Clair of Earth: Brintex Centurions Book One (3 page)

Read Clair of Earth: Brintex Centurions Book One Online

Authors: Gail Faulkner

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Clair of Earth: Brintex Centurions Book One
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Trel focused on the pleasure of watching his fingers manipulate her, spreading her wide, deliberately pushing in shallowly, up and around, exposing every hollow as he rubbed the cream into those beautiful lips. He paid special attention to the dainty protrusion at the top of her cleft and the upper swell of her mound. He liked the softness of her there as he petted, stroked and spread her.

The mineral was working and her
was becoming engorged. Like a ripe fruit, its dripping center strained open in a presentation she could not control. The lovely pink turned a fascinating shade of blushing scarlet.

Quickly coating his fingers again, he applied the cream to her ass, gaining another shocked gasp from her. This time he didn’t bother lifting his attention. His gaze focused on fingers circling tender muscles. Oh yes, she would swell here as well, becoming incredibly sensitive, needy for sensations totally new to her.

Her body reflexively resisted but he paid no mind and firmly pressed a finger against her opening. Not entering, but only because he chose not to. It wasn’t time yet. Watching his thick digits work her was far more emotionally charged than he’d been prepared for. Possessive dominance was natural to his kind, but he’d never felt such a searing drive. He would have her here, but more than that, he would have her begging for it. Her submission had to be that deep, that powerful, and he wasn’t sure she was ready for this. Could he pull back if she needed him to?

The moment of doubt passed as his mate showed him exactly how powerful she was. Her answer to his sexuality was swift and humbling. Again she rejected any control on his needs, her hunger fueling him.

Her pelvis jerked slightly, pressing down and he breached her. It didn’t hurt, he would have scented the change immediately if he had caused pain. She was tight, there would be a fire for surrendering, but she was not pulling back as he carefully pressed in. Her response was intense pleasure and shock. Sweet little thing was wallowing in carnal gratification. Of course, her need shot up with her little discovery that she wanted her ass fucked. Complete subjugation of her body thrilled her.

Pressing in and withdrawing in careful thrusts, he showed her why a good deal of her instructions had been devoted to anal preparation. Taking care of those requirements, the deep cleansing of her body, had primed her mentally to some extent. Now it was his job to remove her uncertainty about this surrender turned to pleasure.

Little mate was loving the surprising sensations. It was time to add another level of indulgence. His other hand administered a gentle slap to her exposed bottom, causing the flesh to move pleasingly. His hand remained kneading soft flesh and pulling the globes open for his penetration. She writhed on his fingers with each thrust. Her swollen
clenched and gushed, betraying her excitement as he stroked into her.

Her response to his taking her ass was an intoxicating scent. Pleasure that was dependent on surrender, spiced with chagrin and given an erotic push with her secret shame at loving all of it.

The door beside them chimed loudly as someone requested entrance. Trel grunted in that direction, not able to take his gaze off her lovely ass slowly receiving a second finger. The door opened, Clair gulped in a shocked gasp and froze. Her realization that someone was entering the room and he was making no move to cease exploded in her scent.

Trel almost chuckled as his mate learned that she had seriously underestimated his ability to provide for her.

Chapter Three


Helix entered, pausing as he looked at the woman splayed under Trel’s hands. Helix’s eyes were on Clair’s lovely
and the silence was only broken by the sound of her gasp.

“You seek me for a reason?” Trel growled, sliding three fingers into Clair’s ass and holding them there, he glanced at his younger brother.

“Indeed, I’ve forgotten,” Helix stated with a smile. “However, I’m at your service should you need assistance? Her nipples could be stretched, I see.”

Under his hand, Clair was no longer still. Her body would not allow it nor would her trepidation. She squirmed, causing her breasts to roll pleasingly as well as her soft belly and hips. Everywhere one looked she was soft and shifting, flushed and swollen. Her scent sizzled with embarrassment and excitement. Trel pulled his fingers from her slowly and she moaned. Her body shifted down as if to remain on him, her pelvis tilting and pushing. The display of her exquisite features was breathtaking.

This what being strung out on drugs must feel like,
Clair thought as she watched the other Brintex examine her while Trel’s fingers invaded her ass. Spread and restrained, her body responding to the amazing cream Trel was rubbing into her flesh, there was nothing Clair could physically do to alter the situation besides using her safe word. Something about that fact soothed her and set her free. The freedom part was realizing how much she enjoyed the look of absolute lust on the stranger’s handsome face.

There was also a complete absence of fear. Trel would never let anyone or anything hurt her. She’d known that for a long time, but not like this. Watching the stranger’s hungry gaze move over every intimate inch of her body was exhilarating on so many levels. Being completely safe to experience a stranger’s lust was a new and intoxicating pleasure Clair had never imagined.

