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Authors: Morganna Williams

Claiming Their Mate (11 page)

BOOK: Claiming Their Mate
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They might act like cavemen sometimes but they were her cavemen and she loved them.

“Madison, we want to talk with you about Winter,” Jared said without preamble.

Madison frowned. “What about her?”

“We need to know how you feel about being mated to both of us,” Ethan said softly.

She turned to look at Ethan and found him looking at her earnestly and a little fearfully. “I feel fine about it, why wouldn’t I?”

“Winter…” Ethan began.

“Winter wasn’t happy about being mated to wolves and was obviously not in love with her mates. I am, therein lies the difference,” Madison said firmly.

“Winter wasn’t truly mated to both of them,” Jared told Madison.

“What do you mean?” she asked, confused.

“Winter was only truly mated to Simon. Gage lost his second in a fight several years ago and promoted Simon to his second even though he wasn’t an alpha, which made him unsuitable to the position.” Ethan explained.

“Actually, most alphas don’t replace a second that’s lost in battle because a true second is bonded to the alpha usually from birth. Ethan and I grew up together in the same pack and were always connected, which is why we share a mate. Gage picked Simon because he knew he could control him,” Jared said.

“Doesn’t the alpha control everyone in the pack?” Madison asked.

“Yes and no,” Jared told her. “Ethan is submissive to me but I do not control him. He is a very powerful alpha in his own right. An alpha and their second are more of an equal relationship based on respect and shared power. I am the alpha and Ethan backs me up, but if I made a bad decision that would negatively affect the pack, he would stand up to me and call me on it.”

“Simon didn’t have a chance of standing up to Gage or holding out against his power. Gage forced him to take the position of his second even though he knew he was unsuited and forced him to share his mate. Since it wasn’t a true mating, Winter couldn’t form a bond with Gage and her bond with Simon was damaged beyond repair.”

“That’s so sad. She felt trapped and betrayed by her mate,” Madison said softly.

“Yes. She should have been able to look to him for protection but instead felt like he handed her over to a monster,” Ethan told her.

“Will Gage get away with what he’s done?” Madison asked, outrage filling her voice.

“No, baby-love,” Jared assured her. “I removed him from power and sent him to the ruling council to be judged. Even if they let him live, they will be able to control him.”

“How can you be sure?” she asked worriedly.

“Because the high alpha of the ruling council is Matthias and he is the strongest alpha I know. He can call the wolf of all of us. In fact he is the only alpha that can call my wolf and Ethan’s wolf against our wills.”

“What does that mean?”

“A strong alpha can force the change on a weaker wolf, even another alpha. It’s usually only done as punishment.” Ethan explained.

“How do you know Matthias can call your wolves?” she asked curiously.

Jared smiled. “Because he’s my father. And he had reason to discipline both Ethan and me on occasion when we were pups.”

“How do you know he still can?”

Ethan and Jared both laughed before Jared answered, “I don’t for sure, but believe me I have no desire to test the theory.”

Madison got up from the couch and sank to her knees in front of them, grasping each of her men with one hand. “I am very happy with both of my mates. I feel it inside that this is right. We belong together, I know I belong to both of you and I love you very much. Even when you make me so mad I could spit.”

Jared and Ethan got up from the couch and lifted Madison to her feet, pressing her close between them and hugging her tightly.

“That’s all we needed to know,” Ethan said, pressing a gentle kiss to her brow.

Chapter Eleven



Finally the doctor pronounced Madison completely well. Hopefully the boys would stop hovering now and Ethan would claim her.

Jared and Ethan were focused on caring for her, pampering and babying her and making sure she had enough to eat and drink to regain her strength, but that’s where things ended.

Sure, they cuddled her every night in front of the TV and she slept with them wrapped around her like skin blankets, but there was no hint of desire. Even though Ethan couldn’t seem to tolerate other men besides Jared around her, he still didn’t make a move to claim her completely.

Was it possible they didn’t want her anymore? Selena had left Madison with some pretty impressive scars. Maybe they turned both Jared and Ethan off but they felt stuck with her.

