Claiming of a Sex Demon

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Authors: Jaye Shields

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Claiming of a Sex Demon




Jaye Shields



Claiming of a Sex Demon

Copyright © 2012, Jaye Shields

ISBN:  9781937325459

Publisher: Beachwalk Press, Inc.

Electronic Publication: December,

Editor: Leigh Lamb

Cover: Fantasia Frog Designs


eBooks are not transferable. No part
of this book may be used or reproduced without written permission, except in
the case of brief quotations in articles and reviews.


This book is a work of fiction and
any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is
purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination
and used fictitiously.


Back Cover Copy


It’s not easy for a sex demon to find a wife, and it’s even
harder when the perfect woman is already taken.

Emmerie Winter has only been married a few months, but
depression has made her a fragile stranger in the arms of her husband. She
knows she
love him, but she doesn’t, and no matter how hard she
tries, she can’t convince her heart otherwise.

When a sex demon with a boyish grin and a sinful body
arrives in town, Emmerie’s world is turned upside down. His intense passion for
life sends her depression into hiding, but her feelings for the sinful male
could get her in deep trouble.

A sex demon needs climax to survive, but that’s never been a
problem for Reza Aniron as women seem to be unable to resist his charms…all
except for one, a timid, blonde angel who treats him with complete
indifference. But in her eyes he can see a fire that’s just waiting to be
released. And he always did love a challenge.


Content Warning: strong language, extramarital relations,
and graphic erotic situations




For my family and their constant, unconditional love.

For my mom, for showing me what a strong, loving woman is. For
being my number one fan since the days I wrote with crayons, and for being the
only one bold enough to discuss scandalous synonyms with me. For eventually
taking my calls when I’m nervously awaiting a submission and I dial you like a
madwoman. For simply being the best mom a girl can have. I love you.

For my grandma, who taught me that my calling is romance—not
true crime. You handed me a grisly murder story when I was 12 and it’s been
romance ever since. Thanks, Grams, for introducing me to the dark side of writing
and digging that my dark side is sex demons.

For my aunts who are also my best friends. For Vicky for
letting me crash her pad even though I’m a slob so I could be a starving
artist/student for a while. For Tia, dedicated enough to read an entire Sex
Demons novella on her Blackberry. No wonder my heroines kick ass, because I’m
surrounded by them.

To my dad and grandpa, whose love, affection, pride and
support is so much that I don’t even need them to read this book… And to my
crazy uncles for getting a kick out of my erotica career.

To my coworkers at Dublin Volkswagen for not slapping me with
a sexual harassment suit since I wrote the majority of this work while
answering their phones.

Finally, to three wonderful demons from my past; MFS, JCW,



To my brilliant critters:

Thank goodness for my would-be agent and crit partner
extraordinaire, Lisa Posillico-Filipe. Without you, there would be white, hot
spray. Nuf said.

To Angie Derek for being the first to confess to loving my
sex demons. I think I peed in my pants a little when you said you couldn’t put
it down.


Most of all, thank you to the brilliant team at Beachwalk

To Leigh Lamb, the charming + genius behind my often-clumsy

And to Pamela Tyner making my Spring Break from SFSU
something to brag about—inviting me to join the kind of publisher a girl only
dreams about.


Chapter 1


“Are you really a sex demon?” A tiny hand tugged on Reza’s
pants. The kid was no taller than the height of his hip, with big blue eyes bright
enough to rival the sky. The boy was cute as hell.

“You look pretty rough, little man.” Reza reached down and
pinched some of the dirt off the scallywag’s cheek. “Yeah, I’m a sex demon.
Though the preferred term is incubus.”

“Is it true you can come to people in their dreams?”

He laughed. “Only if I make a good impression.” It was true
though, some breeds of incubi could penetrate the dream barrier, but they
barely looked human.

“Where are your horns?”

Reza bent over and ran a hand through his hair, peeking up
at his inquisitor. “They’re hidden. Here, go ahead. Feel.”

The little tike looked to be no more than seven, and his
eyes grew large at the chance to rub Reza’s non-existent horns. The small hand
rubbed the sex demon’s head, searching for the nubs.

“Rah!” Reza roared, and the kid snatched his hand back,
stumbling to the ground.

“Oh, my!” A feminine voice shrieked behind him.

The little boy ran toward the voice. “Emmerie, look, it’s a
sex de—I mean, incubus.” Reza Aniron straightened and beheld the sight of the
most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. Her blue eyes were wide open in shock, and
her dainty hand hovered in front of elegant, naked lips. No makeup, no overdone
hair or tight garb. She was just pure beauty. And she’d just seen him roar at a
child like an untamed beast.

“Why don’t you run along, Riley? You shouldn’t be talking to
strangers.” Her voice was silk on the wind.

“He’s not a stranger, Emmerie. He’s been real friendly with
all the ladies in town. They love him.”

Heat crept into Reza’s cheeks. Damn it. The little kid made
him blush for the first time in his twenty-nine years of life. From the
scandalized look on the young woman’s face, little Riley was not helping Reza’s

“Come, Riley. I’ll walk you home.”

Reza thought he caught a glimpse of a smile curve the
beauty’s lips as if she fought a giggle. Gods, he wanted to see her smile. But
instead, he had to watch Riley take her hand and walk away.

“Bye, incubus!” The boy waved to Reza as he followed closely
behind the angel.