That was what Trel was giving her. New pleasures that broke across her soul with the relentless force of ocean waves, sweeping her up in the tide of erotic surrender he kept giving her new experiences that she hadn’t known she wanted. Oh yes, he was pushing her and it was amazing. Clair gasped through this latest realization as she watched the two Brintex interact.

“Be useful and hand me the
,” Trel instructed Helix, ignoring the rest of his request.

Helix chuffed softly in amusement and glanced around, sighting the thing on Trel’s desk. Scooping it up, he returned to stand close at Trel’s shoulder, his gaze again focused between Clair’s legs.

“Anything else I can do?” Helix murmured.

“Work at remembering the reason you’re here,” Trel growled as he took the
from Helix, their guarded conversation strictly for Clair’s benefit. Helix knew exactly why he’d been asked into the room. He was to remain five minutes and leave.

’s two long rods were shaped realistically, faithful replicas of fully functional male anatomy, and Trel wanted to be certain Clair saw them as he applied the cream. He was rewarded with a trembling moan, and yet his female did not speak. His pride at her control was a surprising addition to the pleasure she gifted him with.

With his bare hand, Trel stroked down her belly, enjoying the shuddering muscle contractions at his touch. Positioning the
to penetrate both her entrances just as his fingers played her protruding folds, he pulled on her center nerve bundle and pressed in. The thick rods forced open swollen, greedy flesh as he pushed back the little hood shielding that last secret her body hid from his eyes.

slid into her body and he fought the low howl that sounded much like a growl. The yoke holding both rods rested against her and Trel flicked the
on. Clair screamed, her pelvis jerked up in response to the wicked, vibrating tool delivering the cream deep in her ass and
. She twisted and writhed, her gorgeous breasts rolled as she moved, their puffy tips sporting nipples almost purple with engorged blood.

Trel’s gloved hand held the
deep in her body, his other hand stroked the center of her
just enough to stimulate but not allow release. Earth’s word for that bundle of nerves was as abrupt and harsh as the
, such a short designation for the pretty, delectable female organ.

Her body moved with maddening grace, responding to his touch, her natural heat and the deep stimulation. It was a situation she couldn’t control in any way. He’d ensured she was aware that he let Helix enter the room and witness her responses. She was displayed, penetrated, and now completely willing to hump lewdly as the Centurion she belonged to enjoyed her. Her reaction was a mind-numbing aroma that almost robbed Trel of control.

Helix sucked in a deep breath and reached for her breasts. Trel snarled in warning and Helix dropped his hands.

“May the four Goddesses have mercy,” Helix breathed in reverent wonder. “Are there more like her?”

“No,” Trel answered distractedly, the denial a reflex as it was obvious there could never been another as perfect. “But then, I’ve never actually looked at any other human female,” he confessed in natural honesty.

The mineral having completely absorbed into her breast tissues, Trel leaned over and captured a turgid nipple in his mouth, sucking in sharply. She screamed again and he grunted in satisfaction. The soft puffiness of the surrounding flesh and plump hardness of her nipple created a delicious contrast. His eyes closed in bliss as he rolled her nipple across the ridges at the roof of his mouth. Not enough. His jaws opened and he sucked hard, drawing in more of that lovely mound. His mouth worked at her with deep, suckling pulls.

Her hips bucked fiercely with each long pull on her breast. Without lifting fingers or mouth, he carefully moved around her leg to her side. Allowing her breast to slowly fall from his mouth, he watched it bounce on her chest in glistening majesty. “Give me the other,” he commanded Helix.

The direction was to make sure she understood that at his command, his brother would touch her. Knowing her deep desires in this area made his brother the only choice to provide her with this experience.

Her pleasure in submission was driving him hard. Helix could not help scenting her response and Trel knew it. Fleetingly he wished he had time to examine the complexity of her responses. Her scent was gaining a new spice. Lighter, golden yet deeply complex.

A human inch shorter than Trel, Helix was the other side of the Brintex coin. He possessed a sandy-red mane, his eyes were the color of sunset when day is burning out its last embers. In attitude as well, he laughed where Trel usually scowled. Both had the imperious nose and heavy muscle structure of a Brintex warrior.

Helix grasped her swaying breast with both hands, kneading firmly as he squeezed to offer the distended tip to Trel’s mouth.

“Good, little kitten,” Helix rumbled approval to Clair as Trel sucked her and strummed her shuddering body. Apparently the one small permission was all Helix needed to feel he had been invited to join. Trel was too busy to correct him at the moment.

Helix’s hands released her breast and stroked her sides to her hips, down to caress straining thighs on either side of his body as she shook in her stirrups. “Lovely Clair, such a good kitten,” Helix continued softly. “Look how you swell and present for your Centurion.”