Madison turned things over and over in her mind, feeling her insecurities of old rearing their ugly heads.

The only thing giving her a glimmer of hope was occasionally catching a hungry look in both of her mates’ eyes as they watched her. But as fast as the look appeared it was masked.

She did little things to test them; small defiant acts that always left her with a sore bottom, but even the spankings weren’t the same. Before the attack, discipline left her feeling thoroughly and deliciously mastered; now it was just a quick spanking followed with a cuddle as if soothing a fractious child.

Madison ached for their discipline and mastery but most of all for their possession. Her skin felt hypersensitive all the time and her body seemed to weep for her mates, leaving her with a constant state of longing; empty and unfulfilled.

Ethan returned to his regular duties with the pack as soon as the doctor declared her fully recovered, but he’d ordered a constant guard.

His ability to leave her under the care of another man had puzzled Madison at first, until she’d realized the guard in question was gay. Chad was with her anytime one of her mates was not; if she remained in her rooms, he stood outside the door.

The few times in the last few days she’d tried to find a measure of solace in exploring her home and the wood beyond, he’d followed her around like a puppy discouraging her from doing anything he didn’t feel the alpha would approve of.

It was beyond irritating and her temperament was getting more and more short as her need grew. It was time to do something about the situation. Things could not go on as they currently were. It was time to take a stand.

Madison smiled to herself as she decided on a course of action. Singing to herself, she climbed into the shower to get ready.

She pushed her doubts aside. It was a calculated risk, and if this didn’t work, then there was no future for her with Jared and Ethan. But it was better to know now than to let herself become anymore emotionally invested than she already was.

When she got out of the shower, Madison wrapped a towel around herself and walked back into the bedroom. She pulled the crystal rabbit from Jared’s toy cabinet and laid it on the bed.

She shivered in anticipation; even if this didn’t work, at least she’d finally get to come.

Madison wrote two notes; one for Jared and the other for Ethan. Dropping the towel and tossing it into the bathroom, she opened the door naked and handed them both to Chad.

Chad blinked at her nudity but didn’t otherwise comment. “Please have these delivered to my mates,” she instructed him, a flush filling her neck and chest.

“Yes, my lady,” Chad replied with a slight bow.

Madison returned to their bedroom and the vibrator waiting for her on the bed. Cupping her hands around her breasts she began plucking at her tender nipples as she walked to the bed, wringing a needy groan from her lips.

She could feel the wetness of her need at the juncture of her thighs; it had been too long. With a sigh Madison laid back on the bed and spread her legs wide, grasping the vibrator in her hand and teasing it along her slit.

She moaned, suddenly eager to have it deep inside her and slid it deep with one smooth thrust. Her hips bucked up off the bed to meet it and she immediately convulsed around the shaft with a soft scream.

It wasn’t enough. Madison turned the clit stimulator and the pearls that twirled around the shaft both on as she began moving the toy in and out of her still spasming channel.


* * *


Jared looked up at a knock on the door. Chad peered around the edge of the door. “Alpha?”

“Why aren’t you with my mate?” Jared asked in concern.

“My lady bid me give you this message,” Chad said nervously.

Jared held his hand out for the note, and stiffened immediately when he read the words written on the paper.


If you won’t take care of my needs, I’ll take care of them myself or find someone else who will.


It was short and to the point and obviously needed to be dealt with immediately. A bellow of rage sounded from across the hall.

“I take it Ethan received a similar message?” Jared asked Chad.

“Yes, Alpha, he was on the phone so I laid it on his desk,” the young guard confided.

Jared nodded. “You’re dismissed for the rest of the day, Chad.”

Chad nodded and left the room. Jared met Ethan in the hall. “It appears we have a mate to deal with.”

“The little minx, she should know better than to threaten us with such a thing,” Ethan said sternly.

Jared couldn’t help but smile. “Obviously our little mate has been feeling neglected.”

“We were ensuring her body would be up to the intensity of the final joining,” Ethan said with no little outrage.

