Claire, Angela - Heart of Stone (Siren Publishing Classic) (12 page)

BOOK: Claire, Angela - Heart of Stone (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“I can’t give it to you soft. Not now, not ever. Even if I pretended for a while, I’d fuck you how I want to fuck you in the end, and you’re too innocent—”

“I’m not some frail little thing like your wife or spoiled little girl like Regina Winthrop. I’ve known a hard life. I can take whatever you want to give me.”

“You shouldn’t have to, not from me. You’re not some whore at Sally’s I can pound away at for hours and make up for it with some dollars on the dresser in the morning.”

“Women aren’t just whores or saints, Jake. We’re all a little of both. If you treat us just like one or the other, then you don’t even want a real woman, you just want a doll.”

He didn’t know which was more potent: the whiskey or the feel of her hot body in his lap. His fingers were wet from her juices, and his cock in his jeans thrust against the sweet naked curve of her inner thigh and ass.
All of it was damn near too much for him. Add to that, she had to go and get logical on him.

“You’re not a doll, Melinda. I know you’re not a doll. You’re a warm, beautiful young woman who I damn near cannot keep my hands off of.” He demonstrated the point, pulling her shift off her shoulders, baring her to the waist, and filling his palms with the luscious weight of her breasts as she arched her back, her long golden curls, glistening in the firelight, falling along her back. Her skin felt like silk against his hands.

“I want you to make love to me, Jake. My choice. My decision. The hard punch wore off long ago. I’m drunk on you. And I need to be held, need to be loved. If only for a little while before I move on. Love me, Jake.”

Not a man in this whole wide world, not one with a functioning cock anyway, could resist that. He pushed her to stand up, and the shift fell off her hips to the floor. “Okay, Melinda, I give in. You win. We both win. But you gotta show me you’re no delicate flower. Undo my belt.”

She glanced down and fell to her knees naked in front of him. Lord, the sight of just that. He widened his legs and she moved to position herself in between them. Her fingers went to the leather belt, and she undid it without hesitation, leaning in close, her head bent down to look at what she was doing. A part of him wanted to rip his pants open himself and let his cock spring out so he could thrust his fingers into her hair and bring her mouth down to him while she was so conveniently kneeling there. His breathing quickened at the thought of her soft, warm mouth closing over the head of his cock and sliding down to take him deep into her throat, as deep as she could take it. That might just shock his little orphan out of her compliance, pushing her to suck his cock as a first test. At this point, though, if Melinda turned noncompliant, he just might have to shoot himself.

“Now undo the zipper.” Again she obeyed. He held his breath. “Now take my cock out.”

It damn near pushed its way out all on its own, but she didn’t shy away from the task. He lifted his ass up in the end and pulled his jeans all the way off. He did the same with his shirt till he was as naked as the woman still kneeling at his feet. He pulled her up to straddle him on the chair, till she was kneeling on the seat of the chair, holding herself above him while he leaned back. He looked into her deep blue eyes. “Now you put my cock in you.”

That one seemed to stall her a little, and he reached a hand between them, thrusting a finger in her vagina. She was wet enough alright. Tight, though. He moved his finger gently, and she gasped. He continued, his thumb spreading the wetness on her clit, and she cried out, her eyes closed. He sucked one pink pert nipple into his mouth, and he felt her clamp down on him. He quickly thrust another finger in, and she orgasmed with a low moan.

Enough of the instruction. He pulled his fingers out and replaced them slowly with his cock, working it in a bit at a time before she even seemed to realize it. She was still spasming, and her eyes shot open.

“Come on, girl, take me. You said you could.” He taunted her in a whisper, and she accepted the challenge, coming down swiftly on him to take the last few inches of his aching cock. He grabbed her hips to keep her there, though her expression said she was clearly in discomfort. “I’m sorry, honey. That had to be done.” He kissed her softly, bringing his thumb back to her clit in a slow massage, and she relaxed. He could feel it. “That’s right, that’s right, sweetheart.” His hands on her hips taught her the motion, and soon, she was riding him eagerly. She was right. She was no delicate flower. She damn near had him coming right off with her natural, sweet, intense rhythm. His hips bucked up towards her, and she cried out. But he could not come in her. He would do that much. She rode him, bringing them both to blissful conclusion, the point at which he grasped her hips and wrenched her off him. She looked down in surprise at the hot stream that spurted out onto her belly, and after a moment, he pulled her down against him, sticky though that made it. He kissed the top of her soft hair and the fine skin of her shoulder as she collapsed against him. Lord, what had he done?

When they could both breathe again, he lifted her off him and laid her gently on the plush rug in front of the fire. The royal blue expanse was thick and cushy, an extravagance that had come with him from
that looked out of place with the otherwise modest furnishings of the house. Right now, though, he was thankful for the cushion it provided Melinda as she stretched out on the rug and came up on her side to watch him.

He used his discarded shirt to wipe the semen off her silky skin and then his, and then lay down beside her on his side, facing her. He fingered one of the blond curls that draped her breast and gazed into her eyes, a deeper blue than the rug they lay on.

“Do you know how beautiful you are?”

She shrugged. “I never cared to hear it much, Jake, until I met you.”

He hooked one of his legs over hers, settling a hand on the top of her hip, and nudged her closer. She came willingly, lifting up to leisurely kiss his shoulder.

