or talking in the corners of the balcony so he decided to stand in the middle, away from the lovebirds. He leaned over the balconies edge and his mind began to wonder.

He thought about what would happen once he left the training complex and started up as an agent for the government’s secret organisation, the World Order. He hadn’t heard that name until today. After the student’s learnt they had made the grade, they had been introduced in great detail to the new lives they would soon be leading under the guidance of Sergeant Cooper. He wondered what area of the world he would be stationed in. You see, as an agent, James would be sent on missions all over the world. He would have a location designated to him by the World Order and would watch over the city himself, like a silent enforcer. He would ensure the city remained safe, free from corruption and foreign agents, reporting back to the World Order whenever they deemed it necessary. As he agent, he would have authority above the law, having reign over the police and even the Federal Bureau Investigation. The agent’s were silent protectors of their cities, keeping a watchful eye over its affairs. As an agent, James would be given another identity, something that he would use when interacting with the public and he would have a part-time job as a cover for his real job.

James also worried about Chad. The pair had always been together ever since they were young and they looked out for each other.
I hope we’re not stationed too far away from each other
The world is such a big place…

They would, of course, still see each other sometimes when a mission called for several agents or if all the agents were summoned to a meeting at headquarters. James knew however that this would be the last time the pair would see each other every single day, which they had done ever since they had arrived at the training complex all those years ago. The thought of that saddened James a little, still he knew that this time would eventually arrive and both he and Chad had prepared for it.

“Aren’t you meant to bring a girl out here instead of being on your own?” said a familiar voice from over James’ shoulder. Chad walked out and joined his friend on the balcony. He was dressed in a grey suit and tie and had gelled his dark hair back, which he only did for special occasions.

James, already knowing it was Chad, didn’t turn around to look at him, instead choosing to remain leaned over the balcony top. “Yeah, I was with a girl earlier, but she left.”

Chad leaned over the balcony next to James. “I should’ve known with you,” he said sounding unsurprised.

“What do you mean?”

“How many times have I told you? Be more assertive with girl’s, they love that stuff.”

James didn’t reply, he had far more pressing things on his mind.

Chad could see that James was deep in thought. He always thought James deliberated on things far too much. He had always been like that, ever since they were children. They were so different from each other, yet they had bonded so well. “Something on your mind?”

James came back from the balconies edge and turned to face him. “I’ve just been thinking, you know. Everything’s going to change from here on in.” James had the look of a man who knew he would now have to fend for himself in the big wide world, like for instance a young man who had just finished school or university. James knew that now it was time for him to be an adult. He was no longer a boy, but now a man. He just wasn’t entirely sure if he was ready for that yet. He expected Chad to come back with his usual sarcastic or witty response, something that would raise James’ spirits, but it never came.

“I hear you James,” said Chad. There was a seriousness about his voice.

He’s afraid too,
James realised.

“If you want the truth, I’m a little scared.”

James was taken aback by Chad’s words. In all the long years the two had been friends, Chad had never shown fear for anything or anyone. Now though, for the first time, he could see that his friend was just as uncertain as he was about what the future held.

“I hope we’re not too far apart. Our cities I mean,” said Chad, referring to the fact that, as agents, they would have an individual city as their territory.

“I figure that when there’s a big mission or some major crisis, they’ll need the two of us on it, you know what I mean,” replied James. He gave a wink to Chad, which was the pair’s way of acknowledging their superior abilities to one another. For once it was James trying to raise Chad’s spirits. Almost every other time it had been Chad playing the ‘big brother’ role.

The two talked for around an hour about old times and childhood memories. This wasn’t goodbye of course. The two would still be working together as agents from time to time but for them, and all of the recent graduate agents, they would not see each other as often as they used too. Perhaps maybe once a month would be an accurate assessment. Still this felt like a goodbye of sorts. They promised there and then that they would meet up in secret if they ever had any further developments about their secret abilities and with that, Chad patted James on the back.

“Right I’m off.”

“What, it’s still early? You’re usually the last one standing!”

“Not this time, I’ve got things to do,” said Chad.

James looked at Chad with a look of confusion, and also suspicion.

Chad smiled. “Hey look, I know we’re best friends but that doesn’t mean I have to tell you everything!” With that, Chad began to walk off. As he walked from the balcony he shouted back. “James…go find that girl!”

James smiled and looked back out over the balcony. He never did seek the girl out he had danced with earlier like Chad had suggested. If he had done so, things might have turned out differently for both of them in the grander scheme of things…

The next morning all of the graduates began to assemble in the courtyard in preparation for their departure. Everyone was ready to bid the training complex goodbye, apart from Chad, who was curiously nowhere to be seen. James decided to go and find him before Professor Milton or Sergeant Cooper arrived on the scene. He sprinted down the empty corridors of the training complex, gasping for breath as he reached Chad’s room. He thought it was a little strange that Chad wasn’t up yet, seeing as though he had left the party so early.
After today, I won’t be around to clean up your mess Chad…

James banged loudly on the door. After a few minutes, Chad finally answered. He had clearly just woken up. His hair was a mess and he stood at the door in nothing but his underpants.

Chad wiped a little sleep from his eyes and looked at his friend as he opened the door. James’ stood with his arms folded not even uttering a word. Then in an instant Chad realised exactly what had happened.

“Oh shit!” Chad quickly disappeared back into the room, leaving the door slightly ajar.

“What happened?” said James who swung the door open. He caught a glimpse of Stacey, the girl he had been dancing with at the graduation party the night before. He quickly turned his back, noticing that the girl was semi-naked.
So that’s why she disappeared.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t realise anyone was in here”, said James slightly embarrassed.

Chad tried to put his pants on too quickly and lost his balance. He fell to the floor, which gave a loud thud as he hit it. In the background, Stacey began to laugh a little in between trying to dress.

James decided to leave the two to get ready and made his way back to the courtyard.

On his way back, James had mixed feelings about seeing Stacey in Chad’s room. However, Chad had taken his chance and James didn’t so he put it to the back of his mind.
“Be more assertive,”
he could almost hear Chad say as he walked.

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