Trel conceded mentally that Helix was standing between her spread thighs and did have the best view of her thrusting hips pumping contracting openings around the thick invaders. And Helix was Trel’s second, with all the rights and responsibilities of that post. Brother to Trel was currently the more important distinction. Trel couldn’t focus on how Helix’s participation was changing the moment, her mounting pleasure required his full attention as she processed the new situation.

His female was learning fast that she wanted exactly what he was requiring of her. Her hunger and excitement obvious to both males in her scent and her physical response was creating a new element. Everything shifted as shards of white-hot pleasure burned though them collectively, a current conducted from her skin to the warriors touching her body.

Feeling the pleasure take on a new dimension, Trel spread his fingers, straining blushing folds open for his brother’s view as two fingers stimulated her clit. Deliberately he released her breast.

“Have you ever seen such a needy
?” he asked Helix roughly. Again, the conversation was for Clair. Her response to them discussing her displayed body was predictable but no less enjoyable. What wasn’t expected was Helix’s response to her.

“Amazing,” Helix agreed. “Look how high the clit rises, as if to beg.”

Helix struggled to sound casual. A few hours ago, Trel’s original request had not really made sense but he’d agreed. Two seconds after stepping into this room he’d realized nothing was what it seemed. This was not just a female and Trel was not just playing with her. Oh fuck no. This scent, her, Trel, himself, it was something Helix had never experienced. It compelled him, and every second he remained it became more impossible to even consider leaving.

“Her juices flow with just the
and a little plucking,” Helix continued as his hands slid around the back of her thighs and up to grasp the mounds of her thrusting bottom. “She is exquisite, a female in heat like I’ve never seen.”

Right about now Helix knew there would be no leaving. Trel might have asked him to come in this room but it was Clair who commanded he remain.
There was zero push back in his brain, his body, his soul. She needed him there and that was what she would get. Always.

Trel grunted in agreement with Helix’s comment, releasing the
to pull off his glove and watch her contracting channels push the instrument out. “See how she thrusts on it? Watch now,” he directed and pressed it back in but didn’t continue fucking her with it, simply letting it slip out again as she writhed.

“Oh God, I need to come. Please, let me come,” Clair wailed helplessly.

“That’s it,” Helix approved. “Tell him what you need, little one.”

Her eyes jerked from Trel to Helix. She swallowed and gasped. “Please, more, no,” Clair panted as her body shook on the vibrating phalluses invading her entrances. “Harder, or something, I need something, please.”

Trel watched at her face as he slowly inserted the
and pulled it out in measured thrusts. Her eyes were wide, desperate. She made no effort to hide her response. Their little human’s responses were grippingly erotic.

Helix’s hands firmly kneaded her ass, he leaned down to inhale her amazing scent. Likely the blissed-out expression on his face captured Trel’s attention.

“She is mine to hold,” Trel growled.

Helix jerked upright. His focus cleared as he stared at Trel. Harsh negative reaction shot through him, followed closely by understanding. No, she was not just Trel’s.

A deep rumble vibrated through Helix’s chest, a warning no Brintex would ignore. Trel met his eyes, aggression straightening them into opponents as they regarded each other. But challenge didn’t follow the warning. It couldn’t. Not for them. Both males dragged in a long breath and looked down at the woman beneath their hands. Her needs colored the air, commanded and seduced as it reached into their souls and altered reality.

“What have we done?” The words Trel spoke were a question and a realization as his gaze returned to Helix’s eyes. They knew what was happening but still, it was not common. Certainly not casual in Brintex society. That question hung in the room as if it were weaving through the air, binding souls with deft strokes of invisible silk. Sensuous but stronger than any power that would oppose it, the answer had no words.

“’Tis done,” Trel stated.

Apparently Trel processed the shift at lightning speed. Something that made him an excellent strategist, but in this case, Helix needed clarification and perhaps a minute to fucking get a grip.

“But…” Helix released her bottom, his attention on his brother.

Trel cut Helix off. “For me, it was fact ten revolutions ago.”

The brothers were regarding each other above a writhing Clair, Trel’s fingers steadily teased her clit in gentle swirls. “Now,” wailed out of her mouth.

Trel’s attention left Helix as his fingers abandoned her clit. He pulled the
from her body with a wet pop as her clenching openings lost their stimulation. Her juices flowed freely from her channel and dripped from the
in graphic illustration of how desperate she was.

“Nooooo,” she wailed in torment, her neck arching as her head twisted on the little bench.

“Yes,” Trel rumbled to her. “What you seek is provided by us, little one.”

“What do you mean, ten revolutions ago?” Helix demanded, gold eyes narrowing on his brother.

Trel’s hands were busy releasing Clair’s wrists and legs, tumbling her shaking body into his arms as the supports were removed. “The first time I scented her, the change occurred. Have you seen me take a female in all this time?” He carried her to his desk. Laying her body on the expanse, he carefully positioned her.

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