“According to the doctor she is ready,” Jared assured Ethan as they approached their room, a soft moan coming from within and the scent of feminine arousal filling the air as they got to the door.

Ethan raised a brow. “I hope our mate is ready for everything her little manipulations have earned her.”

“Indeed,” Jared said succinctly as he opened the door.

The sight greeting them when they opened the door was one neither would ever forget. Madison lay on the bed, her legs spread wide with the rabbit vibrator moving swiftly in and out of her glistening lips as her hips ground up hard and she cried out in what was obviously a very satisfying orgasm.


* * *


Ethan groaned at the sight, his cock swelling uncomfortably in his jeans as Madison looked up at him, her face flushed with passion.

“It took you long enough to get here,” she said with a small pout before pulling the vibrator from her body and licking her juices from the shaft as she studied her mates.

Ethan felt his cock grow impossibly tighter at the evocative vision she was deliberately presenting as she used her mouth to clean every trace of her essence from the vibrator.

“I think you’ve been told before, mate, your pleasure belongs to us,” Jared said firmly.

“You will be punished for each and every orgasm you stole from us,” Ethan assured her and watched with satisfaction as she shivered in response to the sensual threat. “How many times, Madison?”

She gave him a satisfied smile. “How many times what?”

“How many times did you make yourself come?” Ethan asked. He began to roll up his shirtsleeves and watched as Jared did the same.

Madison watched them, licking her lips a little nervously as she clearly realized how dangerous it was to tempt a pair of wolves.

“Madison,” Jared said her name warningly.

“Three,” she said a little hoarsely.

“Three orgasms that belonged to your mates,” Jared said, sitting down next to her on the bed and pulling her easily face down across his thighs. Ethan watched, enjoying the view as Jared spread her over his lap, positioning her to ensure her clit would graze his knee with every swat of his hand.

Jared began to spank Madison hard and fast, leaving bright hand prints behind on the alabaster skin of her bottom. This wasn’t the quick spanking she’d been receiving the last few weeks; this was punishment, pure and simple with pleasure thrown into the mix.

As Ethan watched, Madison began to writhe over Jared’s knee. She cried out as her bottom went from white to pink to red and finally crimson under Jared’s hard hand. She was soon thrusting her round backside up and down, rubbing against his knee harder and harder with each blow.

Then as Jared finished with a volley of swats to the sweet under curve of her bottom, she suddenly stiffened and cried out with a confused mixture of pain and pleasure as she came under his punishing palm.

Ethan quickly stripped his clothing, breathing a sigh of relief to have his aching cock free of the confining jeans. He straddled the corner of the bed as Jared lifted Madison to stand in front of him.


* * *


Madison looked at Jared with tearstained cheeks, longing to rub her stinging backside. Jared’s spanking had hurt but at the same time brought a fourth orgasm that had been shocking in its intensity.

“That was just your first punishment, young lady. You better be ready for what you were asking for by sending us such a provocative message because this is going to be long night,” Jared told her before handing her to Ethan so he could strip.

Even though she knew Ethan was about to spank her too, Madison couldn’t help but look longingly at his erect cock where it stood stiffly against his abdomen. She felt a throb begin anew in her clit as she studied it.

“Come here, Madison.” Ethan held his hand out to her.

She started to lower herself over his lap, only to frown when he stopped her. “No, Madison. I don’t plan to spank your naughty bottom. I have a very different target in mind.”

Ethan’s intentions became all too clear when he positioned her on his lap facing away from him with her legs hanging over his, spreading her open wide to him. The first biting slap across her pubic mound was shocking; Madison yelped and bucked in response to the hot sting.

“It was very naughty of you to steal orgasms, little mate,” Ethan whispered against her ear, making her shudder.

Another slap landed. Madison felt the lips of her sex swell in response and her clit began to throb as pleasure and pain seemed to intertwine. Three more quick slaps landed on her outer lips, each wringing a whimpering cry out of her.

BOOK: Claiming Their Mate
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