“You seem to be taking this all in your stride, Melinda. If you knew how many times I’d fantasized about having you naked in front of me, you’d be shocked down to your toes. God, I imagined making love to you in every possible way I could.”

“Now that’s a useful piece of information.” Her long soft fingers trailed down his stomach as she continued with her feather-light kisses along his chest. Predictably, his cock stirred.

“Oh, yeah? Why?” He inched closer.

“Well, for one thing, because I’ve only really heard about one or two ways to do it, to be truthful. I’d never heard of the one we just did, for instance. I thought the man always had to be on top.”

He chuckled. “No, not at all. The woman on top is one of my favorites.”

The firelight bouncing off Melinda’s hair and white body made her a study in golden and cream tones. He’d hungered for her for so long that his need was nowhere near fulfilled by just the one joining. She read his renewed interest, not that his own naked body was making it too difficult to decipher of course. Her eyes darkened.

“Show me another,” she said boldly.

Maybe it was the whiskey still affecting his judgment, or maybe it was that he’d already blown trying to be a good guy in this whole situation, but he accepted the invitation readily.

“Turn over.” He came over her and helped her do it, kneeling behind her. “Get on your hands and knees.”

She shot a confused look over her shoulder at that instruction, but complied, presenting her gorgeous ass to him. He took it in hand, pushing on the top of her back so her ass was tilted up to him. He reached one careful hand between her legs, where she was still soft and wet. “This is another one of my favorites,” he said. He positioned his cock and slid into her tight channel. They both groaned. “I can get so deep this way.”

He started to move, holding her hips, thrusting his cock into her wet depths. “Do you like this one?” he asked softly, leaning over to kiss the back of her neck as she shook her hair out of his way.

“I love it,” she moaned, as he proceeded to show her he agreed.

* * * *

She was curled up so sweet next to him in bed, his arm around her, her head resting on his shoulder. He had ridden her hard last night, just as he said he would. By the time he ran a cool washcloth along her naked body and then dressed her in the nightgown he had fetched from her room, she was ready to drift off to sleep next to him. And sleep she did, straight through, though he just stayed awake and savored the feel of her next to him until the first rays of sunshine peeked through the closed curtains of the window.

She stirred, and he placed a light kiss on the top of her head. She opened her eyes with an “mmm” as her leg travelled over his own, discovering he was very much awake. He had been most of the night off and on, though he made no move to do anything about it. She would be sore. He wouldn’t add to her discomfort by taking his selfish pleasure yet again.

She opened her eyes and smiled sleepily. “I expect I know pretty well what that “F” word means now.” And her hand wandered over to his stiff cock.

He caught it with a laugh and leaned down to kiss her leisurely. “No, I can’t make love to you again. You’d be too tender.”

“Sure I can’t make you change your mind?”

“I’m sure you could. But we shouldn’t.”

In the light of day, he didn’t know whether that meant “shouldn’t right now” or “shouldn’t ever again.” But he did know he couldn’t bear not to touch her again. As if to reassure himself he could, he palmed one warm, heavy breast. When she arched her back with a purr of contentment, he sidled around so she lay on her back with him over her. He trailed light kisses down her neck and throat, one of his hands slipping between her legs where she was already liquid and soft for him. He tongued her nipple and relished her soft cries as he made his way farther down her body until he parted her legs and softly kissed her between them. With a start, her eyes flew open, and she looked down in shock.

“You haven’t heard about this one, then, eh, my little orphan?”

“No,” she whispered, and lay back with a smile. “But I think I’m going to like it.”

“I guarantee it, sweetheart.”

He filled his hands with her supple ass, lifting her to his mouth, and lightly licked her clit. When he had her moaning above him, he slid one hand around to slip a finger into her, mimicking slowly what they had done last night and what he was dying to do again. Without volition, he ground his hard cock into the mattress rhythmically as he kissed and licked and fingered her. She came against his mouth, clutching strands of his hair to hold him closer, panting.

When he slid up her body, both their bodies were already slick from their exertions. She wound her arms around his neck and pressed even closer. Though he truly thought his cock might explode, he accepted the embrace, savoring the affection it demonstrated.

“What about you?” she asked shyly.

“What about me?”

She glanced down, her hand following her eyes, clasping his unsatisfied cock.

“I’m fine,” he lied.

She squeezed, just about causing him to jump out of his skin. “Can I do that for you?”

“What?” he asked, afraid he knew.

“I’m sore. I won’t deny it. But couldn’t I at least touch you,” her voice lowered, “kiss you, like you just did for me?”

“I’d like nothing better, honey. But I don’t know if you’d like it right now. All of this is so new to you. That’s something only the most experienced of, ah, ladies do in bed.”

Meanwhile, she kept stroking his cock, with his cock participating enthusiastically by thrusting against her palm. If the thing could talk, it’d probably sit up and beg for her to go down on him.

Melinda scoffed at his explanation. “You’re still stuck on this whore versus saint thing with women, Jake Stone. Don’t make me tell you again that most women are a little of both. I know I am, and more the former than the latter right at this very minute.”

Her hand still firmly on his cock, she scooted down, crouching a little and presenting him with a fascinating view of her bottom thrust up into the air. When he felt her soft kiss on the head of his cock, her long hair streaming out along his belly, he just about jumped out of his skin. “Tell me what to do, Jake,” she whispered against him, “or I’ll figure it out myself.”

BOOK: Claire, Angela - Heart of Stone (Siren Publishing Classic)
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