Claiming the Rancher's Heart (8 page)

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Authors: Cindy Kirk

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BOOK: Claiming the Rancher's Heart
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Chapter Nine
osh had once been thrown off a bull and had the air knocked out of him. He felt the same way now. Had Stacie really said she was up for a no-strings-attached fling? With
“Beg pardon?”
A sexy little smile lifted the corners of her smooth, soft lips. “We might as well start now.”

Dropping his gaze from her mouth to the soft curves visible beneath her pink shirt, Josh processed the request. His mouth went dry imagining how her breasts would feel cradled in his work-hardened hands…how they would taste to his exploring tongue. He went instantly hard.

Though his body had made its answer clear, he’d never done his thinking with that particular part of his anatomy, and he wasn’t about to start now.

Just say no, his head urged. He opened his mouth, but the simple word wouldn’t come.

“Josh?” A hint of uncertainty—at total odds with her bold offer—crossed Stacie’s beautiful face.

He knew he was crazy to hesitate. But for him, being intimate had never been simply about scratching an itch. When he made love to a woman, it was, well, because he cared.

But as his gaze lingered on Stacie, he realized he did care. And if he didn’t take her up on her offer, any number of men would happily volunteer to take his place, including his buddy Wes Danker.

For a second, Josh saw red. Friend or not, no other man in Sweet River was going to touch Stacie. Suddenly it became clear to Josh what his answer would be, what it
to be.

He took her hand and stared into those beautiful hazel eyes.

“Okay.” Even as Josh prayed he wouldn’t regret the decision, his heart picked up speed. “Let’s fling.”

As Josh lowered his bedroom window shade, a frisson of excitement skittered up Stacie’s spine and her heart fluttered like a trapped butterfly in her throat. With one simple comment her life had gone from slow—and slightly boring—to runaway-train mode.

She’d asked. He’d accepted. And his burning gaze told her they’d both be naked before another fifteen minutes had passed.

It’s just sex,
she told herself,
nothing you can’t handle.

Josh turned, his eyes dark and penetrating. “How’s the ankle?”

“Good.” Which was true as long as she didn’t stand on it or move it much. Fortunately, she wasn’t planning on being upright too much longer.

He smiled and stepped closer, his eyes filled with anticipation. She wondered how long it’d be until those beautiful eyes filled with disappointment. “Before we get started, I have a confession.”


Stacie twirled a piece of hair around one finger. When she’d impulsively made her offer, she’d been so caught up in the moment she’d forgotten one very important fact. “I’m not a good lover.”

Despite the look of startled surprise on his face, she pressed forward. “I’m a dud in bed. I don’t have much experience. And, well, I’m easily distracted.”

He moved closer until he stood directly in front of her, the spicy scent of his cologne wafting in the air. “By…?”

She’d never realized before that his eyes had little gold flecks in the blue. Or that his lashes were so long that—

“What are you distracted by?” he repeated.

Right now it was by his nearness, but that wasn’t the answer. Stacie could feel her face warm. She’d only wanted to alert him not to expect too much, not get into a lengthy discussion on her sexual inadequacies.

“Usually food,” she said, when he continued to stare expectantly.

“You like to eat when you’re making love?” He sounded interested, rather than shocked.

“No, silly,” she said. “I plan menus.”


Heat rose up her neck. “During.”

His mouth dropped open. “Who were these guys?”

He wanted names?

“Obviously they weren’t doing their job if you could plan menus while they were making love to you,” he continued.

Making love?
Those words were way too strong for a quick fling. “You think having sex is a job?”

“A man’s ‘job’ is to give pleasure to his partner,” Josh said. “Trust me. The only thing you’re going to be thinking of tonight is how good it feels when we’re together.”

Doubt must have shown on her face because he chuckled softly. “Guess I’m going to have to convince you.”

He pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the floor. Dear God, he was gorgeous. Broad shoulders tapering to narrow hips. Perfectly sculpted chest with a dusting of dark hair.

Every muscle and hard plane was in perfect balance. His wasn’t a body toned from regular workouts in a gym, but one hardened from physical labor.

Too bad he wouldn’t find her quite so perfect. Her B cups were hardly centerfold material, and while her belly was flat, the only six-pack to be found was in her refrigerator. With trembling fingers Stacie reached for the buttons on her shirt, hoping he wouldn’t be too disappointed.

Before she could get the second button released, his hand closed over hers.

“No rush,” he said in a deep sexy voice that sent blood flowing through her veins like warm honey. “Fast is fine, but slow is even better.”

His fingers were slightly rough, and Stacie found herself wondering what those callused hands would feel like against her breasts.

That was her last coherent thought as he sat beside her and his mouth closed over hers. He caressed her skin with that mouth, planting gentle kisses on her lips, her jaw and down her neck while his hands remained respectfully on her shoulders.

He nibbled her earlobe and then moved back to her tingling lips. She opened her mouth, and when he still didn’t deepen the kiss, she slid her tongue into his mouth.

His body shook and for a second she couldn’t figure out why. Until she realized he was

She jerked back. “What is so funny?”

His lips twitched. “For two people who wanted to take things slow, we seem determined to move quickly.”

“Not you.” Stacie’s peevish tone reflected her pent-up frustration. “You could take all night.”

Josh didn’t seem to take offense. In fact, his lips widened in a smile and satisfaction filled his eyes. “Sounds like I’m doing my job.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Tell me honestly, have you been thinking of recipes while we’ve been kissing?”

“No,” Stacie shot back. “I’ve been too busy trying to figure out how to get your tongue in my mouth and your hands on my breasts.”