The two were a wholesome looking pair indeed, and the sight stirred
a desire that had been hidden deep within Reza. He wouldn’t mind having a
dirt-smudged little sex demon himself. But first he’d have to find the woman
who could not only match his sexual appetite, but also fill the void in his

* * * *

            As Emmerie Winter walked
down the cobblestone streets of her village, the tugging on her hand couldn’t
distract her from the images plaguing her mind. Transients often passed through
the small town, but none had looked so exotic. The man she’d found with Riley
had smooth skin, like porcelain. His dark hair jutted against a strong jaw and an
angular face. His torso was broad and his obvious muscles made him an
intimidating mass of man. In a leave-a-woman-breathless sort of way. Her palm
became clammy in Riley’s hand as her body heated at the brief visual she’d
gotten of the succubus’s hard body and fierce, golden-hued gaze.

Emmerie arrived at the youngster’s home to drop him off. His
mother, a childhood friend of Em’s, smiled and grabbed hold of the boy. She
swatted his butt playfully. “Where have you been, you little troll?”

“I met the incubus!”

“How do you even know what an incubus is?”

“’Cuz he’s in town, Mom.” Riley rolled his eyes and walked
into the home.

His mother, Rebeka, leaned into Emmerie and whispered
through a gigantic smile. “I heard he’s mouthwatering. Did you see him?”

Emmerie blushed. “He’s handsome.”
Understatement of the

“From the shade of red in your cheeks, I’m guessing he’s a
notch above handsome. I heard he’s tall with a rock hard body and eyes as
yellow as the sun.”

More like amber fire.
“He was too busy growling at
your son for me to get a decent look.”

Rebeka tsked, beaming with amusement. “So he
primal as they say.”

“Women in this town need more to talk about.”

“Apparently he has a massive—”

“Don’t even dare, Rebeka!” Emmerie glared at her friend,
angry that a blush had been forced on her once more.

“Why don’t you come in? As you can tell, I’m overdue on my
gossip dishing.”

“Lennox is leaving tomorrow for Rdija. He’ll be gone a week
to make a sum from his blades.”

“Trying to save up money for a proper wedding, is he?”

Emmerie nodded. “We had a simple binding with the Mage and
that was all. He wants something more extravagant for our families to enjoy.”

“You two were engaged for a very long time.”

“Our families arranged the marriage, but Lennox made sure I
knew it was my decision if we were to marry or not. Lennox is very patient.” Em
was happy to let the conversation end there. Lennox was both handsome and kind,
and had she turned down the marriage, she would have been labeled the village
idiot. “I’ll be seeing you, Rebeka.”

“Take good care.” Her friend kissed her on the cheek before
Emmerie turned to head back home through the village.

* * * *

Emmerie lay in bed next to her husband. Lennox Aegros filled
the space beside her, his usual handsome smile replaced by a grim expression.
Emmerie’s heart pounded within her chest. Once more, they’d finished an
unsuccessful round of lovemaking. So now her heart raced not from climax, but
from stress. She’d let him down again.

“I’m sorry, Lennox.”

“Don’t apologize.” His tone escaped in a low growl,
disappointment dripping from his short words.

Lennox did all the right things, and yet Emmerie still
hadn’t gotten used to lying beside her childhood friend. Their marriage had
been arranged for nearly as long as they had known each other.

“Let’s try again.” Her high-pitched squeak sounded pitiful
rather than sensual.

“There’s no use if you start faking it in the first three
minutes.” Lennox rolled out of bed.

Heat flooded her cheeks. Had he known all

“You’ll never know pleasure in my arms if you don’t open
yourself to me fully.” Lennox threw his arms up in defeat.

Emmerie watched him pace the dark room like a frustrated
jungle cat. Without sparing her another glance, he pulled a shirt over his
broad torso. Emmerie drew the covers tighter as Lennox tugged pants up over
well-muscled thighs. He didn’t even bother with underwear.

“I’m going out. I’ll leave you to sleep in peace.”

But Emmerie knew that peace wouldn’t come. Instead, she was
left hollowed by the depression that took hold of her every night and left her
sleepless in her own bed.

* * * *

Plain, white drapes touched the dusty floor of Reza’s room
at the inn.

“Close your eyes.”

His willing femme fatale did as he demanded. As her full,
black lashes shut, Reza wrapped a silk scarf over her eyes. The dark purple
fabric molded to her tanned skin, ensuring his movements would catch her by surprise.
She was already naked, and he traced a circle around her rosy peaks before
suckling roughly on her nipple. The woman cried out with surprise. She arched
against him, but he pressed her back down on the mattress.

“It smells like perfume in here.” The woman’s voice escaped
in breathy pants as his hands massaged down the front of her body toward a
small bed of auburn curls. “There was a woman in here not long ago?”

“Do you care?” His voice was gruff, thick with need for the female
laid out before him.

“Hell no.” Her eyes were still covered by the dark silk, but
the smile on her face was one of ready desire. Her pheromones buzzed like
electricity against his skin, easily detected by his true nature as a sex

Reza brought a nipple between his teeth once more and used
the sensual distraction to slip his fingers between her folds. She screamed as
he pressed deep into her, seeking out the hidden pleasure cove in the depths of
her core. The female body was a beautiful thing, and Reza knew the number one
way to satisfy a woman was to overwhelm her senses. Her arousal made it easy
for his fingers to pump in and out of her. His other hand massaged her inner
thigh, letting the thick flesh fill his palm. Reza’s lips and teeth tasted and
nibbled on the soft skin. When he noticed her relax, he bit hard, eliciting a
moan of need. Another thing women liked—surprises. Unable to see, his sensual
prey bucked against the mattress and continued to cry out in ecstasy. The scent
of her approaching climax was intoxicating. This particular woman smelled of an
ocean raging during a storm, and he quickly tore the silk from her eyes.

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