Heat flared in his eyes.

“I like a woman who asks for what she wants.” He pushed her gently back on the bed, his fingers moving to the buttons on her shirt, even as his mouth briefly covered hers again. “And I like you.”

The words were as slow and unhurried as his touch. Though her body clamored for skin-to-skin action, the knowledge that he wouldn’t go too fast and leave her struggling to keep up brought a comforting warmth.

Josh had promised he would make it good for her, and though she hadn’t known him long, she believed him to be a man of his word.

When his hand finally closed over her breast and his tongue slid into her mouth, an unfamiliar ache made further analytic thought impossible. And when her clothes joined his on the floor, want became need.

For the rest of the night her world was Josh, and all that mattered was him…and her…and becoming one.

Josh rolled over, the early-morning sun pulling him from his slumber. Most days he was outside before dawn, but today chores could wait. Feeling satiated and content, he stretched, reluctant to let go of the dream that had been last night.

The night had been mind-blowing. They’d tossed aside rational thought and inhibitions and never looked back.

Sensing Stacie stirring, Josh opened his eyes. Surprise shot through him at the sight of his lover propped on one elbow facing him, her dark hair tumbled around her face, her expression way too serious. And considering how late they’d been up, she looked amazingly wide-awake.

“Do you have any regrets?” she asked before he could say good morning.

“There are lots of things I regret.” Josh raised himself on his elbows. “Do you have something specific in mind?”

“This,” she said. “You. Me. Together. Naked.”

After his enthusiasm last night, he couldn’t believe she had to ask. But from her serious expression, the answer was clearly important to her.

“No,” he said honestly. “Not a single regret.”

“Interesting.” She sat abruptly up, ignoring the sheet that fell to pool at her waist. “That’s how I feel, too.”

Josh told himself they were
which meant his attention should be focused on her face. Unfortunately his eyes seemed to have minds of their own. His gaze caressed her luscious curves. He’d explored every inch of her body, but seeing her in the morning light filled him with awe.

As if she could read his mind, a tiny smile lifted her lips and she leaned forward, brushing her mouth against his. “You’re the sexiest cowboy I’ve ever met. Not to mention an amazing lover.”

He’d been determined to make their lovemaking as good for her as it was for him. It sounded as if he’d succeeded. Puffing with pride, he shot her a wink. “I promised I’d make you forget about those recipes.”

Stacie laughed, her cheeks a dusky pink. “You did indeed.”

He trailed a finger down the silky softness of her cheek. “It was easy. You made it easy.”

He pressed his lips shut before he could tell her it was easy because of how she made him feel. But his emotions were his problem—his issue—to deal with, not hers.

She shifted again and slid the fingers of one hand through his hair, kissing the corners of his mouth. “Are you sure you don’t have any more?”

He inhaled the intoxicating scent of jasmine. “More?”


His body, which had soared to a heightened state of readiness, plummeted as he remembered the handful he’d found forgotten in a drawer had all been used last night. “Out.”

“I wish I’d stayed on the Pill,” Stacie said with a sigh. “But there was no need and—”

“There are other ways to have fun,” Josh said, “that don’t carry a risk of pregnancy.”

“Like riding horses? Or playing with Bert?”

The innocent look on her face didn’t fool him in the least. He laughed aloud. “I was thinking of more…intimate activities.”

“I have a friend back in Denver.” Stacie’s eyes brightened. “She and her boyfriend are into role-playing. I remember one time he pretended to pick her up at the bar. She played the part of a small-town girl in the big city for the first time. I always thought the game sounded like fun.”

Josh had never been much of an actor, but the last thing he wanted to do was stifle Stacie’s enthusiasm. Or let her thoughts return to planning menus.

The first time they’d made love, she’d been unsure, hesitant in her overtures. Until he’d shown by his actions and his response that he was open to anything she wanted to try. And now it appeared “anything” included role-playing.

“What exactly do you have in mind?” He did his best to inject enthusiasm into his voice.

She brought a finger to her lips. “First we get dressed—”

“Get dressed?”

“Hear me out.” She pulled the sheet up, covering her breasts. Apparently she really did want him to listen. “Once we have our clothes on, I go downstairs and start breakfast.”

The game was sounding less appealing by the minute. But her enthusiasm continued to build, so he forced an interested expression and offered an encouraging smile. “Then what?”

“You knock on the door and we pretend we’re meeting for the first time,” she said. “But with one important difference.”

Josh prayed the difference was a big one, because so far this game didn’t have much to recommend it. Other than, of course, it made Stacie smile.

“Have you ever been out and met someone so hot you wanted to forego the social niceties and jump him—er, her?”

He paused, remembering the moment he’d first seen Stacie on Anna’s porch. “Yes, I have.”

“Me, too,” she said.

Josh’s stomach clenched with jealousy that was as unexpected as it was ridiculous.

“When I saw you, I felt that way,” she said softly. “You were so incredibly hot.”

It was a nice compliment, but he hadn’t forgot how she’d shot him down. “You were disappointed I was a cowboy.”

She smiled. “I still thought you were sexy.”

“Let me get this straight. I come to the door. I make my move and—”

“I’m ready and willing.” She smiled. “But no condoms mean pants stay on.”

Even with the restrictions, he could see the possibilities. “I like this game.”

She lifted a brow. “Meet downstairs in twenty?”

Anticipation fueled his smile. “It’s a plan.”

Chapter Ten
tacie stood at the stove in Josh’s kitchen, finding it hard to stand still. She couldn’t believe she’d brought up this role-playing stuff and gotten Josh to agree to it.

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